Why am I seeing the error "Your payment session has expired. Please return to the participating website and try again." - paypal-sandbox

Since this morning Feb 2nd, 2015, I get an error when I go through the payment flow in the PayPal Sandbox environment. Has anybody come across this error? Any idea what changed or could have caused this error? To be clear, there's been no change to the application which integrates with PayPal Sandbox. All tests related to the payment flow were passing till yesterday. Checked the application logs and I don't see any errors there.


The PayPal IPN issue (Sandbox Environment),

The PayPal IPN Issue
The problem is that we got the IPN turned on, with a valid url (not localhost, our real one), but after we got paid (Subscriptions), we receive no IPN massage. It has just not being generated at all. We used to receive the ipn's but after 28.04.2021 it just stopped being generated.
Does someone has the same issue or can advise me what can be done to get the IPN fixed?
Only thing to do is log into the sandbox receiver account at https://www.sandbox.paypal.com/webscr?cmd=_display-ipns-history to see if anything is being generated and attempted to send. If nothing is, contact PayPal for support as it's likely a temporary bug/sandbox issue.

Here.com Destination Weather API returns "Forbidden" "These credentials do not authorize access"

Using the Here.com Freemium account, previously I was using the example here with my own API Key and some modifications to get the 7 day forecast. Based on this command, I had some code running in my back-end server every 2h collecting data, which ran for about a week without problems. I have not touched the code since then.
After a week, it stopped working.
Now, even when I generate a new API key, and use the same command, I get the following return data in Postman:
"error": "Forbidden",
"error_description": "These credentials do not authorize access"
Is my account restricted? It doesn't say anything about it in my Project page:
Without doing anything, suddenly it started working again, and on Oct. 1st.
I suspected I was being throttled, but when I tried using the service on a separate account, that also didn't work. So it seems likely the service was down. I wish there was some news page that posted what the status was?...
On developer.here.com you can look up the status of the services. I did this and don't see a reported problem for the Weather API for the last days.
My suggestion is that you missed to verify your email address after registering for your account. You still can do this at any time through clicking on the link that you received in an email from developer portal after your registration.

paypal express sandbox not working before some days

I have implemented PayPal express checkout on my site.And it's working fine on live website. But before some days my sandbox environment is not working , it getting error "Received an unexpected EOF or 0 bytes from the transport stream". I thing papal upgrade his version . Can anybody let me know what can i do change on my code for running papal sandbox .
Paypal is working on security updates available on the sandbox but not on the production environment yet. You can check this page (if not already) : https://devblog.paypal.com/upcoming-security-changes-notice/
Try to see if you have a more detailed log under your Paypal account.

Paypal Sandbox Express Checkout Session Expired

I've been using my seller's and buyer's Paypal sandbox accounts to purchase fakes on my ecommerce and everything was working fine up until 1 hour ago.
Nothing has changed in my code, and I even tried to create and add new API credentials for my site, but every time I try to pay with Paypal Express I land to a "Session Expired" error page.
On someone else's machine the thing is still working.
It seems like no one on the net knows why, is it something to do with my browser?
Apparently, for no apparent reason, after a while you use Paypal's sandbox, you have to do the cleaning and delete all your cookies from Paypal to make it work.

Paypal api Insufficient permissions error on sale transaction

I'm using the Paypal Payflow api and receiving the following response error when trying to go live or in test:
RESULT=52&PNREF=xxxxxxxxxxx&RESPMSG=Insufficient permissions to perform transaction
From searching it seems there is a lot of people having issues with this. I also can't find error code 52 in any documentation that might help me resolve the issue. This thread explains the same unresolved issue: Paypal forum
Apparently my clients account was signed up for Payments Advanced and not Payments Pro. The upgrade has to be done over the phone, the online form will tell you that the application has already been approved.
