sqlite3, how can I look in all columns of an index in one time? - sqlite

I have a table where 10 columns of it are used as tags (named TAG01, ..., TAG10). I made an index of these 10 columns.
so, if I want to fetch all rows with the word "happynewyear2015" in TAG01 I query this :
SELECT * FROM mytable INDEXED BY myindex WHERE TAG01=='happynewyear2015';
so, if "happynewyear2015" is in TAG02, or any other TAGXX but TAG01, the query above will not return the row. I'm looking for a query like :
SELECT * FROM mytable INDEXED BY myindex WHERE * =='happynewyear2015';
there is any way to do that?

A ten-column index would be useful only if you do searches on all the fields, like this:
... WHERE TAG01 = '...' AND TAG02 = '...' AND ...
You should store the tags in a separate table, with one row per tag, so that you get a query like this:
FROM MyTable
FROM TagsTable
WHERE Tag = 'happynewyear2015')


Show first n rows sorted by one column but they should be unique by another column (SQLite, Android Room)

A simple select * from mytable will return below rows. I don't know how to draw table in post so I am adding the image
As I mentioned in the question title:
(i) show first n rows sorted by one column (can be achieved using order by)
(ii) but they should be unique by another column (unique by collectionID column)
select * from mytable
order by lastAccessTime DESC;
this sorts the table in descending order according to their lastAccessTime as shown in below image:
Now I want to filter these rows according to their collectionID. So only 1 row per collectionID. I have added the image. The strikethrough rows should be removed.
Also, First n rows (lets say 30) should be returned.
I am using Android Room ORM which uses SQLite but to get the desired result set I have to write the correct query.
I think you need a window function filter here. Which will assign a row number based on collectionID and then you can just fetch only 1 row per collectionID. You may give a try to -
FROM mytable) T
The key idea is to "filter" the data with one query which is the source of another query. A window function can be used as in the other answer, but a basic sub-query is also sufficient:
FROM mytable
(SELECT Max(id) AS singleID, collectionID
FROM mytable
GROUP BY collectionID) AS filter
ON mytable.id = filter.singleID
ORDER BY lastAccessTime DESC

string_agg function with IN operator not working in PostgreSQL Query

here is my query
select *
from table
where id in ( select string_agg(CAST(id as varchar), '","') FROM table)
string_agg() is completely useless and unnecessary for that:
select *
from table_one
where id in (select id FROM other_table)
I assume you are doing that for two different tables, otherwise that would be a very expensive way of writing: select * from table where id is not null

how to create variable in query sqlite

I want to use variable in my query for sqlite but I don't know how do it?
my query is it :
/*I want to declare my variable in here and use this variable query*/
/*declare vaiable*/SELECT direct_station.iddirect_station,station.name,line.color FROM direct_station JOIN
direction ON direction.iddirection = direct_station.iddirection JOIN
station ON station.idstation = direction.laststation JOIN line ON line.idline = direction.line WHERE direct_station.idstation = /*put variable*/
Explain :
my friends I want execute one query but this query have two part :
first part I want to get several value like this {178,180,200,300}. I got this from this query :
SELECT direct_station.iddirect_station FROM direct_station WHERE direct_station.idstation = 98
and second part I want to use any these values to this query by one variable :
SELECT * FROM stations_view WHERE iddirection = %d
now I want to get any value from second query that joined to first query.
I think that the solution could be to create a Table for your variable where you are going to store the variable's value and from where you can retrieve the value when needed.
INSERT INTO VariableTable (Variable) VALUES ('x');
SELECT * FROM TableName WHERE ColumnName = (SELECT Variable FROM VariableTable);

Why do I get the error "Error: no such column: main.<tablename>.<columname>" although it exists?

This works:
sqlite> .databases
seq name file
--- --------------- ----------------------------------------------------------
0 main /path/to/db
2 uni /path/to/db
also this:
sqlite> pragma main.table_info(tsv_storage);
and this:
sqlite> select count(*) from main.tsv_storage;
and also the attached database works:
sqlite> select * from uni.fasta_storage where uni.fasta_storage.id = 1;
1 MASNTVSAQ... Q197F8.1 002R_IIV3 Uncharacterized protein 002R Q197F8
but this not:
sqlite> select main.tsv_storage.seqid where main.tsv_storage.id=8;
Error: no such column: main.tsv_storage.seqid
and I have also problems with this, do I have to join the tables?
insert into main.tsv_storage(seqlength) select length(fasta) from
uni.fasta_storage where uni.fasta_storage.title = main.tsv_storage.seqid;
Error: no such column: main.tsv_storage.seqid
It happens for all columns, not only seqid. I think I did everything that is explained here: http://sqlite.awardspace.info/syntax/sqlitepg12.htm
What am I missing?
sqlite> select * from main.tsv_storage.seqid where main.tsv_storage.id=8;
You have not defined where to look for the selection. You need to tell the query what fields to search within the table, then define which table you are searching. The select * portion tells the query to look in all fields within the table. The from portion of the query tells the processes what table to look in. And lastly the where portion tells the query what to match when looking.
When using INSERT ... SELECT ..., the SELECT part must be valid query.
You cannot access a column like main.tsv_storage without having the table in the FROM clause:
INSERT INTO main.tsv_storage(seqlength)
SELECT length(fasta)
FROM uni.fasta_storage, main.tsv_storage
WHERE uni.fasta_storage.title = main.tsv_storage.seqid;
And the entire commands looks suspicious.
Are you sure you don't want to update the values in the seqlength column for existing records?
In that case, you would use something like this:
UPDATE main.tsv_storage
SET seqlength = (SELECT length(fasta)
FROM uni.fasta_storage
WHERE uni.fasta_storage.title = main.tsv_storage.seqid);

In query in SQLite

"IN" query is not working. Please guide me if i am wrong.
KaizenResultsInformationTable is MasterTable having field "recordinfo", this field contains Child table Ids as string.
kaizenResultsRecordInformationTable is Childtable having field "recordId".
I have to match records of child.
select recordinfo from KaizenResultsInformationTable
Output: ;0;1;2;3;4;5;6;7;8;9;10
select substr(replace(recordinfo,';','","'),3,length(recordinfo))
from KaizenResultsInformationTable`
Output: "0","1","2","3","4","5"
This query is not working:
select * from kaizenResultsRecordInformationTable
where substr(recordid,0,2) in (
select substr(replace(recordinfo,';','","'),3,length(recordinfo))
from KaizenResultsInformationTable
This query is working:
select * from kaizenResultsRecordInformationTable
where substr(recordid,0,2) in ("0","1","2","3","4","5")
You can't use in like that. In your second query, you are passing in a single string containing a comma-separated list of values.
It is better to represent a list of IDs as one record for each value.
Also, I'm not sure why you are taking a substring of your recordid. You should usually be storing one value per column.
However, if you can't change the schema, you can use string matching with 'like' instead of 'in'. Something like this should work:
select a.* from kaizenResultsRecordInformationTable a
join KaizenResultsInformationTable b
on (';'+b.recordinfo+';') LIKE ('%;'+trim(substr(recordid,0,2))+';%')
So if your recordinfo looks like 1;2;3;4;5;6, and your substr(recordid,0,2) looks like 1, this will include that row if ";1;2;3;4;5;6;" LIKE "%;1;%", which is true.
