Qt-context menu checkable property - qt

I have a context menu option in my UI. where it has white and black theme.
void MainWindow::ShowContextMenu(const QPoint& pos)
QPoint globalPos = this->mapToGlobal(pos);
white=new QAction("White", this);
black=new QAction("Black", this);
QMenu myMenu;
QActionGroup *grp= new QActionGroup(this);
QAction* selectedItem = myMenu.exec(globalPos);
I tried to add group action. Which has default exclusion effect. when i select white the black check should go. and viceversa.
But in my code black menu from the list is always checked. and on selecting white, white menu is not getting checked and black check has check mark.
some one provide me a solution for this.
I want the check mark should be changed and toggled.

In your ShowContextMenu slot you always create a new menu object and check its 'black' option. You should declare a menu object as a MainWindow member and init it once only:
MainWindow::MainWindow(QWidget *parent) :
myMenu(0), white(0), black(0)
void Widget::initMenu()
white=new QAction("White", this);
black=new QAction("Black", this);
myMenu = new QMenu(this);
QMenu *theme= myMenu->addMenu(tr("&Theme"));
QActionGroup *grp= new QActionGroup(this);
void Widget::ShowContextMenu(const QPoint& pos)
if (!myMenu)
QPoint globalPos = this->mapToGlobal(pos);
QAction* selectedItem = myMenu->exec(globalPos);


How to switch between two QGraphicsView inside a QWidget

I have two different views to display inside a QWidget window. Each view has a separate QGraphicsScene.
I want to toggle between the two views on button click.
This is my current implementation:
void toggleUi(bool type){
QGraphicsView* currentView;
currentView = getFirstView(); // returns QGraphicsView of first type
currentView = getSecondView(); // returns QGraphicsView of second type
QLayout* layout = widget->layout ();
if (layout != 0)
QLayoutItem *item;
while ((item = layout->takeAt(0)) != 0)
layout->removeItem (item);
delete layout;
QVBoxLayout *layout = new QVBoxLayout(this);
Issue: Both views are displayed over one another on toggle, even after deleting the layout and adding a new one.
Both views are rendered fine without toggle.
Is there a better/another way to do it?
Use QStackedWidget! Use the addWidget function to add widgets:
QStackedWidget *stackedWidget = new QStackedWidget(this);
QVBoxLayout *layout = new QVBoxLayout(this);
Here's how to switch between the widgets:
void toggleUi(bool type){
I hope it helps!

Qt - Not correctly adding widgets to QHBoxLayout after clearing the layout

I have a QHBoxLayout in which I added some widgets. I need to be able to refresh the layout dynamically so I use this to clear the layout :
void ClearLayout(QLayout* layout)
if (!layout)
QLayoutItem* item;
while ((item = layout->takeAt(0)) != nullptr)
delete item->widget();
This indeed removes all widgets and layouts. After this layout->isEmpty() returns true and layout->count() returns 0.
However, when I try to add new widgets (same type of other previously added but new instance) It does not work !
// DeviceWidget inherits QWidget
DeviceWidget* deviceWidget = new DeviceWidget;
deviceWidget->setFixedSize(150, 200);
connect(deviceWidget->GetSignalObject(), &DeviceObject::Selected, this,
layout->addWidget(deviceWidget, 0, Qt::AlignCenter);
This is the same function used previously to add the widgets to the layout and worked the first time at Construction:
MainLayout(QWidget* parent) : QHBoxLayout(parent)
layout = new QHBoxLayout;
uint32 nb = GetDeviceNumber(); // returns 2
for (uint32 i = 0; i < deviceNb; ++i)
After trying to add 2 widgets I have layout->isEmpty() returns true and layout->count() returns 2 so I'm confused …
thanks for any help provided :)
The problem seems to be comming from my DeviceWidget class since trying to add a simple QLabel to the cleared layout worked. Here's the DeviceWidget Constructor:
DeviceWidget::DeviceWidget(QWidget* parent) : QWidget(parent)
QVBoxLayout* vLayout = new QVBoxLayout;
QLabel* deviceIcon = new QLabel("DeviceIcon", this);
deviceIcon->setFixedSize(128, 128);
// StatusWidget inherits QWidget
// Just override paintEvent to display a colored filled disk
m_status = new StatusWidget(20, Status::Close, this);
vLayout->addWidget(deviceIcon, 0, Qt::AlignCenter);
vLayout->addWidget(m_status, 0, Qt::AlignCenter);
// DeviceObjct inherits from QObject an add a signal
m_object = new DeviceObject(size());
// Function clearing the stylesheet background-color
Commenting installEventFilter(this) make it work so I think I need to add an event filter to make it work but I don't know which one
As said in the Edit, The problem is coming from DeviceWidget added in the layout that override eventFilter. There is probably a way to add a case in eventFilter to make it work but in my case it was best either (1) or (2):
1. Remove eventFilter from class DeviceWidget and put it in class DeviceObject: m_object is present to emit a signal according to event:
DeviceObject(QObject* parent);
bool eventFilter(QObject* obj, QEvent* event) override;
void Select(uint32 i);
Then in class DeviceWidget still call installEventFilter but with m_object as parameter: installEventFilter(m_object);
For the other event (Enter/Leave) I overrode void enterEvent(QEvent* event) and void leaveEvent(QEvent* event) for class DeviceWidget. That's what lead me to the second option that seems better.
2. Completely remove eventFilter and installEventFilter as it is only used to emit a signal when widget is clicked and do things when cursor hovers the widget. Instead override enterEvent and leaveEvent for class DeviceWidget like said before for hover event.
Then in class DeviceObjecy override void mousePressEvent(QMouseEvent*) for clicked event.

QTreeView: show "empty view" item?

I want to show an item "There are no elements in this view" if the connected QTreeView model (set by QSortFilterProxyModel) has no elements to show.
How can I implement such things?
Thanks for small hints.
One of the solution is overriding the tree view's paint event and draw the custom text when there is no items in the view. You need to sub class the QTreeView in the following way:
class TreeView : public QTreeView
void paintEvent(QPaintEvent * event)
if (model() && model()->rowCount() > 0) {
} else {
// If no items draw a text in the center of the viewport.
QPainter painter(viewport());
QString text(tr("There are no elements in this view"));
QRect textRect = painter.fontMetrics().boundingRect(text);
painter.drawText(textRect, Qt::AlignCenter, text);

Adding a right-click menu for specific items in QTreeView

I'm writing a Qt desktop application in c++ with Qt Creator.
I declared in my main window a treeView, and a compatible model.
Now, I would like to have a right-click menu for the tree item. Not for all of the items, but for a part of them, for example: for the tree elements with an even index.
I tried adding a simple context menu with the following code:
in the .h file:
QStandardItemModel* model;
QMenu* contextMenu;
QAction* uninstallAction;
private slots:
void uninstallAppletClickedSlot();
and in the .cpp file:
in the constructor:
contextMenu = new QMenu(ui->treeView);
uninstallAction = new QAction("Uninstall TA",contextMenu);
connect(uninstallAction, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(uninstallAppletClickedSlot()));
and a slot:
void MainWindow::uninstallAppletClickedSlot()
this code gives me a context menu with the wanted action, but do you have any idea how can I add this action only for the QStandardItems with the even indexes??
BTW, I'm adding items to the treeView by the following way:
void MainWindow::AddItem(QString name)
QStandardItem *parentItem = model->invisibleRootItem();
QStandardItem *app = new QStandardItem(name);
I googled a lot, but found nothing :(
thanks in advance!
I would do this in the following way:
Configure the context menu
connect(ui->treeView, SIGNAL(customContextMenuRequested(const QPoint &)), this, SLOT(onCustomContextMenu(const QPoint &)));
Implement the context menu handling
void MainWindow::onCustomContextMenu(const QPoint &point)
QModelIndex index = ui->treeView->indexAt(point);
if (index.isValid() && index.row() % 2 == 0) {

Displaying two widgets in MainWindow

I am new to Qt. As it stands, I have a table with a button btn. When the button is clicked the setCentralWidget(view) takes over the window so I can no longer see the table obviously. But if I remove the setCentralWidget(view), nothing displays when I click the button.
Is there a way I can display both in the same window? Split or dock maybe?
(I have removed code that is irrelevant to my question)
packet = new QTabWidget;
//other code
void MainWindow::create(const QString &a)
QTableWidget* table = new QTableWidget;
int tabIndex = packet->addTab(table, a);
table->setItem(0,0,new QTableWidgetItem(a));
QPushButton *btn = new QPushButton("load", this);
connect(btn, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(sim()));
table->setCellWidget(0,1, btn);
void MainWindow::sim()
QGraphicsScene* scene = new QGraphicsScene(QRect(-10, -10, 100, 50));
QGraphicsView* view = new QGraphicsView();
view->setGeometry(QRect(10, 10, 100, 50));
You should look at the QMdiArea class - it's designed to be used as the central widget of a Main Window that can have many inner widgets. It has a variety of layout styles as well - scroll down on that page to see the examples.
Hope that helps!
You should subclass QWidget. For example make your own MyWidget class. And this class will include a QGraphicsView and a QTabWidget in a splitter for example. And in your MainWindow set the central widget as an instance of MyWidget.
