When I compile I get this error, I have added the font to the resources and set its identifier as RESOURCE_ID_FONT_UNICODE_16, what am I doing wrong?
../src/Timely.c:1395:59: error: 'RESOURCE_ID_FONT_UNICODE_16' undeclared (first use in this function)
All right I found 2 problems one the identifier should've just been FONT_UNICODE_16 and also when I downloaded the fonts off of gethub I did in such a way to corrupt them.
Error CS1704 An assembly with the same simple name 'ReactiveUI' has already been imported. Try removing one of the references (e.g.
or sign them to enable side-by-side. GetMobileNumber.Android
So it looks like I can't read today!
The project had a reference to the Interop and a COM reference that generated the "same" interop. So there were two and I just didn't search very well. I still don't understand why it worked in other places but this did fix it.
I am working on SQLite File Encryption. I have added sqlCipher & crypto frameworks successfully in my project.
Now when I try to compile my application on this line
int rc = sqlite3_key(database, [key UTF8String], strlen([key UTF8String]));
it says Implicit declaration of function 'sqlite3_key'
So above line "implicit declaration" sounds to me like function is defined but not declared. But where I have to declared ?
While searching over Internet, under this article, it says like SQLite Encryption Extension(SEE) is not available publically. I have to purchase it of cost around $2000.
SEE -> http://www.hwaci.com/sw/sqlite/see.html
So this is the only reason I am getting Implicit declaration & False response while sqlite encryption process ?
If you are using SQLCipher, you need to define SQLITE_HAS_CODEC in your application's C Flags. Thats all.
Yes, that is the reason you are getting that compiler warning. The function sqlite3_key() is not defined in the version of libsqlite3 included with iOS. Adding in a function declaration isn't going to help-- it would fix that compiler warning, but it would just mean you'll get a linker error since the function isn't defined anywhere.
If you purchased SEE you could probably build your own copy of SQLite, embed it in your app, and just not use the system's libsqlite3. That this would mean you'd have to say "yes" when the app store submission process asks if your app includes encryption, meaning extra paperwork and time before you could submit the app. I'm not certain whether there's any clear indication of whether Apple would accept it even then-- probably they would, but they've been known to surprise people.
So far I have been able to succesfully use boost, cereal and gtest using biicode but I am having troubles with sqlite. I am trying to use it doing the following:
#include <sqlite3.h>
So I edited my biicode.conf to include those lines, including the alising for the header:
sqlite.h: sqlite/sqlite/sqlite3/sqlite3.h
But when I try to call bii cpp:build it does the following
WARN: Removing unused reference to "sqlite/sqlite: 9" from myuser/test "requirements"
Then I ended up with the expected:
database_impl.cpp:(.text+0x516): undefined reference to `sqlite3_exec'
Surprisingly, the compilation succedd even though sqlite3.h is obviously not included but that's maybe because the call to sqlite is from a template function.
I have looked at the example but CMakeList.txt does not seem to add any additional includes directories. For example for boost I had to add:
bii_find_boost(COMPONENTS chrono system filesystem log thread REQUIRED)
target_include_directories(${BII_BLOCK_TARGET} INTERFACE ${Boost_INCLUDE_DIRS})
target_link_libraries(${BII_BLOCK_TARGET} INTERFACE ${Boost_LIBRARIES})
But the two examples I found here and here don't seem to add anything to the includes directories, not even a link folder. I suppose sqlite has to be compiled with your sources so how do I make biicode add those files to my projects automatically ?
There're several problems. You just wrote in [includes] section sqlite.h instead of sqlite3.h and you should only write the prefix, sqlite/sqlite/sqlite3, later instead of the full dependency name.
Then, you can solve it so:
sqlite/sqlite: 9
sqlite3.h: sqlite/sqlite/sqlite3
Or, you could try the SQLite version uploaded into fenix user:
fenix/sqlite: 0
sqlite3.h: fenix/sqlite
Don't worry about a "WARN" message that says biicode is ignoring sqlite3.c file because it's harcoded into the block CMakeLists.txt to catch this file ;)
Note: you should write your external #includes's with double quotes instead of <>, because the last ones are referred to system headers and biicode could be using some system deps and you don't realize it.
I get these Deps errors from time to time and I can never figure out what they mean or what they're pointing to:
Exception from Deps afterFlush function function: SyntaxError: Unexpected identifier
at eval (native)
at http://localhost:4000/packages/jquery.js?265926494aaa3929cd2e30da265211c5929f37a4:372:22
at Function.jQuery.extend.globalEval (http://localhost:4000/packages/jquery.js?265926494aaa3929cd2e30da265211c5929f37a4:373:7)
at jQuery.ajaxSetup.converters.text script (http://localhost:4000/packages/jquery.js?265926494aaa3929cd2e30da265211c5929f37a4:9806:11)
at ajaxConvert (http://localhost:4000/packages/jquery.js?265926494aaa3929cd2e30da265211c5929f37a4:8873:18)
at done (http://localhost:4000/packages/jquery.js?265926494aaa3929cd2e30da265211c5929f37a4:9293:15)
at callback (http://localhost:4000/packages/jquery.js?265926494aaa3929cd2e30da265211c5929f37a4:9753:8)
at Object.send (http://localhost:4000/packages/jquery.js?265926494aaa3929cd2e30da265211c5929f37a4:9759:7)
at Function.jQuery.extend.ajax (http://localhost:4000/packages/jquery.js?265926494aaa3929cd2e30da265211c5929f37a4:9244:15)
at Function.jQuery._evalUrl (http://localhost:4000/packages/jquery.js?265926494aaa3929cd2e30da265211c5929f37a4:9409:16) debug.js:41
It thinks that there is a syntax error, but the only files it points to are jquery.js, which I HIGHLY doubt contain errors...
This error is caused by code in a Template helper somewhere that uses JQuery/a jquery plugin and is running code using eval which contains a syntax error in it, which is why it appears to come from JQuery itself.
There isn't much more than this to go off im afraid. It might be from ajax. Have a look at your chrome's network tab to see what is being downloaded just before this happens and see if it contains any javascript.
If it contains HTML when it should contain javascript check your Meteor paths, Meteor does not throw 404 errors, instead it serves out the main page's html, which may be why the error displays this way instead of a 404
I just came across the similar "afterFlush" error, and while my error was also rooted in a jQuery/plugin with Meteor, it had nothing to do with eval.
The issue circled back around to updating the DOM at the same time I was updating a reactive method, where Meteor was also updating the DOM reactively. I found this out, and removed the manual DOM manipulation, which made this error go away. Hope someone else finds this helpful...
When I try to compile this project I get the following error.
I would like to find out more about this error. It says to pass -v to see more information.
How can I do that?
And how can I remove this library from the linker?
Also, and this is an aside question, but does this count as a compiler error, or is it just a link error?
To make your user experience more intuitive, Apple likes to make buttons invisible.
You can click on lines in the build log to make these buttons visible...
To make this interface even more obtuse er... I mean, more intuitive, some lines in the build log have these buttons already showing without needing to be clicked first.
It says, that the linker failed. The previous line is the linker's error message:
ld: library not found for -lPods.
To remove the dependency on the library, go to project’s “Build Settings” tab and remove -lPods from the key named “Other Linker Flags”. Or, if it's not there, open the “Build Phases” tab and look for it in the list named “Link Binary With Libraries”.
It’s a linker, not compiler error.