Change the database in Microstrategy Intelligent Cube - report

How to change the database of an already created Intelligent Cube in Microstrategy?
I have a cube which is getting data from Tables in production.
We have same tables in other database as well.
Is there any way i can modify the cube to use the new database?

You cannot modify just your cube to point to a different database if it was not create as a FFSQL report (in that case it's easy, you just change the database instance used), but you have a couple of options:
Modify the database connection setting for the database instance used by your project. My suggestion is to create a new database connection for the other database and point the current instance to this new connection
Create a new database instance (if you don't have it already) and assign it as default one to your project. Not sure it the existing tables will be mapped to the new one automatically.
Create a new database instance (like above), open the Warehouse catalog and change the database instance for the tables used in the cube.
Sincerely I would go for the first option if the other database contains all the tables required by your project.


How to get sqlite database path from sql.DB instance

I want to get the path or even the connection string of a sql.DB instance. The package I'm writing doesn't know what the database path is and the application may have multiple database files. However I need to be able to map a specific database to a specific buffered channel, and ignore any additional calls for a database the package has already seen.
The application uses the driver to instantiate the database, if that makes any difference.
Is it possible to discriminate between instances of sql.DB based on the file path of the source database? If so, how do I do it?

Attaching a database in sqlite

I'm trying to attach one database to another so that data from it can be used in queries.
I'm using
ATTACH DATABASE '{full url}' AS {database_name};
No errors actually occur, but when I run
PRAGMA database_list
Only the main database shows.
I found these limitations for ATTACH DATABASE that may or may not apply to your case:
The database names called main and temp are reserved names within your database connection and can not be used for attached databases.
The database name called main is reserved for the primary database and the database name called temp is reserved for the database that holds temporary tables.
Attached databases must use the same text encoding as the main database.
When the database connection is closed, the attached database will be automatically be detached.

How to access Alfresco database?

I would like to know if there's a way to connect to or see the database behind alfresco community.
Is there any way to access alfresco database?
The information necessary to connect to the database is stored in the file
in your Alfresco installation directory. The relevant configuration looks like this (for PostgreSQL):
### database connection properties ###
This allows you to connect to the PostgreSQL database using a a client of your choice.
Edit: The Alfresco database is highly normalized. Some tables to start at are:
There are many foreign key constraints that reference other columns, for example:
alf_node.store_id references
alf_node_properties.node_id references
If you want to get specific data from the database and don't know how, please ask a new question.

How do you force the OAuth Sql Server database objects to be recreated once deleted?

Using 4.5, I created a membership database and set up some open auth providers. In the course of adjusting the database, I deleted the open auth tables (UsersOpenAuthAccounts and UsersOpenAuthData) - I can find no script to generate these items or any other way to regenerate them.
The ASP.Net membership libraries create a system table called __MigrationHistory. When these OAuth elements are created, it creates this table (if missing) and creates a record there which acts as a flag indicating that it is not necessary to create the db items. Delete the table, and the membership libraries will recreate the elements.
You will receive an exception indicating that the __MigrationHistory table is missing - ignore this error, as it will be recreated along with the other elements.
BUT BEWARE - __MigrationHistory is a table used by Entity may jack it up in try to fix this, so keep a backup handy.

some basic oracle concepts

In our new application we have to use the oracle as the db,and we use mysql/sqlserver before,when I come to oracle I am confused by its concepts,for exmaple,the table space,the object,the schema table,index, procedure, database link,...:(
And the schema is closed to the user,I can not make it.
Since when we use the mysql,I just know that one database contain as many tables,and contain as many users,user have different authentication for different table.
But in oracle,everything is different.
Anyone can tell me some basic concepts of oracle,and some quick start docs?
Oracle has specific meanings for commonly-used terms, and you're right, it is confusing. I'll build a hierarchy of terms from the bottom up:
Database - In Oracle, the database is the collection of files that make up your overall collection of data. To get a handle on what Oracle means, picture the database management system (dbms) in a non-running state. All those files are your "database."
Instance - When you start the Oracle software, all those files become active, things get loaded into memory, and there's an entity to which you can connect. Many people would use the term "database" to describe a running dbms, but, once everything is up-and-running, Oracle calls it an, "instance."
Tablespace - A abstraction that allows you to think about a chunk of storage without worrying about the physical details. When you create a user, you ask Oracle to put that user's data in a specific tablespace. Oracle manages storage via the tablespace metaphor.
Data file - The physical files that actually store the data. Data files are grouped into tablespaces. If you use all the storage you have allocated to a user, or group of users, you add data files (or make the existing files bigger) to the tablespace they're configured to use.
User - An abstraction that encapsulates the privileges, authentication information, and default storage areas for an account that can log on to an Oracle instance.
Schema - The tables, indices, constraints, triggers, etc. that are owned by a particular user. There is a one-to-one correspondence between users and schemas. The schema has the same name as the user. The difference between the two is that the user concept is all about account information, while the schema concept deals with logical database objects.
This is a very simplified list of terms. There are different states of "running" for an Oracle instance, for example, and it's easy to get into very nuanced discussions of what things mean. Here's a practical exercise that will let you put your hands on these things, and will make the distinctions clearer:
Start an already-created Oracle instance. This step will transform a group of files, or as Oracle would say, a database, into a running Oracle instance.
Create a tablespace with the CREATE TABLESPACE command. You'll have to specify some data files to put into the tablespace, as well as some storage parameters.
Create a user with the CREATE USER command. You'll see that the items you have to specify have to do with passwords, privileges, quotas, and the like. Specify that the user's data be stored in the tablespace you created in step 2.
Connect to the Oracle using the credentials you created with the new user from step 3. Type, "SELECT * FROM CAT". Nothing should come back yet. Your user has a schema, but it's empty.
Run a CREATE TABLE command. INSERT some data into the table. The schema now contains some objects.
table spaces: these are basically
storage definitions. when defining a
table or index, etc., you can specify
storage options simply by putting
your table in a specific table_space
table, index, procedure: these are pretty much the same
user, schema: explained well before
database link: you can join table A in instance A and table B in instance B using a - database link between the two instances (while logged in on of them)
object: has properties (like a columns in a table) and methods that operate on those poperties (pretty much like in OO design); these are not widely used
A few links:
Start page for 11g rel 2 docs
Database concepts, Table of contents
