Wordpress - RSS feed provider - wordpress

We currently have a web site/app and then also use wordpress for our blog.
Wordpress is great and its cms is great.
I have used wordpress in the past to create an RSS feed that we use on the web site.
My question is:
Is is possible to use wordpress as a CMS and create a feed from that content that is not publish on the blog/wordpress install?
I want to use wordpress's cms, so that i do not have to create my own cms.
However, the content we put in this RSS feed cannot show up on the blog/wordpress site.
Is this possible? I know we are using a plugin to create these RSS feeds. I am not an expert in wordpress, but i believe this is possible.
I also want to use wordpress's category/tags/taxonomy to create feeds based on these values
Once again i want to leverage wordpress's cms to create a hidden feed and publish using RSS. I then want to connect to this feed using different clients.
All data entered into the cms with a certain tag will be hidden/not shown on the blog, but will be available via this RSS feed


Can I see WP blog in SHP Online?

I want to see Wordpress blog (from already existing wordpress page) to my new SharePoint site. Is it possible? If so, what should I obtain to make it work?
It would be best to see it for example as newsfeed..
Yes it is possible.
You can use the default WordPress RSS feed of your Blog (example.com) at the address URL:
Then on your SharePoint Site you will have to Add and configure the RSS Viewer Web Part as described on the Step 2 of the official documentation.
If so, what should I obtain to make it work?
You will gain content on your SharePoint Site with possible links to your WordPress blog.

Create blog on Hybris

I need to know if there is some module or something like that in Hybris to create a blog or I need to create a wordpress in subdomain(Bad idea because the web actually is a subdomain xd)?
Unfortunately there is no OOTB Hybris Blog Engine. Utilizing only OOTB you can build a blog using Content Pages. So for example you can create a content page which will represent a particular blog article, also you can create a new component which can fetch all Blog Content Pages and display them in the chronological order.
Based on my experience building a custom blog platform on the top of Hybris is not the best idea. So usually clients are implementing Blog using a wordpress as a blog engine. The integration between hybris and wordpress is usually done through Wordpress REST API. Articles can be fetched from the wordpress instance and displayed on hybris site without having a separate subdomain.

How to convert custom cms to worpdpress plugins

I have my own custom gallery CMS which is built using php & mysql. Now I want to make this as a wordpress plugin for my client, meaning my custom gallery admin panel will be shown in wordpress as a single plugin.
How can convert my script to be a wordpress plugin? I am new to wordpress so I really have no idea about making plugins, so I'm wondering if I can just add a few lines of code and just by making a few changes to my script I can make it all work as a plugin?
Before you go any further, you should really question integrating your own CMS into WordPress. I've done this before, and it ended up having a lot of disadvantages in the long-term, like not benefiting from functionality and security updates from the WordPress team. The newer versions of Wordpress provide a lot of useful functions to generate your own custom admin functionality within WordPress, including Custom Post Types, Custom Taxonomies, Custom Meta Boxes, etc.
As an experienced WordPress developer, if I had a client that demanded more than the built-in gallery functionality that WordPress already provides, I would go one of two routes, depending on the requested functionality:
1. Add functionality to the existing WordPress gallery via hooks and filters
This site is an excellent resource to see just how deeply you can modify WordPress with hooks and filters:
2. Create a custom post type, client uploads images to the post as normal
This method you would just create a new 'gallery' post type, and the client would upload images with all of the built-in WordPress interfaces. You can add any additional functionality you need with functions like 'add_meta_box'... here's all the relevant links, including taxonomies if you need categorization and a good sort-by-taxonomy tutorial:
If you're absolutely hellbent on using your existing CMS, you can always load your code into an iframe on a custom WordPress admin page, but I don't recommend it based on experience. Here's a link that will guide you in that direction:
Just as a post-script, you can do any or all of these things either via a WordPress plugin or a custom WordPress theme. I tend to prefer adding functionality to a theme if I don't plan on sharing it with the world and documenting it, or if the functionality is very client-specific and not reusable.

Can Wordpress search an external website?

Can the standard Wordpress search or one of the search plugins index another (external to Wordpress) website?
Not inherently, you could create a search engine, or easier would be to embed a Google custom search.
I haven't used this plugin, so cannot say if it works or is any good - but this might be a place to start. Google Custom Search Plugin

Blog headers from Wordpress in Drupal 7 block

We have a website on Drupal 7 and a separate blog running on Wordpress. Im curious if it's possible to create a block that will show headers from the blog and will link to blog entries. Moreover, it should automatically update itself once new blog entry is added.
Please advise if this functionality is achievable.
I am sure that your Wordpress blog can provide one or more RSS feeds of its content. In the Drupal site you can activate the Aggregator module (it's in core) and extract content from those feeds. There is also a bunch of other contrib modules that extend (or replace) that functionaliity.
