Multiple inputs into a R function - r

So I currently have this code below in a file, pullsec.R
pullsec <- function(session=NULL){
if(is.null(session)) session<-1
In an .Rnw file, I call on this pullsec.R and choose session number 3 by:
setsec <- pullsec(3)
which would pull all of the rows where the column Session has data values of "Session 3"
I would like to add another block to pullsec.R that would allow me to pull data for a second column, Sessions where the data in that column is Sessions 1-2, Sessions 3-4, Session 5-6, etc. But I'm not sure how to modify the pullsec block to accept multiple inputs.
I had tried many solutions but no bite. My most naive solution is:
pullsec2 <- function(sessions1=NULL,sessions2=NULL){
if(is.null(sessions1)) sessions1<-1

either of these would do:
pullsec2 <- function(session1=1,session2=2){
paste0("Sessions ",session1,'-',session2)
pullsec2 <- function(sessions=1){


Vectorized Operation in R causing problems with custom function

I'm writing out some functions for Inventory management. I've recently wanted to add a "photo url column" to my spreadsheet by using an API I've used successfully while initially building my inventory. My Spreadsheet header looks like the following:
I have a getProductInfo function that returns a list of product info from an API I'm calling.
getProductInfo<- function(barcode) {
#Input UPC
#Output List of product info
Process API return, remove garbage
I made a new function that takes my inventory csv as input, and attempts to add a new column with product photo url.
get_photo_url_from_product_info_output <- function(in_list){
#Input GetProductInfo Output. Returns Photo URL, or nothing if
#it doesn't exist
if(in_list$DisplayStockPhotos == TRUE){
} else {
add_Photo_URL <- function(in_csv){
#Input CSV data frame, appends photourl column
#Requires SKU (UPC) assumes no photourl column
out_csv <- mutate(in_csv, photo =
return (out_csv)
#Call it
new <- add_Photo_URL(old)
My thinking was that R would simply input the SKU of the from the row, and put it through the double function call "as is", and the vectorized DPLYR function mutate would just vectorize it. Unfortunately I was running into all sorts of problems I couldn't understand. Eventually I figured out that API call was crashing because the SKU field was all messed up as it was being passed in. I put in a breakpoint and found out that it wasn't just passing in the SKU, but instead an entire list (I think?) of SKUs. Every Row all at once. Something like this:
#Variable 'barcode' inside getProductInfo function contains:
[1] 7.869368e+11 1.438175e+10 1.256983e+10 2.454357e+10 3.139814e+10 1.256983e+10 1.313260e+10 4.339643e+10 2.454328e+10
[10] 1.313243e+10 6.839046e+11 2.454367e+10 2.454363e+10 2.454367e+10 2.454348e+10 8.418870e+11 2.519211e+10 2.454375e+10
[19] 2.454381e+10 2.454381e+10 2.454383e+10 2.454384e+10 7.869368e+11 2.454370e+10 2.454390e+10 1.913290e+11 2.454397e+10
[28] 2.454399e+10 2.519202e+10 2.519205e+10 7.742121e+11 8.839291e+11 8.539116e+10 2.519211e+10 2.519211e+10 2.519211e+10
Obviously my initial getProductInfo function can't handle that, so it'll crash.
How should I modify my code, whether it be in the input or API call to avoid this vectorized operation issue?
Well, it's not totally elegant but it works.
I figured out I need to use lapply, which is usually not my strong suit. Initally I tried to nest them like so:
lapply(SKU, get_photo_url_from_product_info_output(getProductInfo())
But that didn't work. So I just came up with bright idea of making another function
get_photo_url_from_sku <- function(barcode){
Call that in the lapply:
out_csv<- mutate(in_csv, photocolumn = lapply(SKU, get_photo_url_from_sku))
And it works great. My speed is only limited by my API calls.

R: How to Write a Function that Creates a Scatterplot of Two Variable Based Upon Value of Specified Third Variable

I am new to R. I am trying to create a function (using Loblolly) that plots the Height and Age based upon a specified Seed number in the data. I don't know how one would go about setting this function up.
lob<-function (z){
This is what I am getting:
This is what I would like to bet getting:
Figured it out:
lob<-function (z){
return(plot(x[Loblolly$Seed == z],y[Loblolly$Seed == z],xlab="Age",ylab="Height"))

Unable to update data in dataframe

i tried updating data in dataframe but its unable to get updating
//Initialize data and dataframe here
/Updating data in dataframe here
for(i in 1:length((user_data)))
for(j in i:length(user_data))
writedata=function( seqnn,challng)
newRow <- data.frame(Sequence=seqnn,Challenge=challng,countno=1)
//view data here
I've modified your code to what I believe will work. You haven't provided sample data, so I can't verify that it works the way you want. I'm basing my attempt here on a couple of common novice mistakes that I'll do my best to explain.
Your writedata function was written to be a little loose with it's scope. When you create a new function, what happens in the function technically happens in its own environment. That is, it tries to look for things defined within the function, and then any new objects it creates are created only within that environment. R also has this neat (and sometimes tricky) feature where, if it can't find an object in an environment, it will try to look up to the parent environment.
The impact this has on your writedata function is that when R looks for baskets.df in the function and can't find it, R then turns to the Global Environment, finds baskets.df there, and then uses it in rbind. However, the result of rbind gets saved to a baskets.df in the function environment, and does not update the object of the same name in the global environment.
To address this, I added an argument to writedata that is simply named data. We can then use this argument to pass a data frame to the function's environment and do everything locally. By not making any assignment at the end, we implicitly tell the function to return it's result.
Then, in your loop, instead of simply calling writedata, we assign it's result back to baskets.df to replace the previous result.
for(i in 1:length((user_data)))
for(j in i:length(user_data))
if(user_data$challenge_sequence[i] == user_data$challenge_sequence[j] &&
user_data$challenge[i] == user_data$challenge[j])
baskets.df <- writedata(baskets.df,
writedata=function(data, seqnn,challng)
newRow <- data.frame(Sequence = seqnn,
Challenge = challng,
countno = 1)
rbind(data, newRow)
I'm not sure what you're programming background is, but your loops will be very slow in R because it's an interpreted language. To get around this, many functions are vectorized (which simply means that you give them more than one data point, and they do the looping inside compiled code where the loops are fast).
With that in mind, here's what I believe will be a much faster implementation of your code
# challenge_indices will be a matrix with TRUE at every place "challenge" and "challenge_sequence" is the same
challenge_indices <- outer(user_data$challenge_sequence, user_data$challenge_sequence, "==") &
outer(user_data$challenge, user_data$challenge, "==")
# since you don't want duplicates, get rid of them
challenge_indices[upper.tri(challenge_indices, diag = TRUE)] <- FALSE
# now let's get the indices of interest
index_list <- which(challenge_indices,arr.ind = TRUE)
# now we make the resulting data set all at once
# this is much faster, because it does not require copying the data frame many times - which would be required if you created a new row every time.
baskets.df <- with(user_data, data.frame(
Sequence = challenge_sequence[index_list[,"row"]],
challenge = challenge[index_list[,"row"]]

Creating a dataFrame inside a for loop R

I am very new to R and I am trying to create a dataframe inside a forloop.
When I print the data frame it seems that it only retains records from the most recent iterations. I believe that the values are overwritten with the new records every time the loop iterates. Is there a way to maintain the previous records and also update the dataframe with new records? Thanks
ttest.function = function(x,cohort,sex,age){
dataF=data.frame(Intensity=numeric(), Cohort=character(),Age=numeric(),sex=character(),Status=numeric(),stringsAsFactors=TRUE)
for(val in c(1:length(age))){

Merging a large number of csv datasets

Here are 2 sample datasets.
I have 100 of these types of data sets that I'm trying to merge into one data frame, export that to csv, and then merge that into another very large dataset.
I need to merge everything by "gridNumber" and "Year", creating a time series dataset.
Originally, I imported all of the annual datasets and then tried to merge them with this :
df <- join_all(list(Year_1895, Year_1896, Year_1897, Year_1898, Year_1899, Year_1900, Year_1901, Year_1902,
Year_1903, Year_1904, Year_1905, Year_1906, Year_1907, Year_1908, Year_1909, Year_1910,
Year_1911, Year_1912, Year_1913, Year_1914, Year_1915, Year_1916, Year_1917, Year_1918,
Year_1919, Year_1920, Year_1921, Year_1922, Year_1923, Year_1924, Year_1925, Year_1926,
Year_1927, Year_1928, Year_1929, Year_1930, Year_1931, Year_1932, Year_1933, Year_1934,
Year_1935, Year_1936, Year_1937, Year_1938, Year_1939, Year_1940, Year_1941, Year_1942,
Year_1943, Year_1944, Year_1945, Year_1946, Year_1947, Year_1948, Year_1949, Year_1950,
Year_1951, Year_1952, Year_1953, Year_1954, Year_1955, Year_1956, Year_1957, Year_1958,
Year_1959, Year_1960, Year_1961, Year_1962, Year_1963, Year_1964, Year_1965, Year_1966,
Year_1967, Year_1968, Year_1969, Year_1970, Year_1971, Year_1972, Year_1973, Year_1974,
Year_1975, Year_1976, Year_1977, Year_1978, Year_1979, Year_1980, Year_1981, Year_1982,
Year_1983, Year_1984, Year_1985, Year_1986, Year_1987, Year_1988, Year_1989, Year_1990,
Year_1991, Year_1992, Year_1993, Year_1994, Year_1995, Year_1996, Year_1997, Year_1998,
Year_1999, Year_2000),
by = c("gridNumber","Year"),type="full")
But R keeps crashing because I think the merge is a bit to large for it to handle, so I'm looking for something that would work better. Maybe data.table? Or another option.
Thanks for any help you can provide.
Almost nine months later and your question has no answer. I could not find your datasets, however, I will show one way to do the job. It is trivial in awk.
Here is a minimal awk script:
for(i=0;i<10;i++) {
filename = "out" i ".csv";
while(getline < filename) print $0;
The script is run as
awk -f s.awk
where s.awk is the above script in a text file.
This script creates ten filenames: out0.csv, out1.csv ... out9.csv. These are the already-existing files with the data. The first file is opened and all records sent to the standard output. The file is then closed and the next filename created and opened. The above script has little to offer over a command line read/redirect. You would typically use awk to process a long list of filenames read from another file; with statements to selectively ignore lines or columns depending on various criteria.
