What is the objective of model.matrix()? - r

I'm currently going through the 'Introduction to Statistical Learning' MOOC by Stanford OpenX. In one of the lab exercises, it suggests creating a model matrix from the test data by explicitly using model.matrix().
Extract from textbook
We now compute the validation set error for the best model of each model size. We first make a model matrix from the test data.
test.mat=model.matrix (Salary∼.,data=Hitters [test ,])
The model.matrix() function is used in many regression packages for
building an X matrix from data. Now we run a loop, and for each size i, we
extract the coefficients from regfit.best for the best model of that
size, multiply them into the appropriate columns of the test model
matrix to form the predictions, and compute the test MSE.
val.errors =rep(NA ,19)
for(i in 1:19){
coefi=coef(regfit .best ,id=i)
pred=test.mat [,names(coefi)]%*% coefi
val.errors [i]= mean(( Hitters$Salary[test]-pred)^2)
I understand that model.matrix would convert string variables into values with different levels, and that models like lm() would do the conversions under the hood.
However, what are the instances that we would explicitly use model.matrix(), and why?


how to get global p for categorical variables in svy_vglm

I'm using the function svyVGAM::svy_vglm to run a multinomial model with survey weights:
mmodel <- svy_glm(y~x1+x2+x3+x4..., family=multinomial, design=w_data)
where x represent categorical variables, some with three or more levels. Through model summary, I can know the p-value for each coefficient, but I don't know how to get the p-value for the global variable.
In other contexts, anova(), waldtest(), lrtest(), ... could be used, but none of them seem to work with svy_vglm objects. tbl_regression does not work either: Error: No tidy method for objects of class svy_vglm.
Any help?
You can do this using the coef and vcov methods. There's probably a package, but it's not hard to program
Suppose that model is your model object, design is your survey design object and index is a vector with the positions of the coefficients you want to test. If you had ten coefficients and wanted to test all except the first two, you would have index<-3:10, for example.
teststat <- crossprod(beta, solve(V,beta))
pf(teststat, df1=length(beta), df2=degf(design), lower.tail=FALSE)
This doesn't give you a likelihood ratio test; you'd probably need to write to the package author and suggest that as a new feature.

Memory issue when using factor for fixed effect regression

I am working with a data with 900,000 observations. There is a categorical variable x with 966 unique value that needs to be used as fixed effects. I am including fixed effects using factor(x) in the regression. It gives me an error like this
Error: cannot allocate vector of size 6.9 Gb
How to fix this error? or do I need to do something different in the regression for fixed effects?
Then, how do I run a regression like this:
rlm(y~x+ factor(fe), data=pd)
The set of dummy variables constructed from a factor has very low information content. For example, considering only the columns of your model matrix corresponding to your 966-level categorical predictor, each row contains exactly one 1 and 965 zeros.
Thus you can generally save a lot of memory by constructing a sparse model matrix using Matrix::sparse.model.matrix() (or MatrixModels::model.Matrix(*, sparse=TRUE) as suggested by the sparse.model.matrix documentation). However, to use this it's necessary for whatever regression machinery you're using to accept a model matrix + response vector rather than requiring a formula (for example, to do linear regression you would need sparse.model.matrix + lm.fit rather than being able to use lm).
In contrast to #RuiBarradas's estimate of 3.5Gb for a dense model matrix:
m <- Matrix::sparse.model.matrix(~x,
## [1] "75.6 Mb"
If you are using the rlm function from the MASS package, something like this should work:
mm <- sparse.model.matrix(~x + factor(fe), data=pd)
rlm(y=pd$y, x=mm, ...)
Note that I haven't actually tested this (you didn't give a reproducible example); this should at least get you past the step of creating the model matrix, but I don't know if rlm() does any internal computations that would break and/or make the model matrix non-sparse.

LASSO analysis (glmnet package). Can I loop the analysis and the results extraction?

I'm using the package glmnet, I need to run several LASSO analysis for the calibration of a large number of variables (%reflectance for each wavelength throughout the spectrum) against one dependent variable. I have a couple of doubts on the procedure and on the results I wish to solve. I show my provisional code below:
First I split my data in training (70% of n) and testing sets.
smp_size <- floor(0.70 * nrow(mydata))
train_ind <- sample(seq_len(nrow(mydata)), size = smp_size)
train <- mydata[train_ind, ]
test <- mydata[-train_ind, ]
Then I separate the target trait (y) and the independent variables (x) for each set as follows:
vars.train <- train[3:2153]
vars.test <- test[3:2153]
x.train <- data.matrix(vars.train)
x.test <- data.matrix(vars.test)
y.train <- train$X1
y.test <- test$X1
Afterwords, I run a cross-validated LASSO model for the training set and extract and writte the non-zero coefficients for lambdamin. This is because one of my concerns here is to note which variables (wavebands of the reflectance spectrum) are selected by the model.
cv.lasso.1 <- cv.glmnet(y=y.train, x= x.train, family="gaussian", nfolds =
5, standardize=TRUE, alpha=1)
coef(cv.lasso.1,s=cv.lasso.1$lambda.min) # Using lambda min.
c <- tidy(coef(cv.lasso.1, s="lambda.min"))
write.csv(c, file = "results")
Finally, I use the function “predict” and apply the object “cv.lasso1” (the model obtained previously) to the variables of the testing set (x.2) in order to get the prediction of the variable and I run the correlation between the predicted and the actual values of Y for the testing set.
predict.1.2 <- predict(cv.lasso.1, newx=x.2, type = "response", s =
cor.test(x=c(predict.1.2), y=c(y.2))
This is a simplified code and had no problem so far, the point is that I would like to make a loop (of one hundred repetitions) of the whole code and get the non-zero coefficients of the cross-validated model as well as the correlation coefficient of the predicted vs actual values (for the testing set) for each repetition. I've tried but couldn't get any clear results. Can someone give me some hint?
In general, running repeated analyses of the same type over and over on the same data can be tricky. And in your case, may not be necessary the way in which you have outlined it.
If you are trying to find the variables most predictive, you can use PCA, Principal Component Analysis to select variables with the most variation within the a variable AND between variables, but it does not consider your outcome at all, so if you have poor model design it will pick the least correlated data in your repository but it may not be predictive. So you should be very aware of all variables in the set. This would be a way of reducing the dimensionality in your data for a linear or logistic regression of some sort.
You can read about it here
yourPCA <- prcomp(yourData,
center = TRUE,
scale. = TRUE)
Scaling and centering are essential to making these models work right, by removing the distance between your various variables setting means to 0 and standard deviations to 1. Unless you know what you are doing, I would leave those as they are. And if you have skewed or kurtotic data, you might need to address this prior to PCA. Run this ONLY on your predictors...keep your target/outcome variable out of the data set.
If you have a classification problem you are looking to resolve with much data, try an LDA, Linear Discriminant Analysis which looks to reduce variables by optimizing the variance of each predictor with respect to the OUTCOME variable...it specifically considers your outcome.
yourLDA =r <- lda(formula = outcome ~ .,
data = yourdata)
You can also set the prior probabilities in LDA if you know what a global probability for each class is, or you can leave it out, and R/ lda will assign the probabilities of the actual classes from a training set. You can read about that here:
LDA from MASS package
So this gets you headed in the right direction for reducing the complexity of data via feature selection in a computationally solid method. In looking to build the most robust model via repeated model building, this is known as crossvalidation. There is a cv.glm method in boot package which can help you get this taken care of in a safe way.
You can use the following as a rough guide:
yourCVGLM<- cv.glmnet(y = outcomeVariable, x = allPredictorVariables, family="gaussian", K=100) .
Here K=100 specifies that you are creating 100 randomly sampled models from your current data OBSERVATIONS not variables.
So the process is two fold, reduce variables using one of the two methods above, then use cross validation to build a single model from repeated trials without cumbersome loops!
Read about cv.glm here
Try starting on page 41, but look over the whole thing. The repeated sampling you are after is called booting and it is powerful and available in many different model types.
Not as much code and you might hope for, but pointing you in a decent direction.

Predicting with plm function in R

I was wondering if it is possible to predict with the plm function from the plm package in R for a new dataset of predicting variables. I have create a model object using:
model <- plm(formula, data, index, model = 'pooling')
Now I'm hoping to predict a dependent variable from a new dataset which has not been used in the estimation of the model. I can do it through using the coefficients from the model object like this:
col_idx <- c(...)
df <- cbind(rep(1, nrow(df)), df[(1:ncol(df))[-col_idx]])
fitted_values <- as.matrix(df) %*% as.matrix(model_object$coefficients)
Such that I first define index columns used in the model and dropped columns due to collinearity in col_idx and subsequently construct a matrix of data which needs to be multiplied by the coefficients from the model. However, I can see errors occuring much easier with the manual dropping of columns.
A function designed to do this would make the code a lot more readable I guess. I have also found the pmodel.response() function but I can only get this to work for the dataset which has been used in predicting the actual model object.
Any help would be appreciated!
I wrote a function (predict.out.plm) to do out of sample predictions after estimating First Differences or Fixed Effects models with plm.
The function is posted here:

How to predict multiple svm models in R?

I have train and test images separately. I want to predict the SVM models in an iterative way. After creating models if i predict the result, i can see only the last predicted value rather than all the predicted values for n number of models. I would like to know how to automate the process of creating n SVM models and predict all the values.
Thanks in advance.
If your problem is a "multi-class" problem, you can directly apply SVM function provided by e1071 for training your data which are properly labelled.
If your problem is a "multi-instance" problem, you can train multiple SVM models by giving them different names. For automating iterations, you can play the trick using paste(). Something like
for (n in 1:itr) {
svm.model <- svm(label~., data)
assign(paste("svm.model", n, sep = "."), svm.model)
You will get svm.model.1, svm.model.2, ... for multiple SVM models, respectively.
