Preserving line breaks in TinyMCE source editor - wordpress

First off, this question has been asked in many forms across the internets but I still haven't found a solution or a definite "not possible" answer.
I'm wondering if I can preserve line breaks in the TinyMCE source editor, Wordpress 4.1.
I currently have the plugin TinyMCE Advanced activated, with the option "Stop removing the <p> and <br /> tags when saving and show them in the Text editor" enabled.
Here are paragraphs that I separated by line breaks. This is how I'd like the text to be preserved:
I then hit 'OK' and re-open the source editor. Here's what's displayed:
At this point, I activate the plugin TinyMCE Advanced, and enable the option "Stop removing the <p> and <br /> tags when saving and show them in the Text editor". This option half-way solves my problem by linebreaking on tags:
However, I still would like a line break between the paragraphs like in the first photo. Does anyone know if this is possible?
Thank you!


Wordpress plugin losing formatting on post

I am using the Frontier Post plugin, which does not seem to have active support.
I am running into the problem that when I edit and save a post through the front end, which is one of the features of this plugin, the post somehow loses its formatting. e.g. if I had three paragraphs of text, it becomes one large paragraph, even though when I "inspect" it on chrome, one can clearly see the line breaks.
Why would the text be displaying with no paragraph breaks, even though the inspect code contains them? Perhaps I could fix this with CSS?
Sorry not enough reputation to comment, however I was wondering if you had enough line breaks?
Just having one <br /> would only push the text to the next line, it wouldn't create a separate "paragraph."
Either put in two <br /> tags or split the paragraphs into <p> tags and add css from there (Which is probably the better option)
It turns out this problem is only occurring when I create a post in the back end, and try to edit it in the front end. A post created through the front end does not have this issue.
The problem is due to the fact that Frontier Post has not been updated in a while, and is therefore not compatible with Wordpress Gutenberg. Wordpress Gutenberg (used when creating a post through the back end) uses <!-- wp:paragraph --> to delineate new lines.
Therefore, when a post is edited in the front end, by Frontier Post, it does not recognize <!-- wp:paragraph --> as a new line, .
Since it won't affect the users of my site, I just decided to leave things as they are and make sure that my posts are properly formatted.

Atom Editor italicizes the word REVIEW and colors it blue - How to Disable?

Atom Editor italicizes the word REVIEW and colors it blue. Why? My text format is selected as "plain text". There shouldn't be any syntax formatting. How do I disable this?
It only happens when the letters are all caps like this REVIEW. Is this related to the monokai theme? When in "plain text" mode all other words and characters are white on a black background. Just this one word is goofy.
This is likely caused by a plugin that highlights to-do items, e.g. the Todo Show Package.
I have this installed, and I see the same behavior as you, when typing REVIEW or TODO in a text file:
The Todo Show package's settings allow you to specify which words to highlight, and as you can see, the default value includes REVIEW:
If you want, you can overwrite this setting and omit the REVIEW word if the highlighting really bothers you.
Please check if you have this package installed or a similar one. I'm pretty sure that the highlighting is caused by one of these.

wordpress takes off any html added to post in editor

I am using WordPress 3.4. with only the plugins that come with the wordpress default installation.
My problem is that I cannot add any links or html to my posts from the editor.
It seems that wordpress is filtering all code off and I can only add text.
I've also tried to embed code via the html tab but again the code just gets wiped out.
Any ideas of why this could be happening?
Adding HTML code in the HTML text-area should be fine alright, but it will strip some codes if it's not written in valid HTML. Can you paste the code you've been trying to add?
I hope I am correct in thinking that you mean switching between the visual and HTML editors. I ran into this as well, a few weeks ago, and after researching for over an hour it seems that this is just how the editor works.
Searching Google for " html stripped wordpress editor " will bring up results for this, going back to 2008.
My research led to me installing Preserved HTML Editor Markup and TinyMCE Advanced, to ensure that no html/code is stripped when saving a draft, or switching editor modes.
After installing the plugins, you will have to make one setting change for TinyMCE Advanced. In the admin area, navigate to 'Settings > TinyMCE Advanced'. Under Advanced Settings, check this setting.
Your HTML code should no longer be stripped when switching between the editors or saving a draft. If this isn't what you were referring to, sorry!
(I would have used hyperlinks but I need 10 reputation to use more than two hyperlinks in a post.)

Drupal "enter key" not working in text area

I'm finding in any text areas the "enter key" is not working and does not create a new paragraph when I use it. This is for text areas which have a text editor enabled. I have tried it with tinymce and CKeditor and they both do the same thing. The strange thing is, when I don't have any buttons enabled, it works fine.
Can anyone help?
Have you tried Shift+Enter? I have found that to work before.
Have you checked your input filter? There should be an option in the backend regarding how it treats line breaks. Maybe this is your issue?

TinyMCE adds <pre> tag when inserting from Word

I have several Drupal 6 sites which use the WYSIWYG module along with TinyMCE. For one of my sites, whenever I use the Paste From Word icon, it adds a < pre > tag with the class "mceItemHidden".
In addition, if the text is long enough, it does this strange thing where I click the "Insert" button in the Paste from Word window, the text appears in the main TinyMCE box, there is a brief pause, and then each paragraph is on a single line, which creates the horizontal scrollbar that is as long as the paragraph.
Has anyone experienced this, and do you have any idea why this is happening? I've tried changing my theme and various WYSIWIG settings and this is still happening.
Pasting from word is an odd thing. I couldn't say for sure but MS seems to tweak it now and then to make it especially difficult to translate (while making sure that it still renders well in IE)
Do you get the same issue in the tinyMCE offical demo, if not you could try upgrading your FCK editor.
Pasting from word to begin with is a pain in the.... It's still a fight for us even with FCKeditor. It was a fight when we used Tiny as well. All that nasty xml and tags were brutal on our CSS.
You might check your drupal filters and the way that tiny sanitizes stuff. I forget where all that is. We used tiny for a while, then switched to FCKeditor. We switched for the image upload support. Much better than tiny. Anywho...
Something must have been corrupt. I just completely removed TinyMCE from the libraries directory, and uninstalled the WYSIWYG module. I reinstalled everything, and things seem to be working (for now).
