Installer files not working on Windows 8.1 - out-of-memory

My installer works fine with Windows 7 32Bit but if run on a Windows8 64 Computer I get an out of memory error during the installation process.
The Windows 7 and the Windows 8 output are created fine with Inno Setup 5.5.5

Sorry forgot to cancel this.
I discovered my brand new Windows 8.1 computer with 32GB of ram was locked to 4GB of useable ram. I was getting out of memory errors. I have reconfigured the computer and now all is well.


applications made in turbo c++ didn't work in win 10

I have downloaded turbo c++ 4.0 . It is not causing anything error. But the application I made in c++ is showing error outside of the IDE that: "this app can't run on your PC, to find a version for your PC check the software publisher". I have windows 10 64 bit, turbo c++ 4.0 x64
Thanks in advance!
Turbo C++ creates 16bit apps. 64bit versions of Windows cannot run 16bit apps directly. 32bit versions can, though. For 16bit apps, you can try installing DOSBox or other DOS emulator that can run 16bit code on 64bit systems.
The answer is that we have to download DOS-BOX or DOS-emulator and navigate to the executable file then open it will work there on the DOS box window and If the program is graphics type then just copy the EGAVGA.BGI to the folder in which exe file is located.
Thank you

cobol application on W8

I have an application written in Cobol that runs on PCs with XPSP3 32bit.
I changed my pc and now I have windows 8.1 64bit.
I tried to run the program on pc with W8, but does not work.
I also tried with "compatibilty troubleshooting" in the property, but it does not work.
Do you have suggestions?
tks a lot
Try "run as administrator"
Run Win XP in a virtual machine How to
32bit compiled Cobol program won't run on windows 64bit. you will need windows 8 32bit

Is R compatible with windows 8.1 64bit edition?

I have installed the latest version of R from the official site
However when I open it it takes some time to open. I have tested it in Windows 7 64bit edition and it opens very fast.
Is there any known and common problem for windows 8.1?

How many simultaneous connections can be made to a Firebird database server running on Windows XP Pro?

I have Firebird version 2.1 running as a database server on a Windows XP Pro machine.
There are 35 users on my network all using the same FB server. Though not all of them may connect simultaneously I'm pretty sure at least 20 do.
Why is this possible if there is a 10 session limit on Windows XP Pro?
Does this post RE : [ib-support] Hosting Firebird on XP Pro (was Re: Windows XP Home) have it right?
I'd like more details to understand what is going on here?

Cannot Use Microsoft Chart Control on a 64 bit Operating System

I am having issues running the chart control on our 64 bit machine. I get the following error...
Could not load file or assembly 'AspnetChart' or one of its dependencies. An attempt was made to load a program with an incorrect format.
The machine I am running this on is a Windows Server 2003 Enterprise x64 Edition SP2 Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5405 # 2.00 GHz w/ 4.00 GB RAM
The chart control works fine on our 32 bit Windows XP Professional SP3 and Windows Server 2003 Standard Edition SP2 machines, but not when deployed to the 64 bit machine.
I tried to change the Platform target to x86, but that didn't seem to help. I also tried signing the dll and putting it in the GAC, but that didn't help.
Any thoughts, suggestions?
It sounds to me like you have a 32 bit DLL. In IIS 7 it's possible to run 32-bit and 64-bit processes simultaneously. But in IIS 6 you can only do one or the other. For running 32-bit applications on IIS 6 (64-bit windows) check out this Microsoft article.
