Creating a polygon with Point Cloud - point-cloud-library

I am trying to create a polygon with Point Cloud Library. It shows an error
that no matching argument list is found.
Here is my code :
Thank you for any suggestions...

Had same error, solved with .
Make sure you are using pcl::PointXYZ.
e.g. if you create your cloud data like this,
pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZRGB>::Ptr cloud
then you need to use pcl::PointXYZRGB


Jupyter dosen't return the MapBox map

I am trying to test the jupyter version of mapbox gl js.
i copied the code of this example in my jupyter notebook , and attempted to return the map,
the result is an empty map !!:
what is wrong ?
please let me know if the map is returned in your devices
I solved my problem,the problem was with the token :
so instead of:
(this function reads a system environment variable so i need ti set a MAPBOX_ACCESS_TOKEN environment variable if i want to use it)
the solution is directly :
Note: my_public_token is the public token of your mapbox account

Does packagename:::function cannot be used or modify?

I am working on a project and I need to modify some funciton of existing package. Some of these functions are not exported and I only can acess them via packagename:::function in R. Are these function cannot be modified or must be not used or we do not allowded to modify them since there are not exported by the author? any help please?
Note that: I need to build my own function based on some existing function from the package. The existing functions are very helful and for my project I need to modify them to what I need. Then I will use these functions in my project only for my use. I will not modify the package itself. Hope it is clear.
Just take the source code, paste it in your R script (and give it another name), modify the code as you want and run the function. Then it will be saved in your environment and you can run it as a normal function. Hope this helps!

Azure, R: showing the Standard Error

When I develop an experiment on Azure ML I have the chance to insert the "Execute R Script" module. When I have runned it, I can explore the outputs produced by the module itself.
My problem is that I have two modules: I do a filtering on a dataset in the first and use the resulting dataset in the second.
Then I create a web service with it.
Problem: when the filtering gives a null dataset this possibly create problems in the functions on the second module.
I want to find a way to "write" in the "Standard Error" space. I have tried to use:
if (length(dataset$column1)==0) {warning("Empty filtering!!!!")}
but it does not work.
According to the R manual for the NULL object, please try to use the function is.null(x) as the if condition.
Meanwhile, as notice, there are two similar concepts NA & NULL in R, please refer to the blog to know the difference, and use the function instead of is.null(x) for a NA object.

Getting associated GO:IDs for a given gene name using R bioconductor annotation package

I am trying to play around with hgu95av2.db and GO.db libraries from Bioconductor classes.
I have a list of genenames.
These are standard gene names from genedb.
I now want to get the associated go.ids associated with them. I would like to use this information to bin the data in the future.
I have attempted to go through the annotationapi help file where they say one way of getting the ids is to use this api as follows:
select(hgu95av2.db, keys=keys, cols=c("GO"),
I am not sure how to set up the keys.
Do I just set up a column object with the list of keys.
When I try to do and run the command above I get the following error:
Error in .testIfKeysAreOfProposedKeytype(x, keys, keytype) :
None of the keys entered are valid keys for the keytype specified.
I have played around with the keytype and always get the same error which makes me think I dont really understand fundamentally how to use this database query tool.
I have done a search in bioconductor and they just assume that I have expression data in affy matrix format where I just have a list of the genenames.
I would appreciate your help and apologies as I am a newbie and not really clear on the R bioconductor interface.
Many thanks

MBTile Example Project - could not find column named tile_data

I have a problem regarding the implementation of a exported mbtiles file with route-me. I used the example on github and was able to compile and view the example map (control-room).
Now I tried to use an TileMill exported mbtiles file with the example and it did not work. It does not find the tiles for displaying.
I get this error message: Warning: I could not find the column named 'tile_data'.
I think it has to do with the column and row indexes but I was not able to figure out or fix the issue. Does someone have the same experience or a good tutorial for implementing a TileMill export to an iphone application.
Thank you very much in advance.
