How to change the number of comments per page for a single node in Drupal 7? - drupal

i would like to change the comments per page for only a single node. Let's say that the defaul number of comments per page for the content type "article" is 50 and i want change this to 10 only for the article with nid=171.
$node = menu_get_object('node',1); if($node && $node->nid = 171) {......}
Any hint? Thanks.

If you want to control the number of comments on individual pages, I would suggest installing Views module which allow for easy creation of any lists of things, including comments. With Views, you can create a block with comments for any node and use that instead of regular comments block.
Also, you can have several different blocks with different number of comments, and attach whatever block you want to whatever node. Using Context module would help too, it allows to assign blocks and other elements to pages with much more sophisticated controls than Drupal core block management.

Check out can this be helpful to you:
Since it's a form you have to alter it and change comments number from code.

i found a solution even if a bit rude. To disable the node's default comments i used a preprocess function in template.php file of my subtheme and disbled the $content['comments'] variable used in the comment-wrapper.tpl.php template:
function MYSUBTHEMENAME_preprocess_comment_wrapper(&$vars){
$node = menu_get_object();
if($node->type === 'forum' && $node->nid == 171):
Note that i did it for comment wrapper variables/template and not for the node vfariables/template in order to unset the comments but to keep the comment form.
Then i created a view block of comments with a filter for the nid of the comment's node.
This works well for my purposes but if you find a more elegant way let me know. :)

I spent a time looking comment.module and found this in comment_form_node_type_form_alter
$form['comment']['comment_default_per_page'] = array(
'#type' => 'select',
'#title' => t('Comments per page'),
'#default_value' => variable_get('comment_default_per_page_' . $form['#node_type']->type, 50),
'#options' => _comment_per_page(),
So I put that in my template.php
function THEMENAME_preprocess_page(&$variables){
if (isset($variables['node']->type)) {
if ($variables['node']->type == 'forum') {
variable_set('comment_default_per_page_' . 'forum', 4);
It worked for me, I hope it helps.


Use custom module to insert tags before page content on Drupal

I'm trying to create a Drupal custom module that would enclose any page or article content with specific microdata tags (among other things). I've successfully inserted code in both the header and before the closing '' tag, but when I try to enclose the page content it just jams everything together at the end of the content.
For example, here's the module code:
function my_module_page_build(&$page) {
// add manifest value to header
$manifest_code = "..."
$page['header']['manifest'] = array(
"#weight" => 0,
"#markup" => t($manifest_code)
// add opening microdata tags
$opening_microdata = "...";
$page['content']['my_module_open_microdata'] = array(
"#weight" => 0,
"#markup" => t($opening_microdata)
$closing_microdata = "...";
$page['content']['my_module_close_microdata'] = array(
"#weight" => 25,
"#markup" => t($closing_microdata)
// add javascript to footer
$javascript = "...";
$page['page_bottom']['my_module_javascript'] = array(
"#weight" => 0,
"#markup" => t($javascript)
I don't want to insert the closing microdata into the $page['page-bottom'] slot because I don't want some of these links and other code inside the microdata tags. I've also tried using a negative weight to move it up, but no luck.
I've tried searching for more information on Node or Blog or Article structure to see if there are other slots for the code, but I can't find anything.
I'm sure this is very easy -- are there resources I'm missing for understanding page structure? Some simple solution I'm missing?
Two potential solutions:
Try the tip from the first comment on hook_page_build, which should make your weight declarations actually take effect. (Not sure if resetting the #sorted flag might have adverse effects, though.)
Switch from using hook_page_build() to your_module_preprocess_page(&$variables), adding your microdata tags and other stuff as custom entries to the ´$variables´ array there. Then adjust your page template to place these additional variables as you please. This gives you pretty decent control over the placement of your additions, at the price of being tied to theme customizations (i.e. it works well for custom site building, but not so well if your module is intended for general usage with arbitrary themes).

How to add warning text in Drupal comment form

I want a warning message displayed in the comment form when people try to add comments:
"Please write comments in correct
grammatical English, otherwise they
will not published"
How can I do it?
Here is how you can do it by using hook_form_alter in your own module:
function mymodule_form_alter(&$form, &$form_state, $form_id) {
switch ($form_id) {
case "comment_form":
$form['#prefix'] .= "<div><p>Show some text before the comment form.</p></div>";
You can alter the comment form so that your guidelines are added to it. There are a handful of ways to alter forms in Drupal. You can do it in your theme's template.php file (which I prefer for simple changes) or in a custom module. This article describes both methods, in Drupal 5 and 6, however not for the form you're interested in. However, the method used is the same that leads to the solution below. This is how you can make the change via template.php:
The following PHP code can be added to your theme's template.php file:
function YOURTHEME_theme() {
return array(
'comment_form' => array(
'arguments' => array('form' => NULL),
function YOURTHEME_comment_form($form) {
$output = '';
$output .= '<div class="comment-help">' . t('Please write comments in correct grammatical English, otherwise they will not published.') . '</div>';
$output .= drupal_render($form);
return $output;
Replace YOURTHEME with the name of your theme. If you already have a YOURTHEME_theme function you will need to add the 'comment_form' key to the array it is already returning. I doubt you do, but it's worth mentioning just in case.
A note: you should not be editing any of the themes in /themes, but you should have made a new theme or copied and renamed any of those themes into /sites/default/themes or /sites/all/themes.
The above code is based on code from this page.
Once you are inside a hook_form_alter function you can use the Development module ( dpm() function in place of var_dump to help view and isolate which properties to change in the big form arrays. I find this is a must-have when trying to figure out changes to an existing form. It puts all the elements of the form array into clickable rows.
In Drupal 7 go to
There you can add your text. It will be shown below the field as usual. If you want the warning displayed above the field, you'd have to go the form_alter way.

Drupal, template.php where do the $form names come from?

I want to customize my Drupal back-end forms.
I'm using template.php file.. i.e.
$form['menu']['#collapsed'] = true;
$form['author']['#collapsed'] = true;
$form['buttons']['#weight'] = 100;
But I was wondering from where the section names (menu, author, buttons), come from. (They are not id or classes in html code, so I guess there is an index with all names stored somewhere.
Where can I get the complete list of section names ?
For example, what are the names for revision and publishing sections ? 'revision', 'publish', 'publishing' don't work.
If I am not mistaken, you want to see structure of some forms. Each form in drupal has an Id. First, you need to know the form_id. You can do this with a custom module and implementation of hook_form_alter:
function mymodule_form_alter(&$form, $form_state, $form_id) {
When you have found the Id, alter the snippet to prints out the form structure:
function mymodule_form_alter(&$form, $form_state, $form_id) {
if ($form_id == 'a_form_id') {
drupal_set_message(print_r('<pre>'. $form .'</pre>', true));
// If you have installed Devel module, following line is much more readable:
// dpm($form);
Now when you go to the page containing the form, you see it's structure.Each form element is represented as an array, for example, a text field can be like this:
$form['name'] = array(
'#type' => 'textarea',
'#title' => t('Username')
Look for Form API in Drupal website for more info.
I don't think there actually is a naming system with forms like that. The names is most likely the same used when defining the form, which could be anything really. Drupal core might be consistent, but if you want to add contrib modules, you can't be sure of anything.

Drupal form with custom ID

Correct me if I'm wrong, after reading drupal fapi related articles, I got the impression that fapi generates 'id' attributes by itself. It allows developers to assign 'name' attribute only. If that's the case, is there a way I can set desire 'id' value for elements? Because, I want my elements to have meaningful 'id' so that html/jquery code would be easier to read as well as save my time from going through already written jquery code to change those all 'id's that I've used inside.
P.S:drupal version - 6.x
Ok found the solution. I can use the #attributes key of the $form element to set any additional attributes (such as class, id, etc.). Thanks for your help so far.
I had a similar issue to deal with. I needed to have multiple forms on the same page so I had to change the ids of the form and its elements to prevent duplicate ids. I did something like the following:
function voci_comment_form($form, &$form_state, $cid) {
$form['#attributes']['id'] = 'voci-comment-form-' . $cid;
$form['#attributes']['class'][] = 'voci-comment-form';
$form['body'] = array(
'#title' => 'Post a comment',
'#type' => 'textarea',
'#resizable' => FALSE,
'#rows' => 1,
$form['comment'] = array(
'#type' => 'submit',
'#value' => 'Comment',
foreach ($form as $k => &$element) {
$k = str_replace('_', '-', $k);
$element['#attributes']['id'] = "edit-$k-$cid";
$element['#attributes']['class'][] = "edit-$k";
return $form;
This basically sets unique ids based on the $cid that is passed in. The code also adds classes to each element in the form so you can style it easily. I'm sure a more robust solution is possible but this is the basic idea. Tested in Drupal 7.
It's true that you can set $element['#attributes']['id'] and that will apply to the form field. However, it will break labels and #states in Drupal 7 because the rest of the rendering pipeline reads the ID from somewhere else. So for your labels and #states to keep working, use set the ID to $element['#id'] instead (an undocumented property that nonetheless is how the form API watches ID internally).
Make sure to pass your ID through drupal_html_id as well to ensure no conflicts.
This problem doesn't really have much to do with the Drupal-FAPI itself, but more with how Drupal theme forms (create the markup).
If you want to alter all forms on your site, you can overwrite the theming functions that is used for forms and the different type of form fields.
If you just want to overwrite some forms or form fields, you can set the #theme attribute on the form or an element, to change which function should be used for creating the markup.

Drupal tagging via tagadelic

this module does a good job at creating a tagcloud block - all good here. now id also like to have a page that lists all tags with next to each tag the number of posts that were tagged with this term. all terms are listed ok on but i dont think tagadelic can add the number of posts per tag?
also, it seems tagadelic can just output one single block "tags in tags". whatever changes i make in the tagadelic configuration is applied to the tagadelic/list/3 url AND to the tagcloud block in the sidebar (the order of tags and number of tag levels)
does what i need require some custom module or are there others around that can achieve this? ive been playing around with Views 2 but cant quite get what I need
Use views and views_cloud for a much more flexible solution.
Edit: If you are having trouble with the views module, there is some very good in-browser instructions that come with it, but they require the advanced_help module.
For historical information:
Tagadelic can add the number of posts per tag, just fine. Assuming your theme is called "red":
* theme function that renders the HTML for the tags
* #ingroup themable
function red_tagadelic_weighted($terms) {
$output = '';
foreach ($terms as $term) {
$output .= l($term->name, taxonomy_term_path($term), array('attributes' => array('class' => "tagadelic level$term->weight", 'rel' => 'tag'))) .' ('. $term->count .') ';
return $output;
