Can we customize the onSave handler in Aviary? - adobe

I have tried on the Aviary SDK, is a amazing images editor tools for developer. It really save our time to develop all the function for images edit.
But, one concern about the onSave handler, Aviary will send the edited image to their cloud server, and host it for 72 hours. Therefore, am I right to say we have to make sure our apps has connection with the Adobe cloud? This cloud be a problem if abode cloud service down or Adobe stop the service?
So, anyway to customize the 'onSave' handler for Aviary?

Found that if we using the Android SDK, we are able to set the withOutput, which is
- Sets the output location where the edited image will be saved.
But no idea for web version, for the onSave method.


Integrating Crash Analytics in React Native from 'react-native-firebase'

I successfully went through RNfirebase docs and added the libraries in my project. Everything is working well and good and the app starts. It's now basically for android.
I have only integrated it the way docs said i.e natively in Gradle files and wherever the docs said.
The question is do I have to initialize any method somewhere in my JS codes to record the crash events or they would be automatically sent to firebase console without requiring any codes (Which I think its impossible because I have to take their instance somewhere and then render them so that they call the native modules).
Well there are some methods which I could see in the docs. How to use them to record events.
You would have included google-services.json by which the firebase will be initialized.
After doing Crashalytics setup you are good to go. You will be automatically getting crash notifications in the console.
Check this documentation . Even though this is for V6 it applies for all versions. We had used another such service called Bugsnag, which is not as elegant as Crashalytics, that used to send to its console as well without we calling their send APIs.
So basically you do not need to call their APIs when crash occurs, Crashalytics will automatically send the crash report.
Please look to this link also.

How to handle offline mode for Google visualisation in GWT

I have a GWT application that uses many Google maps and charts. I want to have an offline mode where the user have the application installed on his the computer and without using the Google apps, he can continue using the other features.
For now the maps in the application throught a nullpointer error because they cannot initialize. I thought about checking the internet connection in EntryPoint and change the behaviour accordingly, but I am hoping for a simpler solution. Any thought ?
You cannot do that:
Can I use charts offline?
No; your computer must have live access to in order to use charts. This is because the visualization libraries that your page requires are loaded dynamically before you use them. The code for loading the appropriate library is part of the included jsapi script, and is called when you invoke the google.load() method. Our terms of service do not allow you to download the google.load or google.visualization code to use offline.
Can I download and host the chart code locally, or on an intranet?
Sorry; our terms of service do not allow you to download and save or host the google.load or google.visualization code
I thinks the terms and conditions are changed now. As you can save and download JsAPI, ServiceBase to use charts offline.
But you still can't make ajax calls :Ajax
Hope it will be available soon, cheers!

Real time collaboration with CodeMirror

I started this little project where I would do real time collaboration on code using CodeMirror.
I have a msgs system setup such its easy to pass objects from one user to another. My problem is getting it integrated with CodeMirror. I found out that it have events for onchange and a replaceRange(string, from, to).
I pass the onchange objects to the other users and uses the replaceRange to update the view. Problem is then when using replaceRange, it triggers an new onchange and it sends msgs back and forward. Anyone know if there are some way of updating the local view without it triggering an onchange. Or suggestings for other paths to take. (the msgs system is already set up and its easy to pass javascript objects to other clients).
You Can Use Firepad
FirePad is an open-source (on GitHub) realtime collaborative plug-in to codemirror. You can get it setup with codemirror in 4 extra lines of code and a few minutes. It's uses Firebase for the backend.
To get this to work properly, you'll have to merge changes as well. See for a demo of an open-source solution (also using CodeMirror).

In a .Net web site, what are my options for sending email alerts when folder contents change?

I don't know much about the .Net environment, so my first idea was to just write a console app that scans the folder for new content, and then emails alerts out. Then put the .exe as a scheduled task on the server, executing every few minutes. This seems pretty archaic to me though. Is there a more elegant way to do this for my website?
No matter what type of application you choose the way to get notifications about folder changes in .NET is through the FileSystemWatcher class. A good approach would be to create a Windows Service which will run in background and listen for notifications.
You can use the FileSystemWatcher. Create a Windows Service that constantly runs, and attach an Event to the Watcher to send out emails.
Note that this reports every change, sometimes multiple ones (e.g., moving a file is a delete and create I think), so you may want to limit the number of emails you sent. Experiment a bit before sending hundreds of emails or so - been there, done that :)

Flex Write File

I checked in the API, that writing a file is only in Flex Air.
Despite of that, is there still a way in Flex to write a file on the server or on the client machine ?
More concretely, it's because I have a String and I will decode it by mx.utils.Base64Decoder
to a doc. And I need to open it by Word directly on the client side, or write it on the server and return the link to the client for downloading.
I'm doing something similar - I have built a custom grid in Flex that contains an additional button on it that allows the user to open the data up in Excel. I've done this by writing a function in PHP on the server which my Flex speaks to. This creates the CSV file on the server and the function passes the link back to the client, which in turn offers the user the chance to open the data up in Excel.
I'm using the Zend technologies to accomplish this - I recommend you take a look; they're extremely good. I used to use Flex Data Services and Java do do this but just recently switched to PHP because development time is cut down drastically as a result.
Hope this helps.
AIR applications run on the users' desktops. They allow you to write to the users' desktops. Nothing stops Flex/AIR applications from communicating to the server, write some files there (using a suitable backend technology) and return a link back to the user.
