Citing articles using roxygen2 - r

As in this question, I would like to include citations to articles in function documentation. I use roxygen2 for all documentation, and it appears that there was a pull request to roxygen2 with the necessary functionality, but Hadley turned it down since roxygen2 was in maintenance mode. Have things changed since then? Is there another way to cite/ include article references stored in BibTeX format?

The Rdpack package promises to deliver the functionality that you requested.
To get set up, you also need to add the line RdMacros: Rdpack to your package's DESCRIPTION file (note the capital M), and add Rdpack to the Imports: field.
Then you can save your bibtex library in to inst/REFERENCES.bib, and cite them in your documentation with:
#' #references{
#' \insertRef{bibtexKey}{YourPackageName}
#' }
#' # The below line ought to be included in at least one of your documentation
#' # sections, so that roxygen2 adds Rdpack to your NAMESPACE file.
#' #importFrom Rdpack reprompt
I initially encountered some errors when first using the package; re-starting R seemed to do the trick.
Warnings about unknown macro '\insertRef' will be encountered if building documentation with devtools::document(), as devtools does not read the 'RdMacros' line of the DESCRIPTION file; they can be safely ignored. The references may not be rendered correctly by devtools, but will be when the package is finally built; to view them in their proper formatting in the interim you can run R CMD Rd2pdf from a separate command window.

Nicely summarized by ms609. I would add that the releases of Rdpack in 2018 provided also macros for citation and the ability to produce the bibliography with a single command insertAllCited{}. Vignette Inserting_bibtex_references, linked also by ms609, provides up-to-date information.
Rdpack::viewRd() can be used to view the rendered citations without building the package, something like:
Rdpack::viewRd("./man/filename.Rd") # text
Rdpack::viewRd("./man/filename.Rd", type = "html") # html
This may be particularly useful for roxygen2 users since roxygen2 processes the Rd files but doesn't render the references. Just don't forget to update the documentation using devtools::document() or another suitable command before invoking Rdpack::viewRd().


Rpackage, mathjaxr, + check_rhub() returns "Package has help file(s) containing install/render-stage \Sexpr{} expressions but no prebuilt PDF manual"

I'm trying to use the mathjaxr package for my R package documentation. I can locally see the HTML and PDF output of the help file in question and it looks good with mathjaxr::preview_rd("foo", type = "pdf"), pkgdown::build_reference(), etc. However, when I submit my package to devtools::check_rhub(platforms = "windows-x86_64-devel") (or just devtools::check_rhub()), I receive:
* checking CRAN incoming feasibility ... NOTE
Maintainer: 'Name <Email>'
Package has help file(s) containing install/render-stage \Sexpr{} expressions but no prebuilt PDF manual.
I can run R CMD build . and then R CMD check --as-cran mypackage_v.v.v.tar.gz locally and receive Status: OK.
As listed in the mathjaxr documentation I have:
Included mathjaxr in the imports field of the DESCRIPTION file
Included mathjaxr in the RdMacros field of the DESCRIPTION file
Included \loadmathjax in the #description section of each function using mathjaxr
Added #import mathjaxr to the NAMESPACE
This question looks very similar but does not resolve my issue.
If I remove everything from the R function's Roxygen skeleton in the relevant .R file except \loadmathjax in the #description section, I still receive the same error. That is, a bare minimum function documentation with just this \loadmathjax macro generates this NOTE.
If I use \loadmathjax{} instead of \loadmathjax, I get the same NOTE.
If I remove \loadmathjax macro but leave everything else (in DESCRIPTION, NAMESPACE, and the \mjtdeqn{}{}{} and \mjeqn{}{} macros in the .R file), I do not receive the NOTE. While I don't expect that my help file will look correct either, I'm not sure how exactly to check this without submitting to CRAN and finding out once accepted.

How to create help paper for the own package?

I have created my own package with description file and help paper for every function.
Now if I code ?mypackage::myfunction R displays help paper to myfunction. But when I code ?mypackage R displays "No documentation for ‘mypackage’ in specified packages and libraries:" :(
In case you are not using roxygen2 (but you probably should), you need to create a .Rd file with the general mandatory fields, including a \docType{package}. See section 2.1.4 of the Writing R Extensions.
Apart from the mandatory \name and \title and the pkgname-package
alias, the only requirement for the package overview page is that it
include a \docType{package} statement. All other content is optional.
We suggest that it should be a short overview, to give a reader
unfamiliar with the package enough information to get started. More
extensive documentation is better placed into a package vignette (see
Writing package vignettes) and referenced from this page, or into
individual man pages for the functions, datasets, or classes.
Assuming you are using Roxygen2 to generate your documentation, somewhere you will need something like this saved in a .R file.
#' Title
#' Description
#' #docType package
#' #name varbinq
This will create a help file for your package that can be accessed when you type ?varbinq
For more information see this section of Hadley Wickham's book entitled R Packages.
If you are using the roxygen2 package for documenting your package called "mypackage", the documented way to do this is to write this code in a file named "mypackage.R":
#' Generate R documentation from inline comments.
#' Roxygen2 allows you to write documentation in comment blocks co-located
#' with code.
#' The only function you're likely to need from \pkg{roxygen2} is
#' \code{\link{roxygenize}}. Otherwise refer to the vignettes to see
#' how to format the documentation.
You will then be able to retrieve your package's help page using:

Need to document arguments in functions which are not exported in R package?

I am using the devtools package to check if a package I am developing is ready for submission to CRAN.
Using Roxygen2 through devtools, I documented a small number of functions with #'#export, in order for them to be available when the package I am developing is loaded.
However, when I run devtools::check(), it seems I need to document the functions that are NOT exported, i.e. those that may be called by a function which is exported, but which are not available nor needed by whoever uses the package. Here is an example from the output of devtools::check():
checking Rd \usage sections ... WARNING
Undocumented arguments in documentation object 'calculate_agreement'
‘a_assign_star’ ‘a_assign’
Do I need to document those arguments although the function is not exported?
I believe the problem here (based on past experience) is that you are probably using Roxygen comment delimiters #' in the preamble to the function. This (I'm pretty sure) triggers the creation of a .Rd file (and the need to document parameters), whether or not you have an #export directive or not. My solution in this case was to use regular # commenting rather than #'.
Based on this answer it's possible that an explicit #keywords internal directive would also work (but I haven't tried it).

Inline package overview documentation using roxygen

I imagine this is a simple thing that I keep overlooking in the documentation, but I can't seem to figure out how to get package-level documentation to work in R. I'm not referring to function or class-specific documentation, but the documentation that you get when you type, for example, ?stats.
I've followed the general instructions I've found on the web, creating a sckeleton documentation file saved as .R. The .R file is copied with the package scripts, but the help documentation doesn't get made into a .Rd file (unless I add a function definition also named after the package).
An example of what I've tried:
#'MyPackage description
#'MyPackage details
I'm having a hard time finding good examples of how to set up general package documentation, for some reason. I've written quite a few function help files, and I know my package help file is being found by roxygen, but it's unclear why I can't generate an .Rd from it.
Answer courtesy of #slickrickulicious in the comments above:
I needed to add NULL at the end of my documentation file and include '#name MyPackage'. Doing so generated the package help file correctly.
I made my package (called pkgName) using devtools and already had a file named pkgName_package.R that was automatically generated. It contained the following lines:
#' #keywords internal
#' #aliases pkgName-package
After removing the first line, #keywords internal, and rebuilding, pkgName-package was a documented topic that appeared at the top of the reference manual.

R -- Vignettes that are not made by Sweave possible?

Can I include some PDF in the pkg/doc folder so that the vignette function works, but no corresponding Rnw, Rtex, etc exists?
I am thinking of slides or documents containing markdown text weaved with R chunks, which have a different build process and hence different file extensions.
The writing R extensions guide suggests that it should be possible to include documents which can not be build at installation time, but the vignette function seems to look for files with special extensions (Rnw, Rtex, etc) and also for a file called vignette.rds.
Any hints are appreciated.
I asked about this several years ago, and while Fritz Leisch is amenable to the idea, he hasn't had the time to implement it.
(Cross-posted from a response I just left on R-help:)
As a workaround, you could include your own xvignette function in your package: see below.
It won't show you indices, but it will pick up any appropriately named file that you include in the inst/doc directory of your
package ...
xvignette <- function(vname,pkg,ext="pdf") {
vname <- paste(vname,ext,sep=".")
fn <- system.file("doc",vname,package=pkg)
if (nchar(fn)==0) stop("file not found")
You'll have to somehow alert your package users to the fact that this alternative documentation exists -- perhaps in the help file for the package itself.
You might fill in the default value of pkg above with your package name to make it easier on the user: I thought about using some variant of getPackageName(environment(xvignette)) to do it automatically, but that seems too complicated ...
Brian Ripley also mentioned in his response to the question that:
At present vignette() means Sweave documents, as only they have
metadata like titles. This is planned to be changed soon.
... but I don't know what "soon" means (it will be about 6 months until 2.14.0 comes out, I think)
edit: details another workaround (creating a dummy vignette that incorporates the existing PDF file)
edit 2: And
here's what Yihui Xie has to say about including knitr-based vignettes in packages (essentially another "dummy vignette" strategy)
vignette about non-Sweave vignettes from the R.rsp package
This is supported natively as of R 3.0.0, see
Instructions to use knitr as vignette engine boil down to:
add %\VignetteEngine{knitr::knitr} to the Rnw source document (note you still need %\VignetteIndexEntry{} as before)
specify VignetteBuilder: knitr in the package DESCRIPTION file
add Suggests: knitr in DESCRIPTION if knitr is needed only for vignettes
See also the official R documentation on that topic.
