Is there an equivalent to matlab's rcond() function in Julia? - julia

I'm porting some matlab code that uses rcond() to test for singularity, as also recommended here (for matlab singularity testing).
I see that there is a cond() function in Julia (as also in Matlab), but rcond() doesn't appear to be available by default:
ERROR: rcond not defined
I'd assume that rcond(), like the Matlab version is more efficient than 1/cond(). Is there such a function in Julia, perhaps using an add-on module?

Julia calculates the condition number using the ratio of maximum to the minimum of the eigenvalues (got to love open source, no more MATLAB black boxs!)
Julia doesn't have a rcond function in Base, and I'm unaware of one in any package. If it did, it'd just be the ratio of the maximum to the minimum instead. I'm not sure why its efficient in MATLAB, but its quite possible that whatever the reason is it doesn't carry though to Julia.

Matlab's rcond is an optimization based upon the fact that its an estimate of the condition number for square matrices. In my testing and given that its help mentions LAPACK's 1-norm estimator, it appears as though it uses LAPACK's dgecon.f. In fact, this is exactly what Julia does when you ask for the condition number of a square matrix with the 1- or Inf-norm.
So you can simply define
rcond(A::StridedMatrix) = 1/cond(A,1)
You can save Julia from twice-inverting LAPACK's results by manually combining cond(::StridedMatrix) and cond(::LU), but the savings here will almost certainly be immeasurable. Where there is a measurable savings, however, is that you can directly take the norm(A) instead of reconstructing a matrix similar to A through its LU factorization.
rcond(A::StridedMatrix) = LAPACK.gecon!('1', lufact(A).factors, norm(A, 1))
In my tests, this behaves identically to Matlab's rcond (2014b), and provides a decent speedup.


Is there a LAPACK function for zeroing out the upper / lower corner of a matrix?

Some LAPACK functions (like dgqrf) return a function where the answer is upper triangular but then there's some auxilary information stored below the diagonal. I'm wondering if there's a function that will zero out the below the diagonal entries.
General Problem
No, there is no such function in standard BLAS/LAPACK.
If you are willing to move from using BLAS/LAPACK functions directly (with all potential issues and side effects), you may find linear algebra packages that would make such operations easier. Say, Eigen would provide TriangularViews, while other packages would have their way of doing that.
If you have to use BLAS/LAPACK directly, you would have to zero out it yourself.
I assume that you don't need the Q from the QR decomposition and only care about the R. With that, you want to store it in place and clean and avoid doing a copy into another allocated storage.
Technically, you can do it using dormqr and setting matrix C to be a zero-matrix. However, it is not efficient, as you are actually performing not needed linear algebra operations and storing another dense matrix. You are certainly better off doing a manual loop to clean up if that is actually required or copy R into another place (similar to how it's done here).

Lapack Orthonormalization Function for Rectangular Matrix

I was wondering if there was a function in Lapack for orthonormalizing the columns of a very tall and skinny matrix. A similar previous question asked this question, presumably in the context of a square matrix. My setting is as follows: I have an M by N matrix A that I am trying to orthonormalize the columns of.
So, my first thought was to do a qr decomposition. The functions for doing a qr decomposition in Lapack seem to be dgeqrf and dormqr. Great. However, my problem is as follows: my matrix A is so tall, that I don't want to actually compute all of Q, because it is M by M. In fact, I can't afford to instantiate an M by M matrix at all during any of my computation (it would not fit in memory). I would rather compute just the matrix that wikipedia calls Q1. However, I can't seem to find a way to make this work.
The weird thing is, that I think it is possible. Numpy, in particular, has a function numpy.linalg.qr that appears to do just this. However, even after reading their source code, I can't figure out how they are using lapack calls to get this to work.
Do folks have ideas? I would strongly prefer this to only use lapack functions because I am hoping to port this code to CuSOLVE, which has implemented several lapack functions (including dgeqrf and dormqr) for the GPU.
You want the "thin" or "economy size" version of QR. In matlab, you can do this with:
[Q,R] = qr(A,0);
I haven't used Lapack directly, but I would imagine there's a corresponding call there. It appears that you can do this in python with:
numpy.linalg.qr(a, mode='reduced')

Operations on long numbers in R

I aim to use maximum likelihood methods (usually about 10^5 iterations) with a probability distribution that creates very big integers and very small float values that cannot be stored as a numeric nor a in a float type.
I thought I would use the as.bigq in the gmp package. My issue is that one can only add, substract, multiply and dived two objects of class/type bigq, while my distribution actually contains logarithm, power, gamma and confluent hypergeometric functions.
What is my best option to deal with this issue?
Should I use another package?
Should I code all these functions for bigq objects.
Coding these function on R may cause some functions to be very slow, right?
How to write the logarithm function using only the +,-,*,/ operators? Should I approximate this function using a taylor series expansion?
How to write the power function using only the +,-,*,/ operators when the exponent is not an integer?
How to write the confluent hypergeometric function (the equivalent of the Hypergeometric1F1Regularized[..] function in Mathematica)?
I could eventually write these functions in C and call them from R but it sounds like some complicated work for not much, especially if I have to use the gmp package in C as well to handle these big numbers.
All your problems can be solved with Rmpfr most likely which allows you to use all of the functions returned by getGroupMembers("Math") with arbitrary accuracy.
Simple example of what it can do:
test <- mpfr(rnorm(100,mean=0,sd=.0001), 240)
Reduce("*", test)
I don't THINK it has hypergeometric functions though...

Handling extremely small numbers

I need to find a way to handle extremely small numbers in R, particularly in order to take the log of extremely small numbers. According to the R-manual, “on a typical R platform the smallest positive double is about 5e-324.” Well, I need to deal with numbers even smaller (at least as small as 10^-350). If R is incapable of doing this, I was wondering if there is a way I can use a program that can do this (such as Matlab or Mathematica) from R.
Specifically, I am computing a matrix of probabilities, and some of these probabilities are so small that R does not distinguish them from 0. The reason I know this is because each probability is the product of two other probabilities; so I’ll have p(x)=10^-300, p(y)=10^-50, and then p(x)*p(y)=0. I’d like to be able to do these computations, take the log of the resultant very small number (-805.905 for my example, according to Mathematica), and then continue working with the log values in R.
So to be more detailed, I have a matrix of values for p(x), a matrix of values for p(y), both computed using dnorm, and I’m computing the product. In many cases, R is capable of evaluating p(x) and p(y), but the p(x)*p(y) is too small. In a few cases, though, even the p(x) or p(y) value itself is too small, and is itself just equated to 0 in R.
I’ve seen that there is stuff out there for calling R from Mathematica, but not much pertaining to calling Mathematica from R. I’d honestly prefer to do the latter than the former here. So if any one either knows how to do this (either employing Mathematica or Matlab or something else in R) or has another solution to this issue, I’d greatly appreciate it.
Note that I realize there are a few other threads on this topic, discussing such things as using the Brobdingnag package to deal with small numbers, but these do not appear applicable here.

Optimization in R with arbitrary constraints

I have done it in Excel but need to run a proper simulation in R.
I need to minimize function F(x) (x is a vector) while having constraints that sum(x)=1, all values in x are [0,1] and another function G(x) > G_0.
I have tried it with optim and constrOptim. None of them give you this option.
The problem you are referring to is (presumably) a non-linear optimization with non-linear constraints. This is one of the most general optimization problems.
The package I have used for these purposes is called nloptr: see here. From my experience, it is both versatile and fast. You can specify both equality and inequality constaints by setting eval_g_eq and eval_g_ineq, correspondingly. If the jacobians are known explicitly (can be derived analytically), specify them for faster convergence; otherwise, a numerical approximation is used.
Use this list as a general reference to optimization problems.
Write the set of equations using the Lagrange multiplier, then solve using the R command nlm.
You can do this in the OpenMx Package (currently host at the site listed below. Aiming for 2.0 relase on cran this year)
It is a general purpose package mostly used for Structural Equation Modelling, but handling nonlinear constraints.
FOr your case, make an mxModel() with your algebras expressed in mxAlgebras() and the constraints in mxConstraints()
When you mxRun() the model, the algebras will be solved within the constraints, if possible.
