Qt in Ubuntu: Cannot compile using static boost libraries - qt

I am trying to compile a C++ plugin using Ubuntu 14.04, Qt, and some boost libraries.
I built the boost libraries as follows:
If I use shared boost libraries, e.g. libboost_system.so, the project compiles just fine. However, I want to compile using static boost libraries (libboost_system.a). I get the following error in my boost project:
"relocation R_X86-64-32 against '.rodata.str1.1' cannot be used when making a shared object; recompile with -fPIC".
This is my Qt project file:
VERSION = 1.3.1
QT -= gui
CONFIG += warn_on plugin release
CONFIG -= thread exceptions qt rtti debug
CONFIG += c++11
INCLUDEPATH += /usr/include
LIBS += "/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libboost_system.a"
LIBS += "/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libboost_filesystem.a"
TARGET = lin.xpl
QMAKE_CXXFLAGS += -fvisibility=hidden
SOURCES += igoconnect_lin.cpp
unix {
target.path = /usr/lib
INSTALLS += target
Anything I am doing wrong? Thank you so much!

Try that
LIBS += -lboost_system


Qt5 OpenCV3.4.5 LNK1105 cannot open opencv_world345d.obj

I am building a Qt5 project with OpenCV3.4.5 in windows. The OpenCV is a prebuilt version with opencv_world345.lib and opencv_world345dlib. I create a .pri file for including opencv into the Qt project. Here below is for the opencv .pri file:
INCLUDEPATH += C:/opencv-3.4.5/prebuild/include \
C:/opencv-3.4.5/prebuild/include/opencv \
Debug: {
LIBS += lc:/opencv-3.4.5/prebuild/x64/vc14/lib/opencv_world345d
Release: {
LIBS += lc:/opencv-3.4.5/prebuild/x64/vc14/lib/opencv_world345
I also set C:\opencv-3.4.5\prebuild\x64\vc14\bin in the path of systems variables.
Building the project in debug mode gives the error: LINK : fatal error LNK1104: cannot open file 'lc:\opencv-3.4.5\prebuild\x64\vc14\lib\opencv_world345d.obj'.
What causes the error? Do I miss something else in configuring opencv for Qt?
Have you run qmake since making your changes to the .pri file?
Normally I would have asked for clarification in the comments, but I'm new to Stack Overflow and don't have 50 reputation yet.
I found an old project of mine that I have OpenCV3.1.0 properly linked to. Here's what I have in my .pro
LIBS += -L*PATH TO OPEN CV*/OpenCV-3.1.0/lib
INCLUDEPATH += *PATH TO OPEN CV*/OpenCV-3.1.0/include
CONFIG(release, debug|release):{
LIBS += \
CONFIG(debug, debug|release):{
LIBS += \
Here below is the modified .pri file that works for me!
INCLUDEPATH += c:/opencv-3.4.5/prebuild/include
CONFIG(release, debug|release):{
LIBS += -L"c:/opencv-3.4.5/prebuild/x64/vc14/lib" -lopencv_world345
CONFIG(debug, debug|release):{
LIBS += -L"c:/opencv-3.4.5/prebuild/x64/vc14/lib" -lopencv_world345d
The configurations by Debug:{} and Release {} do not work!

Qt: cannot find DLLs even if I specify their location

I cannot understand why this Qt pro file does not work:
QT += core
QT += gui
TARGET = PrjName
CONFIG += qt
CONFIG += console
INCLUDEPATH += C:/Qt/4.8.4/include/Qt
QMAKE_LIBDIR += C:/Qt/4.8.4/bin
LIBS += -lQtCore4
LIBS += -lQtGui4
SOURCES += ...
HEADERS += ...
These are the linker errors:
error: cannot find -lQtGui
error: cannot find -lQtCore
The C:\Qt\4.8.4\bin directory exists, and the DLLs are there.
Thank you.
Platform: Windows 7, MinGW, Qt 4.8.4, QtCreator 2.8.0

Linking dll to c++ in qt for reading .mat files

I am using Qt Creator 2.4.1(Based on Qt 4.7.4) ..
Now I want to open the .mat file which I got from Matlab.
I am using the basic function matOpen
Initially, I knew the headers required. They are mat.h, matrix.h and tmw.h.
Now, before running the code, I need to link the libraries. The required libraries as far as I know are libmat.dll and libmw.dll . I added them to the .pro file as follows.
QT += core
QT -= gui
TARGET = mat_open_test
CONFIG += console
CONFIG -= app_bundle
SOURCES += main.cpp
mat.h \
matrix.h \
LIBS += -L"C:\Users\skanduri\Documents\C ++\mat_open_test-build-desktop- Qt_4_8_1_for_Desktop_-_MinGW__Qt_SDK__Debug\debug\libmat.dll"
LIBS += -L"C:\Users\skanduri\Documents\C ++\mat_open_test-build-desktop-Qt_4_8_1_for_Desktop_-_MinGW__Qt_SDK__Debug\debug\libmx.dll"
Still I get error as : undefined reference to matOpen.. m sure the problem is with the linking.. But I dunno how to solve it. and the compiler Qt is using is MinGw .
You are specifying library path only, not the libraries itself. Try
LIBS += -L"C:\Users\skanduri\Documents\C ++\mat_open_test-build-desktop-Qt_4_8_1_for_Desktop_-_MinGW__Qt_SDK__Debug\debug"
LIBS += -llibmx
LIBS += -llibmat

Wt with Qt, .pro settings

I am trying to get Wt working with Qt. I have installed 1.47 boost library, compiled Wt (3.2.1) under Windows using cmake 2.8.8. Tired simple hello world but doesn't compile, getting undefined reference errors for example:
undefined reference to `Wt::WApplication::WApplication(Wt::WEnvironment const&, Wt::WtLibVersion)'
Here is my .pro file:
QT -= core
QT -= gui
INCLUDEPATH += ../../../lib/Wt/include \
../../../lib/boost_1_47 \
LIBS += -L../../../lib/Wt/lib \
win32:LIBS += -lwthttpd -lwtd -lboost_regex-vc100-mt-1_47
TARGET = HttpServerWt
CONFIG += console
CONFIG -= app_bundle
SOURCES += main.cpp
This is the program I am trying to compile:
Probably, your WT libraries will be added to /usr/loca/lib by default. so specify link libraries accordingly[after checking whether its present there, else check in /usr/lib and include accordingly].
Set LIBS Variable as follows
LIBS += -L/usr/local/lib -lwtd -lwthttpd -lboost_regex-vc100-mt-1_47
I don't see any Problem in setting the INCLUDEPATH variable in your post.
And also make sure that you are adding the module corresponding to Wt::WApplication::WApplication(Wt::WEnvironment const&, Wt::WtLibVersion) in LIBS Variable.
For more look here.
I think you need more libraries, because in Ubuntu you need to add more than two libraries to compile a wt code with qt creator.
Here is my *.pro file
QT += core
QT -= gui
TARGET = prueba3
LIBS += -L/usr/lib -lwt -lwthttp -I/usr/local/include
LIBS += -L/usr/local/lib -lwthttp -lwt -lboost_regex -lboost_signals
LIBS += -lboost_system -lboost_thread -lboost_filesystem -lboost_date_time
CONFIG += console
CONFIG -= app_bundle
SOURCES += main.cpp
and it compiles/Build great, finally you must add this line to run settings(ctrl+5)
--docroot . --http-address --http-port 9090

Howto use QCA(http://delta.affinix.com/qca/) with Qt4.7 (Qt Creator)?

I want to use the QCA Library with QT4.7 and QTCreator as IDE.
I downloaded the "qca-2.0.2-mingw" Version and try to link them in my ".Pro"-file:
QT += core
QT -= gui
LIBS += -L"\qca-2.0.2-mingw\lib\"
LIBS += -lqca2
CONFIG *= qt
CONFIG += console
CONFIG -= app_bundle
INCLUDEPATH += "\qca-2.0.2-mingw\include\QtCrypto"
INCLUDEPATH += "\qca-2.0.2-mingw\bin"
TARGET = untitled1
LINKAGE = -lqca
CONFIG(debug, debug|release) {
windows:LINKAGE = -lqcad
mac:LINKAGE = -lqca_debug
SOURCES += main.cpp
it compiles but when I run a HMAC sample, copied from this location, http://delta.affinix.com/docs/qca/mactest_8cpp-example.html#_a6
the application stuck with the following error:
Starting C:\Qt\2010.04\qt\untitled1\release\untitled1.exe...
C:\Qt\2010.04\qt\untitled1\release\untitled1.exe exited with code -1073741515
Commenting out some lines doesn't bring the effect. Even the first line of the HMAX Example, will lead to the results described above "QCA::Initializer init;"
I've tried the "qca-2.0.0-mingw" also, but the same effect occurres.
Greets and Thanks first,
If it builds, that's already good. If it doesn't start, usually DLLs are not found, at runtime. Try adding the path to the qca DLLs to your PATH. In creator you can configure that in the Run Environment section of your Run configuration (Project/Run Settings).
