Networking for CoC-like mobile games - networking

We are wondering what's a good networking design for mobile games that have real time single player battles like Clash of Clans.
One option is to do the battle completely on client side, and send the result back to the server when the battle is done. However it seems this will allow cheating. Is there any security model to handle this? Technically hackers can do anything that your client can do, so
The other option is to do real time networking between client and server. But I'm not sure whether this is a good idea for mobile games considering various network conditions.
Does anyone know what's a good design here? How does Clash of Clans do it?

Until CoC developer officially speak about it, it won't be known well. I my thoughts, CoC is somehow free from cheating because it allows attacked players to see the replay of what the attackers did to them.
Doing real time networking is best for preventing from cheaters, but it will annoy some game players because Wifi and LTE network occur 40~150ms latency with 10~20% packet loss. Moreover, CoC game play will give game servers much load for running A* algorithm for each mob character. Unlike League of Legends, the navigation path in CoC is changed as each Wall is broken, so O(1) by adopting path table technique is not feasible.


UDP or HTTP over TCP/IP for a simple multiplayer game

I am building a multiplayer game where players are simultaneously asked a question and they have to pick an answer. They have a few seconds to answer and they are asked the next question when the time is out or everyone has answered.
I am planning on using Java (or nodeJS if I feel like learning a new framework) on the server side and JS (jQuery and jQuery Mobile) on the client side. I might build native apps later too so I want to keep the option opened.
My question is: what server communication protocol would you suggest?
I was thinking of regular TCP (HTTP with Ajax) calls since latency is not really the issue but I am ready to review this choice if you suggest otherwise.
Thanks a lot for your help
When using UDP the burden to implement retry and congestion control will fall on you. Therefore, I recommend you stick with the reliable and easy TCP until there is a specific reason to switch. If latency turns out not to be acceptable, which I doubt in your case, you can switch to UDP.
Another thing to remember, if you are creating the game on mobile device and you don't want to lose the players connected over 3G, you will need to make sure you are using standard ports to connect to the server side, otherwise operators will disconnect you.
HTTP Streaming and WebSockets over TCP/IP is the best way to go. Lightstreamer, which leverages HTTP and WebSockets, uses TCP but tries to overcome some of its limits with some smart algorithms for latency reduction (which seems to be crucial for the game you described) and bandwidth optimization. Thus, it can be used with great benefits for any multiplayer games of any complexity (including MMORPGs, for example). At a first glance it seems it can fulfill your requirements, and it could be a good solution if you are also planning to develop native apps in a second step.
Lightstreamer is based on a publish/subscribe model, in which every item is defined by a set of fields whose values can change over time (in order of milliseconds). These could include "general items", subscribed by any users (e.g the game countdown; who is the first responder) and delivered in real-time. This way, the data delivery mechanism underlying your game logic seems quite easy to implement with Lightstreamer.
Have a look at this recent article (Optimizing Multiplayer 3D Game Synchronization Over the Web). You can walk through an online demo of a simple multiplayer 3D world in which Lightstreamer has been integrated for real-time synchronization.
The demo allows you to tweak each parameter of the scenario and simulate any flavor of data delivery, while checking the actual bandwidth consumption. Of course, full source code is available for free on GitHub. You could give it a try. Let me know if you need some help :)
[full disclosure: I work for Lightstreamer]

What's an easy way to do a DDoS experiment without breaking any big rules?

I thought of buying my own website and doing a DDoS on it, but it looks like that won't work...
So if I get a goDaddy page and try to DDoS it that would hurt GoDaddy's general service?
GoDaddy will get really pissed, and possibly press legal charges if is a large enough scale (DISCLAIMER: Stack Overflow is a terrible place for legal advice). Mainly because even if all you are doing is attacking a server you own, you are also seriously stressing their network and equipment getting all that traffic to the server, which may affect other customers as well.
You're best bet is to do this completely isolated on your own hardware using a local network and make sure all traffic goes through equipment you own.
Just a general observation: Probably not the best idea to sign up for a site and have your very first post be to ask how to conduct a Denial of Service attack.
You haven't said why you want to do this, so I suspect many people here will be leery of answering your question. Having spent a number of years in the computer security field, I can tell you that the world doesn't need any more hackers. There are some legitimate reasons for learning to to perform Denial of Service attacks (such as protecting yourself from them), but I'd suspect that anyone actually needing to do such a thing for legit reasons would already own a site and know the ramifications of a DDoS.
The short answer to your question, though, is this: were you to buy a GoDaddy account for the purpose of conducting DDoS experiments, you might want to hire a good lawyer first. GoDaddy's a big company with a lot of resources, and I suspect they take DDoS attacks on their shared servers very seriously.
I don't mean to sound flippant with my answer, especially if the motive for your question is legit, but if you really need to do tests like these, you need to do it on an inhouse server.
If I were you, I would get a box and set it up on your own network. Getting a Godaddy account and dosing it can hurt other people that share it with you. Furthemore, in some areas, it is illegal to own DoS software. Check for your area.
Why do you need to test this? To learn how to mitigate it. Lots of people have done it and you can just follow their work.
My advise however, if you really want to learn how to DoS is to get a box. A simple desktop for 199 will work. Put some linux OS on it with apache.
Put up a simple page. and google around for some tools. LoIC is what Anonymous used during an attack on master card and paypal. Most of them ended up in jail.
Things to watch out for:
Make sure that the computer your attacking with and to are not on the net. Use a switch to connect the two machines -- just so you don't accidentally take someone else down.
This will also provide you the best case scenario. Omega. You will have the highest bandwidth to the target. Bandwidth is what you really need for most DoS attacks.

Networking problems in games

I am looking for networking designs and tricks specific to games. I know about a few problems and I have some partial solutions to some of them but there can be problems I can't see yet. I think there is no definite answer to this but I will accept an answer I really like. I can think of 4 categories of problems.
Bad network
The messages sent by the clients take some time to reach the server. The server can't just process them FCFS because that is unfair against players with higher latency. A partial solution for this would be timestamps on the messages but you need 2 things for that:
Be able to trust the clients clock. (I think this is impossible.)
Constant latencies you can measure. What can you do about variable latency?
A lot of games use UDP which means messages can be lost. In that case they try to estimate the game state based on the information they already have. How do you know if the estimated state is correct or not after the connection is working again?
In MMO games the server handles a large amount of clients. What is the best way for distributing the load? Based on location in game? Bind a groups of clients to servers? Can you avoid sending everything through the server?
Players leaving
I have seen 2 different behaviours when this happens. In most FPS games if the player who hosted the game (I guess he is the server) leaves the others can't play. In most RTS games if any player leaves the others can continue playing without him. How is it possible without dedicated server? Does everyone know the full state? Are they transfering the role of the server somehow?
Access to information
The next problem can be solved by a dedicated server but I am curious if it can be done without one. In a lot of games the players should not know the full state of the game. Fog-of-war in RTS and walls in FPS are good examples. However, they need to know if an action is valid or not. (Eg. can you shoot me from there or are you on the other side of the map.) In this case clients need to validate changes to an unknown state. This sounds like something that can be solved with clever use of cryptographic primitives. Any ideas?
Some of the above problems are easy in a trusted client environment but that can not be assumed. Are there solutions which work for example in a 80% normal user - 20% cheater environment? Can you really make an anti-cheat software that works (and does not require ridiculous things like kernel modules)?
I did read this questions and some of the answers but other answers link to unavailable/restricted content. This is a platform/OS independent question but solutions for specific platforms/OSs are welcome as well.
Thinking cryptography will solve this kind of problem is a very common and very bad mistake: the client itself of course have to be able to decrypt it, so it is completely pointless. You are not adding security, you're just adding obscurity (and that will be cracked).
Cheating is too game specific. There are some kind of games where it can't be totally eliminated (aimbots in FPS), and some where if you didn't screw up will not be possible at all (server-based turn games).
In general network problems like those are deeply related to prediction which is a very complicated subject at best and is very well explained in the famous Valve article about it.
The server can't just process them FCFS because that is unfair against players with higher latency.
Yes it can. Trying to guess exactly how much latency someone has is no more fair as latency varies.
In that case they try to estimate the game state based on the information they already have. How do you know if the estimated state is correct or not after the connection is working again?
The server doesn't have to guess at all - it knows the state. The client only has to guess while the connection is down - when it's back up, it will be sent the new state.
In MMO games the server handles a large amount of clients. What is the best way for distributing the load? Based on location in game?
There's no "best way". Geographical partitioning works fairly well, however.
Can you avoid sending everything through the server?
Only for untrusted communications, which generally are so low on bandwidth that there's no point.
In most RTS games if any player leaves the others can continue playing without him. How is it possible without dedicated server? Does everyone know the full state?
Many RTS games maintain the full state simultaneously across all machines.
Some of the above problems are easy in a trusted client environment but that can not be assumed.
Most games open to the public need to assume a 100% cheater environment.
Bad network
Players with high latency should buy a new modem. I don't think its a good idea to add even more latency because one person in the game got a bad connection. Or if you mean minor latency differences, who cares? You will only make things slower and complicated if you refuse to FCFS.
Cheating: aimbots and similar
Can you really make an anti-cheat software that works? No, you can not. You can't know if they are running your program or another program that acts like yours.
Cheating: access to information
If you have a secure connection with a dedicated server you can trust, then cheating, like seeing more state than allowed, should be impossible.
There are a few games where cryptography can prevent cheating. Card games like poker, where every player gets a chance to 'shuffle the deck'. Details on wikipedia : Mental Poker.
With a RTS or FPS you could, in theory, encrypt your part of the game state. Then send it to everyone and only send decryption keys for the parts they are allowed to see or when they are allowed to see it. However, I doubt that in 2010 we can do this in real time.
For example, if I want to verify, that you could indeed be at location B. Then I need to know where you came from and when you were there. But if you've told me that before, I knew something I was not allowed to know. If you tell me afterwards, you can tell me anything you want me to believe. You could have told me before, encrypted, and give me the decryption key when I need to verify it. That would mean, you'll have to encrypt every move you make with a different encryption key. Ouch.
If your not implementing a poker site, cheating won't be your biggest problem anyway.
With a lot of people accessing games on mobile devices, a "bad network" can occur when a player is in an area of poor reception or they're connected to a slow-wifi connection. So it's not just a problem of people connecting in sparsely populated areas. With mobile clients "bad networks" can occur very very often and it's usually EXTREMELY hard to diagnose.
UDP results in packet loss, but even games that use TCP and HTTP based can experience problems where the client & server communication slows to a crawl while packets are verified to have been sent. With communication UDP compensation for packet loss USUALLY depends on what the packets contain. If you're talking about motion data, usually if packets aren't received, the server interpolates the previous trajectory and makes a position change. Usually it's custom to the game how this is handled, which is why people often avoid UDP unless their game type requires it. Often to handle high network latency, problems games will automatically degrade the amount of features available to the users so that they can still interact with the game without causing the user to get kicked or experience too many broken features.
Optimally you want to have a logging tool like Loggly available that can help you find errors related to bad connection and latency and show you the conditions on the clients and server at the time they happened, this visibility lets you diagnose common problems users experience and develop strategies to address them.
Players leaving
Most games these days have dedicated servers, so this issue is mostly moot. However, sometimes yes, the server can be changed to another client.
It's extremely hard to anticipate how players will cheat and create a cheat-proof system no one can hack. These days, a lot of cheat detection strategies are based on heuristic analysis of logging and behavioral analytics information data to spot abnormalities when they happen and flag it for review. You definitely should try to cheat-proof as much as is reasonable, but you also really need an early detection system that can spot new flaws people are exploiting.

How can I use hardware solutions to create "unbreakable" encryption or copy protection?

Two types of problems I want to talk about:
Say you wrote a program you want to encrypt for copyright purposes (eg: denying unlicensed user from reading a certain file, or disabling certain features of the program), but most software-based encryption can be broken by hackers (just look at the amount of programs available to HACK programs to become "full versions". )
Say you want to push a software to other users, but want to protect against piracy (ie, the other user making a copy of this software and selling it as their own). What effective way is there to guard against this (similar to music protection on CD's, like DRM)? Both from a software perspective and a hardware perspective?
Or are those 2 belong to the same class of problems? (Dongles being the hardware / chip based solution, as many noted below)?
So, can chip or hardware based encryption be used? And if so, what exactly is needed? Do you purchase a special kind of CPU, special kind of hardware? What do we need to do?
Any guidance is appreciated, thanks!
Unless you're selling this program for thousands of dollars a copy, it's almost certainly not worth the effort.
As others have pointed out, you're basically talking about a dongle, which, in addition to being a major source of hard-to-fix bugs for developers, is a also a major source of irritation for users, and there's a long history of these supposedly "uncrackable" dongles being cracked. AutoCAD and Cubase are two examples that come to mind.
The bottom line is that a determined enough cracker can still crack dongle protection; and if your software isn't an attractive enough target for the crackers to do this, then it's probably not worth the expense in the first place.
Just my two cents.
Hardware dongles, as other people have suggested, are a common approach for this. This still doesn't solve your problem, though, as a clever programmer can modify your code to skip the dongle check - they just have to find the place in your code where you branch based on whether the check passed or not, and modify that test to always pass.
You can make things more difficult by obfuscating your code, but you're still back in the realm of software, and that same clever programmer can figure out the obfuscation and still achieve his desired goal.
Taking it a step further, you could encrypt parts of your code with a key that's stored in the dongle, and require the bootstrap code to fetch it from the dongle. Now your attacker's job is a little more complicated - they have to intercept the key and modify your code to think it got it from the dongle, when really it's hard-coded. Or you can make the dongle itself do the decryption, passing in the code and getting back the decrypted code - so now your attacker has to emulate that, too, or just take the decrypted code and store it somewhere permanently.
As you can see, just like software protection methods, you can make this arbitrarily complicated, putting more burden on the attacker, but history shows that the tables are tilted in favor of the attacker. While cracking your scheme may be difficult, it only has to be done once, after which the attacker can distribute modified copies to everyone. Users of pirated copies can now easily use your software, while your legitimate customers are saddled with an onerous copy protection mechanism. Providing a better experience for pirates than legitimate customers is a very good way to turn your legitimate customers into pirates, if that's what you're aiming for.
The only - largely hypothetical - way around this is called Trusted Computing, and relies on adding hardware to a user's computer that restricts what they can do with it to approved actions. You can see details of hardware support for it here.
I would strongly counsel you against this route for the reasons I detailed above: You end up providing a worse experience for your legitimate customers than for those using a pirated copy, which actively encourages people not to buy your software. Piracy is a fact of life, and there are users who simply will not buy your software even if you could provide watertight protection, but will happily use an illegitimate copy. The best thing you can do is offer the best experience and customer service to your legitimate customers, making the legitimate copy a more attractive proposition than the pirated one.
They are called dongles, they fit in the USB port (nowadays) and contain their own little computer and some encrypted memory.
You can use them to check the program is valud by testing if the hardware dongle is present, you can store enecryption keys and other info in the dongle or sometimes you can have some program functions run in the dongle. It's based on the dongle being harder to copy and reverse engineer than your software.
See deskey or hasp (seem to have been taken over)
Back in the day I've seen hardware dongles on the parallell port. Today you use USB dongles like this. Wikipedia link.

Why isn't bittorrent more widespread? [closed]

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I suppose this question is a variation on a theme, but different.
Torrents will never replace HTTP, or even FTP download options. This said, why aren't there torrent links next to those options on more websites?
I'm imagining a web-system whereby downloaded files are able to be downloaded via HTTP, say from, torrents can be cheaply autogenerated and stored in /downloads/torrents/myFile.tar.bz2.torrent, and the tracker might be /downloads/tracker/.
Trackers are a well defined problem, and not incredibly difficult to implement, and there are many drop in place alternatives out there already. I imagine it wouldn't be difficult to customise one to do what is needed here.
The autogenerated torrent file can include the normal HTTP server as a permanent seed, the extensions to do this are very well supported by most, if not all, of the major torrent clients and requires no reconfiguration or special things on the server end (it uses stock standard HTTP Range headers).
Personally, if I setup such a system, I would then speed limit the /downloads/files/ directory to something reasonable, say maybe 40-50kb/s, depending on what exactly you were trying to serve.
Does such a file delivery system exist? Would you use it if it did: for your personal, company, or other website?
first of all: for torrents on ubuntu.
second of all: opera has a built in torrent client.
third: I agree with the stigma attached to p2p. So much so that we have sites that need to be called legaltorrents and such like because by default a torrent would be an illegal thing, and let us not kid ourselves, it is.
getting torrents into the main stream is an excellent idea. you can't tamper with the files you are seeding so there is no risk there.
the big reason is not really stigma. the big reason is analytics, and their protection. with torrents these people (companies like microsoft and such like) would not be able to gather important information about who is doing the downloads (not personally identifiable information, and quickly aggregated away). with torrents, other people would be able to see this information, at least partially. A company would love to seed the torrent of an evaluation version of a competing companys product, just to get an idea of how popular it is and where it is getting downloaded from. It is not as good as hosting the download on your webservers, but it is the next best thing.
this is possibly the reason why the vista download on microsofts sites, or its many service packs and SDKs are not in torrents.
Another thing is that people just wont participate, and that is not difficult to figure out why because of the number of hoops you have to jump through. you got to figure out the firewall, the NAT thing, and then uPNP thing, and then maybe your ISP is throttling your bandwidth, and so on.
Again, I would (and I do) seed my 1.5 times or beyond for the torrents that I download, but that is because these are linux, openoffice that sort of thing. I would probably feel funny seeding adobe acrobat, or some evaluation version or something, because those guys are making profits and I am not a fool to save money for them. Let them pay for http downloads.
edit: (based on the comment by monoxide)
For the freeware out there and for downloads, their problem is that they cannot rely on seeders and will need their fallback on mirrors anyway, so for them torrents is adding to their expense. One more reason that pops to mind is that even in software shops, Internet access is now thoroughly controlled, and ports on which torrents rely plus the upload requirement is absolutely no-no. Since most people who need these sites and their downloads are in these kinds of offices, they will continue to use http.
BUT even that is not the answer. These people have in their licensing terms restrictions on redistribution. And so their problem is this: if you are seeding their software you are redistributing it. That is a violation of their licensing terms so if they host a torrent download and allow you to seed it, that is entrapment and they can be sued (I am not a lawyer, I learn from watching TV). They have to then delicately change their licensing to allow distribution by seeding torrents but not otherwise. This is an easy enough concept for most of us, but the vagaries of the English language and the dumb hard look on the face of the judge make it a very tricky thing to do. The judge may personally understand torrents, but sitting up their in the court he has to frown and pretend not to because it is not documented in legalese.
That there is the ditch they have dug and there they fall into it. Let us laugh at them and their misery. Yesterdays smart is todays stupid.
I'm wondering if part of it is the stigma associated with torrents. The only software that I see providing torrent links are Linux distros, and not all of them (for example, the Ubuntu website does not provide torrents to download Ubuntu). However, if I said I was going to torrent something, most people associate it with illegal downloads (music, video, TV shows, etc).
I think this might come from the top. An engineer might propose using a torrent system to provide downloads, yet management shudders when they hear the word "torrent".
That said, I would indeed use such a system. Although I doubt I would be able to seed at home (I found that the bandwidth kills the connection for everyone else in the house). However, at school, I probably would not only use such a system, but seed for it as well.
Another problem, as mentioned in the other question, is that torrent software is not built into browsers. Until it is, you won't see widespread use of it.
Kontiki (which is very similar to bittorrent), makes up about 10% of all internet traffic by volume in the UK, and is exclusively used for legal distribution of "big media" content.
There are people who won't install a torrent client because they don't want the RIAA sending them extortion letters and running up legal fees in court when they (the RIAA) break into your computer and see MP3 files that are completely legal backup copies of CDs that were legally purchased.
There's a lot of fear about torrents out there and I'm not comfortable with any of the clients that would allow even limited access to my PC because that's the "camel's nose in the tent".
The other posters are correct. There is a huge stigmata against Torrent files in general due to their use by hackers and people who violate copyright law. Look at PirateBay, that is all they "serve" are torrent files. A lot of cable companies in the US have started traffic shaping Torrent traffic on their networks as well because it is such a bandwidth hog.
Remember that torrents are not a download accellerator. They are meant to offload someone who cannot afford (or maybe just doesn't desire) to pay for all the bandwidth themselves. The users who are seeding take the majority of the load. No one seeding? You get no files.
The torrent protocol is also horrible for being so darn chatty. As much as 40% of your communications on the wire can be control flow messages and chat between clients asking for pieces. This is why cable companies hate it so much. There are some other problems of the torrent end game (where it asks a lot of people for final parts in an attempt to complete the torrent but can sometimes end up with 0 available parts so you are stuck with 99% and seeding for everyone).
http is also pretty well established and can be traffic shaped for load balancers, etc. So most legit companies that serve up their content can afford to host it, or use someone like Akamai to repeat the data and then load balance.
Perhaps its the ubiquity of http-enabled browsers, you don't see so much FTP download links anymore, so that could be the biggest factor (ease of use for the end-user).
Still, I think torrent downloads are a valid alternative, even if they won't be the primary download.
I even suggested Sourceforge auto-generate torrents for downloads, and they agreed it was a good idea.. but havn't implemented it (yet). Here's hoping they will.
Something like this actually exists at
The server hosts a Metroid Prime speedrun and provides a permanent seed for it.
I think that it's a very clever idea.
Contrary to your idea, you don't need an HTTP URL.
I think one of the reasons is that (currently) torrent links are not fully supported inside web browser... you have to fire up the torrent client and so on.
Maybe is time for a little firefox extension/plugin? Damn, now I am at work! :)
