Track OAuth 2 provider on client page -

I have the ability to login via Facebook and Google on my website. This is done using OAuth2.
I use the same redirect URL whether the user is returning from facebook or google, and pass through the provider name in the state field. Is this the recommended way to track the provider? Otherwise I do not know who to validate the token with if I do not know which provider the token comes from.
Are there other preferred methods for accomplishing this?

The state parameter should be an opaque value that cannot be guessed by an attacker since it is not protected from modifications. If you need to track state, you should refer to it by using the state parameter but that parameter itself should be randomized and/or encrypted. Storing the provider identifier in plaintext in the state parameter is not safe. Users could modify the state parameter themselves or attackers could craft an authorization request with a state value that they choose.
The way to track the provider is by storing it in the backend session state and generate a reference to that session/state that you pass in the state parameter. To prevent cross-site request forgery you should also keep some encrypted/randomized cookie that binds the state to the browser. This is described in more detail:
One of the problems with using OAuth 2.0 + provider specific extensions for login is exactly this: you cannot establish the provider and user identity in a way that works for all providers in a uniform and generic way. In your case you'll already have to know the provider before you can perform a sensible interaction with it. Enter OpenID Connect: it is a extension profile of OAuth 2.0 that gives you login semantics in a standardized way. It would give you a verifiable JSON object (JWT) with standardized values that tell you who the provider is (iss) and who the user is (sub).
Google signin already has migrated already to OpenID Connect, as has Microsoft and others like Salesforce, hopefully Facebook will follow.


How do I structure authentication with a social IdP?

My system works as follows;
I have an ASP.Net RESTful API server, which contains a user database.
I also have a Xamarin.Forms application, with a registration and login page.
What I want is to have the ability to authenticate a login using a social IdP, and then, if that user has not been logged in before, register that user in my local database.
I have been reading up on how to implement OAuth 2.0 with OpenID Connect to authenticate my users with a social IdP, however, I cannot seem to wrap my head arround it. From what I've read, I shouldn't use an Access token for authentication, since that i what the ID token is for, however, I have also read that the only intended purpose for an ID token, is the client.
My problem then is, how can I make sure that calls made to my ASP.Net server, has been made by "real person", and how do I determine who makes the call?
Access token will be used determine whether the client application was authorized by a user to access a resource. The concept of ID token comes from OpenID Connect. Main purpose of the ID token is to authenticate the user to the client application (i.e. letting the client application know that the person who authorized the access is a valid person).
To do this, you have to validate the ID token. This can be done using third party libraries such as nimbusds or auth0. You can validate the signature of the token verify the integrity of the token and check the claims included in the token (by comparing them with expected values) to verify the user details. Also, you can add custom claims (any claim that is specific for your application/implementation) to the tokens through your identity provider so that you'll be able to validate those particular claims in order to verify the user.

Is it secure that Firebase uid is used / revealed on browser?

I am currently building one web application, and I consider to use Firebase auth and its database. My concern is that if user id is on browser, does it make any security issue?
For example, say that my user id is 12345, and I would like to show some information about user 12345 on a certain page. In order to move to the certain page that I can see user's information, I click some element (like a button), and go to the page. (Ex: https://localhost:9876 => https://localhost:9876/12345) In this case, the user id is visible, but I am not sure if this is reliable approach.
EDIT: I just noticed that security rules should be used thanks to Eric's comment. However, I am not 100% sure if the rule can be used for auth object too. For example, auth object is used to get user id, but using user id, is it possible for someone to obtain the user's email address which is stored in auth object? For instance, in the above example, someone might obtain user 12345's email address using user id, 12345.
The correct way to secure user related resources is via a Firebase ID token. Database/Storage rules already rely on this mechanism. You cannot just rely on the correct user ID being provided. That provides no security. Instead, before return restricted resources, you should check verify the ID token and trust only its content which includes the UID. FYI: the Firebase Admin SDKs already provide an API to verify an ID token.
Typically the way to pass the ID token (if you are not using real-time database), is as follows:
Single page app: you can call getIdToken() and then pass the latest ID token in the URL query parameter, post body or the header as you send an XHR request to your server.
Traditional website: you have to set a session cookie. The easiest way is to set the ID token as session cookie and keep updating it on expiration. On your backend, you will verify this before returning the user specific resource.

Stop concurrent multiple client's access to the ASP.NET Web API and ASP.NET Identity 2.1

Problem statement:
Hi. I have some secured data which I want to expose through Web API and ASP.NET Identity mechanism. I want to use out of the box classes of ASP.NET Identity. I take a payment manually and change a value in the table. But there are cases where the user will share his username + password with some other guys so that the others can access the same content without paying anything.
Work plan:
So, I have extended the AspNetUsers table with a column named ApplicationToken (varchar). After successful login, I want to generate a token, update the field of the user's row in the table, and add this value as a claim information and send back to the client app. Now, when the user requests for a paid content, my client app will send the token also. So, somewhere in my server side codes, I need to check this ApplicationToken with the Database token value. If both are equal, I allow the request to proceed, otherwise I will send 401 Unauthorized and tell them to login again.
Implementation options:
After studying and searching, I found the below options to implement:
Create Custom Authentication Filter attribute so that I can grab the claims send from the client and do my required validation
Create a base class of the secured API and get the claims there and do my required validation.
Go for different Jwt based implementation where I should have access in both issuing and checking the Json Web Tokens.
If you have any other options, I would be very glad to hear those.
My question is, which approach is better to proceed. I have enough time to implement, so time is not a factor here. Thanks.

OAuth 2 access token, pass by query or session

I searched through similar questions but none seem to answer this particular concern:
Assuming I am building a simple oauth user login system, when the oauth flow is done, should I pass the obtained access token through GET query, such as /login/provider?access_token=xxxx (assuming HTTPS), or should I store it in the session and delete it when my REST api call are done (assuming HTTPS + Signed cookies)
From what I can see: session approach doesn't expose token to even the user himself, and prevent logfile from recording ?access_token=xxxx, appear to be the safer bet.
Are there reasons for choosing GET query? Does my argument apply to OAuth 1 token and secret as well?

ASP.Net and Facebook: Logging-in via ASP.Net

I want to enable Facebook authentication and the FB-Graph in my website, which already has forms authentication. Using, I was able to figure out how to login server-side.
However, the problem with this approach is that a secure cookie will not be created, since the call returns the authentication code in the querystring via a callback. This means that the user will have to login every time.
I can see two ways around this:
Store the access token in a secure cookie manually
Instead of the above approach, use the FB JS API to login - this stores a secure cookie with the access token automatically
I would prefer not to use the second approach, as I would like the login code to be server-side.
Which would be the better approach? Am I missing something?
I use the JavaScript method to first authenticate the user, the JS SDK then writes an encrypted cookie (called "fbs_[YourAppID]") when a connected user hits your page; using one of the many Facebook c# SDKs, this cookie can be decoded using your application secret giving you the user ID, oAuth token, expiry date etc.
Then I hook into the AuthenticateRequest event of my .NET application, check the presence of the cookie, decode if it found, and then find a user who has been assigned this facebook ID (your user table must have a extra field for storing the ID of their facebook account).
If a match is found, I write a normal forms authentication cookie for this user, then .NET will recognise them for all future requests. If no user is found, then this is a brand new user who has just connected. Use the SDK again to query the graph API using their oAuth token, get things like their name/email etc and create a new account, then issue a authentication token as normal.
By writing a normal authetication cookie, the user will stay logged into to your site for all requests, just as if they were a normal user.
One side point, when using email address, check for duplicates, and check for the facebook cookie in all requests. For example, an existing registered logged in user may have just connected.
