Marketo REST API Get Multiple Leads By List Id - marketo

Will the REST API get leads from a Smartlist? I created a Smartlist and it has one lead. I sent in this API call:
and got zero leads back. 'DeanReadyToMove' is the list name and the API call seems to talk about reading by list ID but I can't figure out where to get the list ID from if in fact the list name is the wrong thing. Also tried taking the braces out of the API call but no difference.

It is not currently possible to query leads from a smart list in Marketo. You can query leads from a static list.

The latest Bulk Download API will let you input a Smart List or a Static List, and retrieve all the leads included in either type of list.
Here is the documentation for reference:


How do I store a fetch response to a derived store in svelte?

I have a list of items which I consume from an own custom built API (in the example I'll use typicode) and want to display them. Additionally I want to add a client side search functionality. It is exactly like this REPL from this question.
But the given list is hardcoded, yet I can't seem to build a fetch call to get those items prior and afterwards display them. Only then can the user search and filter them.
Here is my REPL.
response.json() returns a promise, so you should await it.
Working example:

Algolia - WordPress - how can I get the actual query into JS variable to work with it further in the hits template?

I would like to do some interesting stuff with the hits that are being displayed based on the search query that user is not only typing into search box but actually filtering using the instant search filters. I have filter based on hierarchical events_location taxonomy. Based on what user selected I would get the info in JS variable that I can then further use to do other operations in the hits div, specifically on each hit card.
So my URL when searching updates like this:
I could potentially take the URL and extract the data from it, but I am sure there is more elegant way of working with the query.
In InstantSearch.js, the state is managed by another library called the algoliasearch-helper. Through this library you can read and write the search parameters.
The cleanest to access the helper is to build a custom widget, which is a plain object with lifecycle hooks (initial rendering and the other renderings). You can read more about custom widgets there.
Once you've accessed the helper, you can read and write with the helper API.
This can be found under search.searchParameters
Will give you whole object that you can then work with.
There is however one issue with this and that is that it works only on initial load. I was unable to make this work or get any data after starting to selecting categories. So if anyone knows how to use this so it updates after each selection please comment bellow.

Create new Static List in Marketo via Marketo API

Is there a way to create a new static list in Marketo using the SOAP or REST API? I see I can Add Leads to an Existing List using REST API, but if I want to create a new static list and then add new leads to that static list all through API, is this possible?
I'm pretty sure there's no way to do so. I'm guessing you're trying to "tag" people by putting them in certain lists when things happen? What you can try is have a data field be updated by a trigger campaign that's dynamic. then later search by it?
I'm making some assumptions.

Request versus Request.QueryString

What is the difference between these two in VBScript:
And where is Request("startDate") documented? I don't see this usage here:
The official documentation for the Request object in ASP classic is here:
Quoting the relevant part for this question:
All variables can be accessed directly by calling Request(variable)
without the collection name. In this case, the Web server searches the
collections in the following order:
If a variable with the same name exists in more than one collection,
the Request object returns the first instance that the object
EDIT: AnthonyWJones made a great comment on the question: Avoid using the Request("name") syntax. In fact, this is mentioned in the documentation link above:
It is strongly recommended that when referring to members of a
collection the full name be used. For example, rather than
Request.("AUTH_USER") use Request.ServerVariables("AUTH_USER"). This
allows the server to locate the item more quickly.
See Request() vs Request.QueryString()
From what I understand when you use Request on it's own it will return the first matched item in the request collection. well explained in the attached solution.
Sorry to dredge up this question, but given the warnings against using Request("param"), I had to add my two cents. In this particular case there's a good reason to use Request("param") instead of Request.QueryString("param"): It allows you to write code that will accept parameters as part of a query string or when submitted through a form. I regularly run into situations where that is not only handy, but desirable.

How do I display data from an external database in Drupal?

I am building a custom module that will allow my users to do a simple query against an MS SQL database. I've built the form using hook_form() and have gotten validation to work.
I'm planning on retrieving the data from hook_form_submit(), but once I've done that, how do I append it below the form? It does not appear that I have access to $output from hook_form_submit(). I'm at a loss as to what to do next.
When you are rendering the form you should check for $form_state['values'] to see if the user has already submitted a form when you're rendering the form. Then you could paint the form results in the same step as painting the form.
The first time the user loads the form page the $form_state variable won't contain any submitted form info so you can render an empty results table.
There's a good illustration of the Drupal Form API workflow on here: Form API Internal Workflow Illustration
The problem in trying to output data in the hook_form() method is that the method gets invoked twice which clears the post values the second time through. Throw a dpm($form_state) in the hook_form() function and you'll see two sets of post data. One with values and one without.
So after dissecting the built in Search module, which pretty much operates exactly the way I want my form to work, I figured out how this is done. Well, at least one way you can do it.
What Search module does is take the values from $form_state in hook_form_submit() and pastes them into the URL, then it sets the $form_state['redirect'] to that new URL, effectively storing those variables in the URL and changing the POST to a GET.
Now, in the callback, they extract those values from the URL, do the search on them, THEN they call drupal_get_form(), append the results to the end and return it.
There's another solution HERE where they use SESSION to store the values until the second trip through. Weird, but it works.
