How to easily open a script in R-studio - r

I am very new to R-studio. In RGui, I was used to click File / Open Script to open a new script. But in R-studio, I only see File / Open File which generaly opens any file (?). The disadvantage is that I have many files in my directory and I want to see only *.R files when opening a script - which is what Rgui does and I love it - but cannot figure out how to do the same in R-studio.

If you use windows, you can just type
into the search box top right (while you are in your R folder), and you will only see files that end on .R
If you click into the search box, you see your past search queries, so you won't have to type it again every time you open a script.
If you use a different OS, look for a respective search "wildcard".
edit: "show file extensions" should be activated


how to open the .ipynb file in readable format

I have got downloaded a file that got downloaded in a format .ipynb extension but its not in a readable format. Can anyone help me to figure out how to make it in a readable format? Attaching a screenshot of the file when I tried opening it in notepad.
how to open it in readable format
One of the easiest ways to just view a notebook file that is also 100% secure in case what you are being sent is sensitive: nbpreview.
When you go there it asks you to choose a local file. The file isn't uploaded anywhere. It remains in your browser's local cache so it is useful for sensitive stuff that cannot be public.
Similarly, you can upload it to the notebook{sharing}space which is billed as "the fastest way to share your notebooks". It would provide you with a link to view the notebook you have and can be private if you limit sharing the link.
If the notebook can be posted to Github (repository or gist) or online, you can point nbviewer at it and have it rendered nicely. In fact, although it is technically 'static', nbviewer can render some interactive Plotly plots and widget controls that enable playing back animations comprised of frames. This rendering form is also very nice for sharing with non-programmers as the GitHub cruft is not surrounding the content.
You can use Jupyter running in your browser and backed by a free Jupyter community-run service to view the notebook file as an active notebook, on what is equivalent to a temporary remote machine.
Go to Try Jupyter and select either 'JupyterLab' or 'Jupyter Notebook' from the offerings presented. I'd suggest JupyterLab as the steps outline below are made easier as you have the file navigation pane on the left.
After your session spins up in your browser, if you chose JupyterLab, drag your file from your local machine into the file navigation pane on the left side. It will get a gray dashed line around it when you have dragged it to the right place. Drop it in and let it upload. Now double click on it to open it.
If you don't want to drag-and-drop or you chose Jupyter notebooks (classic notebook interface) make a text file and paste in the content you showed. (It's json format as that is the underlying .ipynb format presently.) Save that file with an .ipynb extension. You should then be able to open it the Jupyter Dashboard. (Note the following in the rest of this section was written before the 'Try Jupyter' offerings were switched to using the exerpimental JupyterLite and so your mileage may vary. If you drag-and-drop into JupyterLite, it actually is in your machine; however, it is in a virtual system in your browser that your local file system cannot access directly. To get what this section was specifically written for now, go here and click on the launch binder badge to trigger a session on a true remote machine served by MyBinder.) You used to click on the logo in the upper left to get to the dashboard but it will now take you to JupyterLab and you can double click to open your notebook file. If you really need the classic dashboard, change the end of the URL to change /lab to /tree.
Note because the environment backing your notebook hasn't been set up to handle everything, you'll be out of luck for now trying to run it. You'd have to add your pokemon.csv and install anything else besides pandas. There are ways to use the MyBinder system to handle that as well; however, probably best learned about later this stage.
The MyBinder session is temporary and unique to you. It will close after 10 minutes of inactivity and no longer be accessible. You can always open another session later and redo the steps. Or learn about other options eventually.
Nbpreview and a lot of the related tools mentioned here are also covered in Sharing R code in Jupyter notebooks.
(These following suggestions mostly assume the notebook is already online, usually at Github. You can still use a local notebook by uploading it to the session as I suggest above. They do though provide additional ways to learn about using MyBinder to serve active notebooks in your browser.)
How to save code file on GitHub and run on Jupyter notebook?
Run a Jupyter notebook directly online (without downloading it locally)
You need Jupyter Notebook in your machine. That is one option. Otherwise, you can upload the file into GitHub and open the .ipynb file from there.

Can't save an R scirpt as an R file

I use R Studio on a Windows Computer.
I have a problem with saving R scripts as an R file. I tried to click on "save as" and then give the file a name ending on .R, but it doesn't save the file.
I then find a file with this name on my computer, but it is empty (0KB) and shows nothing when I open it. The whole code is gone.
How can I save an R script properly? What could be the problem? Thanks a lot!

RStudio not opening a script

I've got an issue with my RStudio IDE. It currently won't open a pre-existing script file.
When I select it for opening it will open up a new script tab with the given name of the script I want but without any contents.
Also, when I open up the script as a text file the contents are present and intact.
Any ideas on what I need to do to get Rstudio to properly read my script?

Unable to save R script as an R file

When trying to save a script as an R file, I am not able to. The save as window opens, but the 'save as type' bar below the 'file name' bar is blocked/greyed-out. I am, however, able to save the script as an unreadable file. When I open it again to continue working on it, it cannot run. I then have to copy paste it to a new script to continue working on it and running the commands. I cannot seem to find many questions on the internet relating to this problem except this one:
I have tried save() which does not work. I have also uninstalled R and installed the latest version of R, this does not help either. Would anyone know how to fix this problem so that I can save it as an R file?
I am using RStudio version 3.4.4. on the Windows 10 Home edition.
Processor: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-7300HQ CPU # 2.50GHz.
RAM: 8.00 GB.
System type: 64-bit Operating System, x64-based processor.
Many thanks
I had the same problem as you. But what resolved was just put ".R" (example: save.R) in the end of the name, even with the grey bar, it generated the script automatically.
Hope it can help.
Windows 10 now prevents Rstudio to save a new document.
Give Rstudio permission, restart it and than it worked for me.
These other answers don't solve it for me. What I noticed is:
Working off of a network drive is a nightmare for R Studio.
Even if you do save it as an .R file, R Studio may not be able to open it.
What I did was:
Paste my script into a notepad file; save it as .R
Right click my .R file and Open With RStudio.
This minimizing RStudio doing the driving of opening files. And once the file is NAMED (it was named and saved as .R in notepad) RStudio seems to be able to save/overwrite changes to the file. It just cannot save the file the first time nor save TXT files it opens as .R files.
So yeah, for the initial script; template it in notepad and never change it's name.
By saving the R script with .R at the end automatically saves it as an R file!

RStudio error message - the device does not recognize the command

I am repeatedly getting the error message:
Error Save File: ' The device does not recognize the command' popping up over and over (every 15 seconds) - even when I don't click save or when I do click save.
I also can't load a R file that is in my folder - I have to open it up in notepad and copy it paste it to even see it.
Can someone let me know how to fix this? I have the latest version of Rstudio installed.
This happens when the drive memory runs out of space. As a quick fix measure, try copying all the code to an another R script file/ notepad and you might save it luckily. Long term solution would be to clear the cache and upgrade your hard drive..
This can also happen if you are reading from a file that is open in another program in some cases. Generally speaking R has no issues reading in files that are open / read only (i.e. import a CSV file) if that file is in use by another process. However, there are some cases where the read-only restriction from a locked file being imported causes the
Error Save File: ' The device does not recognize the command'
message to persist even if you are not trying to to read from or write to the locked file.
As a specific example, if you are using openxlsx to import an xlsx file that you are also viewing in excel, after reading the xlsx file in, you will get the error whenever you make changes to your R script and stop for more than a few seconds, or when you try to save the R script, even though it is not touching the xlsx file. However, if you close R Studio and re-open your script, you will notice that the issue will not appear until you try to read the xlsx file in again.
Met error "The device does not recognise the command" today. Not due to disc space but due to an r script that was somehow no good, even though file extension OK. After a very frustrating time when I couldn't copy to a fresh R script or shut down the project, saved content of troublesome r script to another older r script, deleted it and all OK - e.g. could now open up another new script that saved with no problems.
