Possible to debug/run aspnet5 application in IIS via VS2015 - asp.net

Is it possible to debug and run an ASP.Net5 MVC6 application via IIS and VS2015 using the current preview? (CTP5).
When I look at the available project options(project properties/Debug/Debug target) I only have IIS express available in the dropdown list.

Currently ASP.NET 5 hosting for Visual Studio only supports the following:
Hosting with IIS Express
Self host with the web command (or any other command)
Support for IIS is on our backlog but it may not make the initial release. We are likely to specifically target IIS Express until most features are implemented. After that we will add support for IIS.


Service running uncontrollably on IIS

newbie developer
I have a restful wcf service. Usually I run it on iis express from visual studio express 2013. I can control it from iis express icon on the toolbar.
But last day i tested it via visual studio express 'local iis' option instead of iis Express (project -> properties -> web).
But after doing that, I have no control on the service. Even after restarting the system the service is still on. How can i control(stop) this service?

Not debug in visual studio 2008

I'm reporting this error when I try to execute in debug the application:
The application you are trying to debug uses a version of the Microsoft .NET Framework that is not supported by the debugger.
The debugger has made an incorrect assumption about the Microsoft .NET Framework version your application is going to use.
The Microsoft .NET Framework version specified by you for debugging is incorrect.
I'm using Visual Studio 2008 and .NET Framework 3.5.
I've got this problem with a particular project. Another project with the same framework and visual studio version works perfectly.
This suggests me that this is a problem of the project.
Any idea of why? Which property to set?
Thank you very much
Check to ensure that the application pool you are running the site under is set for the correct .Net runtime version. In IIS you can set that up in IIS Manager site configuration. With IISExpress you just need to modify the applicationhost.config file to set the site to use the correct app pool, or configure the app pool to use the proper version.

Deploying ASP.net application developed using VS2008express edition on MServer 2008

I want to deploy a Website which i have created using Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 Express Edition onto a server having Microsoft Windows Server 2008.
I dont know anything about deployment. I want to know what are the things required on the Server in order to make the application work.
i had used ajax toolkit VS2008 Express Edition and mysql on my developer machine.
Do you have full access to the server or are you using a hosting provider?
When you say Website, do you mean your project is a Website project or is it a Web Application project?
If it's a website project you should use the WebDeploy project add-in. In fact you'll need this since the Web Deploy project will merge all your pages into one dll. I'm not sure of the limitation of the Express Edition no you'll need to check.
WebDeployment Project post
Deploying a WebSite project
Deploying a Web Application Project

What are the steps to host an asp.net 3.5 published website in iis 6.0?

What are the steps to host an asp.net 3.5 published website in iis 6.0? Any suggestion...
Create a virtual directory in IIS, then use Visual Studio's Publish wizard to publish the site.
Make sure server has microsoft .net framework 3.5 (with sp1 recommended) runtime installed. Use web deployment projects for deploying your asp.net application in single output assembly or use web publishing wizard for extract a release build. Make sure the build does not use debug configuration and it must be in release mode. Create a website or virtual diretory and configure it to run under asp.net 2.0. You will also need to define under which application pool the application shall run, it could be shared or isolated one. Copy your asp.net build to the root directory of the website or the virtual directory and you're good to go..

Asp.net on visual studio .net 2003 web component Issues

I want to run ASP.NET on VS 2003 but it raises an error which says:
"Visual studio has detected that web server is running asp.net version
1.0.The web application you are creating or opening can be configured to be compliant with asp.net 1.0. However, the web application will
not be able to use the new features from asp.net 1.1."
When I choose the option "Make the application compliant with asp.net 1.0", then it is unable to set the compliance saying
"Visual Studio.NET cannot create or open the application. The
likeliest problem is that required components are not installed on the
local web server. Run Visual Studio.NET setup and add the web
development component."
It seems that you are running Visual Studio 2003 on Vista, which is not supported.
By default, Vista does not include .NET Framework 1.1 SP1. Install it first. Make sure that SP1 is installed. If you look into properties of "c:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v1.1.4322\mscorsvr.dll", you should get the version 1.1.4322.2032.
Enable IIS 6 Compatibility in Control Panel -> Program and Features -> Turn Windows features on or off. Check "IIS 6 Management Compatibility" under "Internet Information Servces".
Register .NET 1.1 with IIS by running "c:\Windows\MIcrosoft.net\Framework\v1.1.4322\aspnet_regiis.exe -ir". It will create the Application Pool targeted to Framework 1.1 with Classic pipeline in IIS7 and set Enable32BitAppOnWin64 property to true on 64bit OS.
Allow ASP.NET 1.1 in IIS7. Open the IIS Manager and click on the computer name in left tree. In main window select "ISAPI and CGI Restrictions" and make sure that ASP.NET v1.1.4322 is enabled. If not, select it and click Allow link on right side.
When you create an application on any directory that runs .NET 1.1 or lower, always select Application Pool that is targeted to Framework 1.1. For already configured applications, you have to change it manually.
You may need to update the script map of the ASP.NET application within IIS to use the newer version of the framework. I assume that .NET 1.1 framework and VS 2003 are already installed without issues.
Here is an MSDN article that should explain how to register the ASP.NET application within IIS to use the .NET 1.1 version using the aspnet_regiis.exe tool. Command-line reference for the tool is available here.
Visual Studio.NET cannot create or open the application. The likeliest problem is that required components are not installed on the local web server. Run Visual Studio.NET setup and add the web development component.
I faced this problem when I copied the project folder from the network shared location to my local system.
Solution: Create a empty folder in your local system. Copy the files from the original folder into the newly created empty folder.
In addition to the accepted answer, you may also need to add the actual "Web Development" component that is included with the Visual Studio 2003 setup file.
While in the menu, even after you install ASP.NET v1.1 & associated Hotfixes/security updates, as well as FrontPage Extensions for your version of IIS, you may STILL see a red X over the installation component.
This may seem very hacky, but for some reason the installer doesn't seem to do a very thorough check - just click the "Red X" and the "Update Now!" icon becomes visible, then you can install the component just fine.
Specs: Windows 10, Visual Studio .NET 2003 Enterprise
TIP: If you are running a newer version of IIS, you won't be able to "just create" an ASP.NET 1.1 application pool. You'll need to enter these appcmd.exe commands:
appcmd create apppool /name:"YOURPOOLNAME"
appcmd set apppool /apppool.name:"YOURPOOLNAME" /enable32BitAppOnWin64:true
appcmd set apppool /apppool.name:"YOURPOOLNAME" /managedRuntimeVersion:"v1.1"
appcmd set apppool /apppool.name:"YOURPOOLNAME" /managedPipelineMode:"Classic"
appcmd set apppool /apppool.name:"YOURPOOLNAME" /autoStart:true
