UserManager.GenerateEmailConfirmationToken returning tokens unsuitable for URL transmission -

I have a ASP.NET MVC 5 website, and I'm implementing an email confirmation process based on the template from Microsoft.
While I'm composing the email body text, first I construct the URL a user will use to "click to verify your address".
To generate the security token I call:
This produces a code such as:
Obviously, this wouldn't be valid in a URL, but even URL encoding won't solve IIS's hate of such a URL.
HTTP Error 404.11 - Not Found
The request filtering module is configured to deny a request that contains a double escape sequence.
In my UserManager implementation, I'm using the tutorial boilerplate code for a TokenProvider.
var dataProtectionProvider = options.DataProtectionProvider;
if (dataProtectionProvider != null)
manager.UserTokenProvider = new DataProtectorTokenProvider<SiteUser>(dataProtectionProvider.Create("ASP.NET Identity"));
How can I make these generated tokens a bit more URL friendly? What did potentially change that would prevent the ASP.NET's tutorial code not work?

It turns out that this token will get mangled by the built in class "UrlHelper" in a MVC controller, or Url in a WebAPI controller IF the target route lists these variables as part of the path, rather than the GET vars of the URL.
Eg: this call, creates a relative URL for the site route called "ConfirmEmail" and fills in the blanks
Url.Route("ConfirmEmail", new { userId = user.Id, code = code });
Before my route was:
[Route("register-email/{code}/{userId}", Name = "ConfirmEmail")]
Changing this to:
[Route("register-email", Name = "ConfirmEmail")]
Generates valid URLS that IIS can chew through. When these are not specified, they get appended after a ? mark as normal GET vars. No idea why IIS is picky like that, but there's the solution.


returnUrl drops second querystring parameter

I am using MVC 5. The problem is that after SSO redirects back to the app after authentication the login method returnUrl drops the applicaitonId querystring parameter. Please help!
Here is the flow.
The app redirects unauthorized users to a login method, preserving the original request in the returnUrl.
The original request is
the returnUrl is
The app redirects to a SSO CAS server, sending along the HttpUtility.Encode returnUrl as a parameter along with login Url both part of the service parameters.
After authentication, the CAS server appends the authorized ticket and redirects back to the service URL. This is what fiddler shows.
Here is the issue. The returnuRL in the login method is simply
The returnUrl no longer has the applicationId.
Interestingly enough, the line works just fine.
var ticket = Request.QueryString.Get("ticket");
I have tried to encode the whole serviceUrl and tried to encode just the returnUrl(see below) but I get the same missing ApplicationId issue.
public ActionResult Login(string returnUrl)
var ticket = Request.QueryString.Get("ticket");
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(ticket))
//verify the ticket...
return RedirectToLocal(returnUrl);
var serviceUrl = Request.Url.Scheme + System.Uri.SchemeDelimiter + Request.Url.Host + (Request.Url.IsDefaultPort ? "" : ":" + Request.Url.Port) + "/account/login" + "?returnUrl=" + HttpUtility.UrlEncode(returnUrl);
var authenCasUrl = string.Format("{0}login?service={1}", "https://{redacted}/", serviceUrl);
return Redirect(authenCasUrl);
Since this site will be actually called by your URL, I don't think they just throw away parts of it.
Lets try something here since I have encountered a similar problem with parameter in url strings in combination with asp.NET.
First, lets get the unedited URL from your Request:
string UneditedUrl = Request.RawUrl;
Since we are not needing anything before the ? mark, we shorten it a little bit:
string QueryString = (UneditedUrl.IndexOf('?') < UneditedUrl.Length - 1) ? UneditedUrl.Substring(UneditedUrl.IndexOf('?') + 1) : String.Empty;
This line also includes the possibility on neither having a ? mark or parameters and will return an empty string if so. Just for good measure, we don't want any exceptions here. Here you can check QueryString if it has both or more of your parameters you entered.
If there are not complete here, its not your code at fault. Something will already work on your URL before you do, probably your host then. Maybe check the settings of your IIS.
If your parameters are correctly in the edited QueryString, you can continue getting them by following this:
I learned that there is a way to let your framework do the job of parsing parameters into name/value collections. So lets give it a go:
NameValueCollection ParaCollection = HttpUtility.ParseQueryString(QueryString);
You can now check you params and their values by either using an index like ParaCollection[0] or ParaCollection["documentGroup"].
I've found the question which brought me to the conclusion of using Request.RawUrl. Since this may not be the answer, it will maybe help a little bit more to understand that Request.RawUrl is the actual URL the user called and not the one the server executes: RawURL vs URL
I have no experience with asp or SSO, but you may need to also HttpUtility.UrlEncode the value of the serviceUrl variable?
var authenCasUrl = string.Format("{0}login?service={1}", "https://{redacted}/", HttpUtility.UrlEncode(serviceUrl));
Since the service parameter is decoded by the CAS once, and then the value of returnUrl gets decoded by your server.
var returnUrl = "/shared/download?documentGroup=133&applicationId=3153";
var serviceUrl = "http://localhost:25451/account/login?returnUrl=" + HttpUtility.UrlEncode(returnUrl);
var casUrl = "https://{redacted}/cas/login?service=" + HttpUtility.UrlEncode(serviceUrl);
Which gives:
serviceUrl = http://localhost:25451/account/login?returnUrl=%2Fshared%2Fdownload%3FdocumentGroup%3D133%26applicationId%3D3153
casUrl = https://{redacted}/cas/login?service=http%3A%2F%2Flocalhost%3A25451%2Faccount%2Flogin%3FreturnUrl%3D%252Fshared%252Fdownload%253FdocumentGroup%253D133%2526applicationId%253D3153
Explanation attempt:
You make a HTTP request to the CAS server. It's implementation splits the query parameters and decodes each value (and possibly key). One of which is the service parameter and is now (after decoding) a valid URL.
The CAS server makes a HTTP request with the URL from the service parameter (to your server) with the ticket appended.
You split the query parameters and decode each value (and possibly key).
If you only encoded the returnUrl once, your serviceUrl will look like what you showed in your third point:
How does the algorithm splitting the query string differentiate between a ? or & in the serviceUrl and the ones in the returnUrl?
How should it know that ticket does not belong to the returnUrl?
As you can see in my code above, you are not encoding the returnUrl twice.
You are putting one URL in the parameters of another URL and then you put that URL in the parameters of a third URL.
You need to call UrlEncode for each value (and possibly key) when you put together a query. It does not matter whether that value is a URL, JSON, or arbitrary user input.

Is there an equivalent to GetRouteUrl() at application/class level (.Net 4.8)?

Within classic webforms ASPX pages, I create URL routes using the following:
var url = this.GetRouteUrl("MyRouteName", new {UserId = 123}); // Generates /UserId/123
MyRouteName is defined within the Routes.RegisterRoutes() method used at startup.
However, I need to generate a URL within a helper method that lives at application-level. There is obviously no page context there, so I get an error.
The MSDN documentation states:
This method is provided for coding convenience. It is equivalent to
calling the RouteCollection.GetVirtualPath(RequestContext,
RouteValueDictionary) method. This method converts the object that is
passed in routeParameters to a RouteValueDictionary object by using
the RouteValueDictionary.RouteValueDictionary(Object) constructor.
I read these, but cannot figure out whether what I need to achieve is possible. An online search revealed some answers, but these are many years old an not easy to implement.
The following works to generate the equivalent of GetRouteUrl at application/class level:
var url = RouteTable.Routes.GetVirtualPath(null,
new RouteValueDictionary(new { UserId = 123 })).VirtualPath;
Remember that only returns a local Url (e.g. /UserId/123) so if you need to domain name you'll have to prepend that as well:
var url = HttpContext.Current.Request.Url.GetLeftPart(UriPartial.Authority) + RouteTable.Routes.GetVirtualPath(null,
new RouteValueDictionary(new { UserId = 123 })).VirtualPath;
I have in my Global.asax file in the Application_Start
RouteTable.Routes.MapPageRoute("Level1", "{lvl1}", "~/Routing.aspx");//Any name will do for the aspx page.
RouteTable.Routes.MapPageRoute("Level2", "{lvl1}/{*lvl2}", "~/Routing.aspx");
Then my Routing.aspx.cs page handles the logic for what will happen with the request.
Mainly I Server.Transfer to an aspx page which will display the requested page.
Routing.aspx page picks up any "non-existing" page.
Hope this helps or at least gives you some more ideas.

Why google login redirect back to site with hashtag - can it be avoided

I didn't succeeded to find any relevant answer to this so I must ask :)
I implemented google plus login to my site. With a few workarounds it work fine but...
When I am redirected back to my site from google I am returned to the following URL:
Because of this parameter here #state=/profile& I first have to read URL in javascript on load, remove this part to fix URL and then do this:
var url = "Default.aspx?" + queryString;
window.location = url;
And then I can continue to read query string normally in code.
I don't like this because when I do this I make two postback on page and I want to avoid this if possible.
Is this redirect url must have this or this can be avoided?
Redirect to google:
string url = ""+this.Return_url+"&response_type=token&client_id=" + this.Client_ID;
When I get back to my site:
if (this.Request.QueryString["access_token"] != null)
String URI = "" + Request.QueryString["access_token"].ToString();
WebClient webClient = new WebClient();
Stream stream = webClient.OpenRead(URI);
Change response_type=token to response_type=code. The callback URL will then have a code query parameter which is accessible server side instead of a fragment. You will then have to implement step 4 to exchange the code for an access_token.

Single Page Applications using ASP Web Forms

I need to implement single page applications using ASP Web Forms. I faced with a navigation problem. I need to use a navigation pattern like this:
http:// web site url / ... / page.aspx? {query string} # {ListId} / {ItemId}
When a user request a data from the server, the request on the server doesn't contain hash # (because this is a client-side feature). And it looks like this:
http:// web site url / ... / page.aspx? {query string}
So, actually I need two requests:
to get a page without hash and load javascript;
to handle hash data using javascript and async call required data from the server.
Is it possible to implement this logic with only one request?
Are there any best practices?
You can append ListId/ItemId to query string before sending request and read it regularly on a server.
var url = '';
var beforeHash = url.split('#')[0];
var itemId= url.split('#')[1];
var processedUrl = beforeHash + '&itemId=' + itemId;
If your request is not already fired from JavaScript, you will have to hook into link's click event...
Or maybe you can get rid of # entirely and scroll content via JavaScript (my guess is that you use # because of local anchors to jump to different places in document)?
BTW There is window.location.hash property.
Based on your comment the flow is like this:
User types URL with #ItemId
Server returns the page
JavaScript reads #ItemId from window.location, puts it into QueryString and makes a request
Server returns the page based on modified QueryString
In this situation the two-requests pattern seems to be the only viable option. By design server does not get #Item part (called fragment). So there is no way to guess ItemId upon initial request. If after second (ajax) request, you refresh #ItemId dependant parts of the page through JavaScirpt, user experience will not be hindered much.

How to get WebResource.axd querystring in correct case?

I am getting the css files for minifying and compressing from QueryString["path"] everything works correctly for my own css files like main.css. But when I try to acess the webresource files I receive a 500 error. The parameter which comes after the webresource.axd is case sensitive and I receive it from QueryString["path"] lowercase.
This is what I get from QueryString["path"] :
The above link generate error : CryptographicException: Padding is invalid and cannot be removed.
This is what the correct link look like :
The only difference is in the case. CryptographicException seem to be common but even setting machineKey didn't fixed the problem. Any hint on how could I get the the webresource.axd in the original case?
Code was requested :
public void ProcessRequest(HttpContext context) {
Control c = new Control();
string root = context.Request.Url.GetLeftPart(UriPartial.Authority);
string path = context.Request.QueryString["path"];
string content = string.Empty;
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(path)) {
if (context.Cache[path] == null) {
List<string> dependencies = new List<string>();
string[] styles = path.Split(new string[] { "," }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
foreach (string style in styles) {
content += RetrieveStyle(root + c.ResolveUrl(style)) + Environment.NewLine;
content = StripWhitespace(content);
context.Cache.Insert(path, content, new CacheDependency(dependencies.ToArray()), Cache.NoAbsoluteExpiration, new TimeSpan(DAYS_IN_CACHE, 0, 0, 0));
It crashes in RetreiveStyle when I call :
using (HttpWebResponse response = (HttpWebResponse)request.GetResponse())
The culprit looks like the code that is generating the “path” querystring csv or some hardware or filter between that source and your handler.
If the source of handler request is a browser what does the handler url look like through view source or firebug? Is it lowercase already?
Working forward from that, do you have any modules etc registered in you IIS pipeline?
I do not have an answer but we have experienced a similar problem and I have a few things to add, which could help identifying the issue.
So, here it goes:
We have an iHTTPHandler (lets call it Login.ashx) that accepts a GET request, which contains a token in base64 format.
The token is then decrypted using Rijndael algorithm.
This process is working most of the time, however, in the last month we had several requests that failed due to System.Security.Cryptography.CryptographicException: Padding is invalid and cannot be removed. error. This error is raised in our case when a token (base64 string) is in lowercase and cannot be decrypted.
After going through logs and activity records I can see that a particular user would attempt to come to our side via Login.ashx and the request would fail due to the error in question. The whole querystring of the request (there is more than just token) including names and values is in lowercase. Then the same user would attempt a login a few minutes later and is able to get in because the querystring was not transformed to lower case.
So, I have a feeling that the issue could be browser related. I am not sure if proxy could affect this.
Additional info:
There is no browser information captured in the server variables.
ALL_HTTP and ALL_RAW variables have almost no data:
ALL_HTTP HTTP_CACHE_CONTROL: no-cache HTTP_HOST:our server name
ALL_RAW Cache-Control: no-cache Host: our server name
There is also no HTTP_REFFERER.
I have tried to replicate this issue with different browsers (Safari3, Chrome1, Opera9.2, IE6,7,8, Firefox3) with no luck.
We have a web farm with 10 servers configured identically (at least I hope they are)
I will add more info if I get any progress.
