Symfony 2 custom DQL request inside an array field - symfony

I'm trying to make a custom request in my repository with a WHERE clause inside an array field. I tried something like that, not working, but can better show my problem :
$qb ->andWhere( "p.addresses[:index] = :address" )
->setParameter( "index" , $p_idLang )
->setParameter( "address" , $p_address );

Extracted from the documentation about array type:
Maps and converts array data based on PHP serialization. If you need
to store an exact representation of your array data, you should
consider using this type as it uses serialization to represent an
exact copy of your array as string in the database. Values retrieved
from the database are always converted to PHP’s array type using
deserialization or null if no data is present.
Your query doesn't make sense. You have a few options though:
Retrieve p.adresses and check using php if p.adresses[$index] = $address
Try something much less reliable but that could work:
$val_length = strlen($p_address);
$qb ->andWhere( "p.addresses LIKE :indexAddress" )
->setParameter( "indexAddress" , "%i:$p_idLang;s:$val_length:$p_address%" );
Create a new entity and a relation oneToMany between this entity and the new one.
I'd definetely try option 3. Option 1 isn't an option if the array is big or will become big in the future. I wouldn't go for option 2, but as an experiment could be worth trying.


Drupal entityQuery multiple node types and join

Looking to join multiple nodes via a query and join. Let's say one node has a matching ID of another field in another node. I would like to join them into an array so that I can output other fields with them indexed together on the same ID. Example: node1.nid and node2.field.target_id
How do I do this?
$nids = \Drupal::entityQuery('node')->accessCheck(FALSE)
->join('node2', 'n2', 'n.nid = n2.field.target_id');
->condition('type', 'node1', 'node2')
$nodes = \Drupal\node\Entity\Node::loadMultiple($nids);
$response = array();
This is definitely doable and it looks like you're almost there, but it looks like you're combining the Database API with the Entity API, specifically trying to run Database joins on EntityQuery fetches.
Now, if you want to continue the Database query route, which may make it a little easier to join the values of multiple entities and output them, this is what I would recommend:
The first thing that I notice is that you're attempting to chain the join. Unfortunately, according to the Database API Docs
Joins cannot be chained, so they have to be called separately (see Chaining).
I have done similar to this with a join between two custom content types. Here is the code I used:
$connection = Database::getConnection();
if ($connection->schema()->tableExists('companies') && $connection->schema()->tableExists('users')) {
$query = $connection->select('companies', 'c');
$query->join('users', 'u', 'c.sourceid1 = u.sourceid1');
$results = $query->fields('u', ['destid1', 'sourceid1'])
->fields('c', ['destid1'])
return $results;
Now this assumes that you've brought in Drupal\Core\Database\Database, but let's walk through the process.
$connection = Database::getConnection();
This is fetching the database connection for your site
if ($connection->schema()->tableExists('companies') && $connection->schema()->tableExists('users')) {
This is a check I always do to make sure the tables I'm working with exist.
$query = $connection->select('companies', 'c');
One of your tables needs to be the "base" table. In this case, I chose companies.
$query->join('users', 'u', 'c.sourceid1 = u.sourceid1');
This line is where the join actually happens. Notice that it's not chained, but it's own command. We're joining these tables, users and companies, on this sourceid1.
$results = $query->fields('u', ['destid1', 'sourceid1'])
->fields('c', ['destid1'])
This is where I'm pulling whichever fields I want from both entities. In this case I want destid1 and sourceid1 from my user table and destid1 from my company table.
The ->execute() call actually runs the query, and ->fetchAll() returns an array of all matching results. This will get you to being able to JSONify all the things.
However, if you want to stick with the entityQuery route, that's also viable. My personal preference is to use a regular query for more complex things and an entityQuery if I just need to get a value from a single field or return a single entity.
For an entityQuery, well, that's a bit different. I wouldn't really recommend using an entityQuery for a join here. Instead, using entityTypeManager if you know or can get the matching value from both tables.
For example, let's assume that field_content_type_a_id on content type A matches field_related_type_a_id on content type B.
You could load one, let's go with type A for now:
// Get the current NID somehow... that's up to you
$entity_a = \Drupal::entityTypeManager()->getStorage('node')->load($nid);
// Get the value of the field you want to match to the other content type
$matching_value = $entity_a->get('field_content_type_a_id')->getValue();
// Get the entities with matching type A values
$entity_b_array = \Drupal::entityTypeManager()->getStorage('node')
->loadByProperties(['field_related_type_a_id' => $matching_value]);
// Do something with $entity_b_array.

Getting values of a POST multi-dimensional array with doctrine

I have a Symfony3 CRM that implements a form to create an invoice. In this form there is a list of different costs, such as labour, service and materials. I have coded this so it's in a multidimensional array since the user can create any number of fields with whatever they want.
An example of the post array:
[costings] => Array
[labour] => 80.30
[materials] => 75.00
[service] => 43.50
I want to use Doctrine to get the data. To retrieve the costings array, I use this:
But I do not know how to get the values within that array. I tried:
But I get a warning saying I'm trying to call get() on an array. Is there a way to do this or do I need to revert back to just using $_POST?
Simply use this, since you POST costings as normal array.
$costings = $request->request->get('costings');
$labourCostings = $costings['labour'];
Did you try:
$labour = $request->request->get('costings')['labour'];
If it doesn't work, try to dump the result of $request->request->get('costings')

Symfony 2.7 findOneBy() Function Finds the Wrong Entity

I've got a controller action that's supposed to be looking for semi-duplicate entries in a collection, and removing them from that Entity's list. New ones should not have an ID yet, and existing ones do, so I'm running findOneBy() with an array of parameters to match on (leaving out ID).
I am baffled and deeply troubled by the error I am getting, where it finds the wrong entity! I've got some relevant code below, I hope this is just a dream or a silly mistake, I can't reproduce the output on my own windows development environment, but my co-worker was testing on his mac, and was getting errors, so I went on his machine and did some quick echoing to see what was going on. See the code and the result below.
foreach($entity->getTechnicians() as $tech) {
//find new addtions, see if they exist
if (!$tech->getId()) {
echo "Technician " . $tech->getFirstName() . " has no ID, trying to find one that does<br/>";
$found = $em->getRepository('TechnicianBundle:Technician')->findOneBy(array(
'firstName' => $tech->getFirstName(),
'lastName' => $tech->getLastName(),
'email' => $tech->getEmail(),
'residentEngineer' => $tech->getResidentEngineer(),
'officeNumber' => $tech->getOfficeNumber()
//if one with an ID already exists
if ($found) {
echo "found technician " . $found->getFirstName() . " that already has id " . $found->getId() . "<br/>";
Technician Four has no ID, trying to find one that does
found technician khjvuov that already has id 7
Probably it's not a findOneBy() issue.
If without add/remove calls it works, it may be caused by modified current pointer of ArrayCollection so when $tech->getFirstName() is called it actually points to another entry.
You may try to iterate your collection like this:
$iterator = $entity->getTechnicians()->getIterator();
while ($iterator->valid()) {
$tech = $iterator->current();
... $entity->addTechnician()/$entity->removeTechnician()
It will create new ArrayIterator object, so you can modify underlying object preserving ArrayCollection's internal pointer.
This may be obsolete if you are running PHP7 (reference - Note box)
Ultimately, the findOneBy() method uses the load() method of the Doctrine ORM.
In the doc, the parameter $criteria is described as such :
#param array $criteria The criteria by which to load the entity.
You should probably dig deeper into Doctrine API to make sure, but there is a big chance that in the array you are passing as an argument, only the first key => value pair is taken into account (in your example, 'firstName' => $tech->getFirstName()).
If this is the case, you'll probably need to add your own custom method in your entity repository, one that would allow you to query your database with more advanced statements (using OR/AND or LIKE() in SQL for instance).

Call setter method with variable name

What I'm asking here is something weird. I'm using Symfony2 with Doctrine2. To bypass a issue between FOSRestBundle and JMSBundle (who don't like composite primary key) I need to know if it's possible - and how - to call a setter from the name of the field.
Here an example: imagine my Product entity have a primary key composed by 3 fields.
The trick is to send an array this kind of JSON into my API REST:
"id": {
"field1": "xxx",
"field2": "...",
"field3": "..."
// other fields
Then I use json_decode() to extract the ID field. I create a table of $key => $value with the 3 primary keys. And there is my problem, with this table I want, in a foreach loop, to do something like $myEntity->set$KEY($VALUE).
I'm doing this because I want to reuse this code with all my entities.
I know that this is something really weird, to sum up with only the name of the object field/property I want to call is appropriate setter().
Thanks ;-)
PS: sorry if my English isn't perfect, this isn't my birth langage.
You can use dynamic method name in PHP :
or more readable version :
$method = 'set'.$KEY;
Don't forget to check if method exists anyway :
$method = 'set'.$KEY;
if (!method_exists($myEntity, $method))
throw new \Exception('Something bad');

Symfony2 Gedmo Translatable with APY DataGrid and KNP Paginator

I have a few problems using Gedmo\DoctrineExtensions Translatable.
First is APY DataGrid - can't make it to show translated strings in grid on non default locale. If I use Translatable with default settings, all strings in grid are displayed in default language. If I implement Translatable in Entity and add annotations for table and other stuff, then I can see translated strings in grid, BUT after switching locales these stays the same. Seems like QueryCache is used, but can't find how to set not to use it. Here's a part for grid:
use APY\DataGridBundle\Grid\Source\Entity;
$source = new Entity('MainBundle:Entity');
$source->addHint(\Doctrine\ORM\Query::HINT_CUSTOM_OUTPUT_WALKER, 'Gedmo\\Translatable\\Query\\TreeWalker\\TranslationWalker');
Of course it would be better to have translations without making annotations and separate entities for them.
Second problem is KNP pagination. Actually didn't dig into it, but similar problem.
The main problem is, when I run some query by translatable field of an entity. Let's say I have an Entity with name Krepšinis (it's basketball in Lithuanian) and I have translated this string to Basketball. Default language is LT. When in default language I perform a search, everything is ok, but if I change locale to EN and try searching for basket, it doesn't return any results and if I search for krep, it returns me Basketball. Code for search:
// Controller
$repository = $this
$query = $repository
->setHint(\Doctrine\ORM\Query::HINT_CUSTOM_OUTPUT_WALKER, 'Gedmo\\Translatable\\Query\\TreeWalker\\TranslationWalker');
// Repository
public function search($query)
$qb = $this->createQueryBuilder('t');
$term = $qb->expr()->literal('%' . $query . '%');
$query = $qb->where($qb->expr()->like('', $term));
return $query;
Any help is appreciated
if content is translated, you need to use query hints as you have already went through. But in order to have it cached for different locales, you need to set the locale hint to the query:
// hint the locale in order to make query cache id unique
'en' // take locale from session or request
Which is described in the documentation read it carefully.
ORM query cache is based on DQL, query parameters and query hints.
