DTM giving a different report suite for custom links and page calls? - adobe

I'm getting some very strange behavior in DTM. When our page loads (from a local instance of the website) we get the expected call going out with the proper dev report suite. When a custom link call is made from that page, for some reason DTM sends it with a production report suite. If I look in Adobe Analytics for the custom link name reported under the prod RSI, it does not show up in there.
Any ideas on what is going on and how I can fix this issue?

This is my shot in the dark based on what you have said, and it is based on the assumption that your statements are true (e.g. you aren't seeing pink elephants, that the request was indeed showing your prod rsid in the proper portion of the request url, that you did in fact check your prod rsid after an acceptable amount of time has past, no segment or other filter shenanigans, etc..: in short, that you do know how to accurately perform the basic QA song and dance).
Under that assumption, the below is a scenario that can plausibly reproduce what you are describing. I could be partially right or totally off for your specific situation, but there's really no way for me to know for sure without having access to your DTM instance.
The Scenario
Long story short is it sounds like you have a blend of custom code and DTM automatic settings enabled, and DTM is overriding and/or not caring about your custom code for link tracking.
More specifically, it sounds to me like you have AA implemented as a tool in DTM, and in the config settings, you have your production and staging rsids specified in the text fields.
Then in the General section, you either do NOT have values specified for Tracking Server and Tracking Server Secure, or else they are set to the wrong values.
Then, in the Library Management section, you have either selected "Managed by Adobe" in which case DTM takes care of the library, or else you have selected "Custom" and you are adding the library yourself AND you have NOT checked "Set report suites using custom code below".
Then, somewhere in DTM (e.g. the Library Management > Custom code box, or Customize Page Code codebox) you have code that pops rsid stuff (e.g. s.account, s_account, dynamicAccountList stuff), and possibly also trackingServer and trackingServerSecure.
Finally, you (like most other people, because DTM's double script include for staging vs. prod is.. dumb) just use the prod script include on your page, and either use the debug/staging mode or rely on whatever rsid routing logic you've setup to route to dev.
So.. when the page is first loaded, DTM loads the AA library and it sets variables and stuff based on what you specified in the tool config. During this time, it is also popping any custom code blocks you have in the tool config, which may or may not override what you have specified in the tool config fields, depending on what you enabled. Then after that, it pops stuff you have in page load rules (if any), etc..
But then comes the link click.. As I have mentioned in other posts on SO, DTM has this caveat (IMO bug) about how it references the AA object after the initial page load/AA request: basically, it doesn't. Instead, it makes use of internal methods (the main one being a .getS() method) to create a new instance of the AA object, based on whatever things you have configured in the tool config section. Well here's the rub.. it does NOT account for or execute any custom coding you have done in code boxes in the tool config section.
So that basically happens whenever an event based or direct call rule is triggered, and it effectively screws you. Why does DTM do this? I do not know. IMO Adobe needs to change this feature caveat bug. Either they should refactor DTM to execute the code boxes, OR they could, you know.. just reference the original AA object created, like any normal script would do..
But in any case..
So for example, my theory here is that page loads fine, points to dev rsid based on your setup. But then you click a link and an event triggers, and DTM makes a new AA object not caring about your custom code, so all it has to go on is what you have in the tool's config fields.
Since DTM doesn't actually have any rules around the prod vs. dev rsids you specify in those fields (you have to write custom code in the custom code boxes - that DTM ignores!), it just pops the prod rsid, because that's the script include you have on your page.
Then as far as not seeing the data actually show up in your prod rsid: again, since DTM ignores what you set in your custom code boxes, it's defaulting to what is specified in the trackingServer fields in the tool config, and my assumption here is they are either blank or wrong (you should be able to look at the request url to adobe to verify this). This theory is because you said the prod rsid is right, and you see a request being made. So the next culprit would be wrong tracking server specified.
So, that is my theory of what's going on. Maybe it's all right, maybe it's some right, hopefully it may point you in the right direction at least.
If you can confirm that this is indeed how you have things setup, then you will naturally ask "Okay, well what do I do about that?". As I have said in a lot of my other SO answers.. basically, your only option is to uncheck all the settings that make DTM automate AA, and in all your rules, keep the AA section disabled and whatever AA vars you wanna set, set them yourself and make the s.t() or s.tl() call yourself in a 3rd party script code box, so that it continues to reference and pop based off the originally instantiated AA object.
Based on your comments below, okay so yeah.. that sounds like what I described, and accounts for prod rsid popping. As for data not showing up in report.. so if you are certain tracking server is set correct (the request url looks good) then this isn't a DTM issue. Here are some other explanations for why the data wouldn't show up:
Are you sure the request is being sent to your prod rsid? I don't know what you are looking at to verify this, but this is where you should be looking: In the request URL to AA: "http://[trackingServer value]/b/ss/[s.account value]/1..."
Click request isn't making it to Omniture. Verify in a packet sniffer that the request is actually made and that you are getting a 200 OK or NS_Binding_Aborted response.
You aren't waiting long enough to check for the data. Even basic hit data and looking at "real time" reports takes a little bit of time to show up.
You have a segment/filter active that's not jiving with the data you are trying to look at. Make sure that you don't have anything applied. Or, if you are using those things to find your data (and aren't seeing it), ensure that you are correctly applying it.
You recently created the rsid and the "go live" date hasn't passed yet. Data will not show up in the report suite until up to 24 hours after the specified "go live" date.
You have a vista rule in place that's affecting data showing up. Some companies have a vista rule in place for a number of reasons and there are a million ways it could affect data (e.g. routing to a different report suite). For shits and grins, check your dev (or other rsids) to see if your data showed up there. Even if that doesn't make sense, at least it's a step forward.
You have a bots / ip exclusion rule in place that's catching data from your location.
The data sent in from the link click isn't relevant to the report. For example, maybe you are looking at e.g. prop10 report and prop10 isn't actually sent in the click request.
I know a lot of these are basic things to check, and no doubt you've checked, but check again. Have someone else check for you to be sure. I'm not questioning g your abilities here, but even the best of coders forget to cross their t's and dot their i's sometimes, and manage to miss obvious things. If you are sure about all of these then contact Adobe ClientCare because I really can't think of anything else that wouldn't involve an issue with Adobe's backend.

I ran into a similar problem with my implementation. Essentially what I did was set the s.account variable directly inside the doPlugins, so it would be set on all tracking calls. I wrote specifics here also: DTM Tracking Account


How do I fix NPCs not showing a cast bar for some custom spells?

I am currently creating a module that creates custom boss fights in vanilla dungeons. To accomplish this without having to make edits to existing spells used by other creatures, I've been using Stoneharry Spell Editor to create custom spells that the bosses use.
The spells that I created are doing exactly what I want them to do but the majority of the spells that aren't instant cast will not have a cast timer shown while the boss is casting the spell.
Some of these spells haven't been edited aside from the damage. Just a straight up copy of a basic spell like Lightning Bolt. I searched through all of the attributes and there was no difference between spells that would show the cast timer and those that wouldn't.
What determines whether or not a spell with have a visible cast bar and how do I fix the spells that don't?
I have gone through the process of creating a custom MPQ file to patch my client in addition to the server side DBC file.
I was unable to find the cause of why some of these spells were not showing a cast bar but I did find a flag that can be set to force the display of the cast bar as a fix to the issue.
Setting AttributeEx4 with the value 268435456 (hex value 0x10000000) will force it to display. I confirmed this flag worked with all of the spells that were previously not showing a cast bar.
Might be related, might be unrelated, but from what I understand the 3.3.5 client and blizz's own UI uses events in the combat log to show stuff like cast bars in the UI frame. And because 3.3.5 client famously has bugs that the combat log gets frozen and stuck, sometimes these things disappear. People also call this famous bug other names like the "recount bug", since it leads to addons like Recount showing the wrong values for damage and such, because they stop receiving the correct events from the combat log. Notable thing is though the bug is very strange, it does not always completely freeze everything but rather still let some of the events through, leading the numbers in damage meter addons to change but be completely wrong.
I have stumbled to the same problem with regular mobs and bosses, noticed that some of them suddenly stop showing things like cast bars and buffs/debuffs after the combat log bug happens. The bosses still make their animations for casting and stuff properly, but they don't show in the UI. That's what lead me to think that the stuff happening in the "world" are handled by server sending opcodes but the stuff that is shown in your UI frame are from the combat log.
So first make sure you're using a combat log clearing addon or a macro, like this one:
Yes, I know that code runs the CombatLogClearEntires() every single frame, but from what I have tested I simply found every other addon that clears the log more infrequently to the combat log bug sometimes happening. Only running it every frame has spared me from any more combat log bugs. See, the thing about that bug is that you have to clear the log before it happens, clearing it afterwards won't usually help and you need to reload the whole UI.
Secondly, what you could do is check what your client sees happening in the combat log by printing the combat log events and comparing the different spell events that way. This can be achieved easily by making a frame, registering the COMBAT_LOG_EVENT_UNFILTERED event and printing the results.
Like this, just wrap that code into a .lua addon to see what's what:
local f = CreateFrame("Frame", nil, UIParent)
f:SetScript("OnEvent", function(self, event, ...)
-- timestamp, eventType, srcGUID, sourceName, srcFlags, destGUID, destName, destFlags, spellID, spellName, arg1, arg2, arg3, ...

Using event as view exclude filter in Google Analytics

I have an event that triggers from my tag manager every time someone clicks a certain URL link. This event appears to be tracking properly in GA. However, I am attempting to create a filtered view that excludes traffic that triggers this event. When I use the Filter Verification I get:
"This filter would not have changed your data. Either the filter configuration is incorrect, or the set of sampled data is too small."
Indeed it does not change my data. I am using the event label as the field field/pattern if that makes a difference. Any suggestions?
Ok, there are issues with this question. But first, the answer is: filters aren't meant to remove more than particular hits. They aren't meant to remove sessions or users. Only hits. But there's a hackaround.
Now, more points:
You don't exclude "traffic". Traffic is not precise enough to be useful here. You have to decide what you want to exclude: an event, a session or a user. Or something inbetween, but then you need to define it properly.
A session in Google's understanding is really a bit different from what it seems like. It is custom to believe that a session is a series of interactional events with less than 30 minutes (configurable) inbetween. Not quite. If your source changes, that's a new session. Bear with me.
You... can hack around it if you really need to. By "painting" users or sessions. You do it by setting a specific custom dimension (user- or session-level) and then delete all events that have that custom dimension set using a view filter. The CD will be backfilled, so the filter should clean stuff close to how you expect it to do.
However! GA is... a little bit odd with how they record sessions and users. There may occur a situation when you end up having users or sessions with no events in them. However, if you find this issue at play, you still can export the data to BQ and query it properly. You may find that export cleaner.

Metrics and dimensions are not showing up for hits of type 'event'

I have a fully functional and working code (written in C#) which purpose is to track some hits to the specified GA property. This code has been tested and still works successfully. It adds some predefined dimensions (like App Version) to each hit and a several custom metrics to a certain hit types (like event with a certain Event Action).
So far so good everything works flawlessly when taking into account the first property to which these hits are being sent. Also everything is fine when I set up a brand new GA property and track my hits to it - that is, I'm able to see events in Realtime reports, and events show up in custom reports after a while so that I can see my custom metrics.
The issue is that when I try to send absolutely the same hits to the existing property which had been created and configured ages ago - there is no both dimensions (even predefined) and custom metrics in my custom reports. I see these events in realtime and behavior reports, and I'm even able to create a custom report against events count - but that's it. I'm able to use for example Day of the month as a primary dimension, but when I try to use App Version as a dimension or my custom metrics as report metrics - it says "There is no data for this view.".
I've already tried everything I could, have read almost every post about custom definitions in Google and viewed almost each related SO question and answer - still with no luck.
We use measurement protocol
There is a correct User Agent being sent with each hit
17 days has passed since my first attempt to track these hits with existing property
There is no filters and segments at all
There is only one view
For me it looks like a property misconfiguration, but I've inspected each configuration page (I have all possible rights granted) and have not found anything related.
Will appreciate any help with this issue.
UPD: The hit itself (with the sensitive data replaced):
UPD: Here is what I'm trying to achieve (screenshot was made at the test property, where everything works like a charm):

How to expire Branch.io link within specific time? (Deep linking via branch metrics)

I am using link to generate deep linking. I am using their public API's endpoint to generate links.
Here is their endpoint: https://api.branch.io/v1/url
I append my branch key and data that I need to associate in this link. Everything is working fine but I need to expire this link within one hour.
Reading up here: https://github.com/BranchMetrics/branch-deep-linking-public-api#creating-a-deep-linking-url
I added "duration" key also, but it didnt expire the link.
It will be great if anyone could help me in figuring out how to expire branch.io link.
Alex from Branch.io here: the duration parameter is used for something different, so it's not going to be able to do what you want. We don't have a built-in feature to expire links, but you could create something close to it yourself:
Add a custom link parameter containing a timestamp for when the link was created.
Check for that timestamp when handling the link at the destination, and do something different if it is more than an hour old. I'm guessing this would be inside your app, and also on whatever fallback URL you have specified for when the app isn't installed or the user is on desktop.
Mail from branch.io support team suggested this answer as below:
If you found out about the $exp_date parameter from here then the
parameters in that list are only used for iOS Spotlight Indexing but
will be used by Branch in the future. A better solution than
utilizing $exp_date is to code logic into your client to determine
what to do with link data based on date. This way, your deep links
will always work and always carry data through, and you won't have to
worry about users clicking empty links.
This way, you would include date as an extra meta key/value pair, and
examine this date in your client when receiving link params to
determine if you want to honor the link's contents or not.

Advice needed on REST URL to be given to 3rd parties to access my site

Important: This question isn't actually really an ASP.NET question. Anyone who knows anything about URLS can answer it. I just happen to be using ASP.NET routing so included that detail.
In a nutshell my question is :
"What URL format should I design that i can give to external parties to get to a specific place on my site that will be future proof. [I'm new to creating these 'REST' URLs]."
I need an ASP.NET routing URL that will be given to a third party for tracking marketing campaigns. It is essentially a 'gateway' URL that redirects the user to a specific page on our site which may be the homepage, a special contest or a particular product.
In addition to trying to capture the referrer I will need to receive a partnerId, a campaign number and possibly other parameters. I want to provide a route to do this BUT I want to get it right first time because obviously I cant easily change it once its being used externally.
How does something like this look?
controller = "Campaign",
action = "Redirect",
custom = (string)null // optional so we need to set it null
campaign : possibly don't want the word 'campaign' in the actual link -- since users will see it in the URL bar. i might change this to just something cryptic like 'c'.
destination : dictates which page on our site the link will take the user to. For instance PR to direct the user to products page.
partnerid : the ID for the company that we've assigned - such as SO for Stack overflow.
campaignid : campaign id such as 123 - unique to each partner. I have realized that I think I'd prefer for the 3rd party company to be able to manage the campaign ids themselves rather than us providing a website to 'create a campaign'. I'm not
completely sure about this yet though.
custom : custom data (optional). i can add further custom data parameters without breaking existing URLS
Note: the reason i have 'destination' is because the campaign ID is decided upon by the client so they need to also tell us where the destination of that campaign is. Alternatively they could 'register' a campaign with us. This may be a better solution to avoid people putting in random campaign IDs but I'm not overly concerned about that and i think this system gives more flexibility.
In addition we want to know perhaps which image they used to link to us (so we can track which banner works the best). I THINK this is a candiate for a new campaignid as opposed to a custom data field but i'm not sure.
Currently I am using a very primitive URL such as http://example.com?cid=123. In this case the campaign ID needs to be issued to the third party and it just isn't a very flexible system. I want to move immediately to a new system for new clients.
Any thoughts on future proofing this system? What may I have missed? I know i can always add new formats but I want to use this format as much as possible if that is a good idea.
This URL:
...doesn't look like a resource to me, it looks like a remote method call. There is a lot of business logic here which is likely to change in the future. Also, it's complicated. My gut instinct when designing URLs is that simpler is generally better. This goes double when you are handing the URL to an external partner.
Uniform Resource Locators are supposed to specify, well, resources. The destination is certainly a resource (but more on this in a moment), and I think you could consider the campaign a resource. The partner is not a resource you serve. Custom is certainly not a resource, as it's entirely undefined.
I hear what you're saying about not wanting to have to tell the partners to "create a campaign," but consider that you're likely to eventually have to go down this road anyway. As soon as the campaign has any properties other than the partner identifier, you pretty much have to do this.
So my first to conclusions are that you should probably get rid of the partner ID, and derive it from the campaign. Get rid of custom, too, and use query string parameters instead, should it be necessary. It is appropriate to use query string parameters to specify how to return a resource (as opposed to the identity of the resource).
Removing those yields:
OK, that's simpler, but it still doesn't look right. What's destination doing in between campaign and campaign ID? One approach would be to rearrange things:
Another would be to use Astoria-style indexing:
For some reason, this looks odd to a lot of people, but it's entirely legal. Feel free to use other legal characters to separate campaign from the ID; the point here is that a / is not the only choice, and may not be the appropriate choice.
One question we haven't covered yet is what should happen if/when the user submits a valid destination, but an invalid campaign or partner ID. If the correct response is that the user should see an error, then all of the above is still valid. If, on the other hand, the correct response is that the user should be silently taken to the destination page anyway, then the campaign ID is really a query string parameter, not a part of the resource. Perhaps some partners wouldn't like being given a URL with a question mark in it, but from a purely REST point of view, I think that's the right approach, if the campaign ID's validity does not determine where the user ends up. In this case, the URL would be:
...and you would add a query string parameter with the campaign ID.
I realize that I haven't given you a definite answer to your question. The trouble is that most of this rests on business considerations which you are probably aware of, but I'm certainly not. So I'm more trying to cover the philosophy of a REST-ful URL, rather than attempting to explain your business to you. :)
I think the URL rewriting is getting out of hand a little bit lately. Not everything belongs to the URL. After all, a URL is supposed to describe a resource that can be searched for, discovered or manipulated and it seems to me that at least the partner ID and the custom fields from above are not part of the resource.
Not to mention that that at some point you would like to actually keep the partner ID constant across multiple campaigns and that means that it is now orthogonal to the particular places they need to visit. If you keep these as parameters, you will allow your partners to access uniformly multiple resources on your website, while still reliably identifying themselves, so you can track their participation in any of your campaigns.
It looks like you've covered all of your bases. The only suggestion I have is to change
That way, if you ever need to accept further parameters, you don't have to take the chance that old URLs will get a 404. For example:
If you have a URL that looks like:
and you decide in the future that you would like to accept a fourth and fifth parameter:
then the first URL will still be valid, because you're using a wildcard character in {*custom}. "blah/foo" would be passed as a string to your action. To get those extra two parameters, you would simply split the custom argument in your action by '/'. Add some friendly error handling if they don't exist and you've successfully changed the amount of information you can receive with a campaign URL without completely breaking URLs already in the wild.
Why not use URL encoded variables instead of routes? They're a lot more flexible - you can add any new features in the future while still maintaining 100% backwards compatibility. Admittedly, it's a little more trouble to type manually, but if there's all those parameters anyway, it's already no picnic.
To me, this is much more indicative of what is really going on. Using paths implies a that a resource exists at that location. But really you're just providing a web service with various parameters, and this model captures that much more clearly. And in the future, you can add more parameters effortlessly. You can also default parameters if they are missing without messing anything up.
Not sure of the code in ASP, but it should be trivial to implement.
I think I'd look at doing it the way that SO does it's questions.
Create a mapping in your database when the campaign is created that associates all the data you need with an automatically generated id. The friendly name could be assigned basically the same way as a question is on SO -- by the user -- but you could also have an approval process that makes sure that it meets your requirements and is distinct from any existing campaign names. Your tracking company can track by the id and you can correlate that with your associated data with a simple look up.
What you have looks good for your needs. The other posts here have good points. But may not be suitable for you. One thing that you could consider with future proofing your links is to put a version number somewhere in there.
This way if you decide to completely change your format you can up the version to 2.0 (or whatever) and still keep track of the old links coming in.
I would do
You should think about the hierarchy of the first parameters, you already got that managed quite well. Only if there's a hierarchy path segments should be used.
From your description, destination seems to be the broadest parameter, partnerid only works with destination, and campaingid is specific to a partner.
When you really need to add custom parameters I would go for query variables (they are not forbidden in REST), because these are not part of the hierarchy.
You also shouldn't try to be too RESTful here. After all, it's for a campaign and for redirecting to a final resource. So the URL you want to design here is not really a specific resource in the terms of REST.
Create an URL called http://mysite.com/gateway
Return an HTML form, tell your partners to fill in the form and POST it. Redirect based on the form values.
You could easily provide your partners with the javascript to do the GET and POST. Should be trivial.
The most important thing i have learned about REST URLĀ“s thats usually burried deep in some book or article:
The URL should point to a resource and the following ?querystring should have all the scoping information needed. DONT mix those two or you will have a design thats very hard to work with.
Other then that i fully agree with Craig Stuntz
