Creating a Dynamic Menu - css

I want to created a vertical dynamic menu with menu items that pop when needed. For example, menu has all country names and when you roll over a country, sub menu city names becomes visible. I chose the UL method to do this. So far I can make the menu list etc, but I have no idea how to make the sub menus visible and hide on roll over of country. Here is the code I got.
qString = "SELECT t.cID, t.cCountry, t.cPlace, t.cRating FROM tplaces AS t ORDER BY t.cCountry ASC, t.cPlace";
dtMenuPlaces = GetTable(qString);
int placeMenuWidth = 130;
int placeMenuHeight = 40;
if (dtMenuPlaces != null)
int menuY = 0;
string previousCountry = "";
int previousBGColor = 0;
Random rand = new Random();
string fnMenuBG = "blankblockBlue";
HtmlGenericControl mainLI = new HtmlGenericControl("li");
HtmlGenericControl subUL = new HtmlGenericControl("ul");
for (int x = 0; x < dtMenuPlaces.Rows.Count; x++)
int rnMenuBG = rand.Next(1, arrayMenuButtonNames.Length) - 1;
int cPlaceID = Convert.ToInt32(dtMenuPlaces.Rows[x][0]);
string cCountry = dtMenuPlaces.Rows[x][1].ToString();
string cPlace = dtMenuPlaces.Rows[x][2].ToString();
int cRating = Convert.ToInt32(dtMenuPlaces.Rows[x][3]);
string tempUrl = cCountry + cPlace + ".aspx";
tempUrl = tempUrl.Replace(" ", "");
tempUrl += "?fVar1=place&" + "fVar2=" + cPlace + "&fVar3=" + cCountry;
System.Text.StringBuilder tString = new System.Text.StringBuilder();
// used to make multiline buttons.
if (cPlace != "")
// tString.Append(Environment.NewLine);
if (previousCountry != cCountry)
rnMenuBG = rand.Next(1, arrayMenuButtonNames.Length) - 1;
while (rnMenuBG == previousBGColor)
System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Random - #" + rnMenuBG + " P " + previousBGColor);
rnMenuBG = rand.Next(1, arrayMenuButtonNames.Length) - 1;
fnMenuBG = "blankblock" + arrayMenuButtonNames[rnMenuBG];
mainLI = new HtmlGenericControl("li");
HtmlGenericControl mainA = new HtmlGenericControl("a");
mainA.Attributes.Add("href", tempUrl);
mainA.InnerText = tString.ToString();
// mainA.Attributes.Add("onmouseover", "'none'");
// mainA.Attributes.Add("onmouseout", "'block'");
mainA.Attributes.Add("style", "text-decoration: none;width:" + placeMenuWidth + "px;height:" + placeMenuHeight + "px;line-height:" + placeMenuHeight + "px;");
subUL = new HtmlGenericControl("ul");
mainLI.ID = "mainList";
previousCountry = cCountry;
previousBGColor = rnMenuBG;
// mainLI.Style["Background-image"] = "url:('images/gfx/" + fnMenuBG + ".gif'); no-repeat;";
mainLI.Attributes.Add("style", "display:block;position:absolute;top:" + menuY + "px;font-size:14px;font-family:century gothic;text-align: center;font-weight:bold;background:url('images/gfx/" + fnMenuBG + ".gif'); background-repeat:no-repeat;");
// mainLI.Attributes.Add("style", "background:url('images/gfx/" + fnMenuBG + ".gif'); background-repeat:no-repeat;");
menuY += placeMenuHeight + 5;
rnMenuBG = previousBGColor;
fnMenuBG = "blankblock" + arrayMenuButtonNames[rnMenuBG];
/// add SUB place if not main country.
HtmlGenericControl subLI = new HtmlGenericControl("li");
subUL.Attributes.Add("style", "display:block;position:relative;top:-" + placeMenuHeight + "px;left:" + placeMenuWidth + "px;margin: 0px; padding:0px;width:" + placeMenuWidth + "px;list-style-type:none;");
HtmlGenericControl subA = new HtmlGenericControl("a");
subA.Attributes.Add("href", tempUrl);
// subA.Attributes.Add("onmouseover", "\"red\"");
// subA.Attributes.Add("onmouseout", "\"black\"");
// subA.Attributes.Add("onclick", "\"yellow\"");
subA.Attributes.Add("style", "text-decoration: none;display:block;width:" + placeMenuWidth + "px;height:" + placeMenuHeight + "px;line-height:" + placeMenuHeight + "px;");
subA.InnerText = tString.ToString();
// subLI.Style["Background-image"] = "url:('images/gfx/" + fnMenuBG + ".gif'); no-repeat;";
subLI.Attributes.Add("style", "width:" + placeMenuWidth + "px;height:" + placeMenuHeight + "px;margin:0px;margin-bottom:5px;;padding:0px;font-size:14px;font-family:century gothic;text-align: center;font-weight:bold;background:url('images/gfx/" + fnMenuBG + ".gif'); background-repeat:no-repeat;");
// subLI.Attributes.Add("style", "font-size:14px;font-family:century gothic;text-align: center;font-weight:bold");
// subLI.Attributes.Add("style", "background:url('images/gfx/" + fnMenuBG + ".gif'); background-repeat:no-repeat;");
Also is it better to create HTMLGENERICCONTROLS or adding literal controls to a string builder?

heres a snippet of Jquery that might help you for the mouseover and mouseout, i picked it from a Jquery plugin :
var el = $('li');
var hidden_ul = $('.hidden')
el.on('mouseover mouseout', function(e) {
$(this).find('.hidden').css({'display' : 'block'});
e.type == 'mouseout' && $(this).find('.hidden').css({'display' : 'none'});
}); //---------------------------- End on function.
I have constructed a simple responsive menu , which might help you understand , what i mean as a whole check out the fiddle below :
incase you are not comfortable with Jquery , just remove the Jquery code and add the following peice of CSS in the stylesheet :
ul li a:hover + ul ,.hidden:hover{
display: block;
The original menu i build was intended to be CSS only , but i am giving you both a CSS as well as a Jquery solution , you can pick whichever one is more suited to you. :)

I was close to getting to work with HTMLGENERIC method, but I decided to rewrite the whole thing using stringbuilder and it worked. adding like u said to main.css plus in C#.
System.Text.StringBuilder sbMenu = new System.Text.StringBuilder();
qString = "SELECT t.cID, t.cCountry, t.cPlace, t.cRating FROM tplaces AS t ORDER BY t.cCountry ASC, t.cPlace";
dtMenuPlaces = GetTable(qString);
if (dtMenuPlaces != null)
string previousCountry = "";
int previousBGColor = 0;
Random rand = new Random();
string fnMenuBG = "blankblockBlue";
// HtmlGenericControl mainLI = new HtmlGenericControl("li");
// HtmlGenericControl subUL = new HtmlGenericControl("ul");
for (int x = 0; x < dtMenuPlaces.Rows.Count; x++)
int rnMenuBG = rand.Next(1, arrayMenuButtonNames.Length) - 1;
int cPlaceID = Convert.ToInt32(dtMenuPlaces.Rows[x][0]);
string cCountry = dtMenuPlaces.Rows[x][1].ToString();
string cPlace = dtMenuPlaces.Rows[x][2].ToString();
int cRating = Convert.ToInt32(dtMenuPlaces.Rows[x][3]);
string tempUrl = cCountry + cPlace + ".aspx";
tempUrl = tempUrl.Replace(" ", "");
tempUrl += "?fVar1=place&" + "fVar2=" + cPlace + "&fVar3=" + cCountry;
System.Text.StringBuilder tString = new System.Text.StringBuilder();
// used to make multiline buttons.
if (cPlace != "")
// tString.Append(Environment.NewLine);
if (x != 0)
if (previousCountry != cCountry)
rnMenuBG = rand.Next(1, arrayMenuButtonNames.Length) - 1;
while (rnMenuBG == previousBGColor)
System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Random - #" + rnMenuBG + " P " + previousBGColor);
rnMenuBG = rand.Next(1, arrayMenuButtonNames.Length) - 1;
fnMenuBG = "blankblock" + arrayMenuButtonNames[rnMenuBG];
sbMenu.Append("<li class='subMenuPlaces' style = background:url('images/gfx/" + fnMenuBG + ".gif');background-repeat:no-repeat;><a href='" + tempUrl + "'>" + tString.ToString() + "</a><ul class='subList'>");
previousCountry = cCountry;
previousBGColor = rnMenuBG;
rnMenuBG = previousBGColor;
fnMenuBG = "blankblock" + arrayMenuButtonNames[rnMenuBG];
sbMenu.Append("<li class='subMenuPlaces' style = background:url('images/gfx/" + fnMenuBG + ".gif');background-repeat:no-repeat;><a href='" + tempUrl + "'>" + tString.ToString() + "</a></li>");
menuPlaces.InnerHtml = sbMenu.ToString();


Want to get data from other website in

I am trying to get data from other website using NuGet but its not get anything.
var aTags showing null value.
var getHtmlWeb = new HtmlWeb();
var document = getHtmlWeb.Load("");
var aTags = document.DocumentNode.SelectNodes("//a");
int counter = 1;
if (aTags != null)
foreach (var aTag in aTags)
Label1.Text += counter + ". " + aTag.InnerHtml + " - " + aTag.Attributes["href"].Value + "\t" + "<br />";

Error: Function evaluation disabled because a previous function evaluation timed out. You must continue execution to reenable function evaluation

I want to display Agendas from table "tblAgenda" using here is the query:
public static List<int> SelectByYear()
DbManager db = new DbManager();
List<int> list = new List<int>();
var result = from p in db.tblAgenda
group p by p.News.Value.Year
into g
select new { Year = g.Key, Releases = g };
foreach (var obj in result)
return list.ToList<int>();
return null;
and here I am calling the above method:
public partial class edd_Default : System.Web.UI.Page
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(Request.QueryString["id"]))
private void RecentData()
List<tblAgenda> agd = new List<tblAgenda>();
StringBuilder sbHeadings = new StringBuilder();
StringBuilder sbData = new StringBuilder();
List<int> list1 = AgendaManager.SelectByYear();
if (list1 != null)
List<int> list = list1.Take(3).ToList<int>();
int Row = 0;
string RowCss = "";
foreach (tblAgenda ob in agd)
strYears = "";
if (list.Count > 0)
Table tblHead = new Table();
TableRow trHead = new TableRow();
TableCell tcDvHead = new TableCell();
TableCell tcLnkHead = new TableCell();
for (int i = 0; i < list.Count; i++)
Row = 0;
List<clsAgenda> listData = new List<clsAgenda>();
listData = null;
DateTime dt = DateTime.Now.AddYears(1);
string stryr = strYears;
int intyr = Convert.ToInt32(list[i]);
diff = Convert.ToInt32(dt.Year) - Convert.ToInt32(intyr);
if (diff == 0 || diff == 1 || diff == 2)
if (drpDepartments.SelectedValue == "-1")
strYears += list[i] + ",";
sbHeadings.Append("<div id='dv" + list[i] + "' style='float:left;width:60px;cursor:pointer;' class='btnclass11'>" + list[i] + "</div><div style='float:left;'> </div>");
listData = AgendaManager.SelectAllByYear(Convert.ToInt32(list[i]));
if (AgendaManager.IsAgendExistForDeptartment(Convert.ToInt32(list[i]), Convert.ToInt64(drpDepartments.SelectedValue)))
strYears += list[i] + ",";
sbHeadings.Append("<div id='dv" + list[i] + "' style='float:left;width:60px;cursor:pointer;' class='btnclass11'>" + list[i] + "</div><div style='float:left;'> </div>");
listData = AgendaManager.SelectAllByYear(Convert.ToInt32(list[i]), Convert.ToInt64(drpDepartments.SelectedValue));
sbData.Append("<table id='tbl" + list[i] + "' cellspacing='1' cellpadding='4' width='885' style='display:none;margin-top:10px;' class='GridBorder' >");
sbData.Append("<tr class='GridViewHeaderStyle' >");
sbData.Append("<th style='width:380px;height:22px;text-align:left;'>Meeting</th><th style='height:22px;text-align:left;'>Date</th><th style='width:70px;height:22px;text-align:left;'>Time</th><th style='width:70px;height:22px;text-align:left;'>Agenda</th><th style='height:22px;text-align:left;width:120px;'>Web Cast</th><th style='height:22px;text-align:left;width:100px;'>Minutes</th>");
foreach (clsAgenda obj in listData)
RowCss = "";
if (Row == 1)
RowCss = "class='GridRow'";
sbData.Append("<tr " + RowCss + ">");
sbData.Append("<td >" + obj.Title + "</td>");
sbData.Append("<td >" + string.Format("{0:MMM dd, yyyy}", obj.AgendaDate) + "</td>");
sbData.Append("<td >" + obj.Time + "</td>");
sbData.Append("<td ><a style='color:black;' href='agenda.aspx?id=" + obj.ID + "'>View</a></td>");
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(obj.WebCast))
sbData.Append("<td >---</td>");
sbData.Append("<td ><a style='color:black;' href='" + obj.WebCast + "'>" + obj.WebCastTitle + "</a></td>");
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(obj.MinutesFile))
sbData.Append("<td >---</td>");
if (ob.showThroughBroswer == 1)
sbData.Append("<td ><a href='downloadfile.aspx?AgendaMinuteId=" + obj.ID + "' target='_blank'>View</a></td>");
sbData.Append("<td ><a href='showpdf.aspx?AgendaMinuteId=" + obj.ID + "' target='_blank'>View</a></td>");
if (Row == 2)
Row = 0;
if (strYears.Length > 0)
strYears = strYears.Substring(0, strYears.Length - 1);
strFirstYear = list[0].ToString();
tcDvHead.Text = sbHeadings.ToString();
if (diff == 1 || diff == 2)
tcLnkHead.Text = "<div class='dvhrfclass'><a href='listagendas.aspx?id=pre' class='link1'>Previous Meetings >></a></div>";
tcLnkHead.Text = "";
StringWriter sW = new StringWriter();
HtmlTextWriter hW = new HtmlTextWriter(sW);
letHeading.Text = sW.ToString();
letData.Text = sbData.ToString();
now the issue is I am getting no values in list1, I have tried using the debugger on the query and found that I can't access the "tblAgenda", its giving an error that: " Function evaluation disabled because a previous function evaluation timed out. You must continue execution to reenable function evaluation". I have searched alot but didn't find anything good, my connection string is totally fine because all the other tables are working fine even in "tblAgenda" I can store new agenda from admin panel but I can't retrieve the agendas on front end, what is the issue here?

MailEnable - Create Account

I'm trying to create an e-mail with MailEnable
MailEnable.Administration.Login oLogin = new MailEnable.Administration.Login();
oLogin.Account = iCliente.URL;
oLogin.LastAttempt = -1;
oLogin.LastSuccessfulLogin = -1;
oLogin.LoginAttempts = -1;
oLogin.Password = txt_Senha.Text;
oLogin.Rights = "";
oLogin.Status = -1;
oLogin.UserName = txt_Email + "#" + iCliente.URL;
if (oLogin.GetLogin() != 1)
oLogin.LastAttempt = 0;
oLogin.LastSuccessfulLogin = 0;
oLogin.LoginAttempts = 0;
oLogin.Password = txt_Senha.Text;
oLogin.Rights = "USER";
oLogin.Status = 1;
MailEnable.Administration.Mailbox mailBoxCreate = new MailEnable.Administration.Mailbox();
mailBoxCreate.Postoffice = iCliente.URL;
mailBoxCreate.MailboxName = txt_Email.Text;
mailBoxCreate.RedirectAddress = txt_Redirect.Text;
mailBoxCreate.RedirectStatus = 0;//recuperar valor da checkbox
mailBoxCreate.Limit = 51200; //-1 for unlimited
mailBoxCreate.Status = 1;
MailEnable.Administration.AddressMap mailAMap = new MailEnable.Administration.AddressMap();
mailAMap.Account = iCliente.URL;
mailAMap.DestinationAddress = "[SF:" + iCliente.URL + "/" + txt_Email.Text + "]";
mailAMap.SourceAddress = "[SMTP:" + txt_Email.Text + "#" + iCliente.URL + "]";
But does not work, it creates the email but no password!
Follow my class running perfect.
using System;
using System.Data.SqlClient;
using System.IO;
using System.Xml.XPath;
using MailEnable;
namespace BLL
public class MailEnable_Geral
public string _Email { get; set; }
public bool CriarEmail(string _senha, string _redirect, long _ativarRedirect)
string[] vPostoffice = _Email.Split('#');
string _username = vPostoffice[0];
string _postoffice = vPostoffice[1];
string _domain=_postoffice;
bool _retorno = true;
MailEnable.Administration.Mailbox mb = new MailEnable.Administration.Mailbox();
mb.Postoffice = _postoffice;
mb.MailboxName = _username;
mb.Host = _domain;
mb.Limit = 51200;//50MB
mb.RedirectAddress = _redirect;
mb.RedirectStatus = _ativarRedirect;//Ativa ou desativa Redirect
mb.Status = 1;
MailEnable.Administration.Login login = new MailEnable.Administration.Login();
login.Account = _postoffice;
login.Description = _username + " at " + _domain;
login.Host = _domain;
login.Rights = "USER";
login.Status = 1;
login.Password = _senha;
login.UserName = _username + "#" + _postoffice;
MailEnable.Administration.AddressMap map = new MailEnable.Administration.AddressMap();
map.Account = _postoffice;
map.DestinationAddress = "[SF:" + _postoffice + "/" + _username + "]";
map.SourceAddress = "[SMTP:" + _username + "#" + _domain + "]";
map.Scope = "";
if (map.AddAddressMap() == 0)
throw new Exception("Failed address map");
catch (Exception e)
_retorno = false;
return _retorno;

Find radio button control in nested repeater control in

I have two repeater controls one inside other and in inner repeater there is placeholder in which radio button is dynamically generated. I want to find the radio button control to check whether it is checked or not? I want above all function to be performed in button submit/click event defined in the code?
if (!Page.IsPostBack)
//1) Load SomeDatatable from Database somehow
// Just for testing : replace with query to DB
strqry = "select * from Quiz_tblQsnsLimitMaster where Qsnexamname='" + Request.QueryString["QsnEname"].ToString() + "'";
SqlDataAdapter adp = new SqlDataAdapter(strqry, sCon);
DataSet ds = new DataSet();
int total = ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count;
for (int i = 0; i < total; i++)
string QuesID = ds.Tables[0].Rows[i].ItemArray[1].ToString();
//SubName = ds.Tables[0].Rows[i].ItemArray[3].ToString();
DataSet oDs = SqlHelper.ExecuteDataset(sCon, "Ps_Quiz_OnlineTest_QuestionsWithOptions_Get", QuesID);
System.Data.DataColumn newColumn = new System.Data.DataColumn("ContentIndex", typeof(System.String));
newColumn.DefaultValue = "0";
for (int i = 0; i < Math.Ceiling((decimal)SomeDatatable.Rows.Count); i++)
SomeDatatable.Rows[i]["ContentIndex"] = i + 1;
////2) Create a dummy data source for the tab repeater using a list of anonymous types
List<object> TabList = new List<object>();
for (int I = 0; I < Math.Ceiling((decimal)SomeDatatable.Rows.Count / (decimal)ContentPerTab); I++)
TabList.Add(new { TabIndex = I });
TabRepeater.ItemDataBound += TabRepeater_ItemDataBound;
TabRepeater.DataSource = TabList;
//TablLinkRepeater.DataSource = TabList;
public void removeDuplicatesRows(DataTable dt)
SomeDatatable = dt.DefaultView.ToTable(true, "QuestionId");
protected void TabRepeater_ItemDataBound(object sender, System.Web.UI.WebControls.RepeaterItemEventArgs e)
if (e.Item.ItemType == ListItemType.Item | e.Item.ItemType == ListItemType.AlternatingItem)
int TabIndex = -1;
int.TryParse(DataBinder.Eval(e.Item.DataItem, "TabIndex").ToString(), out TabIndex);
//Copy Content Rows from SomeDatable that belong to this tab
DataTable Dt = SomeDatatable.Clone();
for (Int32 i = TabIndex * ContentPerTab; i <= (TabIndex + 1) * ContentPerTab - 1; i++)
if (i >= SomeDatatable.Rows.Count) break;
// Find the content repeater in this item and use the new datatable as source
Repeater ContentRepeater = (Repeater)e.Item.FindControl("ContentRepeater");
ContentRepeater.ItemDataBound += ContentRepeater_ItemDataBound;
ContentRepeater.DataSource = Dt;
// This handler might be needed for content repeater, included just for testing
protected void ContentRepeater_ItemDataBound(object sender, System.Web.UI.WebControls.RepeaterItemEventArgs e)
if (e.Item.ItemType == ListItemType.Item | e.Item.ItemType == ListItemType.AlternatingItem)
//Read coulmn from Datarow
int ContentIndex = -1;
int.TryParse(DataBinder.Eval(e.Item.DataItem, "ContentIndex").ToString(), out ContentIndex);
var parsed = "'" + HttpUtility.ParseQueryString(DataBinder.Eval(e.Item.DataItem, "QuestionID").ToString()) + "'";
//Add Question
DataSet ds = SqlHelper.ExecuteDataset(sCon, "Ps_Quiz_QuestionsWithOptions_Get", Convert.ToString(parsed));
if (ds.Tables.Count > 0)
if (ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0)
int iCnt = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count; i++)
Table tblQsn = new Table();
//.....Begin Text Qsn Creation.....//
tblQsn.Width = new Unit("98%");
TableRow trQsn = new TableRow();
trQsn.ID = "Row_" + iRowCounter.ToString();
TableCell tcQsn = new TableCell();
TableCell tcQsnSNo = new TableCell();
tcQsn.CssClass = "Label";
tcQsn.BackColor = System.Drawing.Color.Gainsboro;
tcQsn.Font.Bold = true;
tcQsn.Font.Size = 12;
tcQsn.Text = ds.Tables[0].Rows[i][1].ToString();
tcQsn.Width = Unit.Percentage(99.5);
tcQsn.ID = "Cell_" + iCellCounter.ToString();
tcQsnSNo.CssClass = "Label";
tcQsnSNo.Attributes.Add("valign", "top");
tcQsnSNo.BackColor = System.Drawing.Color.Gainsboro;
tcQsnSNo.Font.Bold = true;
tcQsnSNo.Width = Unit.Percentage(0.5);
tcQsnSNo.ID = "Cell_" + iCellCounter.ToString();
tcQsnSNo.Text = ContentIndex.ToString() + ".";
int rcnt = i;
int iOptCnt = 0;
string sStatus = "N";
while ((rcnt >= 0) && (rcnt < ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count))
if (ds.Tables[0].Rows[rcnt][2].ToString() == ds.Tables[0].Rows[i][2].ToString())
if (sStatus == "N")
sStatus = "Y";
TableRow trQsnOpt = new TableRow();
trQsnOpt.ID = "Row_" + iRowCounter.ToString();
TableCell tcQsnOpt = new TableCell();
tcQsnOpt.CssClass = "Label";
tcQsnOpt.ID = "Cell_" + iCellCounter.ToString();
tcQsnOpt.Attributes.Add("valign", "top");
tcQsnOpt.VerticalAlign = VerticalAlign.Middle;
TableCell tcQsnOptSNo = new TableCell();
tcQsnOptSNo.CssClass = "Label";
tcQsnOptSNo.ID = "Cell_" + iCellCounter.ToString();
RadioButton oRbOptions = new RadioButton();
oRbOptions.GroupName = ds.Tables[0].Rows[rcnt][2].ToString() + "_Group";
oRbOptions.Text = ds.Tables[0].Rows[rcnt][3].ToString().Trim();
oRbOptions.Font.Size = 11;
oRbOptions.ID = ds.Tables[0].Rows[i][0].ToString() + "_" + ds.Tables[0].Rows[rcnt][2].ToString() + "_" + "Option" + iOptCnt.ToString() + "_" + iRbTCounter.ToString();
//oRbOptions.Enabled = false;
//if (ds.Tables[0].Rows[i][2].ToString() == "Option" + iRbTCounter.ToString())
// oRbOptions.Checked = true;
oRbOptions.InputAttributes.Add("data-info", Convert.ToString(ContentIndex));
oRbOptions.CssClass = "Label";
tcQsnOptSNo.Text = iOptCnt.ToString() + ".";
//.....Add Option Image.....//
i = rcnt - 1;
PlPreview = (PlaceHolder)e.Item.FindControl("PlPreview");
protected void btnsubmit_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
public void SubmitQuestion()
for (int c = 0; c < SomeDatatable.Rows.Count; c++)
string sQsnOptId = SomeDatatable.Rows[c]["QuestionID"].ToString();
DataSet ds = SqlHelper.ExecuteDataset(sCon, "Ps_Quiz_QuestionsWithOptions_Get", "'" + sQsnOptId + "'");
for (int i = 1; i <= 4; i++)
string rdboption = ds.Tables[0].Rows[c][0].ToString() + "_" + ds.Tables[0].Rows[i-1][2].ToString() + "_" + "Option" + i + "_" + i;
Repeater rpt = (Repeater)TabRepeater.NamingContainer.FindControl("ContentRepeater");
RadioButton rbt = (RadioButton)rpt.NamingContainer.FindControl(rdboption);
if (rbt.Checked)
strqry = "update Quiz_tblOnlineTest_Detail set UserAns='Option" + i + "', DeletionStatus='A' where CreationLogInId='AMITSAMBYAL#HOTMAIL.COM' and ExamName='" + Request.QueryString["QsnEname"].ToString() + "' and QsnId=" + Session["quesid"].ToString() + "";
cmd = new SqlCommand(strqry, con);
I found the answer. Thanks
foreach (RepeaterItem repeater in TabRepeater.Items)
Repeater repeater1 = (Repeater)repeater.FindControl("ContentRepeater");
foreach (RepeaterItem repItem in repeater1.Items)
for (int i = 1; i <= 4; i++)
string rdboption = ds.Tables[0].Rows[c][0].ToString() + "_" + ds.Tables[0].Rows[i - 1][2].ToString() + "_" + "Option" + i + "_" + i;
PlaceHolder PlPreview = (PlaceHolder)repItem.FindControl("PlPreview");
rbt = (RadioButton)PlPreview.FindControl(rdboption);
if (rbt.Checked)
// statement

Routed Direction using control

I'm trying to research the routed direction using google maps for control. Here is my Code.
GoogleMapForASPNet1.GoogleMapObject.APIKey = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["GoogleAPIKey"];
GoogleMapForASPNet1.GoogleMapObject.Width = "1100px";
GoogleMapForASPNet1.GoogleMapObject.Height = "600px";
GoogleMapForASPNet1.GoogleMapObject.ZoomLevel = 10;
GoogleMapForASPNet1.GoogleMapObject.CenterPoint = new GooglePoint("1", 1.352083, 103.819836);
GoogleMapForASPNet1.GoogleMapObject.ShowTraffic = true;
int count=0;
bool flag = false;
foreach (var gitem in tblG)
foreach (var item in tblDT)
if (item.Latitude==gitem.Latitude && item.Longitude==gitem.Longitude && flag!=true)
count += 1;
GooglePoint GP1 = new GooglePoint();
GP1.ID = "GP" + count.ToString();
GP1.Latitude = Convert.ToDouble(gitem.Latitude);//latitude;
GP1.Longitude = Convert.ToDouble(gitem.Longitude);
GP1.InfoHTML = " Name:<b>" + Name + "</b></br>Point:<b>" + "GP" + count.ToString() + "</b></br>Time:<b>" + gitem.CDate.ToString() + "</b></br>";//stime;
string address = gitem.Latitude + "," + gitem.Longitude;
flag = true;
flag = false;
I want it as Routed Direction is only between start and End point.
But I got result look like driving Direction. I don't want to get that result. How to fix that problem?
