LinkedIn API: How to get company from status-update link? - linkedin

I have just one basic question about the LinkedIn API, I'm new to that and I don't even use LinkedIn.
Imagine that I have this link: - how can I restore the company ID, updateKey for the company or something similar to that? Simply I want to get any information and I know how to use the company API but this is a bit problem (that cannot be solved by this API) and I don't know how to solve that...
Thanks a lot for every single help.

Ok - First take a look at this information:
How to get company logo from Linkedin API?
Then take a look at this web page:
The other problem is similar to your problem. You will have to scrape the web page to get the information. If you look at the <TITLE>...</TITILE> part on the IBM web page you will see it says "IBM | LinkedIn".
That is how you get the company's name off of the web page's HTML.
The LinkedIn API says:
Check out their Profile Information. Note the "name" field? The company's name should be in that field also.
(BTW: I do NOT work for Stack Overflow or LinkedIn. Just in case you were wondering. I'm just a good samaritan helping out. :-) )
Update: I just re-read your request. If you know what the company's name is you should be able to use the API to reload their profile which has their ID number on it. Don't know about an update key. Do you get what I am talking about?


Access LinkedIn Profile's Job Title using API

I try to access the profile's Job title, first name, last name, and company using LinkedIn API and PHP.
I have applied for LinkedIn Marketing Program on then I found some posts on StackOverflow saying that it could take several months to get approved :(
Is it possible to achieve what I'm trying to do? (Can I get access to LinkedIn r_liteprofile? is it limited in the number of requests or paid? )
Do I need r_liteprofile to access LinkedIn Jobtitle or I need to request more permission access?
Thank you very much for you help.
Kind regards
Your best option is through google or bing, or any web search engines, which can kind of getting the "Headline", but not 100% accuracy. {query}
By default, people put their Job Title as Headline.
Personally, I used Google Custom Search JSON API.
Good luck!

How can I retrieve a list of all employees within a company through the LinkedIn API?

Years ago, someone asked on Stack Overflow if it were possible to retrieve a list of all employees who work at a company. I can do this through the LinkedIn UI, but I cannot seem to find any mechanism for this using the v2 API. The SO response mentions this used to be possible on the v1 API, but you had to request access through LinkedIn's "Vetted API Access Program." Unfortunately, the link on this response is now obsolete and does not send users to any such program.
How could I apply for this program nowadays? This is a specific situation to me and my company, so I would very much like to discuss this with someone at LinkedIn if some form of this Vetted API Access Program still exists. I do not wish to disclose the details of this request to the open internet.
I have confirmed through contacts inside LinkedIn that this API functionality has been removed. No further information has been provided, and LinkedIn tech support refuses to comment any more on this issue. Furthermore, no LinkedIn engineers will comment on this thread here.
This is bizarre since any regular user can do this functionality through the web front-end, but for some reason LinkedIn believes this would be a violation of privacy/security if we could do this programmatically.
Therefore, the only way to obtain this data would be through screen scraping. I wish I had better news, and I wish that LinkedIn would provide some reasoning for their changes, but alas this is where we are.
I just posted a very similar question because I ran into the same problem as you.
The application forms for Linkedin's current partner programs seem to be located here, however I can't tell you which one of those programs comes with the necessary API access rights and I am in general not sure if this API request is still allowed.
Edit: The Linkedin Help page states that applications for partner programs are currently unavailable?
In general, you can get a list of employees of a company if you scrape Linkedin profiles exhaustively, or if you have an exhaustive dataset of Linkedin profiles.
Each Linkedin profile contains a list of experiences that links to the company profile URL.
Thereafter, you will filter the dataset into profiles currently working at X company to get a list of employees currently working in a company. The same technique can also be used to retrieve a list of past employees.
And that is what we did. We scraped all public Linkedin profiles based in the US and made an alternative API known as Proxycurl Employee Listing API to Linkedin API to provide employee listing functionality.
Proxycurl's Employee Listing API will never be as exhaustive as Linkedin's dataset because not all profiles are made public, but most are. But will suffice to meet your needs.

LinkedIn API v2 - Possible to get Company job listings?

I've pored over the LinkedIn developer documentation for api v2, and can't find any endpoints or documentation which provides me with a given company's list of jobs. Does anyone know if this is still possible using API v2, and if so, can anyone point me at documentation for this specific use case of their API or give me an example URI for requesting this data?
Thank you!
p.s. This SO post seems to be the most relevant, but it doesn't provide me with a solid answer as it is rather old and refers to api v1 endpoints and functionality: Retrieve job postings for a specific company using LinkedIn's API
Apparently this is not yet possible with v2. But what I could suggest is that you look at how LinkedIn carries out the job search on their own website. They use Voyager service which pretty much having the endpoints you'll ever need to get your work done.
Have a look:
Press F12 and inspect the XHR requests flowing out to LinkedIn website when you do a job search. It will give you a lot of hints ;)

LinkedIn API feeds

I'm looking into an issue where a clients LinkedIn feeds on their website have stopped showing. Debugging the problem I've found that I get a 403 error shown below:
Member xxxxxx does not have permission to get company xxxxx
As the LinkedIn authentication process can be quite difficult to comprehend, I had a look online to see if others have had the same problem, and managed to find this. It suggests there have been recent changes to the LinkedIn API and users are now required to be the administrator of the company. What exactly does this mean?
From the very beginning we have simply been accessed the feeds by generating a url like this:
This has worked in the past. Do we need to regenerate the Secret and API keys?
Looking at the announced changes here:
It suggests that the following endpoint will still work (which is exactly what I have):
So I'm not sure what I'm missing.
is the access token generated by a account witch is Admin of that company page?
If not hen you will get 403.
The requester needs to be admin of that comapny page in order to get company updates.

Get linkedin public status updates

I am trying to get latest 3 public activities of our company from linkedin (ex: and present it on our website but unfortunately I dont see a clear explanation to do so in the API documentations. I registered an API Key but I am confused if I need to do OAuth if so against what and then what API to call to get publicly available info?
Is OAuth really needed for something that is available?
Can I store an OAuth token for an internal user and keep fetching data on that? I would really do not want to authenticated the site visitors with oauth to get free linkedin content.
This question is on the lines of this one, but I still wanted to ask and see if I could get a better response/answer.
To get the company updates from the LinkedIn API, you will need to reference the following document:
The API is currently in preview mode, but the above document addresses your question re: OAuth as well as shows the specific calls as well as sample output. If you have any questions after reviewing the docs, please feel free to visit our developer forums at:
And one of someone from our team would be more than happy to help you further.
