Meteor autoform, async callback in before hook - meteor

I am using Autoform and Slingshot for my S3 interaction. When the user submits the form, i want to intercept the process, upload the file to S3 through Slingshot, extend the doc object with the returned downloadUrl and then at that point, return the new updated doc, and continue the autoform process
I have the following code:
{{#autoForm collection="Tabs" id="newTabForm" type="method" meteormethod="createTab"}}
<div class="modal-body">
{{> afFormGroup name='downloadUrl' type='file' class='file-bag'}}
newTabForm: {
before: {
insert: function(doc, template) {
var file = $('.file-bag')[0].files[0];
var self = this;
uploader.send(file, function(error, downloadUrl) {
if (error) { throw new Meteor.Error(error); }
doc = _.extend(doc, { downloadUrl: downloadUrl });
createTab: function(doc) {
check(doc, TabSchema);
var priceInCents = doc.price * 100;
var extraTabAttributes = {
userId: Meteor.userId(),
price: priceInCents
_.extend(doc, extraTabAttributes);
Tabs.insert(doc, function(error, result) {
if (error) { return error; }
Which correctly stores url (however looks weird, C://fakepath/filename..) on the document, but fails to upload it to the S3 server
Also side question, why doesnt the console.log(doc); in the before hooks log anything to the client/server?

I'm not familiar with auto form but I think your before hook is incorrect.
From , it said
before: {
// Replace `formType` with the form `type` attribute to which this hook applies
formType: function(doc) {}
So in your case,
insert: function(doc, template)
Should be replaced with
method: function(doc, template)


How do you do client side routing when saving via methods?

I want to save some data and show it in a view template. So I want to do like the example below but using methods.{
'submit form': function(e) {
var post = {
url: $('[name=url]').val(),
title: $('[name=title]').val()
post._id = Posts.insert(post);
Router.go('postPage', post);
I tried this:
'insertClubData': function(clubname, capacity, description, homepage){
var currentUserId = Meteor.userId();
var club = {
clubname: clubname,
description: description,
capacity: parseInt(capacity),
homepage: homepage,
createdAt: new Date(),
visitors: 0,
occupancy: 0,
trend: "club-1",
createdBy: currentUserId
club._id = clubs.insert(club);
Router.go('club', club);
but I get the error:
Exception while invoking method 'insertClubData' TypeError: Object
function router(req, res, next) { I20160425-14:04:55.724(2)? //XXX
this assumes no other routers on the parent stack which we should
probably fix
I understand that this is because Router.go is a client side method. But I also understand that you should avoid server side routing. So what's the most elegant solution?
This is my route:
Router.route('/club/:_id', {
name: 'club',
template: 'club',
data: function(){
return clubs.findOne({_id: this.params._id})
How about, you call the method from the client and in the callback on success you do the routing. For example:{
'submit form': function(e) {
var post = {
url: $('[name=url]').val(),
title: $('[name=title]').val()
};'insertPost', post, function(error, id) {
if (error) {
} else {
Router.go('postPage', {_id: id});
and on the server
insertPost: function(post) {
// do checks
id = Posts.insert(post);
return id;
Does that work for you?

Get image url in Meteor method

I cannot seem to find any documentation that will explain how I can get the filename and filepath of an uploaded collectionFS image into my meteor method.
I am able to get the image URL on the client side no problem using helpers, but I cannot seem to figure out how I can send the filename and filepath of the attached image to my method.
Method JS
addQuote: function(data) {
check(data, Object);
var attachments = [];
var html = html;
// need to get the filename and filepath from collectionFS
// I would then have the data go here
attachments.push({filename: , filePath: });
var email = {
from: data.contactEmail,
to: Meteor.settings.contactForm.emailTo,
subject: Meteor.settings.contactForm.quoteSubject,
html: html,
attachmentOptions: attachments
Controller JS
function ($scope, $reactive, $meteor) {
this.user = {};
images: () => {
return Images.find({});
this.addNewSubscriber = function() {
// Uploads the Image to Collection
if(File.length > 0) {
// This is the variable I use to push to my method
// I image I need to push the filename and filepath also
// I am unsure how to access that information in the controller.
var data = ({
contactEmail: this.user.contactEmail,
contactName: this.user.contactName,
contactPhone: this.user.contactPhone,
contactMessage: this.user.contactMessage
// This will push the data to my meteor method "addQuote"
$'addQuote', data).then(
// Show Success
function(err) {
// Show Error
You can use the insert callback to get this informations:
Images.insert(fsFile, function (error, fileObj)
if (error) console.log(error);
//Use fileObj.url({brokenIsFine: true}); to get the url

Adding collection items as routes in Meteor

I have a meteor project where all my users have their own profile page setup in this way using routes:
Routes code:
Router.route('/#:username', {
name: 'profile',
controller: 'ProfileController'
ProfileController = RouteController.extend({
template: 'profile',
waitOn: function() {
return Meteor.subscribe('userProfile', this.params.username);
data: function() {
var username = Router.current().params.username;
return Meteor.users.findOne({
username: username
Server code:
Meteor.publish('users', function() {
return Meteor.users.find({}, {fields: {username: 1, emails: 1, profile: 1, roles: 1}});
Meteor.publish('userProfile', function(username) {
// Try to find the user by username
var user = Meteor.users.findOne({
username: username
// If we can't find it, mark the subscription as ready and quit
if (!user) {
// If the user we want to display the profile is the currently logged in user
if(this.userId === user._id) {
// Then we return the curresonding full document via a cursor
return Meteor.users.find(this.userId);
} else {
return Meteor.users.find(user._id, {
fields: {
profile: 0
I want to do something similar with a pages collection that I've set up. Creating the collection works and the collection page has an _id field that is made upon creation.
Right now the program works nicely for users where works. Now I want the same thing to work for
I've basically attempted to do the exact same thing as I did in the above code with the user name but it wasn't working. I've checked to make sure my creation of the collection items are working and they are. But somehow I can't figure out how to do this same thing with collections since I'm relatively new to using routes.
This is what I've attempted:
Here's my routes:
var pageRoute = '/&:_id';
Router.route(pageRoute, {
name: 'page',
controller: 'PageController'
PageController = RouteController.extend({
template: 'page',
waitOn: function() {
return Meteor.subscribe('Page', this.params._id);
data: function() {
var _id = Router.current().params._id;
return Meteor.pages.findOne({
_id: _id
Server code:
Meteor.publish('pages', function() {
return Pages.find({});
Meteor.publish('Page', function(_id) {
// Try find the page by _id
var page = Meteor.pages.findOne({
_id: _id
// If we can't find it, mark the subscription as ready and quit
if (!page) {
// If the page we want to display is not claimed, display it
if(true) {
return Meteor.pages.find(this._id);
} else {
// Redirect to the page
The Schema of the Page Collection:
_id: ,
createdAt: ,
CreatedBy: ,
claimedAt: ,
claimedBy: ,
I've scoped it down to this problem, I get the following error in the console server-side:
I20160202-11:16:24.644(2)? Exception from sub qrPage id 2kY6RKCTuCpBDbuzm TypeError: Cannot call method 'findOne' of undefined
I20160202-11:16:24.645(2)? at [object Object].process.env.MAIL_URL [as _handler] (server/ecclesia.life_server.js:40:33)
I20160202-11:16:24.645(2)? at maybeAuditArgumentChecks (livedata_server.js:1698:12)
I20160202-11:16:24.645(2)? at [object Object]._.extend._runHandler (livedata_server.js:1023:17)
I20160202-11:16:24.645(2)? at [object Object]._.extend._startSubscription (livedata_server.js:842:9)
I20160202-11:16:24.646(2)? at [object Object]._.extend.protocol_handlers.sub (livedata_server.js:614:12)
I20160202-11:16:24.646(2)? at livedata_server.js:548:43
This error occurs whenever I try to direct to<_id>
Based on this website:
It looks like # is considered an unsafe character to use in a URL string. On the web page above, it looks like there are several symbols you could use instead as safe characters.
I just tried this on my own machine, and I don't think Meteor plays nicely when the # is introduced in the URL.
This got it working...
Meteor.publish('qrpages', function() {
return QRPages.find({});
Meteor.publish('qrPage', function(id) {
// Try find the qrpage by _id
var qrpage = QRPages.find({_id: id});
// If we can't find it, mark the subscription as ready and quit
if (!qrpage) {
return qrpage;
var qrpageRoute = '/$:_id';
Router.route(qrpageRoute, {
name: 'qrpage',
controller: 'QRController'
QRController = RouteController.extend({
template: 'qrpage',
waitOn: function() {
var id = this.params._id;
return Meteor.subscribe('qrPage', id);
data: function() {
var id = this.params._id;
return QRPages.findOne({
_id: id

Multiple Data Contexts in router - Meteor

I'm building a meteor app and on one route I'm adding multiple data context like so -
this.route('orgPage', {
path: '/org/:title',
data: {
orgs: function () {Orgs.findOne(this.params._id)},
projects: function() {Meteor.subscribe('projects', this.params._id)}
The only problem is that when I try to access this data in my templates js file, I can't access the _id or any of the attributes of orgs.
I've tried several approaches, but it always returns undefined. If I use a single data context, it works perfectly. Here is the function that doesn't function properly -{
'click #newProject': function(e) {
'submit #npModal form': function(e, template) {
if(!$('[name=newTitle]').val()) {
var projectTitle = 'Untitled'
} else {
var projectTitle = $('[name=newTitle]').val()
var theid = this._id;
var newProject = {
title: projectTitle,
organization: theid
}'project', newProject, function(error, id) {
if (error)
return alert(error.reason);
$('#npModal').on('', function (e) {
Router.go('newFields', {});
Anyone have any ideas? Thanks!!
You have missed a return statement. function () {Orgs.findOne(this.params._id)} should be function () {return Orgs.findOne(this.params._id)}. Further more, this inside this function won't refer to what you want, so you can't use this.params. And why do you subscribe to a subscription as a data context property? Do it in the waitOn function instead.

Meteor JS Iron Router subscribe to data

I am using Meteor 0.8 and iron-router.
I have a single route that I use to subscribe to a number of collections. What I would like to do is create a document when you arrive on the route and then subscribe to it so I can access it.
This is my route:
this.route('product_collection', {
path: '/collection/:collection',
template: 'product_collection',
layoutTemplate: 'layout-new',
waitOn: function() { return [ Meteor.subscribe('specific_product_collection', this.params.collection), Meteor.subscribe('product_types')] },
data: function () { return ProductCollections.findOne({ url: this.params.collection }) },
onBeforeAction: function(pause){
//Prevent double rendering
if (this.ready()) {
var productType = ProductTypes.findOne({url: this.params.collection })
var product = {
productType: productType._id
Session.set("productTypeId", productType._id);
Products.insert(product, function(error, id) {
if (error) {
set_notification('Oops, something went wrong.', 'Please try again later.');
} else {
Session.set("productId", id);
Session.set("productName", );
//Not working
Meteor.subscribe('specific-product', id);
console.log('should be subscribed')
} else {
I found out the ID was different on the server vs client side location. So ended up writing a meteor method call on the server.
See reference: Retrieve _id after insert in a Meteor.method call
