Spring MVC - How to create a proper Service layer? - spring-mvc

I'm using SpringBoot and I am trying to create a service layer for my web application but i cant make it work.
My classes look like this
public class ServiceFactory {
public static EncuestaService getEncuestaService()
return new EncuestaServiceImpl();
public interface EncuestaService {
void crearEncuesta(Encuesta encuesta, Map<String,String> parametros);
public class EncuestaServiceImpl implements EncuestaService {
public void crearEncuesta(Encuesta encuesta, Map<String, String> parametros) {
CrearEncuesta nueva = new CrearEncuesta(encuesta,parametros);
public class CrearEncuesta {
private Encuesta encuesta;
private Map<String,String> parametros;
private RespuestasRepository respuestasRepository;
private EncuestasRepository encuestasRepository;
public CrearEncuesta(Encuesta encuesta, Map<String,String> parametros) {
this.encuesta = encuesta;
this.parametros = parametros;
public void execute()
Everytime I call ServiceFactory.getEncuestasService().crearEncuesta() from any Controller it returns me a NullPointerException.
From what I have been reading I should not be creating a new EncuestsaServiceImpl() in my ServiceFactory but I don't really know the correct way to do so. I would appreciate if anyone could help me out :P.
public class Application {
public static void main(String[] args) {
SpringApplication.run(Application.class, args);
public class EncuestaController {
#RequestMapping(value ="registrarEncuesta", method = RequestMethod.POST)
private String formularioEncuesta(#Valid #ModelAttribute("formEncuesta") EncuestaForm formEncuesta, BindingResult bindingResult,#RequestParam Map<String,String> allRequestParams)
if (bindingResult.hasErrors()) {
return "nuevaEncuesta";
try {
Encuesta nueva = formEncuesta.toEncuesta();
} catch (DataIntegrityViolationException e) {
return "nuevaEncuesta";
return "redirect:/encuestas";

You will have to read a little bit more about dependency injection. The central principle in Spring Framework is dependency injection which should be used to avoid referencing beans (service implementations, repository implementations etc...) statically. Spring container also servers as a bean factory that will instantiate and inject (autowire) implementations to beans that need them.
Because Spring will instantiate service interface implementations for you, you don't need ServiceFactory. In your controller you need to add a reference (a field) to EncuestaService and annotate it as Autowired and Spring will wire in the implementation. And then you can just use it in your controller.
public class EncuestaController {
EncuestaService encuestaService;
#RequestMapping(value ="registrarEncuesta", method = RequestMethod.POST)
private String formularioEncuesta(#Valid #ModelAttribute("formEncuesta") EncuestaForm formEncuesta, BindingResult bindingResult,#RequestParam Map<String,String> allRequestParams)
if (bindingResult.hasErrors()) {
return "nuevaEncuesta";
try {
Encuesta nueva = formEncuesta.toEncuesta();
} catch (DataIntegrityViolationException e) {
return "nuevaEncuesta";
return "redirect:/encuestas";


Spring redis unable to autowire repository

I'm using custom crudrespository to persist data in redis. However, I'm unable to autowire custom repository.
All the configuration seems correct and redis is running on my local.
import org.springframework.data.repository.CrudRepository;
import org.springframework.stereotype.Repository;
public interface CustomRepository extends CrudRepository<String,
Long> {
String get(String key);
void put(String key, String value);
public class StorageServiceImpl implements IStorageService {
private CustomRepository respository;
public void saveParameter() {
public String getParameter() {
return this.respository.get("key1");
public interface IStorageService {
void saveParameter();
String getParameter();
#SpringBootApplication(scanBasePackages = {"com.example.cache"})
#EnableRedisRepositories(basePackages = {"com.example.cache.repository"})
public class ApplicationConfiguration {
public static void main(String[] args){
SpringApplication.run(ApplicationConfiguration.class, args);
new StorageServiceImpl().saveParameter();
System.out.println(new StorageServiceImpl().getParameter());
When I try running this application using gradle bootRun, I get
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NullPointerException
at com.example.cache.impl.StorageServiceImpl.saveParameter(StorageServiceImpl.java:16)
at com.example.cache.ApplicationConfiguration.main(ApplicationConfiguration.java:17)
Not sure what's wrong?
You can't use new on any bean, you need to #Autowire it. The annotations only work with spring managed beans at every level.
Add a new bean with a a storage service and a method that makes your call after it is created.
Also, I can't remember if the spring-boot creates the bean if there is only one implementation but I believe your StorageServiceImpl needs the #Service annotation, not the interface.
Delete this from your ApplicationConfiguration class.
new StorageServiceImpl().saveParameter();
System.out.println(new StorageServiceImpl().getParameter());
Then add this new class.
public class Startup {
IStorageService storageService;
public void init(){
And you need a config
public class ApplicationConfig {
public RedisConnectionFactory connectionFactory() {
return new JedisConnectionFactory();
public RedisTemplate<?, ?> redisTemplate() {
RedisTemplate<byte[], byte[]> template = new RedisTemplate<byte[], byte[]>();
return template;

Asp.NET MVC Autofac Inject Dependence non-controller class

All classes that inherit from controller have already inserted the dependencies, but I do not know how to inject those who do not inherit from contoller.
in the example below the SendEmailAndLog() method waits for the ILoggerService interface to be injected. but I do not know how to do this.
public async Task Execute(IJobExecutionContext context)
SendEmailHelper sendEmailHelper = new SendEmailHelper();
await sendEmailHelper.SendEmailAndLog(user, "Task", user.UserName, UserManager, loggerService);
this task is called the method Application_Start() on Global.asax.cs
I created a constructor to receive this service as a parameter, this is working for the methods within the controllers that call the Class Emailservice. However there are classes that do not inherit from controller so I do not know how to inject.
My Service is:
public interface ILoggerService
void Error(ExceptionLogger exception);
void SaveLog();
public class LoggerService : ILoggerService
private readonly ILoggerRepository loggerRepository;
private readonly IUnitOfWork unitOfWork;
public LoggerService(ILoggerRepository loggerRepository, IUnitOfWork unitOfWork)
this.loggerRepository = loggerRepository;
this.unitOfWork = unitOfWork;
public void Error(ExceptionLogger exception)
public void SaveLog()

How to write a mockito test case for ResourceAssembler with in Spring Hateos?

I am trying to write a unit test for the below Assembler but i keep getting Could not find current request via RequestContextHolder. Is this being called from a Spring MVC handler?. I wanted to know how i can mock out the resource creation?
public class LoginResourceAssembler extends ResourceAssemblerSupport<User, ResourceSupport> {
public LoginResourceAssembler() {
super(User.class, ResourceSupport.class);
public ResourceSupport toResource(User user) {
ResourceSupport resource = new ResourceSupport();
final String id = user.getId();
return resource;
Instead of changing from a plain unit test to a IMO integration test (given dependency of the spring framework) you could do something like:
public class LoginResourceAssemblerTest {
private LoginResourceAssembler loginResourceAssembler;
public void setup() {
RequestContextHolder.setRequestAttributes(new ServletRequestAttributes(new MockHttpServletRequest()));
public void testToResource() {
I was seeing the error Could not find current request via RequestContextHolder. Is this being called from a Spring MVC handler because my test class was annotated with #RunWith(MockitoJUnitRunner.class) and this was not injecting the controller.
To fix this error, i annotated my test case with
#SpringApplicationConfiguration(classes = Application.class)
A working test case in my case
#SpringApplicationConfiguration(classes = Application.class)
public class LoginResourceAssemblerTest {
private WebApplicationContext context;
private MockMvc mockMvc;
private LoginResourceAssembler loginResourceAssembler;
public void setUp() {
this.mockMvc = MockMvcBuilders.webAppContextSetup(this.context).build();
public void testToResource() {
User user = new User();
ResourceSupport resource = loginResourceAssembler.toResource(user);

Abstract Factory Method pattern not working with Spring MVC

I have problem with Abstract Factory pattern implementation on Spring. I am using Spring 3 MVC and Hibernate 3, which works fine if I don't use Abstract Factory Method pattern.
I am not sure what I have to add to the Controller to have access the Factory Class (CategoryFactory).
Is there anything missing in the Controller or bean initiating ?
class SectionsController extends MultiActionController {
/* Do I have to initiate the CategoryFactory here? */
public ModelAndView secList() throws Exception {
CategoryFactory.CategoryType type = CategoryFactory.CategoryType.valueOf("view");
modelMap.addAttribute("sectionList", CategoryFactory.findCategory(type).list(id));
return new ModelAndView("Form", modelMap);
Abstract Factory
public abstract class Category {
public abstract List list(int departId);
public class CategoryFactory {
public enum CategoryType { firstclass, secondClass, ... }
public static Category findCategory(CategoryType categoryType) {
// Create type specific Category implementation
It shoud be:
class SectionsController extends MultiActionController {
private HibernateTemplate hibernateTemplate;
public void setSessionFactory(SessionFactory sessionFactory) {
this.hibernateTemplate = new HibernateTemplate(sessionFactory);
public ModelAndView secList() throws Exception {
CategoryFactory.CategoryType type=CategoryFactory.CategoryType.valueOf("view");
return new ModelAndView("Form", modelMap);

ASP.Net MVC TDD using Moq

I am trying to learn TDD/BDD using NUnit and Moq.
The design that I have been following passes a DataService class to my controller to provide access to repositories.
I would like to Mock the DataService class to allow testing of the controllers.
There are lots of examples of mocking a repository passed to the controller but I can't work out how to mock a DataService class in this
Could someone please explain how to implement this?
Here's a sample of the relevant code:
public void Can_View_A_Single_Page_Of_Lists()
var dataService = new Mock<DataService>();
var controller = new ListsController(dataService);
namespace Services
public class DataService
private readonly IKeyedRepository<int, FavList> FavListRepository;
private readonly IUnitOfWork unitOfWork;
public FavListService FavLists { get; private set; }
public DataService(IKeyedRepository<int, FavList> FavListRepository,
IUnitOfWork unitOfWork)
this.FavListRepository = FavListRepository;
this.unitOfWork = unitOfWork;
FavLists = new FavListService(FavListRepository);
public void Commit()
namespace MyListsWebsite.Controllers
public class ListsController : Controller
private readonly DataService dataService;
public ListsController(DataService dataService)
this.dataService = dataService;
public ActionResult Index()
var myLists = dataService.FavLists.All().ToList();
return View(myLists);
Create an interface like this:
public interface DataService
FavListService FavLists { get; }
void Commit();
Make your DataService implement this interface and your controller should depend on this interface. Problem solved :)
EDIT: This line of code:
is breaking the law of demeter and will be a pain to unit test your service. Create a method like AllFavList() on your service instead of all these chain of calls, it will be easier to mock.
EDIT2: How to mock you get property
dataService.SetupGet(d => d.FavLists).Returns(your_variable);
