ckeditor not working after upload to server -

I used ckeditor in mvc5 project.after I deployed to local machine it work fine in any browser.
But after I upload it to web server it is not working.
I can see the textarea without ckeditor tools.

Finally I figure it out.The problem is I place the link to ckeditor.js file in top of view page.After I move it to layout head section now its working fine. I think there is a conflict between if inline jquery run first.


Django web app css not being refreshed in browser

I'm having some issue with a django app and it's CSS file refreshing. Basically I can see that the changes I make in my file are identified and copied in the root folder of my website, however when I open up the web browser that change is not being displayed at all:
I am using Firefox as a browser however this issue happens also on Chromium browser
If you have setup everything well in your file then your best option is to disable caching form your developer panel.
I had similar issues when I make changes in css and they are not updated when i refresh my browser. This is because the browser is keeping a cache of the css file and its not being updated for some reason.
So according to this post,you can disable caching

Why would CSS be rendered differently between IDE Tomcat and Production Tomcat?

My question is in the title...
I have a JSP page with a form. On Tomcat bundled with Netbeans IDE the CSS renders the form exactly as intended, however, when I deploy the WAR file to Tomcat on my production web server the CSS on the form Select element is missing and a standard dropdown box is displayed. All of the other form elements are rendered as intended.
I'm using the same web browser to view the form in both scenarios.
Anyone know what might be going on here?
Its not rendered differently, since CSS its rendered in your browser. Open a Network monitor (Firefox: Ctrl+Shift+Q, IE: F12, ...) and see if your files are loaded correctly.

Live code sync for a remote FTP site?

I develop on a remotely hosted site that I push files to via SFTP. I would like to set up my site so that I can see any CSS and HTML changes reflected immediately without the need to manually refresh my browser. I've looked at using mixture and browser sync for this but they appear to only work on locally hosted sites. Any suggestions on how to go about setting this up on remotely hosted project?
You might want to try "Emmet LiveStyle", this is a plugin for Chrome and for Sublime Text editor that lets you live code CSS (not HTML) and changes are reflected immediately without the need to refresh the browser.
Then you can use "Sublime SFTP" package for Sublime Text to automatically upload CSS files on save.
I use this setup and it works perfectly.

How can I get chrome to stop caching when working on an aspx file in visual studio

I'm currently editing some html/css within a aspx file inside of Visual Studio 2010. I'm using Chrome as my browser. When I make changes inside of Visual Studio and save/ctrl + F5 to run it frequently fails to load the new updated .css file due to pulling old cached versions of the CSS.
I've used visual studio as my primary HTML editor before but when I work with pure html/css files I just save and refresh the file in chrome and it will refresh the updated css 100% of the time. I've only started to experience this problem when working with aspx files and running things via ctrl + f5. Anyone have any ideas of how I can fix this?
Go to project properties, Web tab
Choose Start External Program in the Start Action section
Paste or browse to the path for Google Chrome (Mine is C:\Users\Chris\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe)
In the Command line arguments box put -incognito
If you would like the browser to open a specific page, then you will need to set the Visual Studio Development Server to use a specific port (ie 4066) then change your command line arguments to include that address, for example: -incognito localhost:4066/Default.aspx
Incognito Mode should prevent caching between sessions and even tabs.

newbie question about css property set up in Web developer 2010 Express

I am relatively new in C# and ASP.NET MVC.
There is something unusual that happens and it could be a simple property setup...
I have a MVC Web app and a css file associated with it in my Content folder.
Now everytime I do some changes in the css file I don't see these changes when I run the app. It seems that whatever I do the app keeps on using the old file. I can see it when I do a View Source on the page.
I played a bit with the Copy to Output Directory property in Web Developer without any good results.
Am I really missing something here ?
Either restart casini, the web server for, the icon down by the clock or try hitting F5 in the browser a bunch of times.
Try clearing the cache in your browser.
