I try to get some basic data from Facebook API, by using the .NET Middleware (I'm using ASP.NET 5, but I think it's similar in older versions) for authentication by facebook.
I have no problems with first name, last name and so on, but I'm stuck to get the middle name, here is my code snippet:
app.UseFacebookAuthentication(options =>
options.AuthenticationType = "Facebook";
options.SignInAsAuthenticationType = CookieAuthenticationDefaults.AuthenticationType;
options.AppId = facebookAppId;
options.AppSecret = facebookAppSecret;
options.Notifications = new Microsoft.AspNet.Security.Facebook.FacebookAuthenticationNotifications()
OnAuthenticated = async (ctx) =>
var token = ctx.AccessToken;
var firstName = ctx.User["first_name"];
var middleName = ctx.User["middle_name"];
var lastName = ctx.User["last_name"];
I tried to add "middle_name" to the scope, but it throw a error from FB:
Invalid Scope: middle_name
You should add middle name in scope. Like this.
First name and last name might be the implicit values you are getting, for middle name you have to add it to scope to get the value.
And you should add this to scope to corresponding facebook App, that you have created ( I mean you are using corresponding app key/secret, that facebook App).
A reasonably common pattern in REST APIs is to support conditional inclusion (or sometimes exclusions) of attributes in a response using a query parameter. For example:
GET /customers?include=notes
In this case, the Notes attribute is optional and won't be included in the response unless specifically requested.
The naive solution leaves a lot to be desired:
var query = dbContext.Query<Customer>();
if (include.Contains('notes'))
return query.Select(x => new Customer
Id = x.Id,
Name = x.Name,
Notes = x.Notes,
return query.Select(x => new Customer
Id = x.Id,
Name = x.Name
Is there a clean, elegant, DRY way to implement this feature with a combination of Entity Framework and AutoMapper in ASP.NET?
I've customized Document Management System template in Appmaker as per my needs. Now instead of going to Appmaker every time to initiate an approval I want to provide functionality to initiate the workflow from Google Drive.So users can select file for Approval directly from Google Drive.
My question is is there any Rest call or something via which I can initiate DMS workflow from Third party app?
Well I found a way out to achieve the result.
Drive API provides a way to add your App in 'Open With' menu in Google Drive.
So I've created my custom app and deployed it. This app will simply receive params from Google Drive 'Open with' menu and pass it to Appmaker Document Approval System.
In Appmaker Create request page parse if request contains these params, if yes then select files using these params.
This way my users can initiate the Document Approval Workflow from Google Drive.
References :
How to add/list your App in Google Drive
Step by Step video guideline to Create and publish your App
'Open With' App code for redirecting users from Google Drive to Appmaker.
var AUTHORIZE_URL = 'https://accounts.google.com/o/oauth2/auth';
var TOKEN_URL = 'https://accounts.google.com/o/oauth2/token';
var REDIRECT_URL= ScriptApp.getService().getUrl();
var tokenPropertyName = 'GOOGLE_OAUTH_TOKEN';
var CLIENT_ID = 'your client id';
var CLIENT_SECRET = 'your client secrect';
function doGet(e) {
var HTMLToOutput;
var state = JSON.parse(e.parameters.state);
if(state.action === 'create'){
HTMLToOutput = "<html><h1>Creation Of Docs Not supported by this App!</h1></html>";
else {
var id = state.exportIds;
var file = DriveApp.getFileById(id);
//append params to your appmaker URL
var url = 'yourappmaker published url'+'?param1='+file.getName()+'¶m2='+file.getUrl()+'#AddRequest';
HTMLToOutput = HtmlService.createHtmlOutput('<html><script>'
+'window.close = function(){window.setTimeout(function(){google.script.host.close()},9)};'
+'var a = document.createElement("a"); a.href="'+url+'"; a.target="_blank";'
+' var event=document.createEvent("MouseEvents");'
+' if(navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase().indexOf("firefox")>-1){window.document.body.append(a)}'
+' event.initEvent("click",true,true); a.dispatchEvent(event);'
+'}else{ a.click() }'
// Offer URL as clickable link in case above code fails.
+'<body style="word-break:break-word;font-family:sans-serif;">Failed to open automatically. Click here to proceed.</body>'
.setWidth( 90 ).setHeight( 1 );
else if(e.parameters.code){//if we get "code" as a parameter in, then this is a callback. we can make this more explicit
HTMLToOutput = '<html><h1>App is installed, you can close this window now or navigate to your Google Drive.</h1></html>';
else {//we are starting from scratch or resetting
HTMLToOutput = "<html><h1>Install this App into your Google Drive!</h1><a href='"+getURLForAuthorization()+"'>click here to start</a></html>";
return HtmlService.createHtmlOutput(HTMLToOutput);
function getURLForAuthorization(){
return AUTHORIZE_URL + '?response_type=code&client_id='+CLIENT_ID+'&redirect_uri='+REDIRECT_URL +
'&scope=https://www.googleapis.com/auth/drive.install https://www.googleapis.com/auth/userinfo.email';
function getAndStoreAccessToken(code){
var parameters = { method : 'post',
payload : 'client_id='+CLIENT_ID+'&client_secret='+CLIENT_SECRET+'&grant_type=authorization_code&redirect_uri='+REDIRECT_URL+'&code=' + code};
var response = UrlFetchApp.fetch(TOKEN_URL,parameters).getContentText();
var tokenResponse = JSON.parse(response);
UserProperties.setProperty(tokenPropertyName, tokenResponse.access_token);
function getUrlFetchOptions() {
return {'contentType' : 'application/json',
'headers' : {'Authorization' : 'Bearer ' + UserProperties.getProperty(tokenPropertyName),
'Accept' : 'application/json'}};
//naive check, not using for now, use refresh tokens and add proper checking
function isTokenValid() {
return UserProperties.getProperty(tokenPropertyName);
In Document workflow 'Create Request' page, add event to onAttach() method. Write below function,
//client side
function checkIfRedirected(widget)
// console.log(location.origin);
google.script.url.getLocation(function(location) {
var params = location.parameter;
var param1 = params.param1;
var param2 = params.param2;
widget.datasource.item.DocumentName = param1;
widget.datasource.item.DocumentUrl = param2;
widget.datasource.item.Owner = app.user.email;
I've been searching on the best way to get information my azure auth from facebook.
My app is getting the authentication and the id of the user! I am not sure what code I need next in order to get the information.
So far I have this
if (authenticated)
var client = new HttpClient();
var fbUser = await client.GetAsync(Appurl+".auth/me");
var response = await fbUser.Content.ReadAsStringAsync();
var jo = JObject.Parse(response);
var userName = jo["'typ':'user_id'"].ToString();
So far all the answers have left me clueless
I just need this to return name email and other Items I want.
I am sure this is an Json Parsing the wrong issue but I am not sure.
Please help!!!
I just need this to return name email and other Items I want. I am sure this is an Json Parsing the wrong issue but I am not sure.
If you visit https://yourmobileapp .azurewebsites.net/.auth/me from browser, and login with your FaceBook account. Then you could get the Json structs as following. It is a JArray . So please have a try to use following code, it works correctly on my side.
var ja = JArray.Parse(response);
var id = ja[0]["user_id"];
Before that we need to add email scope on the Azure portal, about how to add email scope, please refer to the screenshot.
I've been looking at the documentation for Synchronized Arrays https://www.firebase.com/docs/web/libraries/angular/api.html#angularfire-extending-the-services and https://www.firebase.com/docs/web/libraries/angular/guide/extending-services.html#section-firebasearray
I'm using Firebase version 2.2.7 and AngularFire version 1.1.2
Using the code below, I'm having trouble recognizing $$removed events.
.factory("ExtendedCourseList", ["$firebaseArray", function($firebaseArray) {
// create a new service based on $firebaseArray
var ExtendedCourseList= $firebaseArray.$extend({
$$added: function(dataSnapshot, prevChild){
var course = dataSnapshot.val();
var course_key = dataSnapshot.key();
console.log("new course");
return course;
$$removed: function(snap){
return true;
return function(listRef) {
return new ExtendedCourseList(listRef);
.factory("CompanyRefObj", function(CompanyRef) {
//CompanyRef is a constant containing the url string
var ref = new Firebase(CompanyRef);
return ref;
.factory('CourseList', function (localstorage,$rootScope,ExtendedCourseList,CompanyRefObj) {
var companyID = localstorage.get("company");
$rootScope.courseList = ExtendedCourseList(CompanyRefObj.child(companyID).child("courses"));
If I run this code, only the $$added events will be triggered. To simulate the remove events I use the web-interface at Firebase to display data, where I press the remove button and accept the data being deleted permanently.
Additionally, if I delete the $$removed function, the extended service still won't synchronize when a record is deleted.
If I modify my code to use the $firebaseArray instead of extending the service (as seen above) both add and remove events will be recognized.
.factory('CourseList', function (localstorage,$rootScope,$firebaseArray,CompanyRefObj) {
var companyID = localstorage.get("company");
$rootScope.courseList = $firebaseArray(CompanyRefObj.child(companyID).child("courses"));
Finally, are there any bad practices I've missed that can cause some of the extended functions to not work?
$$added: function(dataSnapshot, prevChild){
var course = dataSnapshot.val();
var course_key = dataSnapshot.key();
//Modified below
course.$id = course_key;
//End of modification
console.log("new course");
return course;
After posting about the issue at firebase/angularfire github I received an answer that solved my issue. When $$added got overridden by the code provided, the $firebaseArray also lost its internal record $id.
Adding this line of code: course.$id = course_key; before returning the course, made AngularFire recognize when the record was removed from the server.
I am building an IM platform based on Firebase and I would like that every user got an address that directed them to the chat room.
<script src="http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.10.2/jquery.min.js"></script>
<script src="https://cdn.firebase.com/v0/firebase.js"></script>
var hash; // global incase needed elsewhere
$(function() {
hash = window.location.hash.replace("#", "");;
myRootRef = new Firebase("http://xxxx.firebaseio.com");
var postingRef;
if (hash) {
// user has been given a hashed URL from their friend, so sets firebase root to that place
postingRef = new Firebase("http://xxxx.firebaseio.com/chatrooms/" + hash);
} else {
// there is no hash, so the user is looking to share a URL for a new room
console.log("no hash");
postingRef = new Firebase("http://xxxx.firebaseio.com/chatrooms/");
// push for a unique ID for the chatroom
postingRef = postingRef.push();
// exploit this unique ID to provide a unique ID host for you app
window.location.hash = postingRef.toString().slice(34);
// listener
// will pull all old messages up once bound
postingRef.on("child_added", function(data) {
console.log(data.val().user + ": " + data.val().message);
// later:
postingRef.push({"message": "etc", "user": "Jimmybobjimbobjimbobjim"});
That's working for me locally. You need to change xxxx to whatever URL yours is at, and add on however many characters that first part is at the .slice() bit.
If I understand your question correctly, you want to be able to share a URL that will allow anyone who clicks on the URL to log onto the same chatroom.
I did this for a Firebase application I made once. The first thing you need to be doing is using the .push() method. Push the room to Firebase, then use the toString() method to get the URL of the push. Some quick JS string manipulation - window.location.hash = pushRef.toString().slice(x) - where 'x' is whatever place you want to snip the URL at. window.location.hash will set the hash for you. Add the hash to the sharing URL, and then for the next step:
You will want a hash listener to check if there is already a hash when you open the page, so $(window).bind('hashchange', function() {UpdateHash()}) goes into a doc.ready function, and then...
function UpdateHash() {
global_windowHash = window.hash.replace("#", "");
// to assign the hash to a global hash variable
if (global_windowHash) {
// if there was already a hash
chatRef = new Firebase("[Your Firebase URL here]" + "/chatrooms/" + global_windowHash);
// chatRef is the global that you append the chat data to, and listen from.
} else {
// there wasn't a hash, so you can auto-create a new one here, in which case:
chatRef = new Firebase("[Your Firebase URL here]" + "/chatrooms/");
chatRef = chatRef.push();
window.location.hash = chatRef.toString().slice(x);
I hope that helps (and works :P ). If there are any questions or problems, then just ask!