Modify editability of a field from field group by code - axapta

I have this piece of code:
controlDetails = this.form().design(1).addControl(FormControlType::Group, #quickCreateDetails);
I want to modify the editability of one certain field on that dataGroup, but I don't know how to do it with code or in the AOT (DS). Seems like Im pretty much limited...

You have next options:
change Form Data Source filed editability
via AOT -
via code FormDataSource.object: InventTrans_ds.object(fieldNum(InventTrans, Qty)).allowEdit(false)
change child control design property. addControl returns FormBuildGroupControl. Then you have to loop through controlNum(), find correct design control and cast it to one of FormBuildControl nested type with data bounding. There you have allowEdit method.


How can I use the field I've added to the field group? AX7 Dynamics 365

All of my codes are in extensions.
I've added a field into the table, and also added that field into the assigned field group.
Now it is visible on my Design.
and I want to place a code into the event of it where it is modified.
So I've created a new class, then get the event handler.
But when I paste it, there's an error and I checked the intelisense and it can't see the field I placed, well in fact, it is there:
How can I use my newly added field? Is there something I am missing?
I can reproduce this problem in Platform Update 8. It seems to be a limitation of the product when working with controls added through field groups.
Nevertheless the solution is simple - use Modified event of the datasource field, not the individual control. That's what you should do in most cases anyway, because one field may be displayed at several places, but it should do the same thing when modified from either of them.
You can use the registerExtensionInstance method as described in this blog post and register override of the required control's method from method new.
You can see how the registerExtensionInstance pattern is used in a number of classes in AX:

2sxc List.Presentation in General View

I have an entity type "Post" and I would like to create a view that will show one random Post with a given category. I created a Data pipeline that grabs all posts and I created a view with ListPresentation = a "TemplateSettings" entity type that lets me choose categories.
I planned to use the Razor template to filter the items for those matching the categories in List.Presentation.Categories. But, I can't seem to reference List.Presentation.Categories. I get an error that System.Collections.Generic.List doesn't contain an entry for "Presentation". When I use #ListPresentation, the whole object in null... so #ListPresentation.Toolbar, etc. all throw errors, despite me having set a "Demo Item".
Can anybody see what would be wrong with this setup? How do I reference List Presentation stuff in Razor?
I figured this out... The direct thing seems to be "ListPresentation", but the snippets use "List.Presentation". Still, it wasn't working in my case because I was using a data query that didn't include the module data. So, I had to modify that query to include the module data as well as the full list of entities, regardless of the module. Then, I got the full list from one data stream, and the ListPresentation fields were available.
Note also that you can use ListContent.Presentation - that would be the newest, most consistent API which always places Presentation information as a property of the entity it's describing.

Formatted text in QTreeWidgetItem

I need to create QTreeWidgetItems which have support for formatted texts, such as:
MyCreatedType - INTEGER(1)
(ie: the line above should have a "normal" part : MyCreatedType and a "formatted" part (INTEGER(1) in our case).
Any idea how to accomplish this?
What you need is a delegate. Delegates are explained here:
Star Delegate Example
QItemDelegate Reference
The general procedure I follow when creating and using custom delegates:
Create a custom type with the information you want to encapsulate.
For your case, perhaps fields for the variable type name and type value.
Store these custom types in your model, wrapping them in QVariants to satisfy the return types required by QAbstractItemModel
Create a control that matches the UI you want.
In this case it might mean a QText label for "MyCreatedType" followed by a second label in bold for "Integer(1)".
Perhaps the control has methods like "setTypeName" and "setTypeValue"
Create a delegate that paints your specific control when your custom type is found.
You will have to map fields in the custom type to fields in the custom UI control as needed.
Associate your model and delegate with the Tree View you are using.
I hope this general procedure makes sense. I would recommend completing the Star Delegate Example and then reading my procedure, as it will make more sense with some background.

Flex, filter tree using ITreeDataDescriptor without reload and close all nodes

working with flex 4 and implementing filtering using ITreeDataDescriptor.
Filtering worked as expected like the following code snippet
however, i am trying to create a on-demand type of filter where user would type in the search clause in a TextInput, and as the user types, the tree nodes would be filtered on the fly.
my implementation now is have user click on the search button and then reapply the dataDescriptor then reload the data. A big problem is that the whole tree collapses after setting the dataProvider again.
any suggestion on how the on-demand filter can be achieved?
var dataFilter:ServicePricingFilter = new MyFilter();
dataFilter.searchString = this.txtSearchKeyword.text;
this.treeService.dataDescriptor = new MyDataDescriptor(dataFilter);
this.treeService.dataProvider = getTreeData();
I think you shouldn't set the dataprovider every time but use insted the filterFunction property available for ListCollectionView classes (ArrayCollection, XMLListCollection,...)
looked at the post Florian mentioned.
on-demand filtering is done by using ITreeDataDescriptor and a filterFunction.
on keyup event of the search TextInput, call invalidateList() function on the tree.
see the source code provided for the following post

Can you prevent LinqDataSource from setting a property?

I've got a Linq 2 SQL object I'm trying to update. Two of the properties on this object are related to each other, and setting one sets the other.
So if I do:
Foo.Code = BEER;
The Foo.CodeID property will automatically be set to 5 (or whatever.)
The problem is that LinqDataSource sets Foo.Code, then immediately sets Foo.CodeID... which is not bound to anything since we want the users to set just Code. This immediately sets them both back to null.
I know I can use Parameters to default values, but is there any way to just tell LinqDataSource to not even set a property?
EDIT: Worked around issue by creating a hidden field, and assigning the correct value to that in the formview's ItemUpdating event. Would still like to avoid doing the same lookup four times though...
Would it be an option to make the Code property private (select the Code property in the dbml and set the access property in the Properties window) and create a new public property over which you have more control?
I personally have have written a generator that generates the necessary files for me (like sqlmetal), giving me full control over the code. Perhaps this is an option for you as well, if you do not like the generated dbml.
