Mobile version - positioning & pagination product page magento - css

I would like to ask how could I change or delete some boxes in mobile version in product page of magento. For example, in mobile version always, i don't want to show related or upsell products. But i want to keep them live in main version. Any ideas?
Thank you.

Magento comes in with built in matched expression functionality. You can read about it at the following link. In short summary though you input specific user agents and if the browser user agent matches this then a specific template will be used. The link has a more detailed write up.


Place order button to automatically download

I'm new here and was directed to try this forum for my quandary with WooCommerce.
I’ve created downloadable products that are free. – I’m using Storefront WooCommerce Theme for WordPress.
– Before the download is available I would like the users information ie: email, name. I’m using the checkout page (place order) for this and bypassing the cart. So instead of collecting payment I’m collecting contact info. I have customized that page and buttons to only gather the information required for download.
– Once they enter the information they are able to download the file, but only from a different page (another click). I’d like download to automatically download on the place order button click.(I've changed the text to read: download specifications)
In summary:
– I would like to have the file download automatically without the place order summary page more of a thank you for your interest page.
Any suggestions would be much appreciated. Thank you again for any help you can give me.
I'm not sure why the negative votes, I thought this was a place to share and find answers.
I did a work-around which works for now. I may revisit this later. There are still 3 clicks but the flow is a lot nicer.
• I copied the woo thank you php check out template to my child theme and made some custom changes to eliminate the extra order information
• changed button title for smoother flow while still gather the user information in my order information.
• I can trim the template even more but that will take a while because the download function is attached to the order table which is actually the information I want to record.
• Then, I thought about attaching a form to the button at the single product page to capture the user info but that opens another can of worms in record keeping since it won’t populate the order table.
What I wanted to do requires lots of heavy lifting which will take some time for me to figure. If I come up with the answer to my original question I will share with the forum.

How to show a widget only to customers who bought a product in WooCommerce (with Elementor)?

Here is what I am trying to do - a website with online courses using WooCommerce and Elementor. I want to have a page called "My Courses" where customers can see only the courses they've purchased.
I'm not using any LMS.
I will use the plugin Dynamic Conditions for Elementor to show or hide a widget.
I know that WooCommerce has a function to check if a user has bought a specific product.
I don't know how to make a connection between the two, though. That is my problem.
Dynamic Conditions uses Elementor's dynamic tags system to check against. How can I use the WC's function to check if the user bought the product and only if he/she did, then to show them the widget with the course page?
Thanks a lot for any answers with ideas or directions on how to solve this problem!
Using you can benefit from "Visibility" extention (comes with don't need seperate plugin installation) which allows you write your customized conditions (in PHP). I myself have not used the "Custom Condition" becuase I don't know much about PHP, but if you know the function and just need to connect them i think that'll do.

Hide few wordpress dashboard option from client

I have just developed a wordpress site for a client. The client wants full access but I dont want to give him access to all the work which I have done (plugins, techniques, themes options etc). How can I give a customized dashboard access to the client with hidden plugins and theme menu items.
If you want GUI based approach and not want to handle it via functions, using the Members plugin could help
I think you would prefer to go with a plugin rather than pieces of code. You can achieve the same by using a plugin called Adminimize
Admins can activate/deactivate every part of the menu and even parts of the sub-menu. Meta fields can be administered separately for posts and pages. Certain parts of the write menu can be deactivated separately for admins or non-admins. The header of the backend is minimized and optimized to give you more space and the structure of the menu gets changed to make it more logical – this can all be done per user so each role and their resulting users can have his own settings.
I hope the above information worked for you.

Wordpress post view format for filter grid

I am a complete newb to wordpress. I am trying to help a friend out. She asked me to help her move her wordpress instance to another hosting provider.
I have done that for the most part. My issue is the original provider implemented a not-so-obvious way of an isotope filter on some UI elements.
Specifically the object is a company. Each company has a logo, the name of the company, a short description and a contact name / email.
These companies service states / areas and the idea behind the page is to select the state and only the companies for that state are visible.
From the brief searching I have done - there seems to be an overwhelming amount of plugins to support this.
I have tried creating a simple post with a featured image and adding in the text in the excerpt.
My problem is the links. I don't want the links to go back to the post - rather I want the links to go to a custom URL.
Is there a plugin that will allow me to define a custom post type (to include categories) and then filter on it similar to Isotope type of filtering?
There are many free plugins but if you are using the Elementor page builder. I am not advertising my product but as I saw your requirement matches a plugin that I am selling in the market.
The frontend filtering feature is not yet available to the released version but will be released soon. It basically allows you to build a custom grid as you like.
Is it something similar?
You have to create a custom post, there should be a custom field(custom URL) as well.
Or, You may create a WordPress query.
also, coding will be required for filtering

How to use the Concrete5 "Page Rating" Add-On

I have a page that shows search results containing pages that matched the search criteria. All of the pages returned are the same type of page (e.g., a person's profile). I want to add a star rating system to it so users can rate the profile.
I've tried adding a custom page attribute and updating it using the output rating helper but that didn't work. It looked like it worked but when I refreshed the page it just went back to whatever the rating was set to originally.
So, I added the "Page Ratings" add-on ( and installed it. There are supposed to be 2 blocks associalted with it. I'm assuming the list block is the one I need in my case. However, when I go to the page and try to add one of those blocks to my area I don't see them listed. Does anyone know how to use this add-on? There is barely any documentation for it.
You do realize this is a "pay for" application? As such, most of the Developers that do charge for their add-ons are very responsive. Not to push you away from here, but if you have a problem with the installation, payment, etc. Really should be addressed by the Developer.
