History.js and Google Analytics virtual pageviews page titles - google-analytics

I'm using Google Analytics to track virtual pageviews when pushState() is executed via by History.js. Things are reporting fine, but there seems to be an error in the ordering of things.
document.title is changing after the URL changes and the pageview fires, so the information sent is not consistent. It appears with an accurate URL, but contains the title of the last page.
If I delay the pageview to be sent by 100 milliseconds, I get the correct info, but would like to avoid doing this in the future.
Any ideas?

You need to be updating the page title in addition to the URL as you're navigating throughout the site.
The Single Page Application Tracking developer guide goes through exactly how to properly track pages loaded via AJAX using Google Analytics.


how can I validate if good analytics is counting review with ajax request

I have installed the google analytics in our e-commerce site using google tag manager. From the product detail page you can click on the colors to see the same product in the different colors. I implemented this using ajax so the page load is not required. I was curious if the google analytics will count as multiple reviews a user clicks on the different colors or do I need to explicitly call something in order for the GA to count as multiple reviews.
First of all, that depends how and what kind of GA you've implemented.
To implement analytics, you have to specify a trigger for the analytics tag. That trigger normally determines if a tag is fired or not.
If you used a page load trigger, then the tag will only be triggered on the real page load. And it won't be triggered on your ajax manipulations.
With only one exception: if you used the GA4 config tag, you had this checkbox there:
The checkbox doesn't only send the pageview on config load, it keeps sending pageviews on every history change. Therefore, if your ajax causes history change and you use the GA4 config tag, then you're getting pageviews.
But this is theory. You can just go and check. Open your network tab, filter the request by collect and see what's sent when. Or alternatively, install the adswerve datalayer debugger and it will log whatever is sent whenever it's sent into the console in a very neat, clean way. This is how it works on this page:

How to create a Google Analytics report on a specific query string?

I have hunted around a bit and only found how to setup the site search parameter in a site's admin section. This is not what I want. Also looked through some Google Search Console videos - no go.
Given a URL, https://somesite.com/redirect/?redirect=https://gofundme.com/somecampaign/.
As some background, what I have setup here is a simple page that says "Loading..." and is used for external links I want to track analytics on, from platforms that I may not have access to the link's analytics. For example: https://gofundme.com/somecampaign.
Rather than having a redirect setup on the page itself, I injected custom JavaScript through Google Tag Manager that records analytics data in Google Universal Analytics (anyone want to recommend how to do this in G4A?) then performs the redirect.
My question is, in Google Analytics, how do I setup a custom report where the query string parameter = redirect and/or the specific page URL?

Setting up Goals in Google Analytics for a Single Page Application

While setting up goals in single page application in google analytics through gtm there was a problem with achieving 'pageview' goals from CPC source, although when I was looking at the current page in real-time I saw page is active, so the goal should be achieved but it doesn't.
Is anybody faced with such behavior of google analytics?
Probably when the URL of your single-page changes it loses the gclic parameter but the referral is always google, so your session is interrupted and a new one starts from the organic channel to which the rest of the pages viewed are associated.
Try to read this article:

Google Tag fires but not logged in Analytics

I had set up my Google Tag to track clicks on spans with certain IDs, the events are firing according to WASP extension, but they are not showing up in my Google Analytics account.
Here is my trigger:
My Tag:
WASP in action:
GA displays pageview only:
Code is installed properly
Sorry if this seems pretty obvious, but in Real Time you should be on the Events tab, and it seems you are looking in the Content tab. Events are never displayed there.
While the configuration looks to be correct, remember that events won't show up in your standard reports until the data is processed, which takes about 24 hours. As long as the hit is showing up in your Real-Time reports, then you shouldn't have any issues.
Can you please post full HTTP request? For instance from Charles Web Debugging Proxy of Live HTTP Headers extension or anything simillar.
What you post seems to be correct as #nyuen says!

Google Analytics Campaign Tracking Issues

A client of mine is having some issues with regards to tracking campaigns in Google Analytics that I was hoping one of you can advise me on.
They have recently sent out an email with the Google Analytics campaign information in the links back to the site from a button in the email (link created with the URL builder).
As well as the Google Analytics information they also send their own parameter for tracking using a bespoke system of theirs. In the end the url that visitors would go to after clicking the button in the email was something along these lines:
Looking at Acquisitions in the Google Analytics report I can see in the past this page has been viewed and has the correct Source/Medium set as email_pure/email.
However, there was a lead gen form that was filled out on the site after landing on this particular page that sends an event action that the form was filled out. When trying to view the campaign information for these events I do not see any information regarding the Source / Medium for that event being the correct information from the URL.
The Salesforce model in place to receive these leads took the referrer URL correctly, containing the Google Analytics parameters, but there was no record in Analytics to suggest one of the form events had the Source/Medium of email_pure/email.
Does anyone have any ideas on what could be causing this and potential fixes?
