Why do we use execute immediate in plsql? - plsql

Why do we use "Execute immediate" in plsql? I know we use it to execute dynamic sql statements. But still I'm unable to convince interviewer. Could anybody give me an exact and proper answer for this? Though I use it everyday, but still unable to explain it. One thing I know is, it's used in DML statements and to retrieve multiple rows through select statement. Please give an exact definition for using "Execute immediate".

EXECUTE IMMEDIATE enables execution of a DML or DDL statement which is held as a string and only evaluated at runtime. This enables one to dynamically create the statement based on program logic. EXECUTE IMMEDIATE is also the only way you can execute DDL within a PL/SQL block. See the Oracle Manual for a complete and thorough review of these features.
While this is a very useful facility it should be used with care. Unless there is an explicit need for dynamic sql then it is better to directly declare the sql within your PL/SQL code. This will enable Oracle to parse the SQL at compile time for validity and also reduce overhead when executing the pre-compiled statement. Also you need to be very careful to avoid SQL injection attacks when dynamically building SQL.

For example, let's say you have some kind of application where users define their company and all the work they do. If you want to make it dynamically for users, then you can give them option to create their own models(tables). Since you do not know how many tables they will have, and how many attributes this tables will have you can use execute immediate.

DDL Statement in Procedures or Anonymous PLSQL blocks
Here is an example showing how to use dynamic DDL to create, drop and re-create a table:
EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'create table abcd (efgh NUMBER)';
EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'drop table abcd';
EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'create table abcd (efgh VARCHAR2(10))';
You can use this method to execute any DDL.
Though it's not suggested to use Execute Immediate for DDL, rather Global Temp Table should be used.
To execute DML statements in Procedures or Anonymous PLSQL blocks
To execute DML commands more often than DDL. With dynamic SQL you can issue inserts, updates and deletes just as you can with static SQL:
EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'INSERT INTO abcd (efgh) VALUES (:text_string)'
USING 'ijkl';
EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'INSERT INTO abcd (efgh) VALUES (:text_string)'
USING 'mnop';
'SET efgh = :text_string WHERE efgh = :second_string'
USING 'qrst', 'mnop';
'WHERE efgh = :text_string '
USING 'qrst';
In Select queries with bind variables
As useful as DDL and DML are, a database is not very useful if you can't get your data out. You can also use execute immediate to select your data back out.
v_data abcd.efgh%TYPE;
v_data_row abcd%ROWTYPE;
EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'SELECT efgh FROM abcd WHERE efgh = :text_string'
INTO v_data
USING 'ijkl';
DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE( 'Column Variable: ' || v_data );
EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'SELECT * FROM abcd WHERE efgh = :text_string'
INTO v_data_row
USING 'ijkl';
DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE( 'Row Variable: ' || v_data_row.efgh );
INFO: Column Variable: ijkl
INFO: Row Variable: ijkl


How to correctly make a procedure in Pl/SQL in which I create a TABLE and use a CURSOR

The assignment I am trying to do is
"Create a procedure that places the names of all presidents who were born in one specific
state, in a temporary table. Display the contents of this table."
The procedure complies but when I try to invoke it, it gives me:
00000 - "table or view does not exist"
Error(8,5): PLS-00103: Encountered the symbol "CREATE" when expecting one of the following: begin function pragma procedure subtype type current cursor delete exists prior
I have been stuck for a while now. Does anybody know what I am doing wrong?
My code so far is:
CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE stateofpresident(p_state president.state_born%TYPE)
CURSOR c_state IS
FROM president;
execute immediate 'CREATE TABLE presidentFromState;
president_name VARCHAR2
FOR r_state IN c_state LOOP
IF(p_state = r_state.state_born) THEN
execute immediate 'INSERT INTO presidentFromState VALUES(r_state.pres_name)';
execute immediate 'DROP TABLE presidentFromState';
END stateofpresident;
FROM presidentFromState;
The immediate cause of your error is the semi-colon (;) at "presidentFromState;" At run fhat terminates the statement and the SQL interpreter at that point does not know what is want, the create syntax is invalid. The statement compiles because at compile time it is a properly formatted string. That is why dynamic SQL should be avoid if at all possible. Your script also has an additional error. Your last select will fail as the table presidentFromState ws not only created but also dropped in the procedure. Finally, just an FYI, the entire FOR cursor and the cursor itself is entirely unnecessary, the entire operation can be completed is one statement: Look into the structure
Insert into table_name(columns)
Select columns ...
Since this obviously an assignment or tutorial I'll leave the exact for your research.

bind variable substitution in oracle

The below simple procedure is suppose to provide grants to the user scott in oracle.
The value for &scott_SCHEMA is already defined in a seperate file(define_variable.sql) and the value is getting substituted correctly, but im getting the error(as specified in the bottom of the script), a help is much appreciated.
l_sql varchar2(3200);
for i in ( select table_name as oname,'TABLE' as type from all_tables where owner='HR' AND table_name not like 'BIN$%' union all select view_name as oname,'VIEW' as type from all_views where owner='HR' and view_name not like 'BIN$%' )
if i.type = 'TABLE' then
l_sql:= 'grant select,insert,update,delete on hr.'||i.oname||' to :owner with grant option';
execute immediate l_sql using '&scott_SCHEMA';
l_sql:= 'grant select on hr.'||i.oname||' to :owner with grant option';
end if;
end loop;
ERROR at line 1:
ORA-00987: missing or invalid username(s)
ORA-06512: at line 12*
You can't use bind variables in place of identifiers (specifically schema or object names) in DDL or DML statements, they can only be used in place of value expressions.
Since you're using substitution variables, you could just place it in the sql statement itself:
l_sql:= 'grant select,insert,update,delete on hr.'||i.oname||' to &scott_SCHEMA with grant option';
and execute it with out passing it as a parameter:
execute immediate l_sql;
On a side note, your DBMS_OUTPUT line should come after you assignment to l_sql, otherwise you'll miss outputting one or more of the statements being processed. A good place would be between the assignment statement and the execute statement.

PLSQL: No output displayed when using dynamic query inside Stored Procedure

I have been asked to create an SP which creates temporary table and insert some records.
I am preparing some sample code for the same as mentioned below but the output is not displayed.
create or replace procedure Test
stmt varchar2(1000);
stmt2 varchar2(1000);
stmt := 'create global temporary table temp_1(id number(10))';
execute immediate stmt;
insert into temp_1(id) values (10);
execute immediate 'Select * from temp_1';
execute immediate 'Drop table temp_1';
When i am executing the SP by (Exec Test) desired O/P is not displayed.
I am expecting O/P of "Select * from temp_1" to be displayed. But it is not happening. Please suggest where i am doing wrong.
But i am interesting in knowing why ( execute immediate 'Select * from temp_1';) do not yield any result
For two reasons. Firstly because as #a_horse_with_no_name said PL/SQL won't display the result of a query. But more importantly here, perhaps, the query is never actually executed. This behaviour is stated in the documentation:
If dynamic_sql_statement is a SELECT statement, and you omit both into_clause and bulk_collect_into_clause, then *execute_immediate_statement( never executes.
You would have to execute immediate into a variable, or more likely a collection if your real scenario has more than one row, and then process that data - iterating over the collection in the bulk case.
There is not really a reliable way to display anything from PL/SQL; you can use dbms_output but that's more suited for debugging than real output, and you usually have no guarantee that the client will be configured to show whatever you put into its buffer.
This is all rather academic since creating and dropping a GTT on the fly is not a good idea and there are better ways to accomplish whatever it is you're trying to do.
The block you showed shouldn't actually run at all; as you're creating temp_1 dynamically, the static SQL insert into temp_1 will error as that table does not yet exist when the block is compiled. The insert would have to be dynamic too. Any dynamic SQL is a bit of a warning sign you're maybe doing something wrong, though it is sometimes necessary; having to do everything dynamically suggests the whole approach needs a rethink, as does creating objects at runtime.

compilation issue with execute immediate in Forall statement

Please help me in resolving below issue i am facing, i have to insert data into a table(table name genereted using variable value and table is created already) within FORALL..
TYPE dept_data_rec IS RECORD
Dept_no number,
Dept_name varchar2(100),
Dept_loc Varchar2(20)
TYPE nt_dept_data IS TABLE OF dept_data_rec ;
l_dept_data_nt nt_dept_data;
EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'INSERT INTO '||l_get_dept_rec.dept_seq_no||'_Dept_Data VALUES '||
while compiling this code i am getting below error:
PLS-00306: wrong number or types of arguments in call to '||'
However when code using actual table name it works
Oracle 10g -
In versions of Oracle prior to 11g, you can't use FORALL with EXECUTE IMMEDIATE, only with INSERT, UPDATE, or DELETE.
See http://docs.oracle.com/cd/B13789_01/appdev.101/b10807/13_elems021.htm
It's a special syntax
that reads like a FOR loop but isn't, and
is used by PL/SQL to perform bulked DML operations and only with the exact keyword, not with dynamic SQL or any other code.
Oracle 11g +
In 11g, the restriction on using EXECUTE IMMEDIATE was lifted. See http://docs.oracle.com/cd/B28359_01/appdev.111/b28370/forall_statement.htm
However, the only variables allowed in the string are subscripted elements from a single array in the USING clause.
The documentation is unclear whether you can dynamically "change" the table per row using the FORALL syntax. Remember that the FORALL is used by PL/SQL to perform a bulk DML operation and that needs to go to one table for this to yield any performance benefit.
Best performance solution for the above problem
You should make two levels of arrays, the first defines which table and the second defines the data for that table.
Use an ordinary FOR loop over the table array and inside that loop use the special FORALL syntax to perform all the DML for the one table.

PL/SQL parser to identify the operation on table

I am writing a PL/SQL parser to identify the operations(Select,Insert,Delete) performed on the Table when I run Procedure, Function or Package.
GOAL:I Goal of this tool is to identify which all the tables will be affected by running the procedure,Fun to prepare with better test case.
Any better ideas or tool will really help a lot.
some SQL file with procedure
or proc file.
OUTPUT required is:
SELECT from: First_table, secondTable
-> In procedure XYZ --This is if the procedure is calling one more procedure
INSERT into: SomeTable
INSERT into: SomeDiffTable
-> END of procedure XYZ --End of one more procedure.
DELETE from: xyzTable
INSERT into: OnemoreTable
My requirement is When I am parsing porc1 if it calls another proc2. I have to go inside that proc2 to find out what all the operation is performed in that and come back to proc1 and continue.:
For this I have to store the all procedure some where and while parsing I have to check each token(word with space) in the tempStorage to find out if it is procedure or not.
As my logic's takes lot of time. Can any body suggest better logic to achieve my GOAL.
There's also the possiblity of triggers being involved. That adds an additional layer of complexity.
I'd say you're better off mining DBA_DEPENDENCIES with a recursive query to determine impact analysis in the abstract; it won't capture dynamic SQL, but nothing will 100% of the time. In your case, proc1 depends on proc2, and proc2 depends on whatever it depends on, and so forth. It won't tell you the nature of the dependency - INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE, SELECT - but it's a beginning.
If you're really interested in determining the actual impact of a single-variable-value run of a procedure, implement it in a non-production system, and then turn auditing on your system up to 11:
for i in (select owner, object_type, object_name from dba_objects
where owner in ([list of application schemas]
and object_type in ('TABLE', 'PACKAGE', 'PROCEDURE', 'FUNCTION', 'VIEW')
execute immediate 'AUDIT ALL ON ' || i.owner || '.' || i.object_type ||
end loop;
Run your test, and see what objects got touched as a result of the exectution by mining the audit trail. It's not bulletproof, as it only audits objects that got touched by that execution, but it does tell you how they got touched.
