Loading (Large) R Script File - r

Good Morning.
I am new to R.
Need to load a 4.5MB sized R script file using RStudio (ver. 3.0.2). Unfortunately it returns an error as the image below,
Apparently the max script file size is 2MB.
Is there a way to load what considered large script file by R Studio without dividing it into 3 different script files?
I am exploring if there is a place in Global Setting which have set the script max file size to be 2MB but did not find the parameter settings there.
Hope you can guide.

Yes, I can open in RGUI and execute it. Have reworked the R script given to me. Many lines repeated with different combination of options using variables <- c('Option1', 'Option2', ...). Have done a dynamic script with less than 300 lines!


Is there a way to accelerate formatted table writing from R to excel?

I have a 174603 rows and 178 column dataframe, which I'm importing to Excel using openxlsx::saveWorkbook, (Using this package to obtain the aforementioned format of cells, with colors, header styles and so on). But the process is extremely slow, (depending on the amount of memory used by the machine it can take from 7 to 17 minutes!!) and I need a way to reduce this significantly (Doesn't need to be seconds, but anything bellow 5 min would be OK)
I've already searched other questions but they all seem to focus either in exporting to R (I have no problem with this) or writing non-formatted files to R (using write.csv and other options of the like)
Apparently I can't use xlsx package because of the settings on my computer (industrial computer, Check comments on This question)
Any suggestions regarding packages or other functionalities inside this package to make this run faster would be highly appreciated.
This question has some time ,but I had the same problem as you and came up with a solution worth mentioning.
There is package called writexl that has implemented a way to export a data frame to Excel using the C library libxlsxwriter. You can export to excel using the next code:
writexl::write_xlsx(df, "Excel.xlsx",format_headers = TRUE)
The parameter format_headers only apply centered and bold titles, but I had edited the C code of the its source in github writexl library made by ropensci.
You can download it or clone it. Inside src folder you can edit write_xlsx.c file.
For example in the part that he is inserting the header format
//how to format headers (bold + center)
lxw_format * title = workbook_add_format(workbook);
format_set_align(title, LXW_ALIGN_CENTER);
you can add this lines to add background color to the header
format_set_pattern (title, LXW_PATTERN_SOLID);
format_set_bg_color(title, 0x8DC4E4);
There are lots of formating you can do searching in the libxlsxwriter library
When you have finished editing that file and given you have the source code in a folder called writexl, you can build and install the edited package by
shell("R CMD build writexl")
install.packages("writexl_1.2.tar.gz", repos = NULL)
Exporting again using the first chunk of code will generate the Excel with formats and faster than any other library I know about.
Hope this helps.
Have you tried ;
write.table(GroupsAlldata, file = 'Groupsalldata.txt')
in order to obtain it in txt format.
Then on Excel, you can simply transfer you can 'text to column' to put your data into a table
good luck

How to investigate 5MB+ datasets in RStudio's source editor?

My question:
Can I change the parameters in R to use the source editor to also view >5MB data sets in R?
If not, what is your advice?
I recently stopped looking at data in Excel and switched to R entirely. As I did in Excel and still prefer to do in R, I like to look at the entire frame and then decide on filters.
Problem: Working with the World Development Indicators (WDI) data set which is over 100MB, opening it in the source editor does not work. View(df) opens an empty tab in RStudio as also shown below:
R threw another error when I selected the data set from the Files Tab in column on the right of RStudio which read:
The selected file 'wdi.csv' is too large to open in the source editor (the file is 104.5 MB and the maximum file size is 5MB).
My alter ego would tell me to increase the threshold of datasets' file size for the source editor, so I could investigate it there. In brief: change 5 to 200 MB. My alter ego would also tell me that I would probably encounter performance issues (since I am using a MacAir).
How I resolved the issue:
I used head() and dplyr's glimpse() to get a better idea, but ended up looking at the wdi matrix in excel and then filtered it out in R. Newly created dataframes could be opened in the source editor without any problems.
Thanks in advance!

Finding location of the current file

My question is exactly similar to this question. I tried all the solutions listed there but they didn't work :(
Only difference is that I am not sourcing other R files. I am going to read csv files that are at the same location as the current R script.
I need this feature as that way I can transfer R file easily to other PCs/systems
I want that solution to work on Rstudio and command line and on Windows and Linux.
I would like to offer a bounty of 50 credits
How about adding this to your script?
currentpath <- getwd()
Then you can read the csv file foo.csv with
To make the code more platform independent you can explore the normalizePath function.

Avoiding to compile the whole document each time in Rmarkdown

I am a new user to R Markdown and was wondering if there was a way to "incrementally" compile an html markdown page as I am writing the code. Say I add 20 lines of code to an existing markdown file today. Is there a way to have the program "remember" the past compilations so that only the 20 new lines are added to the html file preserving the past rendering. I have a lot of memory heavy steps in my code (loading unloading files), and I find that when I add new bits of code I am having to compile everything from the beginning.
I tried looking into the "cache" option but it does not seem to be working.
I am assuming that all the variables I will be needing are present in my environment. In other words, i want to incrementally build an html markdown file without having to compile everything the moment I add an extra line to an existing document. Thanks for your help!
You should look into using the excellent editR package. It does exactly what you're looking for:

Running jobs in background in R

I am working with a 250 by 250 matrix. However, it takes loads and loads of time to compute this. It takes like an hour at least.
Is it possible that I can store this matrix in memory in R, such that everytime I open up R, it is already there.
Ideally, I would like to know if it is possible to run a job on background in R , so that I dont have to wait an hour to get the matrix out and be able to play around with it.
1) You can save the workspace of R when closing R. Usually R asks "Save workspace image?" when you are closing it. If you will answer "Yes" it will save the workspace in a file named ".Rdata" and will load it when staring a new R instance.
2) The better option (more safe) is to save the matrix explicitly. There are several options how it can be done. One of the options is to save it as Rdata file:
save(m, file = "matrix.Rdata")
where m is your matrix.
You can load the matrix at any time with
if you are on the same working directory.
3) There is not such option as background computing for R. But you can open several R instances. Do computation in one instance, and do something else on other instance.
What would help is to output it to a file when you have computed it and then parse that file everytime you open R. Write yourself a computeMatrix() function or script to produce a file with the matrix stored in a sensible format. Also write yourself a loadMatrix() function or script to read in that file and load the matrix into memory for use, then call or run loadMatrix everytime you start R and want to use the matrix.
In terms of running an R job in the background, you can run an R script from the command line with the syntax "R CMD BATCH scriptName" with scriptName replaced by the name of your script.
It might be better to use the ff package and save the matrix as an ff object. This means that the actual matrix will be saved on the disk in an efficient manner, then when you start a new R session you can point to that same file without loading the entire matrix into memory. When you need part of the matrix, only the part you need will be loaded so it will be much quicker. Even if you need the entire matrix loaded into memory it should load faster than reading a text file.
