Gather all my Google Analytics Properties data - google-analytics

I would like to gather all my Google Analytics Properties data.
I would like to know how much daily traffic all my sites are getting accumulated.
Thanks for your help.

You can as Tomek indicates programmatically collate the data from all the profiles, but you cannot add up all the numbers, example visitors. So be careful, alternative is to run a 2nd profile across all your sites, but that of course will only start collecting once you implement it.


Session numbers pulled from API dont match the numbers displayed in the Google Analytics Report

For my recent project, i m trying to develop a brand new report for google analytics using the Sessions data over a period of time.
When I compare the numbers that I get from and check the report that we have created in the numbers for sessions are off. They dont match exactly. They are off by like 1%. What might be the reason for this.
Can someone please help me here?
I can give more details if needed.
Adding to the above , one more thing I noticed
This happens only When I add Segment filter to be specific. Without the segments the numbers for all users look good.
Had a call with Google Analytics support. They say that there isnt actual support for the Rest Api code and the Front End report from Google Analytics has built in Logic to filter out certain personal information like age related, sex, etc. which is not there in the Rest Api when it pulls in data.
So this is the reason why the numbers are off by 1% all the time.
Hope this helps

Is there a good alternative to Google Analytics that does not sample?

I want to pay my writers based on unique page views. Right now I am getting my data from Google Analytics. The frustrating thing is that the numbers given by Google Analytics are from sampling.
So is there a Analytics Service to get unique page views that does not sample its data?
Or as anyone try doing something similar to what I am trying to accomplish, what would you recommend I do?
I use Unsampler
Extract unsampled data from a Google Analytics Standard profile. Avoid sampling and get at your real data.
Try to use PIWIK - it is server side analytics system, but you will must save all data on your server - you need separate mysql data base.

Mixable metrics and dimensions in google analytics

I'm doing some complex reports for google analytics and would like to ask you if the following is possible. The client wants to have just organic data for a bunch of metrics. Like pageviews, visitBounceRoutes, etc. The query I ended up with is the following:,ga:medium,ga:keyword,ga:day,ga:month,ga:year&end-date=2013-11-20&fields=columnHeaders/name,rows,totalResults,totalsForAllResults&filters=ga:medium==organic&ids=ga:79067749&metrics=ga:pageviews,ga:pageviewsPerVisit,ga:visitors,ga:avgTimeOnSite,ga:newVisits,ga:visitBounceRate&start-date=2013-10-20
However the response is as follows:
Can the dimensions ga:source,ga:medium,ga:keyword be mixed with the above metrics? It seems they can't since if I omit them the API returns an array of values 1 per each day within the specified range.
Where can I find more information about this and what categories are mixable? just shows all the available metrics but do not explains how they are combined and which one would be valid requests. I'm new at the analytics API and would be great any kind of help or guidance
Thanks a lot
Google Analytics Query Explorer is your friend for playing around with analytics dimensions/metrics/filters ;-)
Some thoughts:
Those dimensions & metrics should work -- maybe there was no organic data recorded during that time range?
Try removing the ga:medium==organic filter and see what your data looks like.
Does the profile you're using (ga:79067749) have any filters on it? If so, maybe try a different profile that has unfiltered data. (Analytics best practices -- make sure you have a profile with no filters applied that captures all data.)
As Mike said, there is no problem with the combination of metrics and dimensions you are using.
If you are entering the URL query directly in the browser problem might be the lack of URL encoding in your query string. For example, you need to convert == to %253D%253D
For example, instead of ga:medium==organic, you need ga:medium%253D%253Dorganic
If you build your query in the Google Analytics Query Explorer as Mike suggests, you can grab the direct link to your report by clicking the link symbol in the upper left:

Google Analytics: Report delayed conversion?

We have a site that tracks conversions through Google Analytics for redirects to an affiliate. However, not all redirected visitors convert to a sale after they leave our site. Our affiliate reports back to us weekly on who converted (and we can identify an individual user session from that report). Is there a way to get that conversion data back into Analytics? We've got a great coding team, but I just need to point them in the right direction.
Good question Jeff. If you don't mind the accuracy of the timing being off, your team could certainly just step through your site and intentionally trip the conversions.
Other than that, you may look into using a custom solution to bulk import that data using this type of API: Google Analytics for Mobile Websites
This Google Analytic server-side solution supports PERL, ASP.NET, JSP, and PHP. If you're looking for a repeatable process for batch importing GA data, this maybe a viable solution for you.
Hope this gets you going in the right direction.
I would not recommend manually 'tripping' the conversions.
There is no easy way to get the data back into Analytics. And it would depend on your reporting requirements (time lines, etc)
One way to approach this is to set a custom variable that is scoped to a visitor that would identify the visitor in an anonymous way (not personally identifiable manner, beware the privacy policy).
So when a visitor comes to the site, a custom variable would get set. This variable acts as a key to associate behavior on the site and the affiliates. Once you receive the data about which visitors converted from your affiliates associated to the non-personally-identifiable ID, you can use this to have code fire some conversion events once it recognizes on a separate visit that a visitor with certain custom variables set using the _getVisitorCustomVar()

google analytics api - Advice on integration with web app

This is more a question of if this is the right way to achieve the desired solution.
We are building an eCommerce store like Shopify. We want to display report/data to our users for their stores.
Using GA can we do this. We was thinking of using one account. Adding the tracking api. Posting the store sales using the eCommerce plugin.
Then pulling the data back into our control panel, show graphs etc.
Is this a workable solution.
What would the issues be.
Best way to segment for each store so that we don't have data bleed (we may have thousands of stores - coincidentally they would have a domain like
Any advice or better ways of us doing this without re-inventing the wheel.
You can segment data with a custom Google Analytics variable or by setting the subdomain, e.g.:
I think your approach is viable, but the notable challenge is that you have build out custom code to pull all of the data from Google Analytics into your application. I don't know of many off the shelf products that would offer this type of segmentation for analytics without requiring you to manage and create users for every subdomain/store.
The only thing I can think of is building out automated reports in Google Analytics (or similarly in Omniture) and have them sent to your store owners. But unfortunately those would be static reports such as PDFs.
