Context menu has no "Add Scaffolding" nor "Add Controller" options -

I'm trying to get started with ASP.NET/C#, and I'm doing so by following along some guides and tutorials.
One major issue I keep running into is that I have no Add Scaffolding in the context menu, nor Add Controller. I can't figure out a workaround for the lack of the Add Scaffolding.
There are various relate posts on SO. I will address some:
How to Add Controller
The accepted answer says something that directly contradicts my experience. There is no Add Controller option anywhere.
Reload the project
Reinstall suggested in this comment
I've tried uninstalling and reinstalling several versions. So far I've tried VS2013 Express for Web, VS2013 Community, and right now I'm using VS2013 Ultimate. Each one has had a fresh install installed within the month.
Add a guid
I tried adding a guid to a .proj file, an idea from another question at the moment of which I cannot find.
Same issue in Sep 2014, no answer
I realize there are several questions with the same issue, but none of the answers address my situation. Of the solutions I've seen proposed, I can't get any of them to work. Maybe I'm copying the guid's in the wrong place, maybe I'm not uninstalling correctly, I'm not sure.
I haven't yet tried to uninstall everything related to VS. I have a lot of random product on this machine. I wasn't aware that, for example, "Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Tools for Office Runtime (x64) or Microsoft Visual Studio Tools for Applications 2.0 - ENU could disrupt VS2013 features. If anyone has information about this please let me know. I don't know the extent to which I would have to uninstall stuff in order to find the root of this issue. My Programs and Features menu is littered with MS product that I can barely tell apart.
Some Background Info:
I am using Microsoft Visual Studio Ultimate 2013 Version 12.0.31101.00 Update 4, and Microsoft .NET Framework Version 4.5.50938.
I used no special install instructions.
It's a web application. File > New Project... > Installed..Templates..Visual C#..Web..ASP.NET Web Application > MVC.
Upon Dleh's suggestion, I looked for the Add > ... buttons after changing the project type. I selected File > New Project ... > Visual Studio 2012 > ASP.NET MVC 4 Web Application (.NET Framework 4.5.1) > Internet Application, and I am confused to report that there is an Add > Controller... button. I have no idea what is happening.
Also, of note, I (within the week) installed VS2013 Ultimate on my home machine, and I have having none of these issues.

I believe I have solved the issue, but I don't know exactly what I did.
One answer from here was part of what prompted me to uninstall a number of MS products and features. Unfortunately, I can't remember the exact program or feature I uninstalled.
It seems like the uninstalling of related programs and features fixed the issue. By "related programs and features" I mean anything in the Control Panel > All Control Panel Items > Programs and Features menu that had ".NET" or "Visual Studio" or "Microsoft * Web Tools" or of the like. Many of them required a system reboot after uninstalling, and after one system reboot, the desired features in VS2013 was there.
There were on the order of 20-30 MS+VS+.NET related programs, and I uninstalled about 15.
I can't remember exactly which one I uninstalled, but it was anything that look remotely old and related to VS or .NET. Even if it was recent, I always figured I could reinstall stuff if I got the wrong thing.
Hopefully, anyone going through a similar issue will find this helpful. Good luck.

Had the same issue, installing
fixed it for me.
Link Here


Visual Studio C# ASP .NET Web Form Designer Error

Ok, so I start a new project in Visual Studio (currently updated to update 3) and choose ASP.NET Web Application (.NET Framework).
Then I choose the Empty template and to add the folders and core references for Web Forms.
Ok, great, so I add a webform to the project and then find there's a problem:
Design view or even Split view is not available for the new aspx page.
Pressing the buttons 'Design' or 'Split' do nothing and only the source is seen, which also becomes uneditable.
Now I have seen this issue before and searched and searched for an answer. But the only solution was a complete reinstall - this means a few GB download and then hours of the install program doing whatever it does (it is the slowest install for anything on any platform).
This issue seems to occur randomly, and once it occurs, it seems to be permanent, short of a complete reinstall of VS.
Is this a fault in Visual Studio that will never be fixed?
Does someone actually know how to fix this other than a complete reinstall?
Please do not suggest to try 'Open With' on the aspx file - yes I have tried every option and the original default is the correct one.
Answers from the Microsoft forum are about as helpful as giving wheels to a tomato, such as here. It has even been highlighted for Visual Studio 2008 here. Someone seems to have tried to raise the issue last year here.

Can't find web application template in Visual Studio 2015 Community

I have installed Visual Studio Community 2015 (DreamSpark program) on my Windows 10 N 64 bit machine.
But when I want to create a new web project, I can't see anything related to this.
So I launched the setup and watched if the "Web development tools" was checked or not and it was.
I unchecked it, then clicked next so VS Setup uninstalled these tools.
Then I re-launched the setup and checked it to install the "Web development tools" but it does not solve my problem.
I tried uninstalling, clearing all caches, install VS 2015 with another ISO re-downloaded in case that a file was corrupted or whatever, but I still have got this issue.
I tried to install manually Web Application templates using devenv /installVSTemplates -> does not work neither.
I tried to follow this article :
in order to remove all components related to VS left after a classic uninstallation but the setup encounters a fatal error..
I really need to work for my studies and I don't know what to do to make it work. I tried everything I've found on the web, tried to clean with CCleaner + manually delete cache folder ect..
But I still can't create a new web project because it just does not appear.
In Nugget Package Manager (inside VS), I can see that the ASP.NET package is installed (forgot the exact name but, this is the package related to what I am looking for) and I can't uninstall it to try a re-installation.
I'm trying to solve my probleme since 2 weeks ago but I still have got this issue.
Sorry for english mistakes.
Best regards,
Just to double check
Go to control panel "Add / remove programs" -> "Visual 2015" -> "Modify" , check that "Web developer tools" checked.
After reinstalling everything should reappear.
If you have already done this try..
(1) Please make sure that it is the latest windows 10 run windows update
(2) Run the command line:
Please check this folder in your system:
You will find projecttemplate and itemtemplate, and you will also find projecttemplatecache and itemtemplatecache which are related to this templates issue, maybe you could remove them, and then run the following commands and see whether it can help you create the item/project templates.
devenv /installvstemplates.
devenv /ResetSettings.
Hopefully this fixes the issues
You can download this tutorial at
Please also make sure that you are trying to add this item under a directory which can hold this type of file.
Go to Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 14.0\Common7\IDE. Rename ProjectTemplatesCache folder and restart Visual Studio

Cannot Git Diff CSHTML Files in Visual Studio 2015

I am using Visual Studio 2015 with ASP .Net MVC 6 on Windows 10. As far as I can tell everything's up to date, but I haven't changed anything recently that I know of. In the last couple of days Visual Studio has stopped letting me compare the current version of an *.cshtml file to see what changes I've made. It works for every other type of file I've tried, only these ones are being a problem.
I am getting the error message "Failed to start the configured compare tool." I've seen a couple of other posts (like this one: Visual Studio 2015 using Git unable to compare files and Microsoft Git Provider and Visual Studio 2012 failed to start the configured compare tool) but they seem to be talking about a more general cannot diff at all problem, which isn't what I'm seeing. It's almost as if git (or VS?) has decided to pick just this one file type to not like.
I have tried creating a new ASP .Net project with a new git repository and it sees the same problem, and the problem goes away if I rename the .cshtml file to give it a different extension. I've had a look in the .gitattributes file but can't see anything, though if I'm honest I don't really understand how git works beyond the basic 'this is how you drive it around when it works'. I've also tried removing and reinstalling everything git related I can find on my PC with no joy.
Anyone have any ideas on what I could have broken?
Update: I've just found this which suggests that it might be related to an ASP .Net Update. Guess I'll probably have to wait and see.
Clearing the MEF cache appears to resolve this also. Close the IDE and delete the contents of this directory:
Clear MEF Component Cache (Open VSIX Gallery) will probably do the trick as well.
Likely related to
This turned out to be related to a problem with the new ASP .Net tooling. They've apparently got a fix to be rolled out, but until then there is a workaround:
In the options panel, go to Options->Text Editor->HTML->Advanced
Set Identity Helpful Extensions to False
This is as per
Check your .gitignore file for references to .cshtml files. Dollars to doughnuts that something like *.cshtml is in that specific repo. Can you run the diff in git outside VS?

Website running .NET 3.5 cannot use feature not part of ISO-2 specs

I am getting this error a lot:
Feature '{insert feature here}' cannot be used because it is not part of the
ISO-2 C# language specification
I am working on a .NET 3.5 website that I've worked on on and off for about two years. I've never seen this error before my most recent around of updates. I'm using a decent amount of LINQ coding throughout and I get these errors related to much of the LINQ code. Based on what I've read it seems like even though I'm using .NET 3.5, for some reason it thinks I'm using 2.0. But I can't find anything that says how to fix it.
One example of a problem is that if I try to add a new item to the App_Code directory, I do not get the option to add a LINQ to SQL dbml file.
If anyone can shed some light on how exactly I would fix this, I would much appreciate it.
I was unable to locate an "Advanced" option under the build tab. I have a feeling it is probably because it is a web app. I looked through the web.config and found 2 parts that may be important. Most things referenced or v3.5. The settings are consistent with older backups of the web.config from when there were no errors. By the way, only intellisense and things within VS2010 are giving me problems. The website is running error free.
I have completed a total uninstall and re-install of VS2010 and I'm still having the same issue. I fired up my old install of VS2008 and I am NOT having this issue there. However, I would MUCH prefer to use VS2010 on this project.
I opened the website in VS2010 on my work computer, and there are no errors reported. This is making me think that there is something on my laptop that is causing the problem. As I noted above, I completely reinstalled Visual Studio 2010 and I am still having the problem. What does this leave? I have only one extension installed in VS, and it's the same one at work and on my laptop. Also, I did not reinstall the extension after reinstalling VS, and the problem persists.
Both PC's run Win7 Ultimate. Have VS2008 and VS2010 installed. VS2010 has the same extension installed on both. On my laptop I have the full version of SQL Server 2008 installed, but only the Management Studio on my desktop (we have a server in the office). Would SS2008 have anything to do with it?
Go to your project properties, the Build tab, Advanced - that should allow you to set which version of C# you want to use. It should default to the latest version supported by the version of Visual Studio you're using, but it sounds like at some point you've switched it to ISO-2.
(That's certainly true for Windows projects and class libraries - there may be a different location in a web app. In particular, have a look in Web.config.)
If this has only started happening recently, I'd have a look through your source control history at changes to any configuration files. Also try creating a new project of the same type, and see if that has the same problem.
Jon Skeet's answer is mostly correct. The location for the update is in the "Property Pages" which I got to by right-clicking on the name of the website, clicking Property Pages, the Build item, then target framework.
The extension I use, Solution Navigator, has it's own heading for the solution. Right-clicking on it DOES NOT give me the Property Pages option. By chance I right clicked on the title of the website under the solution heading and was presented with the Property Pages option. In there was the Build tab which contained the target framework option.
Once I finally found the target framework option, it was indeed set to .NET 2.0 for some reason. I changed it to 3.5, reloaded the solution, and now it works great.
Thanks a million Jon for your help and time working with me!!

Visual Studio 2003 productivity tips

I have been using Visual Studio 2005 and 2008 for a long time now, but now I'm consulting somewhere that has all ASP.NET 1.1 apps, so I need to use Visual Studio 2003.
Can anyone recommend some good add-ins, settings, general tips, etc when using VS2003 to make it a little more like...well...VS2008?
Note: I've heard about MSBee, but VS2005/8 is not an option. Also note that I have installed ReSharper for Vs2003 already.
Update: Some specifc things I like about 2005/2008 that aren't present in 2003 (at least as far as I can tell):
Intellisense doesn't popup immediately...i.e. I have to type "this." or "SomeNamespace." before I get any intellisense
Little things like when I type in runat=" and then intellisense gives me server, but doesn't give me the closing quote. There are a lot of little frustrations like that.
I don't use the "designer", so it's annoying to have to type in all the protected properties for the controls. It would be nice if that was done automatically somehow.
Just stuff like that, or any other hints/tricks that I haven't thought of...? Sorry if this is a bit vague.
I highly recommend Visual Assist for any version of VS.
There are some books, e.g. Mastering Visual Studio .NET and many suggestions common
to all versions of Visual Studio (like learning the key board shortcuts, mastering the command console, ...). But if you are already experienced with newer versions of VS, I doubt they will benefit you much.
Many plugins exist for VS 2003, e.g. MZ-Tools and
Kingstools. MSDN Magazine has
a list of Ten Must-Have Tools Every Developer Should Download Now. I think you have tell us which feature specifically you
are missing in VS2003. Then we might be able recommend a solution
which makes VS2003 more like VS2008 in that respect.
I'd start with this link - getting a handle on keyboard shortcuts is always a big productivity boost for me.
I like to have "Solution command prompt" and "Solution explorer window" bound to keyboard shortcuts. Just configured two external tools (Tools -> External Tools...)
Command: cmd.exe Initial Directory: $(ProjectDir)
Command: explorer.exe Arguments: - /E,/Root,"$(SolutionDir)"
Then you can bind these (i have them bound to Alt-E and Alt-C) in the Tools -> Customize... -> Keyboard... menu. You want to look for the "Tools.ExternalCommand1 - 20" commands.
