messed HTTPS for WordPress - wordpress

Hi i really messed my website. I followed this tutorial
I tried make my website url to and i done it. But it messed all website and now i can't access to wp-admin to change it back :(
My website is
Please help ...

Solved my problem.
Basicly added these two line to my /wp-content/themes/enfold/functions.php


swiper.js is redirecting my lightbox to the original media URL

The swiper.min.js file that was part of my WordPress them is not allowing any lightbox related plugins on my website to load. When you click on it, you can see the lightbox arrows for a split second, then it redirects to the original media URL. Can someone pinpoint what it is in the swiper.js file that is making this happen. That way I can remove it. I would so appreciate it. I've been spending days trying to figure out what the issue is, and I've finally at least pin pointed that it's coming from swiper.min.js.
Website link where lightbox plugin is used:
I tried removing some things in the file that I thought had something to do with the lightbox redirecting to media URL, but then it broke the code so I think I removed too much, or the incorrect section in the code.
Hey there it's difficult to find any error without accessing website from inside. If don't want to give access then-
please use different plugin or
try to disable and enable plugin, as sometime confliction between plugin caused the issue.

Magento skin and js missing from url

I have a site on magento, before it's working fine after yesterday night on words css and js not loading. full site and admin also messed up.
Actually css url like this.
but for me it's showing
From above skin missing. likewise js also showing, please any one help me !!!
Please contact your host provider, they will help to solve this issue.
Thank you!

Weird characters appearing after domain name in address bar

I'm working on this WordPress site:
And something weird started happening after a while, if you access the site, this code will appear next to the domain name #.Vp37JlN96DU, so it becomes:
Is is because of a plugin? I don't know the reason it appears.
Any idea?
Thank you.
It is caused by addthis plugin (by addthis_widget.js to be precise).

Wordpress visual editor displays html

After finishing a Wordpress site and moving it to another directory of the website, the visual editor disappeared and instead started displaying HTML and the text is white at the same time. I tried different suggestions from Wordpress support forums but nothing helped and everyone seemed to have a different answer.
Does anyone know what could have happened and how to fix it?
Thank you!

Joomla - template dissapearing

I have a Joomla Website located at, and upon going to the site initially everything looks fine. However if you go into the site and click any link say web-design
You can see that the default template is no longer being displayed. I have tried changing to a different template but that does not seem to help.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
I have discovered the answer to my question. I should have updated this a long time ago.
Something with the URL Rewriting engine built into Joomla, was throwing errors. I turned it off and everything was back to normal!
Thanks for your help though.
