How to skip webflow definition(flow.xml) scan for third party jars - spring-webflow

Is there away we can restrict spring webflow definition (flow.xml) scan to look only for specific jar pattern from my WEB-INF/LIB folder?
My web application having nearly 700 jars in WEB-INF/lib folder in which i want the scan to be done only for specified jar name pattern (eg: jar name starts with "").
I have already done location pattern scan, but I do want to restrict number of jars scan, so that it would be faster.

Not sure I'm understanding your question correctly. How is your "flowRegistry" bean configured? Or better yet your entire spring webflow config?
Possible solutions:
1. You can pass in wild cards in the "flow-location-pattern" (e.g value="/**/*-flow.xml") to provide a search pattern.
2. You can also set the base-path attribute on the flow-registry to indicate where the root directory of the flow (scanning) will start.
3. finally you can also explicitly declare your flow using the flow-location path="..."
The sample config below demonstrates how to use all 3 possible configs stated above.
Sample config:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<beans xmlns=""
<!-- The registry of executable flow definitions -->
<webflow:flow-registry id="flowRegistry" base-path="/WEB-INF/flows/s" flow-builder-services="flowBuilderServices">
<webflow:flow-location-pattern value="/**/*-flow.xml" />
<!-- <webflow:flow-location path="/flows/main-flow.xml" />-->


Corda Enterprise generates a details-node-.log file

at the beginning of the project we worked with Corda Opensource, and we used the command line argument logging-level=WARN to change the log level of the nodes.
When we started using Corda Enterprise, we noticed that a details-node-.log file was created. It is a log file that grows fast and is at TRACE level.
Our question: can the log in this file affect the performance of our cordapps and can we change the level of this log or disable it?
Corda Enterprise adds that logger which is not present in Open Source Corda.
The only impact I can see for a CordApp could be probably the lack of space on the server, so if in your case this log file becomes too big too quickly, it would be a good idea to configure it to avoid possible problems.
You can override the log4j configuration file and give it as input to the jar like this:
java -jar Dlog4j.configurationFile=new-log-config.xml <en-service>.jar
It is standard log4j, so you can also configure the rollover period and the size.
For reference, you can also take a look to this log4j.xml in open source Corda to see how the loggers are configured.
So, can probably override the logger you're concerned about with the following:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Property name="detailLogLevel">TRACE</Property>
<RollingRandomAccessFile name="Detailed-RollingFile-Appender"
...your policies...
...your strategy...
<Logger name="DetailedInfo" additivity="false" level="${detailLogLevel}">
<AppenderRef ref="Detailed-RollingFile-Appender"/>

Issues with custom URLRewrite rules in 7.9

Currently I'm having some issues with custom URL rewrite rules within ISH 7.9.
For some of our environments it works fine (like local and test), but on ACC and PROD it only seems to work from time to time after multiple deploys/restarts of the system.
We have created a custom cartridge that has a deploy.gradle file to exclude the files urlrewriterules.xml, domainsplittings.xml and from the original cartridges. They get replaced by our custom files in the share/system/config/cluster folder. The static rules applied in the urlrewriterules.xml always work fine. However the rules that are coming from custom Java classes sometimes don't get well loaded by the RewriteRuleFactoryImpl returning back the below error:
[2018-11-07 08:20:37.906 +0100] WARN localhost ES1 appserver0 [ShipSupport-ebusiness-Site] [-] com.intershop.component.urlrewrite.internal.factory.RewriteRuleFactoryImpl [] [Storefront] [wJ5DCcg2CM5DCZPUUqdNu2D2fj8NZHaXjvP9qIZb] [yFAAAFvikjkOsqjA-0-00] "yFAAAFvikjkOsqjA-0-00" An implementation of rewrite rule type 'CustomCategory' does not exist.
The part of code in the urlrewriterules.xml that will call this java class is the following:
<!-- Custom Category Rule /c/<NAME_OF_LOWEST_CATEGORY> -->
<rule type="CustomCategory" priority="1000" name="custom category rule">
<configuration id="pathPrefix">/catalog</configuration>
<configuration id="partsCatalogID">4393</configuration>
We also have the classes well created in our own cartridge such as CustomCategoryRewriteRule that extends BaseRewriteRule. URL Rewrite is enabled for those channels and we always Invalidate the cache in the channels that have it enabled.
The extension for the CustomCategory (defined in the same cartridge) is defined as below:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<extensionpoint:ExtensionPointModel xmlns:extensionpoint="" name="CustomCategoryRewriteRule">
<extensionBindings type="java" extensionPoint="com.intershop.component.urlrewrite.capi.RewriteRule-RewriteRule.create" extension="com.package.CustomCategoryRewriteRule" priority="1"/>
Also the app-extension.component is defined in the same cartridge as below:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<components xmlns="" scope="global">
<fulfill requirement="selectedCartridge" value="cartridge_name" of="intershop.SLDSystem.Cartridges"/>
<fulfill requirement="selectedCartridge" value="cartridge_name" of="intershop.EnterpriseBackoffice.Cartridges"/>
We followed this article to confirm on how to do it: We also have it working fine in another project, but using Intershop 7.8.
Do you have any idea on what might be the cause?
Thank you!
We ended up solving it out by apply the SMBResponsive cartridge as well.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<components xmlns="" scope="global">
<fulfill requirement="selectedCartridge" value="royalihc_sldsystem" of="intershop.SLDSystem.Cartridges"/>
<fulfill requirement="selectedCartridge" value="royalihc_sldsystem" of="intershop.EnterpriseBackoffice.Cartridges"/>
<fulfill requirement="selectedCartridge" value="royalihc_sldsystem" of="intershop.SMBResponsive.Cartridges" />
Thanks Andreas for all the help.
Besides the implementation, you also need to create an extension file in <cartridge>/staticfiles/cartridge/extensions. This is the actual registration of the rewrite rule for the lookup mechanism. See the following example:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<extensionpoint:ExtensionPointModel xmlns:extensionpoint="" name="CustomRewriteRule.extension">
<extensionBindings type="java" extensionPoint="com.intershop.component.urlrewrite.capi.RewriteRule-RewriteRule.create" extension="com.package.CustomCategoryRewriteRule " priority="1"/>
Also the cartridge that contains these extensions needs to be registered at the application types via a component file in <cartridge>/staticfiles/cartridge/components. This is needed so that the extension is loaded correctly in the correct application context. See this example:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<components xmlns="">
<fulfill requirement="selectedCartridge" value="your_custom_cartridge" of="intershop.SLDSystem.Cartridges" />
<fulfill requirement="selectedCartridge" value="your_custom_cartridge" of="intershop.B2CBackoffice.Cartridges" />
<fulfill requirement="selectedCartridge" value="your_custom_cartridge" of="intershop.B2CResponsive.Cartridges" />
I'm not quite sure if you need to register it for all of these applications, but these are the ones we used in our last project. If you use different application types or have custom ones, make sure to add those accordingly.

Override Spring Data Elastic Search cluster node configuration

I'm using Elastic Search for my project activities in which I communicated to the backend ES cluster through the spring utility
Following are the spring-repository descriptions for the webapp.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<beans xmlns=""
<elasticsearch:transport-client id="client" cluster-nodes="localhost:9300" />
<bean name="elasticsearchTemplate"
<constructor-arg name="client" ref="client" />
base-package="com.customer.repositories" />
Here I've specified the cluster node configuration as cluster-nodes="localhost:9300" and it is working fine with my local testing.
In production server we've a full functional cluster setup with host IP say (192.xx.xx.xx). So my problem is that, we have specified the cluster host in a yml file in /etc/project/es.yml file in the production server. So I need to tweak my application to take the cluster configuration from this custom location.
Since the above spring-repository xml initialized by the spring container, we are unable to override the behaviour. Is there any way to achieve it with spring-data-elastic-search ?
Finally I resolved my issue and sharing it here, so that it may be useful to some one else.
Changed YML idea to property file (es.props)
spring repository descriptions should be as follows
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>co
<beans xmlns=""
<context:property-placeholder location="file:/etc/project/es.props" />
<elasticsearch:transport-client id="client" cluster-nodes="${es-host}:9300""/>
<bean name="elasticsearchTemplate"
<constructor-arg name="client" ref="client" />
base-package="com.customer.repositories" />
Which used Spring PropertySourcePlaceHolder modification mechanism in 3.1+.
So it will look up for in /etc/project/es.props. Local testers can override this property by starting the server with
Actually Mohsin(Spring-data-elastic-search developer) gave hints to arrive at this solution. Thanks Mohsin.

ServletContextListener not being invoked

I creating a Java EE 7 project using Eclipse Maven plugin. My problem is when I run the application the class that implements SerlvetContextListener does not get invoked. What is causing this problem?
public class ApplicationContextListener implements ServletContextListener{
public void contextInitialized(ServletContextEvent sce)
Request request = new HttpRequest(sce);
new Thread (request).start();
public void contextDestroyed(ServletContextEvent sce)
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<web-app xmlns=""
<!-- Jersey Mapping -->
<!-- end Jersey Mapping -->
To summarize JNL's and Ted Goddard's answers:
For a ServletContextListener (or other listeners, such as a ServletContextAttributeListener or a ServletRequestAttributeListener) to be loaded by the servlet container, you need to tell the container about it. As described in the API docs, there are three ways to do this:
Declare it in the deployment descriptor (web.xml):
or annotate its class with #WebListener (see "Note about annotations" below)
or register it programatically, via the methods in ServletContext, such as addListener().
Note about annotations
Method 1) and 3) will always work. For method 2) (annotations) to work, the servlet container must be configured to scan the classes in the classpath, to find the annotated listener classes.
The webapp's own classes (under WEB-INF/classes) and libraries (JARs under WEB-INF/lib) will not be scanned if the web.xml contains the attribute metadata-complete="true" (the attribute defaults to false). See the Java Servlet Specification Version 3.0, chapter 8.1, "Annotations and pluggability".
In a web application, classes using annotations will have their annotations processed only if they are located in the WEB-INF/classes directory, or if they are packaged in a jar file located in WEB-INF/lib within the application. The web application deployment descriptor contains a new “metadata-complete” attribute on the web-app element. The “metadata-complete” attribute defines whether the web descriptor is complete, or whether the class files of the jar file should be examined for annotations and web fragments at deployment time. If “metadata-complete” is set to "true", the deployment tool MUST ignore any servlet annotations present in the class files of the application and web fragments. If the metadata-complete attribute is not specified or is set to "false", the deployment tool must examine the class files of the application for annotations, and scan for web fragments.
So, to allow the container to find annotated classes in JARs, make sure the web.xml sets metadata-complete="false", or does not set it at all.
Note that setting this may delay the application startup; see for example What to do with annotations after setting metadata-complete="true" (which resolved slow Tomcat 7 start-up)? .
Unfortunately, that still does not explain why the ServletContextListener in the question is not loaded. Note that the web.xml in the question does not metadata-complete, meaning it defaults to false, thus classpath scanning is enabled. There is probably some other problem; this checklist hopefully helps in finding it.
Using metadata-complete="false" in web.xml fixed this issue for me.
<web-app xmlns=""
In web.xml you also need to specify the <listener-class>.
For the record, I'm adding yet another possible (and rather vicious) cause of ServletContextListener not being invoked.
This can happen when you have a java.lang.LinkageError, that is when you forgot to add <scope>provided</scope> to your javax.servlet-api dependency.
In such a case the listener instance is created but only the static part is executed, not the contextInitialized and contextDestroyed methods.
You shall discover only when you invoke some servlet, as the linkage error is not raised during listener instantiation.
There is one other extremely rare scenario which can cause this. (which took me 4 hours to uncover)
If you're using Tomcat10 then you can't use javax.servlet library in your maven/gradle.
Tomcat9 still has javax.servlet, but Tomcat10 migrated to jakarta.servlet
Tomcat10 expects to have Listener class that uses jakarta.servlet.ServletContextListener
So use this maven dependency: (scope is provided, because Tomcat10 already has such library)
The running container might need to explicitly allow scanning for annotations:
Ex for jetty:
java -jar [JETTY_HOME]/start.jar --add-module=annotations
In a Spring-Boot 1.3+ scenario, you need to have the package for the class annotated with #WebListener (and #WebFilter, #WebServlet) fall under the #ServletComponentScan package scope.
Per Baeldung.

deploying javafx 1.3 application with swing.filechooser

I have a Java application and I integrated JavaFX 1.3 on it. I have spent more than three days trying to deploy it as a Web Start Application and it is impossible.
I have a jar running with the console (javafx -jar MatchTestCaseGenerator-2.0-jar-with-dependencies.jar) but when I try to execute the jnlp I have the following error: access denied (java.util.PropertyPermission user.home read)
at java.lang.SecurityManager.checkPermission(
at java.lang.SecurityManager.checkPropertyAccess(
at java.lang.System.getProperty(
at javax.swing.filechooser.FileSystemView.getDefaultDirectory(
at javax.swing.JFileChooser.setCurrentDirectory(
at javax.swing.JFileChooser.<init>(
at javax.swing.JFileChooser.<init>( ...
I have the jar file signed and verified and my JNLP file is like that:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<jnlp spec="1.0+" codebase="file:/Users/ana/Projects/Java/workspace/Match Test Case Generator 2.0/target" href="MatchTestCaseGenerator.jnlp">
<title>Match Test Case Generator</title>
<vendor>KV </vendor>
<homepage href=""/>
<j2se version="1.6+"/>
<extension name="JavaFX Runtime" href=""/>
<jar href="MatchTestCaseGenerator-2.0-jar-with-dependencies.jar" main="true"/>
<application-desc main-class="com.sun.javafx.runtime.main.Main" progress-class="com.javafx.progressbar.ProgressManager">
Am I missing something? should I introduces a policy file in the jar?? I'm totally lost
Thank you very much in advance for any help.
Try to add next section to your jnlp file:
The final solution was to remove all the folders that included javafx classes except the Main class.
With that, it worked without problems!!
