meteor 1.0 - how to access packages content locally? - meteor

I'd like to understand: when I install a package, where is is stored locally?
I mean the directory structure that I can see on github. I've been looking in username/.meteor/packages.
I can indeed see a list of my packages in this directory but the package content doesn't seem to be there.

Run "meteor remove owner:packageName" to get rid of the external package.
Clone the package and copy or link it to /yourApp/packages/packageName
Run "meteor add owner:packageName" to add the local version.
That's all.


What's the difference between using "devtools::install_github" and cloning a GitHub repository?

I used devtools::install_github... in R to install a repository and also installed the repository by using git clone in terminal. What's the difference between these two routes? So far, I understand that I can then use library(package) in R and will load the package in, whereas when I've cloned the GitHub repository, I don't think the package is immediately available. Can anyone explain the difference between these two methods?
git clone is a general way to check out a local copy of any git repository. It doesn't know about R at all or how R packages work. The devtools::install_github() (which is really just remotes::install_github()) checks out a copy of a repository and then does the extra work of actually building and installing the package so R can use it. Also it removes the local copy of the raw source files after it installs. If you just want to run/use the package, use remotes::install_github(). If you want to edit/contribute to the source code for a package, then use git clone to get the code.
devtools::install_github is an R function that attempts to install a package directly from GitHub repositories (Link to Documentation). This allows to install packages automatically from GitHub. You can specify multiple repositories in a single call to the function like this (Example from the previous link that attempts to install multiple repositories):
install_github(c("rstudio/httpuv", "rstudio/shiny"))
git clone is a console command that clones a git repository, by copying all the files (Link to Documentation). You only can clone one repository by command, and you may need to build and install the package after cloning it. Also, you can clone from hosts different to GitHub, like BitBucket, GitLab, or a custom git server. You can clone a repository like this (Example from the previous link that attempts to clone a repository from a host different to GitHub):
git clone git:// my-linux

Julia: How to set the package Dev path?

I often ]dev Pkg but I want the devved packaged to be stored somewhere other than the default location for convenient access.
I don't want to change the path of the ]add Pkg. This seems to be controlled by the environment parameter DEPOT_PATH.
Is there a way to change only the path for dev Pkg, i.e. the path in which the dev package is stored?
You can set the environment variable JULIA_PKG_DEVDIR to change where development packages are installed. See the develop docs for more info.
As #crstnbr noted, an alternative is to use the --local option to the pkg> dev command to install a development version of the package in a dev directory within the current project. This could make sense if you're developing your own package MyCode.jl which relies on Example.jl and you need to make a hot fix to Example.jl. Then your Pkg REPL command would look like this:
(MyCode) pkg> dev --local Example
If you would like to make changes to a third-party package and submit those changes as a pull request on Github, there are a few more steps in the process. See this Discourse thread for more details on that process.
Not quite what you're asking for but you can of course always git clone the package to a path of your choice and then dev path/to/the/local/clone/of/the/pkg.
You can even do this from within julia:
using Pkg
Pkg.GitTools.clone("<pkg url>", "<local path>")
Pkg.develop(PackageSpec(path="<local path>"))

How to exclude a folder to be downloaded when hosting R package in github

My package is hosted in github, and user can install it through devtools::install_github.
Now I'm using pkgdown to generate documentation site, which created a 10M docs folder. Then I found devtools::install_github always download the whole master zip ball which become quite slow.
I tried to exclude the docs folder with these attempts:
.Rbuildignore, turned out it's only about bundled package, while install_github is installing source package so it doesn't work.
put package in pkg folder, put the generated docs folder out of pkg folder. However the whole master zip ball is always downloaded, even with subdir = "pkg" specified.
put development in a branch, and to create a special package branch without docs folder. Merge two branch but let package branch exclude docs folder. I tried make .gitignore to be branch specific but it doesn't seem to work. This seemed to be impossible.
My newest attempt is to create a separate repo solely for the website, just let pkgdown create the website in that folder like build_site(path = "../docsite/docs"). This should solve the problem and is simple and clean. The only imperfection is the website url will not be the usually pattern.
EDIT: with the latest version of pkgdown, there is no path parameter anymore, you need to specify it in the site configuration yaml, which works better (you don't need to specify it in every command).

How to install Atom packages offline or when the atom package manager doesn't work?

I have a computer behind a very restrictive proxy server it only allows me to surf the web and download programs it does not allow programs like the Atom text editor to download it's packages.
My question is how do I install them using only browser based downloads?
It is certainly possible:
Find the package you want to install, for example the activate-power-mode package.
Click on the Repo button to go to the GitHub repository.
Click Releases towards the top of the UI, then click on the most recent release, 0.4.1 in this case.
Download the source code release in either Zip or GZip depending on your platform.
Extract the content of the archive to a known permanent location, I have chosen:
Run the following command from your terminal / command prompt (make sure to include quotes around the path):
apm link "C:\Source\Atom\activate-power-mode-0.4.1"
Restart or Reload Ctrl-Alt-R Atom and the package will now be installed.
You can alternatively extract the package directly to your ~/.atom/packages folder however you will have to rename the folder to exactly match the name of the package, additionally uninstalling the package from Atom will delete the files which could be annoying if it is an accidental deletion.
Because of package dependencies a safest bet is this:
Install package normally on connected computer
Copy contents from your ~/.atom/packages
Paste contents to ~/.atom/packages on offline computer
Restart Atom
At least this worked for me like a charm.
The answer of Richard Slater is informative and the answer of Andriy Buday could look less professional. But, in my case, the answer of Andriy Buday was also very important.
I tried to install two packages atom-beautify and prettier-atom by following the answer of Richard Slater and had some problems of not being able to find some modules. It was not only me who had these problems. Consider checking the following links.
The issue of "cannot find module event-kit"
When I decompressed a file (atom-beautify-0.30.3.tar.gz) I received from GitHub respository, I could find out directories like appveyor, docs, and examples. But I could not find out a directory named node_modules which was present when I installed this package atom-beautify using Atom Editor online.
To check if the absence of directory node_modules is the only problem, I went through the following steps.
Start Atom Editor.
Install atom-beautify using Atom Editor online like the answer of Andriy Buday suggests.
Close Atom Editor.
Move atom-beautify directory from ~/.atom/packages (that was %HOMEDIRECTORY%%HOMEPATH%.atom\packages in my case because I used cmd on Windows 10) to somewhere else.
Decompress atom-beautify-0.30.3.tar.gz and move or copy atom-beautify-0.30.3 directory from this decompressed result into %HOMEDIRECTORY%%HOMEPATH%.atom\packages as the answer of Andriy Buday suggests.
Rename directory %HOMEDIRECTORY%%HOMEPATH%.atom\packages\atom-beautify-0.30.3 to %HOMEDIRECTORY%%HOMEPATH%.atom\packages\atom-beautify as the answer of Richard Slater suggests.
Move or copy node_modules directory from the directory moved at step 4 into %HOMEDIRECTORY%%HOMEPATH%.atom\packages\atom-beautify.
Start Atom Editor.
I found that no error message appeared and that package atom-beautify worked properly, thus I am thinking that absence of node_modules directory was the only problem of the file atom-beautify-0.30.3.tar.gz I received from GitHub repository.
I am afraid if it is normal that directory node_modules is not contained in the file atom-beautify-0.30.3.tar.gz downloaded from GitHub repository because of any rules I do not know yet, like placing directories like node_modules somewhere else. If there really are such rules and somebody tells me about such rules by adding an answer or a comment here, I will appreciate it a lot.
I am not sure if it is same with all other packages, but I found that it was same at least with package prettier-atom.
I wish it helps somebody.
I found why the directory node_modules was not contained in atom-beautify-0.30.3.tar.gz.
I checked answers of the following link.
How can I manually download packages for atom editor and install them (manually)?
Answer by D3181 included a link to a page of (I could get a helpful answer by Alchiadus from the link) and suggested running apm install in the package's directory. If it is necessary to use a file downloaded from GitHub repository like atom-beautify-0.30.3.tar.gz, it is necessary to run apm install in the package's directory before copying or moving into %HOMEDIRECTORY%%HOMEPATH%\.atom\package (~/.atom/package in case of *nix) of the offline computer.
Decompress the file downloaded from GitHub repository like atom-beautify-0.30.3.tar.gz.
Go into the directory like atom-beautify-0.30.3 of the decompressed result.
Run apm install on an online computer. (If the directory of apm.cmd is not in PATH, run {directory of apm.cmd}\apm.cmd install.)
Rename directory like atom-beautify-0.30.3 to the correct name of the package like atom-beautify.
Move directory with the correct name of the package like atom-beautify into %HOMEDIRECTORY%%HOMEPATH%\.atom\packages of the offline computer.
Run Atom Editor on the offline computer and check if the package works properly.
It seems normal that the directory node_modules is not included the the compressed file downloaded from GitHub repository.

Meteor - Test application using local package over the published one

I'm using Meteor 0.9.3, and I want to try to make some changes to a Meteor smart package. I'm using the package in my app already, let's call it: author:smartpackage.
First, I removed my reference to the published package:
meteor remove author:smartpackage
I've forked the repository on GitHub, and made a local clone in:
I've created a directory in my meteor app:
and created a symlink:
ln -s /somedir/meteor-smartpackage /meteor/myApp/packages/meteor-smartpackage
How do I now add this local package into my app? I've tried a variety of
meteor add xxxx
options, but I can't find the right command. Am I even close?
The steps you described look good to me, so maybe this is the symlink stuff which is messing around.
The proper way of maintaining private packages is to have a packages/ directory somewhere in your filesystem, let's say in ~/meteor/packages, then you have to set a special environment variable that is called PACKAGE_DIRS, which is looked up by the meteor command line tool to find local packages that reside out of official package repositories.
So let's set this environment variable in your .bashrc and resource it :
echo "export PACKAGE_DIRS=$HOME/meteor/packages" >> ~/.bashrc;
. ~/.bashrc
Then assuming your forked package resides in ~/meteor/packages, meteor add author:package should work normally.
Update to saimeunt's answer, for Meteor 1.2+
I found that loading the local package requires leaving out the author when running meteor add.
Loads Local Package
meteor add cocos2d-meteor
Loads Remote Package
meteor add jakelin:cocos2d-meteor
