Inverse match on header exchange in RabbitMQ - rabbitmq-exchange

When binding a queue to a headers exchange, I'd like to be able to match the headers that fail to meet the conditions specified in the arguments.
EG, whereas, some arguments to the binding : {customer: "foo"} will give me all payloads marked with this header {"customer" : "foo"}, I actually want to get the traffic that is any customer except "foo". I could declare every single customer, but it would be so much easier to have a "not" match facility.

You can define an "Alternate Exchange" to capture non matching messages


GELScript - Email to multiple recipients

How can I send a gel:email to multiple recipients? I have records with 3 email addresses in each and I want to send the same email to all 3.
This is my current code:
<core:forEach items="${getDetails.rows}" var="row">
<core:set value="${row.Manager_Email}" var="manager" />
<core:set value="${row.Delivery_Manager_Email}" var="deliveryManager" />
<core:set value="${row.Director_Email}" var="director" />
<core:when test="${status == 1}">
<gel:email from="" fromName="Clarity Administrator" to="${manager};${deliveryManager};${director}" subject="Notification: Project is due to finish within 7 days">
I've tried that and:
Neither seem to work. The doc says they can be split with the ; but it doesn't seem to be working. What am I doing wrong?
Does it work with just one of them? I would start and establish that the mail server works in this environment. Choose one of those variables and print it out. If it's not what you are expecting then fix your query or wherever you are getting those bound variables. If it is correct then remove the other two recipients and establish that you can send an email successfully to just one of the recipients. If that works then continue troubleshooting.
If it doesn't work then you may discover that your mail server does not allow relaying, unauthenticated services or sending mail from a non-existent email account. You can start checking those things.
One of the issues with both the GEL email tag and the CORE email tag is that it doesn't support including the same email address twice. If you check your project you might find that the same resource is listed as both delivery manager and manager or director, etc. This is a problem for the tag.
You can get around this by placing all recipients into a data structure that doesn't allow duplicates (like a hash map/set) and then iterate them out back into a semi colon delimited String.
There are probably lots of examples of this type of thing on regoXchange, a huge repository of free GEL scripts and Clarity related customizations and development.
This approach that was in your original script example is the correct way to do it: to="${manager};${deliveryManager};${director}"
That is, using a single delimiter type (semi-colon in this case) to separate each evaluated variable value.
The style from your second attempt definitely will not work as ${manager;deliveryManager;director} is not a valid JEXL expression.
There are additional points to be aware of, such as:
Each of the values in the to attribute should not have anything else that can be mistaken for another delimiter type (e.g. no spaces or commas), as you may not mix and match.
Only use the email address directly, meaning and don't use forms like "One, Some" <>
Make sure none of the email addresses are duplicated in the list. Every address must be unique. As mentioned in the answer provided by #coda, you can filter duplicates out with some extra GEL or you can put the logic into your query (the row source) to de-duplicate.
If this is running in a SaaS environment, make sure none of the user addresses you are picking up are among the defaults for some built-in user accounts like or similar, as they have resulted in emails being filtered out before sending.

Different RESTful representations of the same resource

My application has a resource at /foo. Normally, it is represented by an HTTP response payload like this:
{"a": "some text", "b": "some text", "c": "some text", "d": "some text"}
The client doesn't always need all four members of this object. What is the RESTfully semantic way for the client to tell the server what it needs in the representation? e.g. if it wants:
{"a": "some text", "b": "some text", "d": "some text"}
How should it GET it? Some possibilities (I'm looking for correction if I misunderstand REST):
GET /foo?sections=a,b,d.
The query string (called a query string after all) seems to mean "find resources matching this condition and tell me about them", not "represent this resource to me according to this customization".
GET /foo/a+b+d My favorite if REST semantics doesn't cover this issue, because of its simplicity.
Breaks URI opacity, violating HATEOAS.
Seems to break the distinction between resource (the sole meaning of a URI is to identify one resource) and representation. But that's debatable because it's consistent with /widgets representing a presentable list of /widget/<id> resources, which I've never had a problem with.
Loosen my constraints, respond to GET /foo/a, etc, and have the client make a request per component of /foo it wants.
Multiplies overhead, which can become a nightmare if /foo has hundreds of components and the client needs 100 of those.
If I want to support an HTML representation of /foo, I have to use Ajax, which is problematic if I just want a single HTML page that can be crawled, rendered by minimalist browsers, etc.
To maintain HATEOAS, it also requires links to those "sub-resources" to exist within other representations, probably in /foo: {"a": {"url": "/foo/a", "content": "some text"}, ...}
GET /foo, Content-Type: application/json and {"sections": ["a","b","d"]} in the request body.
Unbookmarkable and uncacheable.
HTTP does not define body semantics for GET. It's legal HTTP but how can I guarantee some user's proxy doesn't strip the body from a GET request?
My REST client won't let me put a body on a GET request so I can't use that for testing.
A custom HTTP header: Sections-Needed: a,b,d
I'd rather avoid custom headers if possible.
Unbookmarkable and uncacheable.
POST /foo/requests, Content-Type: application/json and {"sections": ["a","b","d"]} in the request body. Receive a 201 with Location: /foo/requests/1. Then GET /foo/requests/1 to receive the desired representation of /foo
Clunky; requires back-and-forth and some weird-looking code.
Unbookmarkable and uncacheable since /foo/requests/1 is just an alias that would only be used once and only kept until it is requested.
I would suggest the querystring solution (your first). Your arguments against the other alternatives are good arguments (and ones that I've run into in practise when trying to solve the same problem). In particular, the "loosen the constraints/respond to foo/a" solution can work in limited cases, but introduces a lot of complexity into an API from both implementation and consumption and hasn't, in my experience, been worth the effort.
I'll weakly counter your "seems to mean" argument with a common example: consider the resource that is a large list of objects (GET /Customers). It's perfectly reasonable to page these objects, and it's commonplace to use the querystring to do that: GET /Customers?offset=100&take=50 as an example. In this case, the querystring isn't filtering on any property of the listed object, it's providing parameters for a sub-view of the object.
More concretely, I'd say that you can maintain consistency and HATEOAS through these criteria for use of the querystring:
the object returned should be the same entity as that returned from the Url without the querystring.
the Uri without the querystring should return the complete object - a superset of any view available with a querystring at the same Uri. So, if you cache the result of the undecorated Uri, you know you have the full entity.
the result returned for a given querystring should be deterministic, so that Uris with querystrings are easily cacheable
However, what to return for these Uris can sometimes pose more complex questions:
returning a different entity type for Uris differing only by querystring could be undesirable (/foo is an entity but foo/a is a string); the alternative is to return a partially-populated entity
if you do use different entity types for sub-queries then, if your /foo doesn't have an a, a 404 status is misleading (/foo does exist!), but an empty response may be equally confusing
returning a partially-populated entity may be undesirable, but returning part of an entity may not be possible, or may be more confusing
returning a partially populated entity may not be possible if you have a strong schema (if a is mandatory but the client requests only b, you are forced to return either a junk value for a, or an invalid object)
In the past, I have tried to resolve this by defining specific named "views" of required entities, and allowing a querystring like ?view=summary or ?view=totalsOnly - limiting the number of permutations. This also allows for definition of a subset of the entity that "makes sense" to the consumer of the service, and can be documented.
Ultimately, I think that this comes down to an issue of consistency more than anything: you can meet HATEOAS guidance using the querystring relatively easily, but the choices you make need to be consistent across your API and, I'd say, well documented.
I've decided on the following:
Supporting few member combinations: I'll come up with a name for each combination. e.g. if an article has members for author, date, and body, /article/some-slug will return all of it and /article/some-slug/meta will just return the author and date.
Supporting many combinations: I'll separate member names by hyphens: /foo/a-b-c.
Either way, I'll return a 404 if the combination is unsupported.
Architectural constraint
Identifying resources
From the definition of REST:
a resource R is a temporally varying membership function MR(t), which for time t maps to a set of entities, or values, which are equivalent. The values in the set may be resource representations and/or resource identifiers.
A representation being an HTTP body and an identifier being a URL.
This is crucial. An identifier is just a value associated with other identifiers and representations. That's distinct from the identifier→representation mapping. The server can map whatever identifier it wants to any representation, as long as both are associated by the same resource.
It's up to the developer to come up with resource definitions that reasonably describe the business by thinking of categories of things like "users" and "posts".
If I really care about perfect HATEOAS, I could put a hyperlink somewhere in the /foo representation to /foo/members, and that representation would just contain a hyperlink to every supported combination of members.
From the definition of a URL:
The query component contains non-hierarchical data that, along with data in the path component, serves to identify a resource within the scope of the URI's scheme and naming authority (if any).
So /foo?sections=a,b,d and /foo?sections=b are distinct identifiers. But they can be associated within the same resource while being mapped to different representations.
HTTP's 404 code means that the server couldn't find anything to map the URL to, not that the URL is not associated with any resource.
No browser or cache will ever have trouble with slashes or hyphens.
Actually it depends on the functionality of the resource.
If for example the resource represents an entity:
Here the '5' represents an id of the customer
"id": 5,
"name": "John",
"surename": "Doe",
"marital_status": "single",
"sex": "male",
So if we will examine it closely, each json property actually represents a field of the record on customer resource instance.
Let's assume consumer would like to get partial response, meaning, part of the fields. We can look at it as the consumer wants to have the ability to select the various fields via the request, which are interesting to him, but not more (in order to save traffic or performance, if part of the fields are hard to compute).
I think in this situation, the most readable and correct API would be (for example, get only name and surename)
"name": "John",
"surename": "Doe"
if illegal field name is requested - 404 (Not Found) is returned
if different field names are requested - different responses will be generated, which also aligns with the caching.
Cons: if the same fields are requested, but the order is different between the fields (say: fields=id,name or fields=name,id), although the response is the same, those responses will be cached separately.
In my opinion pure HATEOAS is not suitable for solving this particular problem. Because in order to achieve that, you need a separate resource for every permutation of field combinations, which is overkill, as it is bloating the API extensively (say you have 8 fields in a resource, you will need permutations!).
if you model resources only for the fields but not all the permutations, it has performance implications, e.g. you want to bring the number of round trips to minimum.
If a,b,c are property of a resource like admin for role property the right way is to use is the first way that you've suggested GET /foo?sections=a,b,d because in this case you would apply a filter to the foo collection. Otherwise if a,b and c are a singole resource of foo collection the the way that would follow is to do a series of GET requests /foo/a /foo/b /foo/c. This approach, as you said, has a high payload for request but it is the correct way to follow the approach Restfull. I would not use the second proposal made ​​by you because plus char in a url has a special meaning.
Another proposal is to abandon use GET and POST and create an action for the foo collection like so: /foo/filter or /foo/selection or any verb that represent an action on the collection. In this way, having a post request body, you can pass a json list of the resource you would.
you could use a second vendor media-type in the request header application/, you can't bookmark this however, query-parameters are not cacheable (/foo?sections=a,b,c) you could take a look at matrix-parameters however regarding this question they should be cacheable URL matrix parameters vs. request parameters

How should I implement a COUNT verb in my RESTful web service?

I've written a RESTful web service that supports the standard CRUD operations, and that can return a set of objects matching certain criteria (a SEARCH verb), but I'd like to add a higher-order COUNT verb, so clients can count the resources matching search criteria without having to fetch all of them.
A few options that occur to me:
Ignoring the HTTP specification and returning the object count in the response body of a HEAD request.
Duplicating the SEARCH verb's logic, but making a HEAD request instead of a GET request. The server then would encode the object count in a response header.
Defining a new HTTP method, COUNT, that returns the object count in the response body.
I'd prefer the API of the first approach, but I have to strike that option because it's non-compliant. The second approach seems most semantically correct, but the API isn't very convenient: clients will have to deal with response headers, when most of the time they want to be able to do something easy like response.count. So I'm leaning toward the third approach, but I'm concerned about the potential problems involved with defining a new HTTP method.
What would you do?
The main purpose of rest is to define a set of resources that you interact with using well defined verbs. You must thus avoid to define your own verbs. The number of resources should be considered as a different resource, with its own uri that you can simply GET.
For example:
GET resources?crit1=val1&crit2=val2
returns the list of resources and
GET resources/count?crit1=val1&crit2=val2
Another option is to use the conneg: e.g. Accept: text/uri-list returns the resources list and Accept: text/plain returns only the count
You can use HEAD without breaking the HTTP specification and you can indicate the count by using an HTTP Range header in the response:
HEAD /resource/?search=lorem
Response from the service, assuming that you return the first 20 results by default:
Content-Range: resources 0-20/12345
This way you transfer the amount of resources to the client within the header of the response message without the need to return a message body.
The solution suggested Yannick Loiseau will work fine. Just wanted to provide one other alternative approach which can be used to achieve what you need without the need to define a new resource of verb.
You can use GET and add the count into the body of the message. Then, if you API allows clients to request a range of results, you can use that in order to limit the size of message body to a minimum (since you only want the count). One way to do that would be to request an empty range (from 0 to 0), for example:
GET /resource/?search=lorem&range=0,0
The service could then respond as follows, indicating that there are 1234 matching resources in the result set:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<resources range="0-0/1234" />
Ignoring the HTTP specification and returning the object count in the response body of a HEAD request.
IMHO, this is a very bad idea. It may not work simply because you might have intermediaries that don't ignore the HTTP spec.
Defining a new HTTP method, COUNT, that returns the object count in the response body.
There is no problem with this approach. HTTP is extendable and you can define your own verbs. Some firewalls prohibit this, but they are usually also prohibit POST and DELETE and X-HTTP-Method-Override header is widely supported.
Another option, to add a query param to your url, something like: ?countOnly=true

Set more than one HTTP header with the same name?

As far as I know it is allowed by the HTTP spec to set more than one HTTP header with the same name. Is there any use case to do so (from client to server and vice versa)?
HTTP 1.1 Section 4.2:
Multiple message-header fields with
the same field-name MAY be present in
a message if and only if the entire
field-value for that header field is
defined as a comma-separated list
[i.e., #(values)]. It MUST be possible
to combine the multiple header fields
into one "field-name: field-value"
pair, without changing the semantics
of the message, by appending each
subsequent field-value to the first,
each separated by a comma. The order
in which header fields with the same
field-name are received is therefore
significant to the interpretation of
the combined field value, and thus a
proxy MUST NOT change the order of
these field values when a message is
If I'm not wrong there is no case where multiple headers with the same name are needed.
It's commonly used for Set-Cookie:. Many servers set more than one cookie.
Of course, you can always set them all in a single header.
Actually, I think you cannot set multiple cookies in one header. So that's a necessary use-case.
The Cookie spec (RFC 2109) does claim that you can combine multiple cookies in one header the same way other headers can be combined (comma-separated), but it also points out that non-conforming syntaxes (like the Expires parameter, which has ,s in its value) are still common and must be dealt with by implementations.
So, if you use Expires params in your Set-Cookie headers and you don't want all your cookies to expire at the same time, you probably need to use multiple headers.
Update: Evolution of the Cookie spec
RFC 2109 has been obsoleted by RFC 2965 that in turn got obsoleted by RFC 6265, which is stricter on the issue:
Origin servers SHOULD NOT fold multiple Set-Cookie header fields into a single header field. The usual mechanism for folding HTTP headers fields (i.e., as defined in [RFC2616]) might change the semantics of the Set-Cookie header field because the %x2C (",") character is used by Set-Cookie in a way that conflicts with such folding.
Side note
RFC 6265 uses the verb "folding" when it refers to combining multiple header fields into one, which is ambiguous in the context of the HTTP/1 specs (both by RFC2616, and its successor, RFC 7230) where:
"folding" consistently refers to line folding, and
the verb "combine" is used to describe merging same headers.
Combining header fields:
See RFC 2616, Section 4.2, Message Headers (quoted in the question), but searching for the for the word "combine" will bring up special cases.
The above item obsoleted by RFC 7230, Section 3.2.2, Field Order:
A recipient MAY combine multiple header fields with the same field name into one field-name: field-value pair, without changing the semantics of the message, by appending each subsequent field value to the combined field value in order, separated by a comma. The order in which header fields with the same field name are received is therefore significant to the interpretation of the combined field value; a proxy MUST NOT change the order of these field values when forwarding a message.
Note: In practice, the "Set-Cookie" header field (RFC6265) often appears multiple times in a response message and does not use the list syntax, violating the above requirements on multiple header fields with the same name. Since it cannot be combined into a single field-value, recipients ought to handle Set-Cookie as a special case while processing header fields. (See Appendix A.2.3 of [Kri2001] for details.)
Line folding:
From RFC 2616, Section 2.2, Basic Rules:
HTTP/1.1 header field values can be folded onto multiple lines if the continuation line begins with a space or horizontal tab. All linear white space, including folding, has the same semantics as SP. A recipient MAY replace any linear white space with a single SP before interpreting the field value or forwarding the message downstream.
The above section obsoleted by RFC 7230, Section 3.2.4, Field Parsing:
Historically, HTTP header field values could be extended over multiple lines by preceding each extra line with at least one space or horizontal tab (obs-fold). This specification deprecates such line folding except within the message/http media type (Section 8.3.1). A sender MUST NOT generate a message that includes line folding (i.e., that has any field-value that contains a match to the obs-fold rule) unless the message is intended for packaging within the message/http media type.
A server that receives an obs-fold in a request message that is not within a message/http container MUST either reject the message by sending a 400 (Bad Request), preferably with a representation explaining that obsolete line folding is unacceptable, or replace each received obs-fold with one or more SP octets prior to interpreting the field value or forwarding the message downstream.
A proxy or gateway that receives an obs-fold in a response message that is not within a message/http container MUST either discard the message and replace it with a 502 (Bad Gateway) response, preferably with a representation explaining that unacceptable line folding was received, or replace each received obs-fold with one or more SP octets prior to interpreting the field value or forwarding the message downstream.
A user agent that receives an obs-fold in a response message that is not within a message/http container MUST replace each received obs-fold with one or more SP octets prior to interpreting the field value.
Since duplicate headers can cause issues with various web-servers and APIs (regardless of what the spec says), I doubt there is any general purpose use case where this is best practice. That's not to say someone somewhere isn't doing it, of course.
As you're looking for use-cases, maybe Accept would be a valid one.
Accept: application/json
Accept: application/xml
It's only allowed for headers using a very specific format, see RFC 2616, Section 4.2.
Old thread, but I was looking into this same issue. Anyway, the Accept and Accept-Encoding headers are typical examples that uses multiple values, comma separated. Even if these are request specific header, the specs do not differentiate between request and response at this level. Check the one from this page.
What the spec says is that if you have commas as character in the value of the header, you cannot use multiple headers of the same name, unless you disambiguate the use of the comma.

Standard for adding multiple values of a single HTTP Header to a request or response

If I want to add a list of values as an HTTP Header, is there a standard way to do this? I couldn't find anything (that I could easily understand) in RFC 822. For example, is
comma separated values standard or semi-colon separated values. Is there a standard at all?
Key: value1;value2;value3
You'll want to take a look at the HTTP spec RFC 2616 where it says:
Multiple message-header fields with
the same field-name MAY be present in
a message if and only if the entire
field-value for that header field is
defined as a comma-separated list
[i.e., #(values)]. It MUST be possible
to combine the multiple header fields
into one "field-name: field-value"
pair, without changing the semantics
of the message, by appending each
subsequent field-value to the first,
each separated by a comma. The order
in which header fields with the same
field-name are received is therefore
significant to the interpretation of
the combined field value, and thus a
proxy MUST NOT change the order of
these field values when a message is
What this means is that you can send the same header multiple times in a response with different values, as long as those values can be appended to each other using a comma. This also means that you can send multiple values in a single header by concatenating them with commas.
So in your case it will be:
Key: value1,value2,value3
by all means #marc-novakowski you narrowing the "problem" :)
normally (per HTTP spec) we delimit each value from the other using a comma ','
but we will examine a simple case:
Cookie-set: language=pl; expires=Sat, 15-Jul-2017 23:58:22 GMT; path=/;
Cookie-set: id=123 expires=Sat, 15-Jul-2017 23:58:22 GMT; path=/;; httponly
how do you join such headers when the values one from another are delimited with commas - case when coma can appear ???
then the "client" responsibility is to choose and decide the strategy eg drop, merg (if merg how)?
pleas take look at Mozilla implementation of nsHttpHeaderArray
mozilla choose to use a newline delimiter '\n' in this case (for certain header fields names)
I encourage when you face a such situation to search in common existing solutions - as they providing familiar scheme
flags explanations:
Cookies are no part of the HTTP standard. Cookies are defined in an
own RFC, 6265 (formally 2965 and 2109). Even the HTTP 2 RFC only
mentions cookies but does not define them as part of the standard. –
#mecki Aug 25 at 18:56
please look one more time for sentence:
per HTTP spec we delimit each value from other using a comma ',' - there is no word cookie here :)
maybe we need to precise we talk here about HEADER FIELD(s - when repeating them) "Cookie-set" is a header field and it has value .. those value we consider to be a "COOKIE/S" - thus client/server implementation should handle such "COOKIE/S"
However not all values with the same field name may be combined into field values list. For example, in RFC 7230 we may read
Note: In practice, the "Set-Cookie" header field ([RFC6265]) often
appears multiple times in a response message and does not use the
list syntax, violating the above requirements on multiple header
fields with the same name. Since it cannot be combined into a
single field-value, recipients ought to handle "Set-Cookie" as a
special case while processing header fields. (See Appendix A.2.3
of [Kri2001] for details.)
