Push notification to iOS not working when message received - push-notification

I have a Worklight app doing push notifications. Sending the push causes the notification to appear in the notification bar on both Android and iOS as expected. If the push is received while the app is running, it calls the message handler function as it is supposed to.
The issue I'm having is that if you launch the app by tapping on the notification on iOS, the message handler never gets called if another push is sent while the app is running. I have to exit the app and kill it completely, then relaunch the app from the launcher. Then if the push is received while the app is running, it will call the message handler.
This only occurs on iOS. The app will respond to a received message on Android while the app is running, even if the app has been launched by tapping on the notification.
I did struggle to verbalize the scenario, couldn't find the right words that made sense, but the steps you have done Idan are largely correct for what I'm trying to do. We are doing tag based notifications, so that is different that what you have done. We are also using PersistentCookieAuthentication as they wanted push notifications to be sent without the user having to explicitly logging in.
We are currently using WL build
We've tried it on a couple of different models, an iPhone 4s running 8.0.2, and an iPhone 5 running 8.1.2.

Edit based on the edited question:
Tag-based notifications do not require any login, as it is the device that is to be subscribed to any tags that you define in application-descriptor.xml; it is not login-based, so any type of login that you are doing it irrelevant. The push will be sent to any device (app...) that was subscribed to your tag using the subscribeTag API.
I did another test in iOS using a broadcast-based notification (it's basically like tag-based notifications). I kept the app in the background and sent a notification. Tapping on the incoming notification in the notification bar brought the app to the foreground, which then displayed the alerts of the incoming notification.
You can try it with this application: https://www.dropbox.com/s/l2yk2pbvykrzfoh/broadcastNotificationsTest.zip?dl=0
Make sure to place your own .p12 certificate and pushSender password.
I've been trying to understand your scenario... I suspect you've left out something or need to better word the problem description.
Here's what I've tried using MobileFirst Platform 6.3 (no drastic push changes in iOS between 6.2 and 6.3) and iPhone 6 running iOS 8.1.2.
Launched sample push notifications app (which uses event source-based notifications) on device
Logged-in > Subscribed
Quit application
I then sent a notification by invoking the adapter in the Studio
The notification arrived and displayed in the notification bar
Tapping the notification launched application
The notification alerts were then displayed.
I then moved the application to the background.
Sent another notification, which was displayed in the notification bar upon arrival
Tapping this second notification brought the application to the background, displaying the alerts
I then kept the application in the background.
Sent a third notification
In this case, because the application is in the foreground, the notification did not display in the notification bar -- as expected -- and instead the alerts were displayed right away.
If your scenario is different than the above, such as: you're not even using event source-based notifications but rather broadcast- or tag-based notifications, or your application flow differs, etc then please edit the question with a more precise description.
When you edit the question, also mention the following:
Worklight version and build number
Device model
Used iOS version
I am aware of one possible issue (APAR #PI31988) that is currently under investigation, where the underlying native code dispatches the message before the JavaScript framework is ready to handle it, thus no message is displayed. This was found to happen in slower devices such as iPhone 4.


Web app fetching background geolocation using service worker and push notification

I am looking for a solution to fetch geolocation periodically (every 1 minute) on mobile browser. I did some research and came to know that fetching geolocation in background (when phone is locked or webapp not active) is impossible. In foreground it works ok.
I am making a web app where I fetch user location and send it to my server. All works ok, until the point where user locks his/her phone. I tried many things for workarounds:
setInterval to get geolocation, works fine in foreground but fails in background
converted my web app into Android using cordova, but same problem existed
used https://github.com/mauron85/cordova-plugin-background-geolocation this plugin for android
works good in both foreground and background
but the same plugin does not work in iPhone (I did not tested it, I searched in Google before moving ahead)
Its not good to release my app with just one platform (android) support, thus this workaround also failed for me.
I also considered using serviceworkers for my web app but it seems issue persist for background
I have another solution in mind, but before investing time in it, I wish to know if someone has tried it already.
I learnt about Push notifications:
Web app client registers to Push notification
It sends
subscriber object to my server
My server using this object sends
message to Push notification server
Push notification server
sends messages to my web app client
My web app client wakes up my
service worker for a brief period to show the notification message
As per google documentation:
Note: In the current implementation
of Chrome, whenever we receive a push message and we don't have our
site visible in the browser we must display a notification. That is,
we can't do it silently without the user knowing. If we don't
display a notification the browser automatically creates one to let
the user know that the app is doing work in the background.
I won't mind showing a permanent notification to users until my app is running. I am ready for this trade-off.
Now, my question is, at step 5, when I wake up the service worker **is there a chance I call my main.js (main web app) which might be running in background **, will fetch the geolocation and update it to my server?
Has someone tried this solution already with success or failure, please inform.
Can you try Page visibility Api, which listens for visibilitychange of a browser tab is hidden or switched to other tab (in case of browser). For mobiles, it's just a try.
src : https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Page_Visibility_API
or You can look into this answer too..
Detecting when screen is locked

How to display a notification in worklight when returning to the foreground?

I am using push notification in worklight 6.2 in one of my apps.
I have a issue regarding receiving of notification. i receive notification when i am in the application .
When i close my app or made my app go background, i receive notification in the status bar and when i click on that,its taking me to the app ask for the authentication which is provided in the app and then goes to the inbox where all the messages are listed the new message is displayed .
But when i receive the notification when my apps is in background and see the notification in status bar and without clicking that notification if i opened the application and see the inbox page ,the message is not displayed because the function which will be executed when receiving notification is not called.
I need to give solution to avoid this. Is there any way or option to display the notification which is received when the app is in background and when the app is opened without opening the notification in status bar.
Thanks in advance
Perhaps you could use a the Cordova resume event, from which you will call the pushNotificationReceived() function as the callback function.
document.addEventListener("resume", pushNotificationReceived, false);
The basic premise is that if a notification was received while you were in the background, then once returning to the foreground the above should executed and the notification will be displayed.
Again, this is just the basic premise and you'll probably need to modify the pushNotificationReceived() implementation to account for what happens when you get back to the foreground but there are no notification (you could implement some logic to check that...) and various other scenarios, as you encounter them.

Can I find out if an Android iOS or Windows Phone 8 push notification was delivered?

Can you interrogate the Apple (APNS), Google (GCM) or Windows Phone push notification servers after the fact to find if a notification was delivered?
I know that when a server initially sends the push notification there is a response to say whether the message was processed (but this doesn't mean delivered) or rejected by the notification server. But is there any way to subsequently find out via Android, iOS or Windows Phone 8 if the message was delivered?
Ideally I'd like to achieve this just by interrogating the vendor's push notification server, worst case I'm assuming I'd have to put something in my app to register that a given notification arrived and somehow transmit this success status back to my server.
APNS, GCM and MPNs don't offer this functionality.
You'll have to support it yourself, by sending an acknowledgment from the app to your server whenever a notification reaches your app.
For GCM you can view statistics of deliveries, but nothing for individual deliveries :
Viewing Statistics
To view statistics and any error messages for your GCM applications:
Go to the Developer Console.
Login with your developer account.
You will see a page that has a list of all of your apps.
Click on the "statistics" link next to the app for which you want to view GCM
Now you are on the statistics page.
Go to the drop-down menu and select the GCM metric you want to view.
Note: Stats on the Google API Console are not enabled for GCM. You
must use the Developer Console.

Alert me Windows Phone Push Notifications In Azure Mobile Service

Basically my understanding of push notifications is that they can change tiles and display a message to the user when the app is closed.
What I would like to know is if its the right way to go as the main control method in a turn based mobile game? For example the specific situation im wondering about is if the user has the application open and they make their move which gets sent off to my service could the application then sit and listen for the push notification reply and update the ui/continue with the users turn? obviously if the user moved away it should still do the sort of notification mentioned first that updates tiles/ displays a message but if the apps open it should just use a value in the notification and the user should never know it was a notification, just see the other players move and continue with theirs?
thank you
John Harris
Toast notifications are ignored if your app is already running, unless you register for the ShellToastNotificationReceived event. Your app can then decide how it wants to respond to the toast notification.
As you can see from this quote, if the app is open, it can choose to recieve toast notifications and decide how to handle them.
When the app is running you can also receive raw notifications, which can contain more data than toast notifications.

sending ios push message without user action

I want to collect device attributes and send them to the mdm server using push notification.
Steps involved are:
create a configuration profile with mdm payload
get device token
use apple push notification service to send a notification to the device.
get back device attributes
do same with multiple devices which the company manages
Will the user always need to act on a message or I can send a message onto the device without user action and get the work done?
Do I need an app on the device to send back the token?
It sounds like you're trying to use push notifications to poll iOS devices and return information.
Push notifications do not provide a mechanism to execute code on a device without user interaction. You would have to have an application loaded on the device, and the user would have to click through from the notification to your app.
In iOS, applications generally don't run unless the user is actively interacting with them. There are a few exceptions (e.g. background audio.)
You do need to have an app running to get the device token. You call registerForRemoteNotificationTypes. See APNs docs for more information.
Edited to add more information:
Looks like the MDM protocol uses push notifications to do just what you describe. However, there's nothing about it in Apple's "Local and Push Notification Programming Guide" (linked above).
Apparently Apple keeps tight control over the MDM documentation (see here and here).
However, I did find this paper from blackhat describing how the system works.
My earlier point about not executing arbitrary code on a device without user interaction still applies. There's a finite set of commands that can be executed (see Appendix A).
I came across this question when searching for iOS push notification access payload without user interaction - Just want to add that, in iOS 7 and above, it is possible to send silent push notifications to app, and app can process them without user interaction.
However, I've also found some discussions saying that the silent push notifications are not delivered reliably, in this SO post. That's why I'm still looking for alternate ways to retrieve payloads of the normal remote push notifications. Doesn't look like there's a way.
