Cannot use default Oracle 11G package utl_file - plsql

I'm using PLSQL Developer client to access my 11G Oracle database. My understanding is that these are the default packages that come with this version. However, if I try to declare a utl_file.file_type variable, I get the following error:
PLS-00201: identifier 'UTL_FILE' must be declared
My program:
l utl_file.file_type;
I've tried to declare, for instance, a DBMS_LOB.BFILE, and it compiled succesfully, that prooves that some other packages are imported in my block.
Aren't all Oracle default packages automatically imported?

My assumption that if it's yours database, you have got pass for user SYS. If it is, you should check if package utl_file is installed. You can connect by SYS and execute this statement
SELECT * FROM dba_objects WHERE object_name = 'UTL_FILE'
You should see if that package exists. Also you should see object type 'SYNONYM' with owner 'PUBLIC'. If package present in DB, but there is no synonym for it, you can create it using this statement
If there is no such package - you should install it, by executing script, which is located in


Run PDO SQLite Query On In-Memory Database On Github Actions

I use PHPUnit to test by PDO wrapper. One of my tests is an integration test that proves that the abstraction layer produces the right syntax, or binds PDOStatement in the right way, etc. For this, I use an in-memory SQLite database, and declare ext-pdo_sqlite as a dev-dependency of my project.
When Github Actions runs a build, dependencies all get installed, hinting that pdo_sqlite is present on the system. This is further confirmed by the fact that the connection succeeds. However, when I run an insert query to set up my database, I get the following error:
PDOException: SQLSTATE[HY000]: General error: 1 no such column: TRUE
The query looks like this:
INSERT INTO `persons` (`id`, `name`, `dob`, `weight`, `is_dev`, `teeth`) VALUES (NULL, 'Anton', '1987-11-03', 71.3, TRUE, 31)
Table creation is done with PDO like this:
$pdo->exec("CREATE TABLE `$tableName` (`id` int(6) PRIMARY KEY, `name` varchar(255), `dob` datetime, `weight` float(5), `is_dev` bool, `teeth` int(2))");
This only manifests on CI, and local tests pass fine - even on the same PHP version as CI.
Any ideas? Am I just missing something in the syntax? Could it be that GH Actions has only a dummy implementation of SQLite or something?
Note: This is an open source project, and you can see everything, including the failing build, in dhii/pdo-query#1.

Push/Export large datframe from R to Vertica database

I have a dataframe of 10M rows which needs to be uploaded back from R to Vertica Database.
The DBwrite() function from DBI is running into memory issues and I have tried increasing memory to 16g by
options(java.parameters = c("-XX:+UseConcMarkSweepGC", "-Xmx16g"))
Still the process is running into memory issue. I am planning to use bulk copy option of vertica to copy the csv file to create the table.
I have created an empty table on vertica
When I am executing the query
dbSendQuery(vertica, "COPY hpcom_usr.VM_test FROM LOCAL \'/opt/mount1/musoumit/MarketBasketAnalysis/Code/test.csv\' enclosed by \'\"\' DELIMITER \',\' direct REJECTED DATA \'./code/temp/rejected.txt\' EXCEPTIONS \'./code/temp/exceptions.txt\'")
I am running into this error.
Error in .verify.JDBC.result(r, "Unable to retrieve JDBC result set", :
Unable to retrieve JDBC result set
JDBC ERROR: [Vertica]JDBC A ResultSet was expected but not generated from query "COPY hpcom_usr.VM_test FROM LOCAL '/opt/mount1/musoumit/MarketBasketAnalysis/Code/test.csv' enclosed by '"' DELIMITER ',' direct REJECTED DATA './code/temp/rejected.txt' EXCEPTIONS './code/temp/exceptions.txt'". Query not executed.
Please help with what i'm doing wrong here.
Vertica also provides STDIN option aswell. Link
Please help me how can I execute this.
My Environment.
R 3.6.3 (No R Studio here I have to execute this from CLI)
Tidyverse 1.0.x
Vertica driver 9.x
System 128GB Memory and 28Core system.
Your problem is that you fire dbSendQuery() , which lives with a following dbFetch() and a final dbClearResult() - but only for query SQL statements - those that actually return a result set.
Vertica's COPY <table> FROM [LOCAL] 'file.ext' ... command is treated like a DML command. And for those - as this docu says ...
.. you need to use dbSendStatement() for data manipulation statements.
Have a go at it that way - good luck ...
dbSendUpdate(vertica, "COPY hpcom_usr.VM_test FROM LOCAL \'/opt/mount1/musoumit/MarketBasketAnalysis/Code/test.csv\' enclosed by \'\"\' DELIMITER \',\' direct REJECTED DATA \'./code/temp/rejected.txt\' EXCEPTIONS \'./code/temp/exceptions.txt\'")
instead of dbSendQuery did the trick for me.

Execute SQL with "like" statement in R Language

I am trying to execute a SQL Query through R to get the data from Access DB
Normal SQL statement works fine, but when it comes to like statement its throwing error
Below is code :
channel = odbcDriverConnect("Driver={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb, *.accdb)};DBQ=C:/Users/ADMIN/Documents/R.accdb")
test = sqlQuery(channel ,paste('SELECT R.ID, R.Template, R.WEDate FROM R WHERE R.Template Like "*slow*"'))
[1] "07002 -3010 [Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver] Too few parameters. Expected 2."
[2] "[RODBC] ERROR: Could not SQLExecDirect 'SELECT R.ID, R.Template, R.WEDate FROM R WHERE (R.Template Like \"slow\")'
Is there a way to fix this.
Consider both of #joran's suggestions with single quote enclosing string literals AND using the ANSI-92 wildcard operator %. You would use asterisk, * (ANSI-89 mode) when running an internal query, namely inside the MSAccess.exe GUI program (which defaults to DAO) or if you connect externally to Access with DAO. Meanwhile, ADO connections uses the percent symbol which most external interfaces uses including RODBC.
I was able to reproduce your issue and both these remedies worked. Also, no need to use paste() as you are not concatenating any other object to query statement.
channel = odbcDriverConnect("Driver={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb, *.accdb)};
test = sqlQuery(channel,
"SELECT R.ID, R.Template, R.WEDate FROM R WHERE R.Template Like '%slow%'")

using pl/sql external package and getting error with declaration

I need to run a procedure in a package external to my script. The script is in an APEX page:
idsud.segyload.loaddataset(p_dataset_id => :p40_dset, p_mode => 'INIT');
When I try to use this I get an error saying that I must declare the "idsud.segyload" package. How to do this?
Have you added the appropriate permissions?
e.g. GRANT EXECUTE ON idsud.segyload TO {apex_schema};

When using clojure's korma sqlite3 helpers, what's the default path for the sqlite3 database?

When using korma.db, defdb can take a sqlite3 helper to establish a connexion to a sqlite3 database. However, I've tried placing the database on the root of the project directory, alongside project.clj, and on the resources directory, but when I try to use the db I get:
Failure to execute query with SQL:
SELECT "examples".* FROM "examples" :: []
Message: [SQLITE_ERROR] SQL error or missing database (no such table: examples)
Needless to say my sqlite database contains an examples table. When trying to do this, I get a sqlite.db file of zero bytes placed on the root project dir.
I'm doing this from lein repl within the project, by the way.
Edit: This is what I do when it fails:
(use 'korma.db)
(defdb db (sqlite3 {:db "filename.db"}))
(use 'korma.core)
(defentity examples)
(select examples)
Just in case anybody is wondering or runs into this...
Using version [korma "0.4.2"]
and [org.xerial/sqlite-jdbc "3.7.15-M1"]
in my project.clj:
My project structure looks like:
and this is how I use korma to access the db:
(use 'korma.db)
(defdb mydb {:classname "org.sqlite.JDBC"
:subprotocol "sqlite"
:subname "db/dev.sqlite3"})
Basically, using subname, I'm able to search in the root of the lein project. I added db/ in the subname per my dir structure above.
