Can you display a framed source code with file name in reStructuredText? - restructuredtext

I'm looking for a way to display source code in a box showing the file name.
For example, like this:
Any way to do this with reStructuredText?


How to underline a link in R markdown?

I am creating a r markdown script to create a word document and I am pulling need to include a series of hyperlinks. However the links end up looking very similar to Word headings and I've been told to underline them to help distinguish.
my current code is something like this:
and I've tried
[dat$title](dat$link){.underline} and [dat$title]{.underline}(dat$link)
but the first doesn't work and the second ends up printing the url alongside the title.
You can wrap the link inside a <span>-element and specify the style-attribute like so:
<span style="text-decoration:underline"> [title](link) </span>.

Controlling the size of the HTML file when saving file

can someone help me to resize an HTML file produce with plotly in Jupyter?
This is the code I am using to save to an HTML file:
It works but now I want to control for the size. Here ( is suggested how to do it but I cannot get my head around to how specifically write the code to not get a big image
If you type fig.write_html? inside a cell you can read all the documentation, which is a little more explicit than the document you posted. In short
Should produce a file ~3MB smaller than the one you are getting now as this option point to the plotly.js online instead of include it on the output.

display xml file in browser with

This may be simple, although i'm having some trouble finding a solution.
i create a sitemap for my website in an xml file.i display content of xml file in aspx file.
but i want display xmlfile not in aspx.
when i use response.redirect("sitemap.xml"),it shows tree but i want to show only all content in sequential not in tree.
like this:
content of xmlfile:
<t><t1 p="s1"></t1><t2 p="s2"></t2></t>
but i want address bar=sitemap.xml and show like this:
p=s1p=s2 .....
any idea?
Some browsers will respect XSL declarations at the top of xml files. If you have such a declaration at the top of your xml file like this:
<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="YourTransform.xsl"?>
It will apply the transform specified allowing you to output the xml however you want. However, support is not universal.

ipython notebook anchor link to refer a cell directly from outside

I am writing documentation for a notebook-based framework. When referring to important cells in a demo-notebook, can I point to a particular cell by using some sort of anchor?
For example if I have the demo-notebook at, is it possible to refer to the input cell In[10] by some anchor tag like
Creating internal links within Markdown works quite well in practice for me. For example, you can make a table of contents by making a list in a markdown cell at the top of the page.
*[jump to code cell 2](#cell2)
*[jump to code cell 3](#cell3)
*[jump to code cell 4](#cell4)
Then you just insert a markdown cell right above the code cell you want to link to (say code cell 2). Just add one line of code:
<a id="cell2"></a>
See this tutorial for more explanation:
I like to use headers to organize my notebooks, such as
#My title
in a markdown cell. In another location, I can then refer to this cell using
[Link to my title](#My-title)
in markdown (looks like you should replace spaces with hyphens).
I got this from a more complete answer here.
Not on stable, and only on Header(1-6) cell on master. Just click on the header cell and it will put the right anchor in the url bar, wich is usually #header_title_sanitized
Using the prompt number is not a good idea as it might change. It will be supported on nbviewer as well, we are working on it.

seam-gen and flex

I have integrated seam and flex with FlamingoDS
I got html file from mxml file and I stored it in WebContent folder it's fine
then I want to create link named as 'Plan' in menu.xhtml
My aim is to get that html file when i clicked on this button I don't know what to do for that
so, I have created some test.xhtml in that top element is the
for the template attribute this element I have given the template.html
and I used
then for 'Plan' link I gave the view="/test.xhtml"
It's fine when I clicked on that link I am getting the test.seam file which includes our html file but this html file is coming in some fixed area with scroll bars only eventhough there is a lot of space to fit
Please help...... me
First of all, it is very difficult to read your post. Please format it more readable.
Secondly, we can only guess what's wrong when we cannot see any code. But my hunch is that you are using s:decorate that includes some formating you are not aware of. This comes in standard seam-gen. Try removing that s:decorate stuff or point to another style you wish to use.
