Plone 4.3 without Archetypes - plone

Is there a way to install Plone without Products.Archetypes - not just deactivating - only with Dexterity.
I think there was a way.... just deactivates the installed Archetypes. Since many packages in Plone 4.3 depend on Products.Archetypes and Products.ATContentTypes, there is no way of getting rid of the package entirely. You could try to uninstall Archetypes in the quickinstaller (ZMI), but I wouldn't expect that to work.
Bottom line is, I don't think it is worth the effort to even try. You wouldn't gain that much and the risk that your Plone site does not work afterwards is very high.


TinyMCE Toolbar Missing After Plone 4.3 Upgrade

I upgrade a Plone site from 4.2 to 4.3. The upgrade steps are basically:
running to have a 4.3 environment
copy Data.fs to var/filestorage and custom dexterity package to src
running upgrade in ZMI
Everything seems fine. But when I add/edit Page items, TinyMCE toolbar is missing for the body field. Only showing a Text Format dropdown. Note: I do see the toolbar trying to render (first 2 icons appear), but fail and disappear.
What am I missing? Any hints?
No definitive answers, but a few suggestions. I have 9 plone sites all running the same version of Plone (4.2) and have some where TinyMCE works flawlessly, and others where I can't make it work at all.
Check /portal_javascripts and make sure that you have (I think you also need jquery-integration.js and, but I may be wrong about those), as well as tiny_mce.js and tiny_mce_init.js).
check /portal_kss and ensure you have ++resource++tinymce.kss/tinymce.kss
check /portal_css for ++resource++tinymce.stylesheets/tinymce.css
I saw your edit about the toolbar beginning to display after I posted this response. You really need to use the development tools for your browser-of-choice (e.g. Firebug) and look at the console. If it starts to display and then fails to finish, there's sure to be an error in the console log.
Check to see whether you have outstanding upgrades to the Products.TinyMCE:TinyMCE profile in Upgrades in portal_setup via the ZMI. If there are any, run them and restart your Plone instance.
I had the same issue with the same version upgrades and there were outstanding upgrades. They must have been missed somehow, presumably a bug in the Plone upgrade process from 4.2.5 to 4.3.4.
FWIW, I just ran into this issue in an upgrade from 4.1 to 4.3.14.
In my case, the problem was that the site uses the Plone Classic skin instead of Sunburst. The Classic skin for some reason did not have the tinymce layer registered. The giveaway was that jquery.tinymce.js was registered in portal_javascripts, but marked in orange as (resource not found or not accessible). I grepped the buildout eggs and realized that jquery.tinymce.js lives in a skin layer of Products.TinyMCE-1.3.26. From there it was easy to figure out why it was not found.

Problems seeing my xdv changes in Plone

It seems like lots of people are using xdv successfully so this must be something I'm not getting about xdv. I am running 4.0.3 on my local server (Mac). I have a xdv theme running in Plone ( and I am trying to modify the styles. I can see my changes on apache and DW but they do not appear in Plone. I have debug mode on. I tried deactivating and activating the theme and emptying the cache. No luck, the site does not update. I thought it was 'easy' to make changes on-the-fly with xdv but this has me stumped. I didn't register the stylesheets in CSS registry. Is that a critical step or optional?
On another note, is it worth it to switch to diazo and What are the major benefits of doing so?
I absolutely recommend that you switch to diazo and This is most easily done by starting with Plone 4.1.x instead of Plone 4.0.x. Get a copy at
Then, using buildout, install You may have a few issues with lxml, but since you've already done xdv I figure you've conquered that already.

upgrading drupal 4.7 to 5.2

When I was upgrding my webite from drupal 4.7 to 5.2, I am facing an issue -
Fatal error: Call to undefined function node_get_base() in ../question.module.
Can any one help me to solve it...
Thanks in advance
The root of your problem is that you have some code in the file question.module calling a deprecated function (node_get_base()). Drupal 5.2 does not implement anymore that function so you get the error...
I assume that the question.module you are using is this one, which does exist for Drupal 5 series. If I am right, then I suspect you have missed to follow the upgrade instructions for updating your site which state:
5) Disable all custom and contributed modules.
11) Ensure that the versions of all custom and contributed modules match the new Drupal version to which you have updated. For a major update, such as from 5.x to 6.x, modules from previous versions will not be compatible and updated versions will be required.
12) Re-enable custom and contributed modules and re-run update.php to update custom and contributed database tables.
These instructions are in the UPGRADE.txt file in the Drupal root folder.
Hope this helps!
When upgrading Drupal to a new release, you more or less in some respects have to build the site over again. The thing is, that because the Drupal API changes to much in the new releases, each module will need to be replaced with a new one. In most cases this is just a matter of downloading a new version of the module and running update.php.
You should, however, go through each of your modules and find out what's needed to make the upgrade. Sometimes the upgrade path can be a bit tricky and you need a few attempts to get it right without corrupting any data in the process.
Another thing is, that when upgrading, going for the drupal 5 version of the same module might not always be the best choice. Especially when talking about Drupal 5, there are a lot of more or less unmaintained modules. So the best choice might be to find a different module that can do what you want, or even fulfill more of your needs.
It's always a hard decision and your theme will also need to be upgraded to Drupal 5. In short there is a lot of work evolved when doing a major upgrade. Most of it, is making some good choices about, which modules to use and how to migrate your data.
All that aside, following the upgrade guide in UPGRADE.txt like mac suggests is a very good place to start, and doing all of this leg work, would probably have avoided all this.

Anyone using WP-CodeBox 1.4 with Wordpress 2.8.6

Over the last year or so I tried using WP-CodeBox for a syntax highlighting tool. I downloaded a couple of versions and tried them with a few versions of WordPress. I have never been able to get CodeBox to work. Anyone suggestions? Anyone using this combination or have a similiar story? What did you do?
I like the features it offers like links to download files, line numbering, copy to clipboard, and expand/collapse of the code box. If there is another tool that offers these features, let me know.
WP-CodeBox -
I'd prefer to use CodeBox but if I can't make it work, I need to use something else. I cannot change the version of WordPress.
I've been using it successfully on my blog. I just upgraded to 1.4 which appears to have broken a few things so I downgraded back to 1.3.3. I'm currently using 1.3.3 with WP 2.8.6 & just upgraded to 2.9. Haven't had any problems with the 1.3.3 version. Just noticed on Eric's site that he recently released 1.4.1. Haven't tried it yet though.
lamolabs blog is my blog. I use the WP-Codebox all over the site without any issues.
I use it with WP 2.8.4 in production site and 2.8.6 at home, both working fine.
I've just installed on the same version and it's not working properly. It displays the code, but the collpase bar, images and line numbers don't appear. I'm going to have to hunt around for something else.

How do I update the version number in a Plone add-on?

Version and installation profile numbering for Plone add-ons has been changing and this is very confusing. What worked in one version of Plone will not necessarily work in other places.
Gaer Baekholt pointed me to this page:
