Forcing elements in iframe to display over rest of page - css

I created a content script Chrome extension toolbar by following #RobW's answer to this question.
I'm now trying to get certain elements to overlay on the rest of the page, but currently they are only showing within the iframe.
For instance, an icon is clicked and shows a notification panel/tooltip. As you can see, it is cut off by the edge of the iframe:
Is there a way to change the CSS of the panel to hover on top of the rest of the page despite being in a separate iframe?
BTW, I made the height of the toolbar 143px, instead of the 43px you might expect of a toolbar, just so the issue would be more apparent.

No, I'm fairly sure you can't do that with an iframe-based approach. That beats the purpose of iframe content isolation - imagine the clickjacking possibilites!
You will need to inject your UI into the document itself.
You probably went with an iframe-based approach because of possible clashes with the page's own CSS, for example. Thankfully, there's a modern tool to help with this - Shadow DOM.


Fixing buggy responsive CSS Zen subtheme

I have a responsive Drupal Zen subtheme that I hacked together about a year & a half ago from some CSS & HTML that a non-Drupal designer handed off to me for my website. I've known that in certain layouts, it is buggy, and needs to be fixed, but I just haven't gotten around to it. After repeatedly reaching out to a local Drupal developer (and offering to pay him), I've gotten tired of waiting, and just need to fix this thing.
My bounce rate for folks on mobile devices is awful.
The URL is The homepage looks decent on any device. Internal pages need a lot of help, though, when viewed in certain screen sizes (including mobile devices). Let's use as an example.
In the below scenario, my question is not how to find the CSS files themselves. Rather, my question is, how can I find the necessary CSS settings using Firebug Lite, so that I can debug the CSS through my browser, instead of having to manually update each CSS file every time I want to test a change?
I can't find the actual CSS-styled divs, blocks, etc... causing the layout to break under certain dimensions. I know how to find, and edit, the CSS within the CSS panel, but I can't track down the specific CSS in this instance.
Additionally, as a secondary question, if you want to provide pointers on what I actually need to change, then please be my guest! But if you point me in the right direction on how I can go figure it out myself, that's fine too. :)
Let's get on to the scenario (which you can easily see by testing it yourself):
When I resize my browser window down to a certain size, the links & tweets section in the left sidebar move over to the right, so that the left side of the navbar aligns with the right side of the header area, while the content spans the full width of the page, except for the left margin, which stays in place but gets wider. Basically everything below the header gets screwed up, and it's easier to see the problems than explain them (so go test it).
Using Firebug Lite in Chrome, I can't seem to find the left margin for the "main" content area (see this screenshot clearly indicating the yellow margin), nor can I find the CSS for the navbar / tweets block (which I presume is some sort of float).
To modify the CSS within Firebug or Firebug Lite just select an element inside the HTML panel or inspect it via its inspector. Inside the Style side panel you'll see all CSS rules applying to the element.
Clicking the name or the value of a CSS property opens an inline editor to allow editing it.
On the right side of each rule you'll see the name of the style sheet, which contains the rule. Hovering it displays you the full URL and clicking it allows you to inspect it within the CSS panel.
You can also edit the styles directly within the CSS panel, which lists all style sheets available on the page.
Note: The changes you do there are not permament, i.e. on the next page reload they are gone! To make permanent changes you need to edit the files on the server.
Also note that I'm referring to the panels within Firebug. The panels within Firebug Lite basically work the same, though may look and work a little bit different. Furthermore Firebug Lite is not maintained anymore, so there's no guarantee that everything is working as expected.

Resize website to fit into iframe

Yes I know no one likes iframes, but here's the scenario.
I have a client who has his website that he's never going to change.
He has page that has an iframe with a 680px width and 600px height.
He currently has a website embedded in it that has a width of 950px.
What I want to know is if there is a way (I've searched all over) to automatically set the website to fit into the iframe box?
I have access to the child site but not to the parent, but my client actually knows some html/css so I can build a test link on my server and send him the code (if he needs it) to be applied on his end.
Thanks in advance.
This isn't an "automatic" way, but one thing you could do is apply some CSS to the little page. If the page you are loading doesn't change, you can apply CSS that is specific to that page which will change the elements' widths, and anything else that needs to be changed. Here is an answer on SO that describes just how to do that for iframes.

Google Chrome Toolbar breaking website layout

I have an issue with Google Chrome: 19.0.1084.52 m when I have the Ask Toolbar installed
it breaks the website layout.
See print screen:
Is it usual behaviour that toolbars in Chrome would effect the website?
EDIT: I guess I should wrap everything inside a <div> and move the background-image from the <body> although is there a better option without adding this extra markup?
Website link
A Javascript snippet can disable ask toolbar in chrome. I hope this function spreads quickly!!
function removeAsk(){
if(document.getElementById("apn-null-toolbar") != null){
// mainMenu had a style change for its top positioning, returning it to normal
// perhaps a function can be made which iterates over every element ask has changed
document.getElementById("mainMenu") = "-16px";
// Just remove the iframe and style elements
Call this method after body onload
<body onload="removeAsk()">
There is no Chrome extensions API for creating a toolbar so mentioned extension must have created it via content script. What it means is that for each page you open, CSS and JavaScript files are injected by this extension to create a DOM element within the page acting as a toolbar. Problem with this solution is that using the content script it is possible to mess up website look or even the way it works.
I ran into this exact same issue with the Ask Toolbar. I basically took out my positioning attributes and top/left/right/bottom 's and replaced with margins. Margin uses less space and it comes out cleaner.
Although i do agree, it's kind of ridiculous to accommodate for a toolbar because the end-user could have anything installed that breaks and gives your layout bugs. Even Skype extensions will break a layout just changing the phone number.
So there's not much you can do, but use margins and keep CSS to a minimum. Just my 2 cents. and if you have to use CSS then stick with margins.

Calendar widget position in iframe on IE 7

I have a web page that includes an iframe as well a DHTML calendar widget. The page displays correctly as well as the content inside the iframe. The problem is when I activate the calendar which is positioned close enough to the iframe that some of the calendar is hidden by the iframe.
I have tried to manipulate the positioning of the iframe by using both javascript and CSS (Zindex, z-index) but the iframe always appears as the top most layer on the page obscurring any parent DHTML content that gets rendered in the same area as the iframe. I also changed the css of the DHTML calendar to values > 0 and wrapped the widget scriplet in a div/span with a high z-index value but no luck.
The z-index of an iframe is handled in a weird way by IE. If you can get rid of it, I'd recommend you do and just embeded the content in a regular Div.
If you don't have other choices than do it like this, keep in mind that the z-index of elements like and will be infinite in IE6. So the way to stack that is to use iframes with higher zindexes, so that it will be infinity vs infinity+1.
An example of this is vs stacking. Both have infinite z-index, but you can stack them. Checkout Stu Nicholls code, that could be helpful.
That's pretty bad thought, my fix would be to avoid having other fields in this area.
Google for "IE z-index bug" for a variety of examples and solutions to similar problems. The html specification states that z-index should be absolute, but in IE it can be determined for an element if a parent element is positioned. In extreme circumstances, I've had to trace back up the DOM tree from the element that's causing problems and set the z-index attribute on whatever parent element has position, not on the element that is being obscured (and should rightfully have its z-index set). IE Developer toolbar can help for dynamic debugging if it's really a mess, just start setting the z-index properties up the tree until you find the one that makes it looks right.
You can definitely cover the iFrame with a div.
The thing is you can't use z-index unless you use position:relative, or position:absolute, or position: fixed on the calandar div.
What you want to do is change the "position" CSS property of the calandar to be "relative". If your iFrame has the normal static positioning (meaning you didn't add any special positioning to it, this will work).
If your iFrame has "absolute" positioning, you might need to do "position:absolute" on the calandar.
See link:
(works in all modern browsers including IE6)
I just realized that the problem seems to be related to the MSXML and how IE transforms XML documents. The XML has an XSLT stylesheet association which the browser uses to transform the XML document. The output of the transformation is an HTML document. I didn't think it was import to disclose that I my HTTP response was XML since the HTML is what is rendered in the end, but it does matter.
When the source of the IFRAME is an HTML document everything works fine. The DHTML is not covered by the IFRAME. But when MSXML is used to transform the IFRAME content this is when the problem occurs. Below are some sample files that illustrate the problem.
For the DHTML compoenent I am using the spiffycalendar widget but I would imagine any DHTML element would produce the same results.
var pickupdate=new ctlSpiffyCalendarBox("pickupdate", "mainF", "PICKUP_DATE","btnDate1","",1);
Save Changes

CSS hover menu appearing behind pdf iframe

I am working on a web application that has a menu across the top of every page with sub menus that drop down when a menu item is hovered over. This works fine, except on one page where we are trying to show a pdf in an iframe. The hover menus all end up behind the iframe in this one case. I have tried adjusting the z-index of both the hover menu and the iframe but neither seems to work. This is occurring in both FireFox 3.5 and IE8 so far.
There are two ways my question could be solved. I can either find a way to accurately adjust the CSS so my menu appears in front of the iframe or if there is another way to show the pdf that doesn't have this issue I could do that too.
When I ran into this issue, I used jQuery to detach the iframe before showing the overlay (and in my case a modal too). Once the user was done with the modal/overlay, I reattached the iframe to the DOM. _viewerFrame and _viewerDiv are just some css selectors of course. In my case there was a wrapping div tag around the iframe element that made detaching and attaching easy.
// detach iframe
_frame = $(_viewerFrame).detach();
function reattach(frame) {
// append it back to the div it was in (reattaching essentially)
function onOk() {
... // other code
function onCancel() {
... // other code
// show modal with overlay
Dialog.confirm(onOk, onCancel, { ...
Hope that helps...
This is likely because PDFs are displayed in a plugin, rather than natively in the web browser. CSS will not have an effect on this, because CSS only applies to content rendered in the web browser. Google does have a system that converts PDFs to HTML for display in browsers, at which point there would be no z-index issues, but some formatting may be lost in the process, and of course it is no longer a PDF document. Unless there is some way to tell the PDF plugin itself to lower its z-index (and consider that not all users will be using the Adobe plugin, some may use Foxit or other programs) you may be out of luck.
Try position:relative and z-index adjustment to get it in front of the iframe.
You're showing a pdf in an iframe? I'm guessing it has some sort of flash viewer? If so, then make sure you set the wmode of the flash embed code appropriately.
