surface plots of large 3D datasets using R [duplicate] - r

Could you give me an example on how to use rgl to plot 3 variables at the axes x, y and z and a fourth one with different colours?

You use a combination of persp and colour according to a separate function. Here's some example code:
## Create a simple surface f(x,y) = -x^2 - y^2
## Colour the surface according to x^2 only
nx = 31; ny = 31
x = seq(-1, 1, length = nx)
y = seq(-1, 1, length = ny)
z = outer(x, y, function(x,y) -x^2 -y^2)
## Fourth dim
z_col = outer(x, y, function(x,y) x^2)
## Average the values at the corner of each facet
## and scale to a value in [0, 1]. We will use this
## to select a gray for colouring the facet.
hgt = 0.25 * (z_col[-nx,-ny] + z_col[-1,-ny] + z_col[-nx,-1] + z_col[-1,-1])
hgt = (hgt - min(hgt))/ (max(hgt) - min(hgt))
## Plot the surface with the specified facet colours.
persp(x, y, z, col = gray(1 - hgt))
persp(x, y, z, col=cm.colors(32)[floor(31*hgt+1)], theta=-35, phi=10)
This gives:
It's fairly straightforward to use the above technique with the rgl library:
## Generate the data using the above commands
## New window
## clear scene:
## setup env:
surface3d(x, y, z, color=cm.colors(32)[floor(31*hgt+1)], alpha=0.5)

There is an example in ?plot3d if you are talking about plotting points in a 3d space and colouring them:
x <- sort(rnorm(1000))
y <- rnorm(1000)
z <- rnorm(1000) + atan2(x,y)
plot3d(x, y, z, col=rainbow(1000))
But if you mean to colour the points by a 4th variable, say a grouping variable, then we can modify the example above to do this by creating a grouping variable
grp <- gl(5, 200) ## 5 groups 200 members each
## now select the colours we want
cols <- 1:5
## Now plot
plot3d(x, y, z, col=cols[grp])
OK, is this more what you want?
X <- 1:10
Y <- 1:10
## Z is now a 100 row object of X,Y combinations
Z <- expand.grid(X = X, Y = Y)
## Add in Z1, which is the 3rd variable
## X,Y,Z1 define the surface, which we colour according to
## 4th variable Z2
Z <- within(Z, {
Z1 <- 1.2 + (1.4 * X) + (-1.9 * Y)
Z2 <- 1.2 + (1.4 * X) - (1.2 * X^2) + (1.9 * Y) + (-1.3 * Y^2)
Z3 <- 1.2 + (1.4 * X) + (-1.9 * Y) + (-X^2) + (-Y^2)})
## show the data
## Set-up the rgl device
with(Z, plot3d(X, Y, Z1, type = "n"))
## Need a scale for Z2 to display as colours
## Here I choose 10 equally spaced colours from a palette
cols <- heat.colors(10)
## Break Z2 into 10 equal regions
cuts <- with(Z, cut(Z2, breaks = 10))
## Add in the surface, colouring by Z2
with(Z, surface3d(1:10,1:10, matrix(Z1, ncol = 10),
color = cols[cuts], back = "fill"))
with(Z, points3d(X, Y, Z1, size = 5)) ## show grid X,Y,Z1
Here's a modification where the plane surface Z1 is curved (Z3).
## Set-up the rgl device plotting Z3, a curved surface
with(Z, plot3d(X, Y, Z3, type = "n"))
with(Z, surface3d(1:10,1:10, matrix(Z3, ncol = 10),
color = cols[cuts], back = "fill"))
The detail of what I did to get Z2 probably doesn't matter, but I tried to get something like the graph you linked to.
If I've still not got what you want, can you edit your Q with some example data and give us a better idea of what you want?

Take a look at example(points3d).
The r3d help page shows you how to draw axes.
x <- c(0, 10, 0, 0)
y <- c(0, 0, 100, 0)
z <- c(0, 0, 0, 1)
i <- c(1,2,1,3,1,4)
labels <- c("Origin", "X", "Y", "Z")
Now you add some points
dfr <- data.frame(x = 1:10, y = (1:10)^2, z = runif(10), col = rainbow(10))
with(dfr, points3d(x, y, z, col = col))


How to set a logarithmic scale across multiple ggplot2 contour plots?

I am attempting to create three contour plots, each illustrating the following function applied to two input vectors and a fixed alpha:
alphas <- c(1, 5, 25)
x_vals <- seq(0, 25, length.out = 100)
y_vals <- seq(0, 50, length.out = 100)
my_function <- function(x, y, alpha) {
z <- (1 / (x + alpha)) * (1 / (y + alpha))
for each alpha in the vector alphas, I am creating a contour plot of z values—relative to the minimal z value—over x and y axes.
I do so with the following code (probably not best practices; I'm still learning the basics with R):
plots <- list()
for(i in seq_along(alphas)) {
z_table <- sapply(x_vals, my_function, y = y_vals, alpha = alphas[i])
x <- rep(x_vals, each = 100)
y <- rep(y_vals, 100)
z <- unlist(flatten(list(z_table)))
z_rel <- z / min(z)
d <- data.frame(cbind(x, y, z_rel))
plots[[i]] <- ggplot(data = d, aes(x = x, y = y, z = z_rel)) +
When alpha = 1:
When alpha = 25:
I want to display these plots in one grouping using ggarrange(), with one logarithmic color scale (as relative z varies so much from plot to plot). Is there a way to do this?
You can build a data frame with all the data for all alphas combined, with a column indicating the alpha, so you can facet your graph:
I basically removed the plot[[i]] part, and stacked up the d's created in the former loop:
d = numeric()
for(i in seq_along(alphas)) {
z_table <- sapply(x_vals, my_function, y = y_vals, alpha = alphas[i])
x <- rep(x_vals, each = 100)
y <- rep(y_vals, 100)
z <- unlist(flatten(list(z_table)))
z_rel <- z / min(z)
d <- rbind(d, cbind(x, y, z_rel))}
d =
Then we create the alphas column:
d$alpha = factor(paste("alpha =", alphas[rep(1:3, each=nrow(d)/length(alphas))]),
levels = paste("alpha =", alphas[1:3]))
Then build the log scale inside the contour:
ggplot(data = d, aes(x = x, y = y, z = z_rel)) +
geom_contour_filled(breaks=round(exp(seq(log(1), log(1400), length = 14)),1)) +

Creating a 3D surface plot from two vectors and a matrix

I have got two vectors and a 2D-matrix, from which I want to create a 3D surface plot. I already have split my data into X and Y (vectors (time "t" and wavelength "w") and Z (matrix; absorbance "NIR" at time and wavelength) with the same number of rows/columns respectively:
t = matrix(1:456, ncol= 1)
w = matrix(1350:1650, nrow = 1)
NIR = as.matrix(read.table("NIR_alle_pur.txt", header = TRUE, dec =","))
colnames(NIR) = c(paste0("NIR.", 1350:1650))
# [1] 456 301
structure(c(60771.93, 57230.56, 56235.96, 41617.47, 41709.93,
57466.6, 59916.97, 63376.4, 41966.73, 41254.34, 65535, 61468.76,
65535, 41238.03, 42530.97, 56936.03, 65009.4, 65535, 40375.5,
41021.6, 62757, 65455.44, 63795.6, 41349.6, 41178.2), .Dim = c(5L,
5L), .Dimnames = list(NULL, c("NIR.Spectrum_1350.0000000", "NIR.Spectrum_1351.0000000",
"NIR.Spectrum_1352.0000000", "NIR.Spectrum_1353.0000000", "NIR.Spectrum_1354.0000000"
I tried to insert those into the rgl.surface function, but I get the following error message:
Error in rgl.surface(x, y, z, coords = 1:3) : Bad dimension for rows
I've also tried to plot them with plotly, but my success was equally low.
Can someone give me an input how I can get my spectral data to look like the last ones (multiple surfaces) on this site, individually? I'll try the overlay of the surfaces with plotlylater on!
I am happy for every extra input and information on my level!
Thank you!
After looking at the source code, I'd guess the problem is that you stored your x and y vectors as matrices. If they are matrices, they need to be identical in shape to z.
As I mentioned in a comment, you should avoid using rgl.surface (and the other rgl.* functions in most cases), and use surface3d instead, or persp3d if you want axes.
The *3d functions are higher level functions that act more like other R functions, and they will lead to fewer problems in the long run.
You haven't posted any data, so I'll post a completely artificial example. Let's suppose z = x^2 + y^2 + a, where a is a different constant for each surface. Then you can plot it like this:
x <- seq(-2, 2, length = 7)
y <- seq(-3, 3, length = 5) # I've chosen different ranges
# and lengths just to illustrate.
z <- outer(x, y, function(x, y) x^2 + y^2)
colours <- heat.colors(100)
minval <- min(z)
maxval <- max(z) + 10
col <- colours[(z - minval)/(maxval - minval)*99 + 1]
persp3d(x, y, z, col = col) # get axes the first time
z <- outer(x, y, function(x, y) x^2 + y^2 + 5)
col <- colours[(z - minval)/(maxval - minval)*99 + 1]
surface3d(x, y, z, col = col)
z <- outer(x, y, function(x, y) x^2 + y^2 + 10)
col <- colours[(z - minval)/(maxval - minval)*99 + 1]
surface3d(x, y, z, col = col)
aspect3d(1, 1, 1) # Make axes all equal
That produces this plot:

R: Add points to surface plot with persp having the appropriate size

I would like to achieve that the points I add to the plot have their size adjusted to obtain a better 3D impression. I know that I somehow have to use the transformation matrix that is returned to compute the length of the vector orthogonal to the 2d plane to the respective point in 3d, but I don't know how to do that.
Here is an example:
x1 <- rnorm(100)
x2 <- 4 + rpois(100, 4)
y <- 0.1*x1 + 0.2*x2 + rnorm(100)
dat <- data.frame(x1, x2, y)
m1 <- lm(y ~ x1 + x2, data=dat)
x1r <- range(dat$x1)
x1seq <- seq(x1r[1], x1r[2], length=30)
x2r <- range(dat$x2)
x2seq <- seq(x2r[1], x2r[2], length=30)
z <- outer(x1seq, x2seq, function(a,b){
predict(m1, newdata=data.frame(x1=a, x2=b))
res <- persp(x1seq, x2seq, z)
mypoints <- trans3d(dat$x1, dat$x2, dat$y, pmat=res)
points(mypoints, pch=1, col="red")
You can use the function presented here to determine distance to the observer, then scale the pointsize (cex) to that distance:
# volcano data
z <- 2 * volcano # Exaggerate the relief
x <- 10 * (1:nrow(z)) # 10 meter spacing (S to N)
y <- 10 * (1:ncol(z)) # 10 meter spacing (E to W)
# draw volcano and store transformation matrix
pmat <- persp(x, y, z, theta = 35, phi = 40, col = 'green4', scale = FALSE,
ltheta = -120, shade = 0.75, border = NA, box = TRUE)
# take some xyz values from the matrix
s = sample(1:prod(dim(z)), size=500)
xx = x[row(z)[s] ]
yy = y[col(z)[s]]
zz = z[s] + 10
# depth calculation function (adapted from Duncan Murdoch at
depth3d <- function(x,y,z, pmat, minsize=0.2, maxsize=2) {
# determine depth of each point from xyz and transformation matrix pmat
tr <- as.matrix(cbind(x, y, z, 1)) %*% pmat
tr <- tr[,3]/tr[,4]
# scale depth to point sizes between minsize and maxsize
psize <- ((tr-min(tr) ) * (maxsize-minsize)) / (max(tr)-min(tr)) + minsize
# determine distance to eye
psize = depth3d(xx,yy,zz,pmat,minsize=0.1, maxsize = 1)
# from 3D to 2D coordinates
mypoints <- trans3d(xx, yy, zz, pmat=pmat)
# plot in 2D space with pointsize related to distance
points(mypoints, pch=8, cex=psize, col=4)

Plot 3D data in R

I have a 3D dataset:
data = data.frame(
x = rep( c(0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5), each=5),
y = rep( c(1, 2, 3, 4, 5), 5)
data$z = runif(
min = (data$x*data$y - 0.1 * (data$x*data$y)),
max = (data$x*data$y + 0.1 * (data$x*data$y))
And I want to plot it, but the built-in-functions of R alwyas give the error
increasing 'x' and 'y' values expected
# ### 3D Plots ######################################################
# built-in function always give the error
# "increasing 'x' and 'y' values expected"
image(x = data$x, y = data$y, z = data$z)
When I searched on the internet, I found that this message happens when combinations of X and Y values are not unique. But here they are unique.
I tried some other libraries and there it works without problems. But I don't like the default style of the plots (the built-in functions should fulfill my expectations).
# ### 3D Scatterplot ######################################################
# Nice plots without surface maps?
install.packages("scatterplot3d", dependencies = TRUE)
scatterplot3d(x = data$x, y = data$y, z = data$z)
# ### 3D Scatterplot ######################################################
# Only to play around?
install.packages("rgl", dependencies = TRUE)
plot3d(x = data$x, y = data$y, z = data$z)
lines3d(x = data$x, y = data$y, z = data$z)
surface3d(x = data$x, y = data$y, z = data$z)
Why are my datasets not accepted by the built-in functions?
I use the lattice package for almost everything I plot in R and it has a corresponing plot to persp called wireframe. Let data be the way Sven defined it.
wireframe(z ~ x * y, data=data)
Or how about this (modification of fig 6.3 in Deepanyan Sarkar's book):
p <- wireframe(z ~ x * y, data=data)
npanel <- c(4, 2)
rotx <- c(-50, -80)
rotz <- seq(30, 300, length = npanel[1]+1)
update(p[rep(1, prod(npanel))], layout = npanel,
panel = function(..., screen) {
panel.wireframe(..., screen = list(z = rotz[current.column()],
x = rotx[current.row()]))
Update: Plotting surfaces with OpenGL
Since this post continues to draw attention I want to add the OpenGL way to make 3-d plots too (as suggested by #tucson below). First we need to reformat the dataset from xyz-tripplets to axis vectors x and y and a matrix z.
x <- 1:5/10
y <- 1:5
z <- x %o% y
z <- z + .2*z*runif(25) - .1*z
persp3d(x, y, z, col="skyblue")
This image can be freely rotated and scaled using the mouse, or modified with additional commands, and when you are happy with it you save it using rgl.snapshot.
Adding to the solutions of others, I'd like to suggest using the plotly package for R, as this has worked well for me.
Below, I'm using the reformatted dataset suggested above, from xyz-tripplets to axis vectors x and y and a matrix z:
x <- 1:5/10
y <- 1:5
z <- x %o% y
z <- z + .2*z*runif(25) - .1*z
plot_ly(x=x,y=y,z=z, type="surface")
The rendered surface can be rotated and scaled using the mouse. This works fairly well in RStudio.
You can also try it with the built-in volcano dataset from R:
plot_ly(z=volcano, type="surface")
If you're working with "real" data for which the grid intervals and sequence cannot be guaranteed to be increasing or unique (hopefully the (x,y,z) combinations are unique at least, even if these triples are duplicated), I would recommend the akima package for interpolating from an irregular grid to a regular one.
Using your definition of data:
im <- with(data,interp(x,y,z))
And this should work not only with image but similar functions as well.
Note that the default grid to which your data is mapped to by akima::interp is defined by 40 equal intervals spanning the range of x and y values:
> formals(akima::interp)[c("xo","yo")]
seq(min(x), max(x), length = 40)
seq(min(y), max(y), length = 40)
But of course, this can be overridden by passing arguments xo and yo to akima::interp.
I think the following code is close to what you want
x <- c(0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5)
y <- c(1, 2, 3, 4, 5)
zfun <- function(a,b) {a*b * ( 0.9 + 0.2*runif(a*b) )}
z <- outer(x, y, FUN="zfun")
It gives data like this (note that x and y are both increasing)
> x
[1] 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5
> y
[1] 1 2 3 4 5
> z
[,1] [,2] [,3] [,4] [,5]
[1,] 0.1037159 0.2123455 0.3244514 0.4106079 0.4777380
[2,] 0.2144338 0.4109414 0.5586709 0.7623481 0.9683732
[3,] 0.3138063 0.6015035 0.8308649 1.2713930 1.5498939
[4,] 0.4023375 0.8500672 1.3052275 1.4541517 1.9398106
[5,] 0.5146506 1.0295172 1.5257186 2.1753611 2.5046223
and a graph like
persp(x, y, z)
Not sure why the code above did not work for the library rgl, but the following link has a great example with the same library.
Run the code in R and you will obtain a beautiful 3d plot that you can turn around in all angles.
## another example of 3d plot from my personal reserach, use rgl library
# 3D visualization device system
peak.height <- volcano;
ppm.index <- (1:nrow(volcano));
sample.index <- (1:ncol(volcano));
zlim <- range(peak.height)
zlen <- zlim[2] - zlim[1] + 1
colorlut <- terrain.colors(zlen) # height color lookup table
col <- colorlut[(peak.height-zlim[1]+1)] # assign colors to heights for each point
ppm.index1 <- ppm.index*zlim[2]/max(ppm.index);
sample.index1 <- sample.index*zlim[2]/max(sample.index) <- paste("plot3d ", "volcano", sep = "");
surface3d(ppm.index1, sample.index1, peak.height, color=col, back="lines", main =;
grid3d(c("x", "y+", "z"), n =20) <- paste("col.", 1:ncol(volcano), sep="");
sample.label <- as.integer(seq(1, length(, length = 5));
axis3d('y+',at = sample.index1[sample.label],[sample.label], cex = 0.3);
axis3d('y',at = sample.index1[sample.label],[sample.label], cex = 0.3)
axis3d('z',pos=c(0, 0, NA))
ppm.label <- as.integer(seq(1, length(ppm.index), length = 10));
axes3d('x', at=c(ppm.index1[ppm.label], 0, 0), abs(round(ppm.index[ppm.label], 2)), cex = 0.3);
title3d(main =, sub = "test", xlab = "ppm", ylab = "samples", zlab = "peak")

R: 4D plot, x, y, z, colours

Could you give me an example on how to use rgl to plot 3 variables at the axes x, y and z and a fourth one with different colours?
You use a combination of persp and colour according to a separate function. Here's some example code:
## Create a simple surface f(x,y) = -x^2 - y^2
## Colour the surface according to x^2 only
nx = 31; ny = 31
x = seq(-1, 1, length = nx)
y = seq(-1, 1, length = ny)
z = outer(x, y, function(x,y) -x^2 -y^2)
## Fourth dim
z_col = outer(x, y, function(x,y) x^2)
## Average the values at the corner of each facet
## and scale to a value in [0, 1]. We will use this
## to select a gray for colouring the facet.
hgt = 0.25 * (z_col[-nx,-ny] + z_col[-1,-ny] + z_col[-nx,-1] + z_col[-1,-1])
hgt = (hgt - min(hgt))/ (max(hgt) - min(hgt))
## Plot the surface with the specified facet colours.
persp(x, y, z, col = gray(1 - hgt))
persp(x, y, z, col=cm.colors(32)[floor(31*hgt+1)], theta=-35, phi=10)
This gives:
It's fairly straightforward to use the above technique with the rgl library:
## Generate the data using the above commands
## New window
## clear scene:
## setup env:
surface3d(x, y, z, color=cm.colors(32)[floor(31*hgt+1)], alpha=0.5)
There is an example in ?plot3d if you are talking about plotting points in a 3d space and colouring them:
x <- sort(rnorm(1000))
y <- rnorm(1000)
z <- rnorm(1000) + atan2(x,y)
plot3d(x, y, z, col=rainbow(1000))
But if you mean to colour the points by a 4th variable, say a grouping variable, then we can modify the example above to do this by creating a grouping variable
grp <- gl(5, 200) ## 5 groups 200 members each
## now select the colours we want
cols <- 1:5
## Now plot
plot3d(x, y, z, col=cols[grp])
OK, is this more what you want?
X <- 1:10
Y <- 1:10
## Z is now a 100 row object of X,Y combinations
Z <- expand.grid(X = X, Y = Y)
## Add in Z1, which is the 3rd variable
## X,Y,Z1 define the surface, which we colour according to
## 4th variable Z2
Z <- within(Z, {
Z1 <- 1.2 + (1.4 * X) + (-1.9 * Y)
Z2 <- 1.2 + (1.4 * X) - (1.2 * X^2) + (1.9 * Y) + (-1.3 * Y^2)
Z3 <- 1.2 + (1.4 * X) + (-1.9 * Y) + (-X^2) + (-Y^2)})
## show the data
## Set-up the rgl device
with(Z, plot3d(X, Y, Z1, type = "n"))
## Need a scale for Z2 to display as colours
## Here I choose 10 equally spaced colours from a palette
cols <- heat.colors(10)
## Break Z2 into 10 equal regions
cuts <- with(Z, cut(Z2, breaks = 10))
## Add in the surface, colouring by Z2
with(Z, surface3d(1:10,1:10, matrix(Z1, ncol = 10),
color = cols[cuts], back = "fill"))
with(Z, points3d(X, Y, Z1, size = 5)) ## show grid X,Y,Z1
Here's a modification where the plane surface Z1 is curved (Z3).
## Set-up the rgl device plotting Z3, a curved surface
with(Z, plot3d(X, Y, Z3, type = "n"))
with(Z, surface3d(1:10,1:10, matrix(Z3, ncol = 10),
color = cols[cuts], back = "fill"))
The detail of what I did to get Z2 probably doesn't matter, but I tried to get something like the graph you linked to.
If I've still not got what you want, can you edit your Q with some example data and give us a better idea of what you want?
Take a look at example(points3d).
The r3d help page shows you how to draw axes.
x <- c(0, 10, 0, 0)
y <- c(0, 0, 100, 0)
z <- c(0, 0, 0, 1)
i <- c(1,2,1,3,1,4)
labels <- c("Origin", "X", "Y", "Z")
Now you add some points
dfr <- data.frame(x = 1:10, y = (1:10)^2, z = runif(10), col = rainbow(10))
with(dfr, points3d(x, y, z, col = col))
