Heatmap vs image function in R - r

I just noticed that the plots from using heatmap() function and image() function look different even though I'm using the same data matrix. I have the following code:
dataMatrix <- matrix(rnorm(400), nrow =40)
for(i in 1:40) {
# flip a coin
coinFlip <- rbinom(1, size =1, prob =0.5)
# if coin is heads add a common pattern to that row
if(coinFlip) {
dataMatrix[i, ] <- dataMatrix[i, ] + rep(c(0,3), each =5)
hh <- hclust(dist(dataMatrix))
dataMatrixOrdered <- dataMatrix[hh$order, ]
image(t(dataMatrixOrdered)[, nrow(dataMatrixOrdered):1])
heatmap(t(dataMatrixOrdered)[, nrow(dataMatrixOrdered):1])
As far as I have understood, the only difference between the 2 functions is that, the heatmap() function does a cluster analysis to produce dendrograms for rows and columns. Hence the plots should look the same. Can someone please tell me why I see this difference? I have attached the plots from the 2 functions.

Indeed the two functions produce consistently different patterns. I have no idea how that happens, but this happens whether you reorder the data or not.
Just to facilitate visualizing the differences, I turned dataMatrix into a distance matrix. The heatmap displaying this distance matrix should be fully symetrical. Image does give a symetric heatmap, heatmap does not.
dataMatrix <- matrix(rnorm(400), nrow =40)
for(i in 1:40) {
# flip a coin
coinFlip <- rbinom(1, size =1, prob =0.5)
# if coin is heads add a common pattern to that row
if(coinFlip) {
dataMatrix[i, ] <- dataMatrix[i, ] + rep(c(0,3), each =5)
dataMatrix <- as.matrix(dist(dataMatrix))
heatmap(dataMatrix, Rowv = NA, Colv = NA)
What happens is that heatmap is scaling the rows before doing the coloring. If you avoid this scaling, the two functions give the same heatmap.
heatmap(dataMatrix, Rowv = NA, Colv = NA, scale = "none")
You can read more about this here


Circular heat maps in R?

Similar questions have been asked here and here, however, none of the other answers solve my problem.
Im trying to join together two (or more) separate heat maps and turn them into a circle. Im trying to achieve something like the image below (which I made by following the circlize package tutorial found here:
In my data, I have multiple matrices, where each matrix represents a different year. I want to try and create a circular heat map (like the one in the image) where each section of the circular heatmap is a single year.
In my example below, I am just using 2 years (so 2 heat maps) but I cant seem to get it to work:
# create matrix
mat1 <- matrix(runif(80), 10, 8)
mat2 <- matrix(runif(80), 10, 8)
rownames(mat1) <- rownames(mat2) <- paste0('a', 1:10)
colnames(mat1) <- colnames(mat2) <- paste0('b', 1:8)
# join together
matX <- cbind(mat1, mat2)
# set splits
split <- c(rep('a', 8), rep('b', 8))
split = factor(split, levels = unique(split))
# create circular heatmap
col_fun1 = colorRamp2(c(0, 0.5, 1), c("blue", "white", "red"))
circos.heatmap(matX, split = split, col = col_fun1, rownames.side = "inside")
The above code makes:
Im not sure where I am going wrong!? As when I use the ComplexHeatmap package, I am splitting the matrices correctly, as shown below:
# using ComplexHeatmap package
Heatmap(matX, column_split = split, show_row_dend = F, show_column_dend = F)
Any suggestions as to how I could achieve this?

How to color the background of a corrplot by group?

Consider this data, where we have several groups with 10 observations each, and we conduct a pairwise.t.test():
data <- data.frame(group = rep(letters[1:18], each = 10),
var = rnorm(180, mean = 2, sd = 5))
ttres <- pairwise.t.test(x=data$var, g=data$group, p.adjust.method = "none")#just to make sure i get some sigs for the example
Now lets get the matrix of p values, convert them to a binary matrix showing significant and non-significant values, and plot them with corrplot(), so that we can visualize which groups are different:
pmat <- as.matrix(ttres$p.value)
pmat <- +(pmat <= 0.1)
corrplot(pmat, insig = "blank", type = "lower")
Does anyone know a way to color the background of each square according to a grouping label? For instance, say we want the squares for groups a:g to be yellow, the squares for groups h:n to be blue, and the squares for groups o:r to be red. Or is there an alternative way to do this with ggplot?
You can pass a vector of background colors via the bg= parameter. The trick is just making sure they are in the right order. Here's on way to do that
bgcolors <- matrix("white", nrow(pmat), ncol(pmat),dimnames = dimnames(pmat))
bgcolors[1:6, ] <- "yellow"
bgcolors[7:15, ] <- "blue"
bgcolors[14:17, ] <- "red"
bgcolors <- bgcolors[lower.tri(bgcolors, diag=TRUE)]
corrplot(pmat, insig = "blank", type = "lower", bg=bgcolors)
Basically we just make a matrix the same shape as our input, then we set the colors we want for the different rows, and then we just pass the lower triangle of that matrix to the function.

avoiding over-crowding of labels in r graphs

I am working on avoid over crowding of the labels in the following plot:
position <- c(rep (0,5), rnorm (5,1,0.1), rnorm (10, 3,0.1), rnorm (3, 4, 0.2), 5, rep(7,5), rnorm (3, 8,2), rnorm (10,9,0.5),
rep (0,5), rnorm (5,1,0.1), rnorm (10, 3,0.1), rnorm (3, 4, 0.2), 5, rep(7,5), rnorm (3, 8,2), rnorm (10,9,0.5))
group <- c(rep (1, length (position)/2),rep (2, length (position)/2) )
mylab <- paste ("MR", 1:length (group), sep = "")
barheight <- 0.5
y.start <- c(group-barheight/2)
y.end <- c(group+barheight/2)
mydf <- data.frame (position, group, barheight, y.start, y.end, mylab)
#Create two horizontal lines
#Create text for the lines
text(10,1.1,"Group 1",cex=0.7)
text(10,2.1,"Group 2",cex=0.7)
#Draw vertical bars
lng = length(position)/2
lg1 = lng+1
lg2 = lng*2
text(mydf$position[1:lng],mydf$y.start[1:lng]+0.65, mydf$mylab[1:lng], srt = 90)
text(mydf$position[lg1:lg2],mydf$y.start[lg1:lg2]+0.65, mydf$mylab[lg1:lg2], srt = 90)
You can see some areas are crowed with the labels - when x value is same or similar. I want just to display only one label (when there is multiple label at same point). For example,
mydf$position[1:5] are all 0,
but corresponding labels mydf$mylab[1:5] -
I just want to display the first one "MR1".
Similarly the following points are too close (say the difference of 0.35), they should be considered a single cluster and first label will be displayed. In this way I would be able to get rid of overcrowding of labels. How can I achieve it ?
If you space the labels out and add some extra lines you can label every marker.
clpl <- function(xdata, names, y=1, dy=0.25, add=FALSE){
o = order(xdata)
tpos = seq(min(xdata),max(xdata),len=length(xdata))
Then using your data:
You could then think about labelling clusters underneath the main line.
I've not given much thought to doing multiple lines in a plot, but I think with a bit of mucking with my code and the add parameter it should be possible. You could also use colour to show clusters. I'm fairly sure these techniques are present in some of the clustering packages for R...
Obviously with a lot of markers even this is going to get smushed, but with a lot of clusters the same thing is going to happen. Maybe you end up labelling clusters with a this technique?
In general, I agree with #Joran that cluster labelling can't be automated but you've said that labelling a group of lines with the first label in the cluster would be OK, so it is possible to automate some of the process.
Putting the following code after the line lg2 = lng*2 gives the result shown in the image below:
clust <- cutree(hclust(dist(mydf$position[1:lng])),h=0.75)
u <- rep(T,length(unique(clust)))
clust.labels <- sapply(c(1:lng),function (i)
if (u[clust[i]])
u[clust[i]] <<- F
text(mydf$position[1:lng],mydf$y.start[1:lng]+0.65, clust.labels, srt = 90)
text(mydf$position[lg1:lg2],mydf$y.start[lg1:lg2]+0.65, mydf$mylab[lg1:lg2], srt = 90)
(I've only labelled the clusters on the lower line -- the same principle could be applied to the upper line too). The parameter h of cutree() might have to be adjusted case-by-case to give the resolution of labels that you want, but this approach is at least easier than labelling every cluster by hand.

R heatmap with diverging colour palette

I am trying to create a simple heatmap in R, using a diverging colour palette. I want to use a gradient so that all numbers below a threshold N are designated a color (say purple), and all numbers above the threshold are designated another color (say orange). The further away the number is from the threshold, the darker the color should be.
Here is a sample dataset:
Division 1,31.9221884012222,75.8181694429368,97.0480443444103,96.295954938978,70.5677134916186,63.0451830103993,93.0396212730557
Division 2,85.7012346852571,29.0621076244861,16.9130333233625,94.6443660184741,19.9103083927184,61.9562198873609,72.3791105207056
Division 3,47.1665125340223,99.4153356179595,8.51091076619923,79.1276383213699,41.915355855599,7.45079894550145,24.6946100145578
Division 4,66.0743870772421,24.6163331903517,78.694460215047,42.04714265652,50.2694897353649,73.0409651994705,87.3745442833751
Division 5,29.6664374880493,35.4036891367286,19.2967326845974,5.48460693098605,32.4517334811389,15.5926876701415,76.0523204226047
Division 6,95.4969164915383,8.63230894319713,61.7535551078618,24.5590241160244,25.5453423131257,56.397921172902,44.4693325087428
Division 7,87.5015622004867,28.7770316936076,56.5095080062747,34.6680747810751,28.1923673115671,65.0204187724739,13.795713102445
Division 8,70.1077231671661,72.4712177179754,38.4903231170028,36.1821102909744,97.0875509083271,17.184783378616,78.2292529474944
Division 9,47.3570406902581,90.2257485780865,65.6037972308695,77.0234781783074,25.6294377148151,84.900529962033,82.5080851092935
Division 10,58.0811711959541,0.493217632174492,58.5604055318981,53.5780876874924,9.12552657537162,20.313960686326,78.1371118500829
Division 11,34.6708688884974,76.711881859228,22.6064443588257,22.1724311355501,5.48891355283558,79.1159523651004,56.8405059166253
Division 12,33.6812808644027,44.1363711375743,70.6362190190703,3.78900407813489,16.6075889021158,9.12654218263924,39.9711143691093
Here is a simple snippet to produce a heatmap from the above data
data <- read.csv("dataset.csv", sep=",")
row.names(data) <- data$Division
data <- data[,2:7]
data_matrix <- data.matrix(data)
heatmap(data_matrix, Rowv=NA, Colv=NA, col = heat.colors(256), scale="column", margins=c(5,10))
How can I modify the above code to produce:
a color gradient (orange) for all numbers ABOVE 50 (darker the further the number is from 50)
a color gradient (purple) for all numbers BELOW 50 (darker the further the number is from 50)
Nice to have (but optional) write the number value in the grid cell
Nice to have (but optional), use a different color for grid cell that is EXACTLY the threshold number (50 in this case)
I have just seen this question on SO, which seems to be very similar. The answer uses ggplot (which I have no experience of), and I have so far, been unable to adapt the ggplot solution to my slightly more complicated data.
This should get you most of the way. (Note that you'll need to set scale="none" if you want the plotted colors to correspond to the actual (rather than the rescaled) values of the cells).
ncol <- 100
## Make a vector with n colors
cols <- RColorBrewer:::brewer.pal(11,"PuOr") # OR c("purple","white","orange")
rampcols <- colorRampPalette(colors = cols, space="Lab")(ncol)
rampcols[(n/2) + 1] <- rgb(t(col2rgb("green")), maxColorValue=256)
## Make a vector with n+1 breaks
rampbreaks <- seq(0, 100, length.out = ncol+1)
## Try it out
heatmap(data_matrix, Rowv = NA, Colv = NA, scale="none",
col = rampcols, breaks = rampbreaks)
For finer control over the placement of the threshold, I'd suggest creating two separate palettes -- one for values less than the threshold and one for values above the threshold -- and then "suturing" them together. Try something like this, playing around with different values for Min, Max, Thresh, etc.:
nHalf <- 50
Min <- 0
Max <- 100
Thresh <- 50
## Make vector of colors for values below threshold
rc1 <- colorRampPalette(colors = c("purple", "white"), space="Lab")(nHalf)
## Make vector of colors for values above threshold
rc2 <- colorRampPalette(colors = c("white", "orange"), space="Lab")(nHalf)
rampcols <- c(rc1, rc2)
## In your example, this line sets the color for values between 49 and 51.
rampcols[c(nHalf, nHalf+1)] <- rgb(t(col2rgb("green")), maxColorValue=256)
rb1 <- seq(Min, Thresh, length.out=nHalf+1)
rb2 <- seq(Thresh, Max, length.out=nHalf+1)[-1]
rampbreaks <- c(rb1, rb2)
heatmap(data_matrix, Rowv = NA, Colv = NA, scale="none",
col = rampcols, breaks = rampbreaks)
I found this thread very useful and also pulled some ideas from here, but for my purposes I needed to generalize some things and wanted to use the RColorBrewer package. While I was working on it Dr. Brewer (of Color Brewer fame) stopped in my office and told me I needed to interpolate within the smaller color breaks rather than just pick the end points. I thought others might find this useful so I am posting my function here for posterity.
The function takes in your data vector, the name of a diverging colorBrewer palette, and the center point for your color scheme (default is 0). It outputs a list containing 2 objects: a classIntervals object and a vector of colors: The function is set to interpolate a total of 100 colors but that can be modified with some care.
diverge.color <- function(data,pal_choice="RdGy",centeredOn=0){
Min <- min(data,na.rm=TRUE)
Max <- max(data,na.rm=TRUE)
Thresh <- centeredOn
for(i in 2:10){
rb1 <- seq(Min, Thresh, length.out=nHalf+1)
rb2 <- seq(Thresh, Max, length.out=nHalf+1)[-1]
rampbreaks <- c(rb1, rb2)
cuts <- classIntervals(data, style="fixed",fixedBreaks=rampbreaks)
in my work I am using this scheme to plot a raster layer (rs) using spplot like so:

Utilise Surv object in ggplot or lattice

Anyone knows how to take advantage of ggplot or lattice in doing survival analysis? It would be nice to do a trellis or facet-like survival graphs.
So in the end I played around and sort of found a solution for a Kaplan-Meier plot. I apologize for the messy code in taking the list elements into a dataframe, but I couldnt figure out another way.
Note: It only works with two levels of strata. If anyone know how I can use x<-length(stratum) to do this please let me know (in Stata I could append to a macro-unsure how this works in R).
ggkm<-function(time,event,stratum) {
fit <- survfit(m2s ~ stratum)
f$time <- fit$time
f$surv <- fit$surv
f$strata <- c(rep(names(fit$strata[1]),fit$strata[1]),
f$upper <- fit$upper
f$lower <- fit$lower
r <- ggplot (f, aes(x=time, y=surv, fill=strata, group=strata))
I have been using the following code in lattice. The first function draws KM-curves for one group and would typically be used as the panel.group function, while the second adds the log-rank test p-value for the entire panel:
km.panel <- function(x,y,type,mark.time=T,...){
na.part <- is.na(x)|is.na(y)
x <- x[!na.part]
y <- y[!na.part]
if (length(x)==0) return()
fit <- survfit(Surv(x,y)~1)
if (mark.time){
cens <- which(fit$time %in% x[y==0])
panel.xyplot(fit$time[cens], fit$surv[cens], type="p",...)
panel.xyplot(c(0,fit$time), c(1,fit$surv),type="s",...)
logrank.panel <- function(x,y,subscripts,groups,...){
lr <- survdiff(Surv(x,y)~groups[subscripts])
otmp <- lr$obs
etmp <- lr$exp
df <- (sum(1 * (etmp > 0))) - 1
p <- 1 - pchisq(lr$chisq, df)
p.text <- paste("p=", signif(p, 2))
grid.text(p.text, 0.95, 0.05, just=c("right","bottom"))
The censoring indicator has to be 0-1 for this code to work. The usage would be along the following lines:
data(colon) #built-in example data set
xyplot(status~time, data=colon, groups=rx, panel.groups=km.panel, panel=logrank.panel)
If you just use 'panel=panel.superpose' then you won't get the p-value.
I started out following almost exactly the approach you use in your updated answer. But the thing that's irritating about the survfit is that it only marks the changes, not each tick - e.g., it will give you 0 - 100%, 3 - 88% instead of 0 - 100%, 1 - 100%, 2 - 100%, 3 - 88%. If you feed that into ggplot, your lines will slope from 0 to 3, rather than remaining flat and dropping straight down at 3. That might be fine depending on your application and assumptions, but it's not the classic KM plot. This is how I handled the varying numbers of strata:
groupvec <- c()
for(i in seq_along(x$strata)){
groupvec <- append(groupvec, rep(x = names(x$strata[i]), times = x$strata[i]))
f$strata <- groupvec
For what it's worth, this is how I ended up doing it - but this isn't really a KM plot, either, because I'm not calculating out the KM estimate per se (although I have no censoring, so this is equivalent... I believe).
survcurv <- function(surv.time, group = NA) {
#Must be able to coerce surv.time and group to vectors
if(!is.vector(as.vector(surv.time)) | !is.vector(as.vector(group))) {stop("surv.time and group must be coercible to vectors.")}
#Make sure that the surv.time is numeric
if(!is.numeric(surv.time)) {stop("Survival times must be numeric.")}
#Group can be just about anything, but must be the same length as surv.time
if(length(surv.time) != length(group)) {stop("The vectors passed to the surv.time and group arguments must be of equal length.")}
#What is the maximum number of ticks recorded?
max.time <- max(surv.time)
#What is the number of groups in the data?
n.groups <- length(unique(group))
#Use the number of ticks (plus one for t = 0) times the number of groups to
#create an empty skeleton of the results.
curves <- data.frame(tick = rep(0:max.time, n.groups), group = NA, surv.prop = NA)
#Add the group names - R will reuse the vector so that equal numbers of rows
#are labeled with each group.
curves$group <- unique(group)
#For each row, calculate the number of survivors in group[i] at tick[i]
for(i in seq_len(nrow(curves))){
curves$surv.prop[i] <- sum(surv.time[group %in% curves$group[i]] > curves$tick[i]) /
length(surv.time[group %in% curves$group[i]])
#Return the results, ordered by group and tick - easier for humans to read.
return(curves[order(curves$group, curves$tick), ])
