How to detect if entity exist in database - symfony

I have 2 entities, User and Profile. Profile has in-symfony relation with User, but there is no in-database relation (no foreign key, no cascade) - only simple int column named user_id and nothing more.
Problem is obvious: when i delete user - associated profiles persists, but their user_id points to non-existing user row.
Since I use in-symfony relations when i fetch profile from database it fetches also related user entity. I expected that if there is no row with specific ID, it would just leave null or at least throw an exception or something.
Problem is that symfony creates empty User entity object with only id set. rest of its fields are null.
I know solution would be to create FK, constraints etc ... but I'm not allowed to touch anything in database schema.
How can I manage this problem ? I could even leave those empty object if only i had simple way to determine if they exist in database inside TWIG - so i would know if i can display {{ }} for example.

Fast and dirty solution, as you ask, is to use this test:
But I strongly recommend to rework your entity relations.

Found solution: its fetch: EAGER set to problematic mapping in doctrine.
By default doctrine uses LAZY fetching what results in using Proxy classes generated by doctrine for related entity. That class is almost same as real entity class. Difference is inside getter methods that before returning value performs fetching entity from database.
At this point, when you call getter on such proxy, doctrine tries to find entity in database using its ID, and since it doesn't find anything it throws exception.
When using EAGER fetching doctrine performs fetching of related entities on the same time when it fetches main entity and if it doesn't find it then sets null on relation field.


Symfony6/Doctrine: when flushing, check if record of relation already exists

I have several entities with several relations. They have one "starting" entity. When I want to persist data to my database, I set the data to each entity (implicitly with a method I wrote, because I import that data from an xml), but only persist and flush the main entity. I used cascade:persist in the entities accordingly. And all that works just fine.
But: There are entities (the OneToMany side) that should check in the database, whether or not the record already exists and only set a new record, if not. And if the record exists the ManyToOne side should get that foreign key, that already exists.
Is there an easy way to tell doctrine to do so on my single persist/flush of the main entity?
Maybe I can simplify the question to:
Is it possible to flush an object and doctrine will check if this record already exists in the database (in one query)? Or do I have to do make a query to check for existing records first and then a second query with my data to be set?
edit end
Thanks a lot for your help

How to set a deleted property to true rather than removing a related doctrine entity in Symfony

I'm building an app that allows a user to create reports for advertisers. The entities are set up so that there is a relation between the Report object and the Advertiser object - so that the advertiser has a getReports() method to get them.
I would like to change the app so that instead of actually deleting entities, that it simply changes a "deleted" property to true. That part is no problem, but I'm unsure how to make it so that the getReports() on the Advertiser entity only returns reports for the advertiser that have a deleted property of false.
Please let me know if you have any suggestions how that should be done in accordance with Symfony best practices.
You should look into Gedmo Doctrine Extensions.
Specifically for your case:
TLDR; they allow you to configure behavior of your entities in a way you desire, so for example when you "delete" an entity, Gedmo's listeners would set it's deleted value to a current datetime. Now you'd still have that record in your database but with not null value of deleted column marking it 'soft deleted', so when querying, it wouldn't be returned (because Doctrine knows how to query these stuff and would add a condition i.e.: ... where deleted ...) unless you explicitly say you want to see those soft deleted records.

doctrine:schema:update wants to create an already existing view in symfony 2.8

I have an existing view in my SQL database "view_account" which represents a account entity. This view is read only and has no primary_key field. Actually it has a primary key "id" but the field is not declared as primary key. I can also not change the table design, because its an automatic export from another application generating this tables (the automatic export is every week).
But thats not the problem cause doctrine don't care about "primary key" flag in the database until you don't update the schema.
But whenever i try to "doctrine:schema:update --force" doctrine wants to create this table. How can i ignore this view (or better the entity) from updating by doctrine? Marking the entity read_only with doctrine annotation is not working. Extending a own update-command will also not work, as i found out, it will not work since doctrine 2.4.7 to extend the doctrine-schema-update command (the update command method is ignored in any way).
Whats the best solution?
I also tried to configure two entitymanager. One for the "internal" entities and for the "foreign" entities. Since all entities are linked to each other on some point, it is also not possible to have two separated manager don't knowing from each other entities.

User Object in a one-to-one relationship using primary key shared with foreign key

Iterations of this question have been asked in the past, but this presents unique challenges as it combines some of the issues in one larger problem.
I have an entity(User) that is used as the user class in my application, then I have another entity (UserExtra), in a one-to-one relationship with the user entity, UserExtra's id is the same as User. The foreign key is the same as the primary key.
When the user object is loaded (say by $this->getUser() or by {{ app.user }}, the UserExtra data is also loaded through a join. The whole point of having two entities is so I don't have to load all the data at once.
I even tried defining a custom UserLoaderInterface/UserProviderInterface Repository for User, making sure that refreshUser and loadUserByUsername would only load the User data (I'd like for the UserExtra data to sit in a proxy unless I explicitly need it) but when Doctrine goes to Hydrate the object, it issues an extra query to load the UserExtra data, thereby skipping the Proxy status.
Is there a way out of this?
there are many solution for your issue:
1) Change the owning side and inverse side - I don't think that's right from a DB design perspective every time.
2) In functions like find, findAll, etc, the inverse side in OneToOne is joined automatically (it's always like fetch EAGER). But in DQL, it's not working like fetch EAGER and that costs the additional queries. Possible solution is every time to join with the inverse entity
3) If an alternative result format (i.e. getArrayResult()) is sufficient for some use-cases, that could also avoid this problem.
4) Change inverse side to be OneToMany - just looks wrong, maybe could be a temporary workaround.
5) Force partial objects. No additional queries but also no lazy-loading: $query->setHint (Query::HINT_FORCE_PARTIAL_LOAD, true) - seams to me the only possible solution, but not without a price:
Partial Objects are a little bit risky, because your entity behavior is not normal. For example if you not specify in ->select() all associations that you will user you can have an error because your object will not be full, all not specifically selected associations will be null
6) Not mapping the inverse bi-directional OneToOne association and either use an explicit service or a more active record approach - - And it looks like Doctrine closed the issue
this question may help you : one to one relation load

Get the entity context in a Data Transformer

I have a problem concerning the usage of a DataTransformer.
Basically, I am developing a translation tool for my application whose goal is to be as generic as possible.
For that, I chose to follow that model : Database modeling for international and multilingual purposes
So, in different entities in my application, I have translatable attributes that simply are references to i18n elements. Then, this i18n ID is referenced in Translation table entries, that handle translation strings.
I succeed handling my translation interface, but I now have a problem with my forms : Indeed, I want some of my entities to be created/updated via forms. The problem is that I don't want the user to set a i18n ID for the translatable fields, of course, but a text, so that it can be handled by my application to either update or create the related translation in database.
I thought then that creating a DataTransformer could be a good idea, so that I can get the related translation string from the i18nID that is in my Entity entry (for that way, no problem). But my problem here is for the opposite way :
How can I deal with creating/updating i18n entries in my reverseTransform() method without knowing the entity values context?
Is there any way to get the previous entity values so that I could get the i18 ID that is stored originally in my entity? I understand that a Data Transformer is theorically totally independent from my forms and my entities, but I'm totally blocked about how to handle this case.
Indeed, when I save my entity with my translated string, I have no way to know the entity context in my reverseTransform() method, that would have permitted me to get the i18nID of the entity and to update it.
I just have the string that typed the user, but I can't do anything with that, because I can't know if it is an update or not since I don't have access to my entities.
Do you have any clue to do that? Is trying to use a DataTransformer to perform this a bad idea?
Thank you !
