AjaxControlToolkit PieChart not showing any data - asp.net

I'm trying to implement a simple AjaxControlToolkit PieChart, but whatever data I'm using the page looks like this, on Chrome or IE 11 and IE 10:
Here is my simple code:
<asp:piechart id="PieChart1" runat="server" backcolor="#993333" bordercolor="#660033"
borderstyle="Solid" forecolor="White" height="349px" width="320px" charttitle="Country Population"
<asp:PieChartValue Category="India" Data="1000" PieChartValueColor="green" PieChartValueStrokeColor="white" />
<asp:PieChartValue Category="US" Data="3000" PieChartValueColor="blue" PieChartValueStrokeColor="black" />
<asp:PieChartValue Category="China" Data="6000" PieChartValueColor="pink" PieChartValueStrokeColor="red" />
<asp:PieChartValue Category="Australia" Data="7000" PieChartValueColor="yellow" PieChartValueStrokeColor="blue" />
Any help will be appreciated.


Blazor WebAssembly Dev Express Data Grid - Load All Rows without Pagination

I started experimenting with devexpress Blazor Grid component for a project that we are migrating from Webforms to Blazor WebAssembly.
I see the pagination component in the grid works really fine.
But I have this requirement to load all records without pagination and kind of struggling to get the right settings
<DxDataGrid DataAsync="#GetEmployeeStatssAsync" WIDTH="700px" VerticalScrollBarMode="ScrollBarMode.Auto"
<DxDataGridColumn Field="#nameof(EmployeeStatResponse.FullName)" Width="30px" />
<DxDataGridColumn Field="#nameof(EmployeeStatResponse.Batches)" Width="30px" />
<DxDataGridColumn Field="#nameof(EmployeeStatResponse.Lines)" Width="20px" />
<DxDataGridColumn Field="#nameof(EmployeeStatResponse.Units)" Width="20px" />
<DxDataGridColumn Field="#nameof(EmployeeStatResponse.Hours)" Width="30px" />
<DxDataGridColumn Field="#nameof(EmployeeStatResponse.LPH)" Width="30px" />
<DxDataGridColumn Field="#nameof(EmployeeStatResponse.Errors)" Width="30px" />
<DxDataGridColumn Field="#nameof(EmployeeStatResponse.EPer)" Width="30px" />
I tried by setting the pagesize as 10,000, But when I do that the screen freezes.
<DxDataGrid DataAsync="#GetEmployeeStatssAsync(51)" WIDTH="700px" PageSize="10000"
Please let me know what is the correct wat to implement
Thank you in advance.
you can use the ShowPager, PagerAllDataRowsItemVisible, PageSize properties for DxDataGrid
<DxDataGrid Data="#employees" ShowPager="false" PagerAllDataRowsItemVisible="false" PageSize="10000">
<DxDataGridColumn Field="Id" AllowSort="false" Width="50px"/>
<DxDataGridColumn Field="Name" AllowSort="false" Width="50px"/>
<DxDataGridColumn Field="PhoneNumber" AllowSort="false" Width="50px"/>

Rad combo box multi select checkboxes text?

I am using the following rad combobox in my rad grid edit form template:
<telerik:RadComboBox ID="rcmbGroundPlan" runat="server" CheckBoxes="true" Text='<%# Bind("Fd_Groundplan") %>' Width="250">
<telerik:RadComboBoxItem Text="H" />
<telerik:RadComboBoxItem Text="U" />
<telerik:RadComboBoxItem Text="T" />
<telerik:RadComboBoxItem Text="L" />
<telerik:RadComboBoxItem Text="cruciform" />
<telerik:RadComboBoxItem Text="T" />
I am using rad grid AllowAutomaticUpdates="True" and everything works fine as long as the width of the radcombox is 650 px. But if I reduce the width and the selected checkboxes are more, the text changes to number of items checked like 3 items checked or 4 items checked and this string is being inserted to my db instead of the actual selected items. How can I avoid this. Do i have to always keep on increasing my rad combo box width. Please guide.
Using the following property of the rad combo box
CheckedItemsTexts="DisplayAllInInput" I am able to get my desired solution.

Telerik controls : Combobox and RadDatePicker not inline on IE 11

My code design :
Keyword:<telerik:RadTextBox ID="rtbSearch" runat="server" Skin="Web20" Width="150px" EmptyMessage="Enter customer name..."></telerik:RadTextBox>
<telerik:RadComboBox ID="rcbProvince" Skin="Web20" runat="server"></telerik:RadComboBox>
Start <telerik:RadDatePicker ID="rdpStartDay" Skin="Web20" runat="server">
End <telerik:RadDatePicker ID="rdpEndDay" Skin="Web20" runat="server">
<telerik:RadButton ID="rbSearch" Text="Search" runat="server" Skin="Web20"></telerik:RadButton>
how to fix it, please help me, thanks.
p/s: it display perfect on other browsers
chrome :
after search and ask, i know the reason. I used Q3 2012 of controls telerik, so it not support for IE 11

How to add an editor on each row of a column tree

I'm using Ext.NET 1.2. I need to create a ColumnTree in my system.
<ext:ColumnTree ID="colProjects" runat="server" RootVisible="false" Title="Projetos" EnableDD="true">
<ext:Toolbar ID="Toolbar1" runat="server">
<ext:Button ID="btnExpandAll" runat="server" Text="Expandir Tudo">
<Click Handler="#{colProjects}.expandAll();" />
<ext:Button ID="btnCollapseAll" runat="server" Text="Recolher Tudo">
<Click Handler="#{colProjects}.collapseAll();" />
<ext:TreeNodeUIProvider Alias="col" ClassName="<%# ColumnTree.ColumnNodeUI %>" AutoDataBind="true" />
<ext:ColumnTreeColumn Header="Nome" Width="330" DataIndex="Name" />
<ext:ColumnTreeColumn Header="Sistema" Width="100" DataIndex="ProjectGroup" />
<ext:ColumnTreeColumn Header="Recurso" Width="100" DataIndex="SprintOwner" />
<ext:ColumnTreeColumn Header="Status" Width="100" DataIndex="Status" />
I populate it dynamically via codebehind which works well. The last column needs to be editable and updated to the database but I have no idea whether or not it is possible to do so. How can I do that?
With 1.2 version of Ext.NET you can't do this.
Found at Ext.NET forum message from mcgill, author of Ext.NET.
At the moment Editors are not supported on the Component.
We did some preliminary investigation and will add this as a Feature
Request to implement in a future release.
There is a problem though... I think this functionality may be
included in the next major release of Ext.NET (v2). But that release
is a ways off yet.
As a solution I recommend you to look at this example: http://examples.ext.net/#/GridPanel/Data_with_Details/Form_Details/
You can do this in your project for grid and without unnecessary request to the server.

AJAX Control Toolkit MultiHandleSlider readOnly handle

I have a question about AJAX MultiHandleSliderExtender. Code is following:
<form runat="server" id="myForm">
<asp:ToolkitScriptManager ID="ToolkitScriptManager1" runat="server" CombineScripts="false" />
<asp:TextBox ID="strMinModTB" runat="server" Style="display:none;" Text="80" />
<asp:TextBox ID="strCurModTB" runat="server" Style="display:none;" Text="100" />
<asp:TextBox ID="strMaxModTB" runat="server" Style="display:none;" Text="160" />
<asp:TextBox ID="strSlider" runat="server" Style="display:none;" />
<asp:MultiHandleSliderExtender ID="strModMultiSlider" runat="server"
<asp:MultiHandleSliderTarget ControlID="strMinModTB" />
<asp:MultiHandleSliderTarget ControlID="strCurModTB" />
<asp:MultiHandleSliderTarget ControlID="strMaxModTB" />
<asp:Label ID="sliderLabel" runat="server" Visible="true"></asp:Label>
Now what I want to do is to lock positions of outter handles and allow only the middle one to be dragged in range from the left hanle to the right one thus changing the value in asp:Label (ID="sliderLabel").
I've tried readOnly="true" attribute on TextBoxes but with no result. There is also IsReadOnly Extender property but that blocks all handles.
Also when I add the BoundControlID property (containing ID of label) to the Extender it stops working (all handles on 0 position and I cannot drag them)
Is there a way around this or am I missing something?
Thank you for replies :)
You don't need a BoundControlID for the MHSE do you?
Also, could you not add a class to each Handle and then fix the outer handles positions using CSS?
See below for code example.
ASP Code
<asp:MultiHandleSliderExtender ID="strModMultiSlider" runat="server"
BehaviorID="strModMultiSlider" TargetControlID="strSlider"
Minimum="0" Maximum="300" Length="600"
EnableHandleAnimation="true" EnableKeyboard="false"
EnableMouseWheel="false" ShowInnerRail="true"
ShowHandleDragStyle="true" ShowHandleHoverStyle="true">
<asp:MultiHandleSliderTarget ControlID="strMinModTB" HandleCssClass="handle_outer"/>
<asp:MultiHandleSliderTarget ControlID="strCurModTB" HandleCssClass="handle_inner" />
<asp:MultiHandleSliderTarget ControlID="strMaxModTB" HandleCssClass="handle_outer"/>
CSS Code
//Code to Fix Handle in Place
